Author Topic: Ask Jack Anything  (Read 22374 times)

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #210 on: September 18, 2022, 03:58:53 AM »
Do you really need to pay rent?

Not if you're wandering the streets like a spaced out gádzsó or getting your three squares in a state facility.

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #211 on: September 18, 2022, 04:28:08 AM »
Not if you're wandering the streets like a spaced out gádzsó or getting your three squares in a state facility.

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #212 on: September 18, 2022, 05:18:38 AM »
Not if you're wandering the streets like a spaced out gádzsó or getting your three squares in a state facility.

I’m flying to Washington for an immediate intervention.

BJ’s and booze on Jackstar!🥳🍾

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #213 on: September 18, 2022, 05:24:47 AM »
Oh, and I guess MV can file a lawsuit with this YouTube creator for wrongful accusations. 🤣

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #214 on: September 18, 2022, 06:07:19 AM »
Oh, and I guess MV can file a lawsuit with this YouTube creator for wrongful accusations. 🤣

You can blame Rubini for that one. His conglomerated posts would confuse anyone.

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #215 on: September 18, 2022, 08:30:13 AM »
Have you ever had a psychiatric evaluation or considered therapy?

I have had one (1) psychological evaluation--that I know of. (Wink.) Dr. Martindale seemed very competent, he strolled in to the doctor's office through the front door while I was waiting beside it on the inside for my appointment, and at first, from the looks of the oxygen tank he was dragging behind him, and the Karposi's sarcoma he was sportin' like it was fresh'n'hot'n'full-on flown fuckin' in from Paris that morning, like blazin' hot, you know? I could tell he knew a lot about drugs, if nothing else, especially after I heard him talking. Because he was still alive, man, like, wow, he was like Dr. Krypton Ceeping Ceptick Tanck\A-10/A1A. When I sat down for my appointment, I was shocked--because, as you all know, I am an idiot--I didn't even pause to wonder if he might be The_One who I was scheduled for. It didn't even cross my mind. When I realized that the last five minutes I had been thinking mildly, off & on, about some poor schlubb I had just seen and mistaken for "a_patient," This_Fuckin'_Guy had been thinking about ME. Hi. No, I won't click away. I won't quack it up either, but at that moment, I rather wished that I could, and I realized that I had -no chance- to hide anything from This_Doctor_Not_Quack.

And, I didn't. I rather enjoyed the experience; who wouldn't like to talk about oneself exclusively, while being attended to safely in a warm and comfortable environment? If you guessed, "You, Jackstar, D.O.M.B.", you'd be right. I had hoped that when I got the report back to read for myself, it would be helpful, and it really wasn't, as this happened in the time before my nasal malfunction had been identified and treated. So the data is totally out of date. I need a new one. I was planning on getting one this year! Okay, well, duh: thanks for interrupting my creative flow. You sure showed me.

Why do you suppose you are so unappreciated and unloved?

I deliberately tanked my reputation--seemingly on a global scale-- at a young age in order to prevent great embarrassment falling to others. (Also it afforded me the opportunity to not have to interact with people I simply preferred not to associate with anymore.) Lest one think this is an unlikely scenario, I can assure you, that kind of shit happens all the time, all over the world. As it happens, I would consider the maneuver a spectacular success, and as I have survived many, many years now with my virtue largely intact, though not my pride, and I now possess all the information I might ever need in order to speak for myself in defense of any of my alleged actions of the past before any Court of any civilized society, should one ever present itself.

Why do you keep on attacking and threatening almost everyone?

I am not. Someone is impersonating me and behaving in ways that, over time, have made the whole half of the world that I might have once gotten along with, artificially disgusted by me, and the half that I am naturally disgusted by is of no interest to me to go so far sacrifice my core values in order to keep up a pretense of "natural life."

I defy you to produce any examples of myself be attacking anyone at all. Further, I defy you to find me even one person who thinks of me as "threatening." I am a goddam teddy bear. Fuck you. There, right there, is that an "attack?"

Has it occured to you that your salacious and defamatory questions about behaviors that I have not demonstrated, might be considered "hostile" if you weren't oblivious to the fact that you can't really be taken seriously? There is no family of 5 that loves me and has been terrorized and/or abandoned and/or stalked by me. Catholics In America are just using stock footage and clip art to promulgate the notion that I am behaving in some untoward way.

The fact is, the simple fact: I'm lazy. I am shy. I don't have any connections to society: AT ALL. Consequently, I can be used as a drop-in cardboard cutout player on any stage at any given time, whoop. And I will never be likely to notice. And if I am, I probably won't grasp the full significance of whatever it is that I'm seeing. And if I were to, why would I bother filing a report? I don't like doing work. Sob, bluh, so lazy.

So I've built up great deal of cruft on my name so far. Kinda impressive, really. I didn't really want that to happen, I just knew that it would be an inevitable result when I saw myself being isolated and ostracized and relentlessly harassed by every social group I've ever been even tangentially approached to be along side of for a minute. "Hi, my name is"--*crash* Wagons or cannelloni, take your pick. It's gotten so I don't even care. Obviously I can be effective with imaginary friendships for as long as necessary if I am simply left alone, so, you might as well do that.

Except of course that astral love connection DVR.

It wasn't a connection. It was an assault. He found vulnerabilities and he exploited them and that he became crushed like a bug by my response after he pushed things too far one too many times doesn't make it a "love connection." Frankly, your insinuation bore me.

I can't even be bothered to figure out what you might be imagining about it. I'd just as soon simply ignore you. And, were it not for your ilk and his ilk, I would have left this place long long time ago.

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #216 on: September 18, 2022, 08:32:08 AM »
His conglomerated posts would confuse anyone.

Do you understand that it is obvious that you are working to conflate his identity with my identity? You're probably him. They weren't even that complicated. You're just a huge, gargantuan, walking and talking sissypants full on pussy.

Like seriously, you haven't got a new cutout to dream up by now? Just hit me with a truck already. You've gone soft. Weak.

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #217 on: September 18, 2022, 08:32:54 AM »
Oh, and I guess MV can file a lawsuit with this YouTube creator for wrongful accusations. 🤣

You get to file! He gets to file! EVERYONE GETS TO FILE!!! It's my last gift to Bellgab, courtesy of Oprah.

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #218 on: September 18, 2022, 09:22:51 AM »
I’m flying to Washington for an immediate intervention.

Maybe you could just figure out who is spoofing my identity and intercepting my messages (hint: it's you) and find out who believes they are talking to me when they are not. Is it a someone from the distant past? Is it a robot who calls randomly? In any event, the circumstances have triggered a pattern of learned helplesslness.

I've got three phones and a computer in front of me. They make noises from time to time. I have learned that none of them make any difference because if it is an actual message from an actual person who wishes to actually engage in conversation, it will be hidden or deleted somehow, as my phones are all, of course, thoroughly compromised. (I bought a new phone and it was confiscated. For "evidence." This is all the proof I need to give up on communication entirely.) Even this website, it must be assumed, is not a place where I can count on my words being conveyed without being edited or altered or just shadowbanned.

BJ’s and booze on Jackstar!🥳🍾

You can have what you think I wanted to have. I'll just wait until everyone is done pushing my pawn around. I have accomplished all my goals; I see no reason to make any new ones... except, of course, to have everyone scalped, and to burn all your villages to the ground.

Being infamous isn't what I thought it would be like. For one thing, I had no idea I was so effective at infuriating complete strangers that I have never even heard of. For another, I didn't realize that kicking back and savoring the sweet taste of victory and the nearly as sweet taste of getting lawfully high AF would be so satisfying. Hey, you, I won the drug war. Kiss my grits.

I don't need to get blown, IR. You do.

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #219 on: September 18, 2022, 09:36:17 AM »
Do you?

I just got another incoming message notification. It's 2:23 in the morning. Someone is reaching out. I have no idea who, I have no idea where from, I've asked for help, I've been ignored.

I've had my identity stolen--hijacked, I guess it's called--and whomever is trying to reach me, well, they aren't trying very hard. They'll either give up or eventually find out that I no longer have the same interest in being communicated with.

Like, any. And if it weren't for a perfectly unforeseeable technical glitch, I wouldn't even know that there is an ongoing and extensive effort to co-ordinate an end to my use of the global telecommunication system.

Well, now I know, and as there is no reason to think this is an isolated accident, and thus, there is no reason to keep trying. Write me an email! I don't get those either, but as I knew this kind of thing was going to happen when I moved away, it suffices enough for me to provide an email address and a phone number and if there is reason enough for cowards to steal my incoming calls, I can only assume that this knowledge is enough to satiate me.

PLOT TWIST: it's some lunatic who wants to kill me. Sure, it makes perfect sense to protect me and leave me in the dark about it... there's not a lot to go wrong at this point. If they haven't been killed yet or written a letter or... well, you get the idea.

There are other ways to win a rigged game other than to destroy the building that the game is being played in, but I don't know of any more satisfying to me.

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #220 on: September 18, 2022, 09:41:13 AM »
You can blame Rubini for that one.

How many times do I need to post, "I LOVE COURT" before you figure out that I wanted to see what happened if someone actually thought I gave a shit about being sued? Fucking bring it the fuck on. Why not? Let's see the magic. I have nothing better to do. Let's see everyone winning away the hearts and minds of the jury, I like to learn new skills, especially if I can just watch them play out in front of me without lifting a finger.

You can thank my mother for that. She taught me everything I know about passive aggression, and I know that doesn't matter to any of you--pfftt, like you even care enough to read this post.

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #221 on: September 19, 2022, 06:01:02 AM »
You can blame Rubini for that one. His conglomerated posts would confuse anyone.

You can blame that jackass for everything. Right?

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #222 on: September 19, 2022, 06:03:14 AM »
I have had one (1) psychological evaluation--that I know of.

Someone said there was a Dr. Jarvis in 2013. Were you so lost then in thought you now have plumb forgot? Or is this more a trail of hearsay from the interwebs?

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #223 on: September 19, 2022, 12:42:56 PM »
Someone said there was a Dr. Jarvis in 2013. Were you so lost then in thought you now have plumb forgot? Or is this more a trail of hearsay from the interwebs?

Busy deleting Twitter. Go cyberstalk someone else.

Re: Ask Jack Anything
« Reply #224 on: September 19, 2022, 08:48:30 PM »
Busy deleting Twitter.

Believe me, I miss it more than you do.

Someone said there was a Dr. Jarvis in 2013.

Why are you taking such a big shit on my privacy rights from Jakarta, when you could be taking a shit on them right here in River City?

Go cyberstalk someone else.

A motorcycle gang just flew over my house!!!

Were you so lost then in thought you now have plumb forgot? Or is this more a trail of hearsay from the interwebs?

Well I'll ask the motorcycle gang when they get back and if you want to catch up to him they flew, DEW southeast, due west. And KUCZI is in the field.

It doesn't look like a field of dreams but I'll check with that motorcycle again when you're done with them. Semper fugit fidelis.

*picks up mic*
*puts it down gently again*

I got to make some phone calls, see ya. (OF COURSE I WANT TO DO CONTENT OH MY GOD)—*click execute click submit click execute click POST ALL CLICK* BKQJACKSTARKUCZIj*eolJ*055:0j*END OF LIONS LYING IN WAIT AMBUSH[/urk]