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Topics - Robert Mugabe

Pages: [1]
Random / QueenGab
« on: May 17, 2022, 04:11:15 PM »
This is an official request directed to (among others of low character) the shabby Boer gerbil that allegedly runs and pays for this forum (although frankly I provide so much added value that the greasy little skunk should be paying me).

It should not have escaped even your low, primitive minds that HRH Queen Elizabeth II, presiding goddess of civilisation, is shortly to celebrate 70 glorious years on the throne. It would only be fitting that this site
 be renamed QueenGab and a suitable human sacrifice (I nominate K_Dubb dressed as Iphigeneia) selected to sanctify our holy endeavour.

You are all despicable scum, and think this is probably the only way to get right with your maker before we're all judged. I'm fine (one of the elect, obviously) but the rest of you trash better do something before you're eternally rogered by the Furies.

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