Author Topic: RubiniGab ... Now defunct  (Read 123109 times)

Re: R-GAB ... Now down and dirty
« Reply #735 on: October 28, 2021, 12:52:59 AM »
Darth Rubini has taken it upon himself to attack a poor misguided Chula Vista man child.

Miller I will beat your silly ass and fuck you up w/ SILVER BULLETS you C O W A R D and STALKER AND LIAR!


The Jedi strikes back!

Re: R-GAB ... Now down and dirty
« Reply #736 on: October 28, 2021, 02:30:13 AM »
I'm torn, between being sad I'm not invited, and living in abject ecstasy at being totes immune, absolutely insulated, & fully aloof.

I already got yelled at for what's in my email. Just pull the trigger, Fuck-Os, I got nothing left to live for anyways!!! BALLS OUT

Re: R-GAB ... Now down and dirty
« Reply #737 on: October 28, 2021, 02:41:51 AM »
I'm torn, between being sad I'm not invited, and living in abject ecstasy at being totes immune, absolutely insulated, & fully aloof.

I already got yelled at for what's in my email. Just pull the trigger, Fuck-Os, I got nothing left to live for anyways!!! BALLS OUT

You should get something to live for just to spite me.

Re: R-GAB ... Now down and dirty
« Reply #738 on: October 28, 2021, 02:44:55 AM »
You should get something to live for just to spite me.

Held up in Customs. Sad!

Re: R-GAB ... Now deepening
« Reply #739 on: October 28, 2021, 07:43:45 AM »
Yes, there is now a Mrs. David Rubini, reminiscent of someone from the past.

One of Rubini's great idolizers and posting with a venom.

Re: R-GAB ... Now disturbing
« Reply #740 on: October 29, 2021, 08:30:27 AM »
The current state of affairs in the cryptkeeper's forum.

Zavs is a groupie, so what?

Re: yARRRRR-GAB ... Now distributed
« Reply #741 on: October 29, 2021, 04:17:10 PM »
The current state of affairs in the cryptkeeper's forum

I might be a s*** core I'm calling I believe phone was put it's a little mustard on it*

(Translate this m***********)

Re: R-GAB ... Now frantic
« Reply #742 on: October 31, 2021, 08:32:14 AM »
The Commander is currently going through one of his wild phases. Whether drug induced or cosmically afflicted is uncertain.

Maybe he needs a little more Elle Bee lycanthropy.

« Reply #743 on: October 31, 2021, 04:01:48 PM »
I'm well aware of all the facts. I don't need BellGab to be online to remember what was and wasn't said.

Imagine if you will... A world in which we didn't keep him so busy. All of all y'all probably would have been hyp—know—tized into getting the vaxx needle even sooner.

I am a g–ddamn hero. Don't you ever f****** forget—with two of me, you get eggroll.


« Reply #744 on: November 01, 2021, 06:53:02 PM »

Now, a team of researchers from China have created a superconducting quantum processor with 66 functional qubits which, when faced with a complex sampling task, was able to blast past even the most powerful supercomputers and complete it in just a fraction of the time. What makes the research so impressive is how it demonstrates a huge leap towards quantum primacy,  a milestone in which quantum computers complete a task that is infeasible for a conventional computer to complete.

40 GOTO 10

« Reply #745 on: November 02, 2021, 02:23:43 PM »

Dude—I mean, Commander—that doesn't look anything like her. For one thing, she was fat. Like orca fat. Supposedly she was a Siberian, but, Christ, she might as well have been Samoan. No wonder she was so easy to catch, she practically suffocated her prey on the merest pounce, no need to sever the spine. *FWOOMP* “Dinner!” Or, lunch. Or fuckin’ brunch. Have you ever met a cat that demanded an actual Sunday brunch? Well, I guess you have. I bet her last words were, “What? No pancake breakfast?” *snap*

For another—while that is a tuxedo, she wore hers much better.

Now, something you may not realize about me, is that I actually know how this shit works. Yeah, that's not a picture of my cat, but yeah, you took a picture of my cat, of course, and now you're serving up the real goods to all of the computers that connect to the server and exist on that server's whitelist. (If you aren't getting 500 bucks a pop, you're getting robbed. She's a fuckin’ ninja now. She's like the Foucalt of felines. Angels and demons alike tremble at the thought of her upcoming vengeance—I heard she got a regular thing now, teasing & torturing the other familiars, just because she feels like it. It's not even vengeance, per se, she's just not allowed to target live flesh now without Daddy's permission—which isn't even my idea. She's got a new Daddy, and believe me, the less I know, the better. The Dragon Lord asked me for her hand in marriage. I'm not even kidding. So you better be getting at least half a grand. Per click, m***********.) The same goes for all sorts of Eyes Only stuff, that you and your foul ilk have been tooling around with over here over all these years. Remember: number one, I didn't just come here by accident, I was summoned here. (Imagine the summoner’s initial disappointment—sorry, Doll... I had to ripen.) Number two, not only do I pay attention, and am quite capable of learning as well as inclined to do so... I was already smart before I got here. (Let that sink in, then—twist.)

And... I have paid my dues. Yeah, I bet you have too. Let's all give you a hand. Oh, wait you're already getting a reacharound—let's just wait. (Garrote.) Now, what's on the menu? Oh, surf‘N’turf again? Well, sucks for you.

You see, I actually have been around. I don't have to be invited to the black hole in order to witness the event horizon. I can deduce things. It's a skill. It's not just a gift from Sherlock's syringe. It took practice to develop, something I'm sure you know plenty about. You know, like fealty.

Now, irrespective of whether or not you are the or an alleged perp—tell you what, as a courtesy, I'll assume that you're just being funny (yeah, it is, polite applause), and for whatever reason (low-hanging fruit), you feel the need that this is the length that you need to go to now, at this point, in order to get my goat.

Except, I don't have a goat, retard. I don't even have a retard. You know what I do have, though? Jimmies. Unrustled. That's right; you have no power over me. But you, oh my, oh goodness, oh my goodness... What, are you on a fucking countdown timer to grab your last trophy before the next server shutdown? Nigga, please.

I AM JACKSTAR, DESTROYER OF DREAMS, AND I AM THE TROPHY OF ALL TROPHIES. You know it. I know it. They all know it, even the ones who haven't read the emails, and if a certain someone were still reading this site, this would probably chap her ass good. Rushing to my defense, I can just see it in my imagination. Vivid. Wild. Completely out of control.

Except, that's not happening. A certain someone isn't here, and I don't need a certain someone's help to deal with this situation. What I do need, is Analysis Mode.

So: ANAL ON. *click* You're looking to get a rise here. Either you need money, or you need someone to fly off the handle. Now, as you know–you're not getting either from me. But as you may not know, I am fully in favor of you getting both money and handle-free flyers. Dude! You're proud? Of what you've done? Cool! So am I!

Jesus, I've never been so important in my entire life. It's like the axis of your entire universe revolves around my penis. Sweet. And, people know who you are? Well, shit, I hope they can figure out how to remember how to spell both surnames. And this all worked out better, than getting me a truck, or comping a room or just teaching me how to record a f****** phone call, huh? Jesus, you people. Your fuckin’ whole industry. See, this is why you can't get good talent. Anyone with any imagination whatsoever isn't being creative with it, they're using it to figure out: A) what the fuck is going on; B) why you're still drawing breath; and C)... how to steal all my ideas before I go shitting them all out over the public domain like a rowdy moose that got into both the grog and the Olestra.

(That being said, f*** it, I don't care, O Junior Scribes: f****** take it all with f****** no regrets. I've got a whole bag of Me, under pressure, on tap, and on Glory Road. Go nuts, do something nice with it, get your girl some shoes or something fancy.)

Also: D) how to keep a straight face when talking to you, when you don't know what they know, which is this: I beat you m***********, fair and square. And you cheated. how'd that work out for you? Does it sting? Does Sting still call? Probably not as often as before though, although how he can find time in his busy schedule to make a phone call every 18 and 1/2 hours, I'll never know. F****** limeys.

Ironic, no? Maybe someone should make a show about people who cheat and never, ever apologize. What do you think? Maybe you could finally host something right up in your alley.

But, instead, let's look forward, shall we? What do you think's going to happen now? Am I going to report you the police for harassment?

No, David, no. This is not harassment. This is flattery. Harassment would be if you sent it to someone else, and hopefully after the last time, you're not going to pull that s*** again. (Dude! Wait, I mean... Commander! What did I tell you what happened? AN ENTIRE RAFT OF S*** M***********. I'll just park it over here with the rest of the flotilla. I'm going to have to request permission from the Coast Guard to use another digit on the f****** license plates just to keep from running out of unique IDs. And the parking? Forget about it. You might think I could just flush away a raft of s***, but at this point, flushing stopped being effective months ago. Can you say “backlog?” Great now: envision it. Because that's where I'm at, burned on the back of my f****** eyelids.) And, what, am I going to call the police and report to them that someone in the internet is being mean to someone I know?

Jesus, no. Get real. I'm never going to mention this s*** to anyone. I don't have to. I'm writing my own mention. I can do that. I can spell.

Imagine my dictionary. Yeah—it's big. It spans volumes. So, this is essentially the same playbook as before, and you know what happened when I told somebody that somebody was being mean to me on the Internet?

That's too bad. I don't know if I can help you, I have to check with my lawyer first.”

Now, that's a sympathetic meatball. But this time, this time is a little different. Because I remember the first time I mentioned this... “OMG! You won't believe what he just said to me! What he told me he did!” You want to know what reaction I got that first time? Well, actually the first time I didn't mention it, because I know a setup when I see one, I went to public school.

No, it was the second time, and I said, “How deranged is this guy?” and the answer I got back was this:


Yeah, that's right, not only did you never kill the cat, you never even joked about it three times. You also didn't leave multiple voicemails, that I also can't even play, because now, I guess, it sucks to be reminded... of certain things.

So, that's where we're at. You're not even being mean to anybody. You're just looking dumb. Again. Another day, another page gets inked into The Stalker Log... Truly, a mythical document, I've never seen it, but at this point it must truly be massive in size.

Like my cat. Seriously, She was huge. If she did get hit by a car, they probably ended up with a dent bigger than what was left in the USS Cole. But it wasn't a vehicle, now was it?

Do I even care? Let me ask you: am I lying?

Raving, balls out lunacy is no way to go through every day of your life, Son. It's also no way to form a Proper quorum.

You're better than this. Turn around, do a 180—this is not the way forward for you. Jesus, can't you get a mentor or something? Oh, right, half of the available options are blocking all your calls, and the other half is your clientele, and the conflict of interest is, I'm sure, apparent to all concerned. Can't have that, now can we? APPEARANCES MUST BE MAINTAINED. I guess. I can't be bothered with this s***—I have an actual life, People.

God, I need a drink. I sure hope this meth gaes wears off soon. All I want to do is just go to the beach, and wriggle my toes in the sand, and pound tequila untill I become one with the closest agave shrub.

But alas no. I'm busy.
You should try it sometime. On something with class.

End of line. PAY HER. Also, I need those control codes. Make it happen. Do not think even for an instant that I would ask were it not absolutely, critically essential. You don't have to email them. Send it via post.

Or, you know, whatever. Bored now. Say, have you met Ted?

« Reply #746 on: November 03, 2021, 02:04:04 AM »
Now, something you may not realize about me, is that I actually know how this shit works.

Cat got your tongue, m***********? Good talk.


Re: R-GAB ... Now a dog's breakfast
« Reply #747 on: November 03, 2021, 02:28:35 AM »
WE see the true nature of Rubini now, scavenging 8kun sewer filth like some kind of vicious mad rat.

And his obsession with DOXING hits a new level.

One very SICK PUPPY.


Re: R-GAB ... Now redundant
« Reply #748 on: November 05, 2021, 05:13:24 AM »
Is someone actually paying the old Rubby for shitposting all day and night?

He is putting an awful lot of work into just showing everyone what an asshole he is.

The real Dari Dee has a few choice words:

WHAT?! Someone is posing as me? You're fucking kidding me right?
I never made one post on there.  Which mean someone who created it hacked everyone’s account that initially registered.  I will check now.  If what you are saying is true, I will be inquiring with my local cyber crimes unit located in my towns police department, and also I will check to see if the posts were made under the name I registered under and will attempt to login at the police station behind a fire wall and Secure VPN.  This isn’t funny. And I am the bitch that will take it all the way to the top.

I challenge you to provide proof as to where I posted on Rubini Gab.  If the forum is showing me as a member still, then LB has a problem on her hands because I told her I would not be re-registering for that forum.  Receipts matter and I will not have you associating me with the nasty forum or attempting to fuck with my reputation.  I was never in agreement with what was posted about you an never will be.  Get it?!
I don’t want anything to do with Rubini.  He is unpredictable, dangerous and not my kind of ppl.

Re: R-GAB ... Now redundant
« Reply #749 on: November 05, 2021, 05:34:03 AM »
Is someone actually paying the old Rubby for shitposting all day and night?

He is putting an awful lot of work into just showing everyone what an asshole he is.

The real Dari Dee has a few choice words:
