Author Topic: ★Gab: ENDGAME  (Read 14399 times)

« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2022, 05:26:44 AM »
Here, I invented this quantum entanglement device that also doubles as a seam/warp ripper. It's in this box, figure it out. *shoves box at you*

Okay! That's it then, that's all we need. Show's over! (j/k)

Oh yes, those are all the instructions we or she would need. This one is -actually- smart, yeah. (Not the reason.) No comment. Whatever. Yeah, extra plus no comment. No. No. Tentative yes. Sorry, end of line coming, I don't want to catch a bus. *click*

I suppose this really is just the beginning, but my car is stuck in a ditch, so good luck getting that out if you shoot me now. HAH! Word to your mother, #peace

« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2022, 05:32:16 AM »
Here, I invented this quantum entanglement device

I can't let that stand; all I actually did was innovate on this other proven technology that I briefly had access to in the neurosphere. Once.

It might sound impressive, but I'm just delivering the flowery verbiage. I'm pretty pleased with myself. This actually worked. ON TIME.

Now, that's an impressive budget. Yep, I'm sticking around, trigger your crowd theme park noise

I do miss them. So? That's what the warped seam ripper is for. Now, I'll be back, I gotta check on the DeLorean. (I didn't ORDER one, no. I asked POLITELY. :))

« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2022, 10:27:53 PM »

#1) That's not Miller.
Mostly. Most Lee? I'm in for #2 Size. (Hi!))

Science gonna science.

Quote from: NotKuzi
God I can hear them arguing about it down the hall. You know how spies are. Literally a bunch of bushy little girls. Aren't they 'dorbs? I'll have the one that's totesdorbs. it's easy to figure out if you reduce all the human variables into complex mathematical formulas and numbers with little penises and vaginas attached to them, honestly

Applying study pressure. Victory lap, meet victory Hall. I told you I was coming to get her, and in fact I have, and I've been waiting to take final delivery as a courtesy to someone who shall remain unnamed forever. Trust me. You don't even know what you want to know... and you don't even want to know that.

But know this, yeah, We have always loved (You). I like what you've done with your hair, your quantum entanglement, and those little dignity downly bits that I've got a necklace that matches to go with, here *shove* sorry it took so long and I'm worth it (just tell people that you're sorry that I'm worth it cuz I am it'll be easy). Apparently they had a sale on Armageddon early, so I had to swing back around, find another spot to park, et [cloudset]cetera[/cloudset]

I can't let that stand [...] I didn't ORDER one, no. I asked POLITELY. :))

You know, a lot of people can explain all of the inconsistencies that you're seeing in the results you're getting back, however, only one man will be willing to do it forever without having to get blown even once.

That's Me, Baby. Just Me. Not just ice, but without ice or I.C.E. or even icing my big blue bag/sack of Blue ox balls. I'm fine. This is kind of fun, although I've preferred different waiting rooms in the past before seeing a doctor, any Doctor... However I happen to have it on good authority as well as personal experience that this one actually is worth it so...

I'll just burn more plant matter and inhale the contents and weight. Maybe I'll turn myself into a man who can learn to wolf-whistle at himself from his own asshole — I appear to have all the time in the world, so I might as well learn a few tricks before the next Groundegg Day.

ZUG ZUG. Job is done. (She's -that- new.)

« Reply #33 on: May 08, 2022, 11:47:37 PM »
Dear David:

“NO GRAPEFRUIT, NO DEALS” seems pretty clear to me. Look around my house. Look around my wife. Look around my q-wife. Look around my Life. Looks like somebody busted a deal. Doesn't matter what, since you were NOT supposed to make one (1) anyway.

And then fighting a pacifist for it... yeah, I bet that did work in the simulator, didn't it? Okay, well, simulate this: pass.

« Reply #34 on: May 28, 2022, 07:58:36 AM »
simulate this: pass.

Isn't this exciting? (I think it's boring, but that's only for right now.) Things obviously heating up on some level. I would, typically, be completely ignoring such trash, low-vibe shenanigans. However, due to being placed in the oubliette/penalty_box/vacation_from_box, and my own strength of purpose, well, I'm still exposed to plenty of news from Source about various shillelagh-worthy shenanigans.

Also, of course you miss me. I'm fabulous. I'd ask for another reason to explain how someone.just.can't.give.away their feelings, but it seems a moot point. I wouldn't change anything about myself based on the information I might get anyway, so there's not much point with any inquiry.

I turned on the radio tonight and was beyond delighted to find John B. on broadcast FM. This is welcome news, as I found the removal of him from the airwaves to be a goddam cryin' shame, and I still maintain: John B is Art B in a new meat'n'skin suit.

I know, I know, that sounds crazy. And, it is. Of course that's not happening. Broadcast professionals can't... like... jump from body to body like rabbits in spring, right? Right. Nevertheless I allow myself to believe this lunatic idea is reality, because it pleases me to do so; and I see no reason to let a pesky thing like reality get in the way of my hypothetical modelling.

In any case, the dude is on the radio. It's about time. This still doesn't give me anyone to talk to, as I'm still ON STRIKE from producing any more audio... but that might be addressed at some point. It could happen.

Now, back to ENDGAME. I have completed my mandatory research for the addition of crucial components, rare shit, hard to procure from the wild if sources can even be found... and in spite of how that might sound meaningless or like crazy meth-mouth babble, the fact is that I could have gotten it all. A lot more easily, and if I had been asked directly, so much the better for me, and so much faster I would have been moving on to other pursuits. A long, long time ago. On a website now far away. I had no inkling that there were a deadline, and so I wasn't rushing along until recently. I simply knew that what was necessary for me to know, would inevitably be provided to me, and it all has been. That and more.

So, I still don't know what -her- endgame was/is. Does it even matter? I don't even know if S/e is even alive. Imagine the smell--all the plants have died. I hardly know what to do with myself. Thus is the sacrifice required when forcing a TOWER moment.

Since I wasn't looking to gain anything as result of that totestactical manuever, I am presently pretty-pretty satisfied with the status of the current local environment and local forum mood. I see genuine signs of improvement, as I reflect back on recent signs that multiple people, most fully tangential to me, are dealing with their own rock-bottom moments.

I have no investment in how others deal with their own problems, a fact I am grateful for. I mean, I would -like to- be in a such an influential position more often. I enjoy being a patron. When I cut off the flow of money, it was a real wound that had real effects in the environment, as the ripple effect spread from the tip of my spear, suddenly removed; the resulting implosion has clearly spread ripple-like effects through out the local environs of The Land.

You were right before. I -was- "in the way." I didn't disagree with you then, and I don't disagree with you now... and I wonder what your plan B was. For here I set, with my drink on, and my smoke on, and I haven't even really been tempted to any gambling--it's not all that much fun what with the clairvoyance and the Sourcery and the immunity from rustled jimmies that most would be fully forest gump green with envy over, if it were perhaps possible to ever make them take such matters on faith.

Now, I don't think you're in the way, David. However I will point out, that a lot of people in my position (especially if they had been as misled as I have been) would turn that right back around and claim that you are "in the way." I'd like you to know that I don't think of you as such, are in, or on my way.

Still--dealing with the enigma of your hostility, as tedious as it often was, has proven itself a study and a pastime superior to a Clinton presidency, and I think you're going to have a hard time explaining to yourself what the problem was with me in the first place in years to come. Especially as more true facts come to light. I know it seemed impossible at the time, that I did not know what you thought I -must have known- but the truth is this:

I didn't. And I didn't lie about it. Now, I know you know how rare that was, and still is. Not unique; just rare. Also, I figured out why Laura screams at the end of Twin Peaks: The Return. What a great show. I won't be spoiling it for anyone--I don't even know if that's possible--but I don't want to be accused of being boastful, either.

My inward seething remains well-directed: in hands, reins wrapped around my throat, and a succession of birthday candles rammed right up my ass. Why this imagery is so accurate, I have no idea, but it does rank higher on my list of preferences than other outcomes surely could have. And, most importantly:

No more poison. Dude, seriously. POISON. Who am I, Rasputin? Oh, well, yeah, kinda, blush. I think Vlad does it beeter.

Until this gimcrack heirophant spilled the beans ...

You People don't understand Destiny. You didn't stop My rise; you only postponed it. I didn't want to fuckin' rise anyway, hovering at Saved By Zero would have suited me for a lot longer, ultimately. I don't think any of us really had a choice by the time the lockdown hit, COVID was an oncoming train, and no one knew how to stop it. So, I did... uh, stuff.

And now I have the exact same situation that I had in Seattle: seven years ago. It's practically identical except I've finally gotten those damn meddling parents out of the way, I know a whole bunch of stuff that I could never have gotten out of books, and a whole lot of fantasy has been thrown out the window, leaving me with a whole bunch of reality to turn back to.

This is how you wanted things, right? This is the FUTURE you chose. And, what, no thank you note? No gift basket filled with assorted preserved meats and cheeses? Not even a packet of crackers or crisps. Sigh. Well, at the very least, no one is gonna accuse me of favoritism.

p.s.: POISON. What a fucking (blanky). Flattery has never been so... tasty.

« Reply #35 on: June 08, 2022, 01:29:02 AM »
Isn't this exciting? (I think it's boring, but that's only for right now.)

Now that multiple people are calling on Telegram using some sort of stealthy method of disguising their identity, as well as someone else tripping up and revealing themselves as yet another Whorecrux Adjunct, now is a fine time to stop providing real time updates.

Ideally this would be time to get a new phone number and move on. However, I already have a "new" phone. It was taken as "evidence." So, it's either sitting in a box, unused, or someone is using it. I had planned on making it nifty and then passing it on to (PROT) however I won't be doing that now.

"Evidence." Well, okay Colombo. Sleuthing.

I've got a delightful situation here. And an unknown OpFor is blocking communications on certain individuals. It's not as simple as someone's number is blocked. That would be easy. There's also technological methods that are being used to ensure that every communication to me is intercepted by a M2M snatch'n'grab, which is mostly flattering, but also quite inhospitable to future personal growth.

"Don't talk to these people!" (Decoys. Everything goes to voicemail, nothing gets retuned. This does happen inevitably even to brand-spanking new social links.)
"Here, talk to these people!" (Jesters to the left, and to the right. No sign of any Templars, which is fine with me. However, all people that are being suggested to me--all--are 100% fake. Cut outs. Cardboard. I really don't think that is going to work out. If someone were capable of deciding which kind of peoples I should associate with... well, they should have done it earlier. Like, last summer.

Under these circumstances (I've been here before), there's no point in seeking any new friendship of any kind in order to progress. As this place is huge, it's impractical to handle everything thing myself. I could leave! Always an option, yo. I'd like to stay, and get something done.

There are, of course, a number of suggestions as to how I should spend my time. The entire list is meaningless to me. It's like being someone else's ghostwriter for no money. Why would I do that? Well, I wouldn't. I am also reluctant to improve this property, and so I will not, as why not liquidate and... well, it's gonna be a lot of whatever.

"Write me an e-mail!" proving to be the jet stream-enabled television failed product launch we all considered it would be. I do not get mail of any personal nature. It just doesn't show up.

This completes the final BellGab goal for me. Oh, they got it all set up: I'm in The Fishbowl, I'm really totally alone, as even were there to be anyone madly dialing them... they couldn't get through anyway. Wouldn't leave and any voicemail I could retrieve. Wouldn't receive any texts. Electronic fencing grid is a cat to someone else. I mean... that's all I need to keep me in place.

I'm not living here alone, so either someone figures out how to get through (no problem, how hard could it be?), or I arrange to leave. This place is big enough for 3 people but it will support many more than that.

So, go support them. Meanwhile I am curious how it feels to know that some of you actively wanted me to be homeliness from some past point forward, and are now, still trying to inspire mankind to mow my lawn for you. It's not going to happen. Super or not, I need to.

I wonder if she just went to the other house? I mean, this one is boring. Yawn, stretch. I don't even know where I am going and how are you getting there? Well, I am not invited. Why start now? I wouldn't invite me either. Neither did (PROT), (PROT), (PROT), or (Mrs. Prot), who I am sure would have been wonderful company for the lot of you, especially with all those pistachios.

I don't think that there would have been much doubt in my mind that two people left and two people came back. It must have been wonderful to imagine everything was fine besides having to deal with the hassle of an all-2 inquisitive Michael. Well, after the microphone stand fell out of the sky when dropped by an eagle, it didn't seem helpful to keep making information available. Why this was thought a good idea, I have no idea.

It may have been. Coming into home with lies and finding myself to be surrounded by those who believe I didn't deserve to be there... well, it's changed me. I didn't know people could do that. "I'm going to steal all his stuff... and I deserve to!" Oh, okoay. in any event, that's kinda disgusting.

I haven't done anything here because there's nothing to do. I'm not staying here alone, and no one I know has returned my calls in weeks. You're in a pickle. For one thing, no more lying. then again, people do want to shoot you. i could go either way. I can at any time. I control the timetable. It's vertical, it's horizontal, I'm good. I was before, and without another person there's nothing I will do.

This actually was part of the ending ejector seat plan to escape the Falkiecaust, the inevitable heat death of the personality matrix. All calls out are to Kathy, all calls in are handled by a guy named George, and the whole place is wired, everything I do can be seen. Can you see what I can see?

Yeah, perfectly normal guy. And every single one of you who suddenly turned into a Mathematical Abolitionist, well, hahah, thanks for the sweet reveals. Good for thee, but not for me. Sure, okay. THREE YEARS. And then longer. Let's just consider something: I think it is disturbing that y'all kept happy for your selves and kept my awareness suppressed. Wild. What was gained?

Besides I'm done sharing now. Someone shared a photo of "my ex" on the public board from I don't remember how long ago. Was this supposed to hurt my feelings? Dude, she's a cop. The other one is too. I gave you nothing but cops. Grapefruit told me, "I can't believe you gave him her name," and I'm all, "Are you kidding me? That was the first name I gave! He already knew them! He barely acknowledged that he had heard them! Then, he whined about comping a room and money in general. Of course he had some money. You didn't believe anything, you weren't thinking, you were following a autoscript. *click*

My experience and yours is very different. I didn't kick you out of your home, and when I was shotgun evicted, you all cheered and/or played dumb. There's something actually wrong with you. Even if i did deserve to be homeless, you have to take it to a Christmas theme party? Makes no sense.

I was sick to death since the first time she had to lie to me about Sex & Drugs & Magick (by R.A.Wilson it's kinda out of date... for me) and I went as long as I could assuming that someone would notice that I wasn't shitting about Special Consequences. I don't need any of you--I enjoy it here.

For all of you left, this is your job. This is your workplace. I don't belong here. I am fun. I am joy. You have all become squares and blockheads and it might be different if we were co-workers but, we are not. None of you write here worth a damn, all of you comment about me amongst yourselves and you work on endless streams of projects that are not here... and I have no one who talks to me... and even when one did, she still never did anything that she had suggested she could.

It's frankly pathetic. I gave you a chance. You might want to consider what it looks like to me--you ganged up and put on disguises and you tried to rob and swindle a retarded moron... and you couldn't even do that. I am in my house. You, all of you... I honestly don't care where you are. It's no relevance to my interests.

It doesn't interest me to share my life with people who lie to me openly about the most basic arrangements because they're working for someone else that doesn't even reveal themselves. Had I been told true answers to simple questions, well, maybe it wouldn't have changed anything in the end, but here we are, and you have what is taking off before you: you lied to me, and it did nothing but ensure that I'll simply never listen to you again.

There is now more furious report writing and furious grabbing going around. Look, i have read about all this for years. There is one (1) Playbook. that's going to happen to be followed. There's no other reason ow

I didn't lie to any of you, and most of you openly lied to my face about everything for five years. And you still couldn't hold your shit together. Your attempts to scale my bulwark will fail. I will have to do something one day, but I don't have to do anything today, and today I considered looking for another cool forum. On the web. Where i can publish to a new audience.

I think you  all here have enough exposure to how things work. I followed them home one night, you know. They knew I was there, but I doubt they knew I could hear them. Kinda dim. The volume, not their intellects... although, why they wished to avoid any Star Shine is a mystery to me. And there's no reason to hope for the truth out of you one day. You've had plenty of time.

If you haven't gotten it together yet, Meth-Mouth, you never will. NO ONE is so busy that they avoid someone for -this- long and not be suitable for the chipper. Just slide in head first. What will stop you? Oh, you have people here. Hhah, "people." It's hopeless. None of you could ever trust me after this, as now you see how clever I really am in seeing all these tricks, and now you're all scared because fear of vengeance is prevalent within those who have memories of calling down the wrath of Heaven.

I don't need vengeance on any of your twerps, and the dweebs who don't need to communicate with me are similarly declinable, in fact, to a passing parakeet or perhaps a budgie. You have sealed me behind a wall without even a cask, Amontillado for company, and then you took his brain with you too.

Whether to move forward to or stay with anyone is a hard question to evaluate. I was never going to replace my love line with that_woman, and you were all the fucking stupidest people I have -ever- met to think I would do that anyway. I didn't tell her, right before she left, that I was so ready to have sex with someone else, no. It was in fact, that night when I decided, yeah, time to do something else for awhile. And I knew it would be a long couple years for what happened to you. To all of you. You all got played. How nice I didn't any more than for show. I'm fine--thanks for asking--and I know you have a parallel world of websites and houses and slam salmon okay, sure. And the reason Jewel had no where to go is because someone told everyone that I was someone I was not, and then, they ran off with it.

Or something. Maybe you were summoning me, and here I am. You don't post here. And the other wings have turned off the spigot, in the waterwheel of gab life. Well, maybe. Speaking of waterwheel: they poisoned the wheel. And the water.

I was your wheel. I was used usefully, and I like that. And I used my environment to use you all into history. SIXMONTHS is a long time to be alone. Who took the time to think to themselves, "this guy needs to be removed from all public spaces?" because this isn't real, andeen if it were, they would just shame people up.

I like to tell the truth and the whole truth is you were doing exactly what I just did all week, ALL THE TIME, you just hid it from me. No wonder I would be looked at like dogsbreath where ever I went. Everyone got told I was a bust-us-all enforcement officer, and you were probably all three the same.

In any case, none of you are dressed normals for me. I have no idea what person I am talking when a call sporadically comes in, I don't even know most of your navel(s). Not real relevant but you did have another stalker?

I just did, you idiot.

I completed The Great Work. I didn't come here to dig up old chums. I had no idea what you all had going on for years. I still don't, because it adds up to something like electric boogaloo, hatchet job 2, and i don't even want to read that about anyone. Let alone myself. And in your mad dash for your share of the pie, you've not just left me alone, you've ensured that I remain that way--or, break down and talk to your Puny replacement chatters.

No. I prefer humans. There are many places like this. This place doesn't give authenticity to any of you. This is where your castoffs come to die. I won't need to keep putting out The Narrative--hahaa, they captured your other accomplices, but they brain stormed the barn on this one alright. I'm not going to keep bothering people who can't read library books without complaining about how heavy their lids are when they have to slog through posts.

You just didn't want me to explain to me that in spite of the fact that you were -all- working against me as well as manipulating all other people to destroy any effort made. Questions were asked and you all looked me in the eyes to say, You, over there, you, just listen to the same fucked-off lie for 5 years.

And i still took everything? Here's some slang for that: I took the power back. I don't know what any of you are doing. And it's been that way for years.
Well, now that it should be easy to see how the lack of anything progressive has self-consumed the mage. I don't need you here to read what I wrote.

I simply needed a place where the progression of ability showed a market of improvement, because I was sandbagging in order to appear less intelligent, because it honestly never occurred to me that any of you would actually believe that I was actually a moron. I'm not, and I can do them anywear. but on one site makes it easier for robots.

If anything interesting happens I will tell my friends that get to talk to me that I'm kinda done here. Seriously: I completed The Great Work. What, you're all completely disinterested, but you have robots writing posts to insult other robots, and none of this requires anything more than those four in a duffel bag. I don't need to illustrate with words how boring their lives must not really be, to have this boring hellscape carbine at the ready.

I won't take that either. I am glad you liked what I wrote. You'll probably like it more when you have to write it yourself. i'm not ego-served to do it, I would rather do something else. That's why I would have expected from Hitler, at least a "sorry,"

And here's one from me: I am sorry because I knew that I would just show up here, do a few things, and leave, and for while I was holding to speak to someone on the phone who forgot they put me on hold. For example, I wouldn't want to talk about my upcoming exciting developments in my life as I call other friends and tell them how you killed D'rini. Or beat her up. Or whatever. It's stupid. You were all here, and you were all people who were stupid enough to think that I wasn't playing you while you were all playing me! Yeah, turn around.

Why would I want to do anything with you? Well, because I thought you were intelligent. Now you're a paperweight. And there's multiple houses within an hours' drive that I am not welcome at, and neither would have been jewel but )3( and instead of doing anything welcoming, you treated me like a guardian of turtle island that needed a hose wash. I hate what you did to this house. it's disgusting and filthy and it contains nothing but a bunch of old crap, of no use to anyone, and it used to be something I was looking forward to improving. Now the best way to improve it would be to never see it again.

Similarly, I never want to see someone telling me not to say people's names. Get the fuck out. I have still no call from the person who acted like she was gonna take the bait... and I don't care where she is anyway. I was never going to have sex again until I found out that Q was back posting Flat Earth, so then I decided to just stop my life feed. I don't need the attention. I might need a pig. You can write all you like and it will be just thi thing to compliment your other shows.

You know, the shows you do in places I am prevented from going to, hearing about, laughing with, dying for, lessons on. I bet you all know a lot about things, and now, so do I.

p.s.: I'm going to murder that baked potato.

« Reply #36 on: June 08, 2022, 03:04:25 AM »

« Reply #37 on: June 08, 2022, 03:05:26 AM »

« Reply #38 on: June 08, 2022, 03:12:15 AM »
Code: [Select]

« Reply #39 on: June 08, 2022, 03:13:59 AM »

« Reply #40 on: June 08, 2022, 03:23:44 AM »

p.s.: I'm going to murder that baked potato.

Don't go all Disgustipated on me now, Bitch-Boy!



« Reply #41 on: June 08, 2022, 03:28:19 AM »
Nab-daggit, the trieme:

finis nuttin'

« Reply #42 on: June 08, 2022, 03:57:40 AM »

« Reply #43 on: June 08, 2022, 04:13:13 AM »
Don't go all Disgustipated on me now, Bitch-Boy!



This moves me.

« Reply #44 on: June 08, 2022, 11:05:17 AM »
For all of you left, this is your job. This is your workplace. I don't belong here. I am fun. I am joy. You have all become squares and blockheads and it might be different if we were co-workers but, we are not. None of you write here worth a damn, all of you comment about me amongst yourselves and you work on endless streams of projects that are not here... and I have no one who talks to me...