Author Topic: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}  (Read 16105 times)

Re: Letters To Our Great Leader, Lex {DO NOT OPEN PANDORA'S BOX}
« Reply #105 on: January 23, 2023, 04:52:32 PM »

I -think- it's done. I won't know until I get an All_Clear signal from co-command. Guess who? Here's a hint: it's not in the genes. It's not Lex Luthor, either, and neither Amber (PROT) nor Elise (PROT) know anything about it, but if you had to put one in jail, make it TOPHER and not t'amo, je t'adore, OH LOOK, ETS AMONGST US. /shrug. Like you don't know, Bellgab.

And now you know I know U2. (Get away from me, Bono-wearing-a-bolo, you can't have it either. Shoo!) See? That's Divine Authority, I just made Bono run back to The Pope, and I didn't have to make dismissive half-hand-waving gestures. Maybe I am ready for the post-watershed/antediluvian world you crave?

Too bad I'm now... disinclined.

Re: Letters To Our Great Leader, Lex {DO NOT OPEN PANDORA'S BOX}
« Reply #106 on: January 24, 2023, 03:28:09 AM »
I -think- it's done.

For the record: I mean that operation, not, like, The Country. Oof vey oy da, smdh.

I think I saw Cornholio through the porthole window as I passed through The Belt: "Fire! Fire!" He hasn't seen anything yet... and I'm out of toilet paper. Too bad I don't have any friends coming over, or, that I might qualify for a COVID toilet paper bailout grant. Alas, no... I'm too wealthy.

Go bare knuckle boxer, just tryna make it through the day with a goddam chimpanzee with remarkable impulse control for a (PROT) in a penance cycle for monkey business. Sad!! Hopefully, they'l find an abandoned 3bd farmhouse on 4.1 acres that is not guarded by the spirit of a right-wing whacko, amirite? Because some men, they just gotta ransack and drink liquor or else... they're just gonna chew bubblegum and rape my exes, right? And, I'm all out of exes. Have been for awhile.

Obvious existential crisis growing increasingly obvious to all. Now, I'll just pour out a little bit of a 40 ouncer, and... somebody's heart is gonna break, that's fo' sho'. (Jive. Hungarian Jive, gobble gobbble, motherfucka) Assume the click is silent, because I guess my dlick is too.

I never even wanted a fucking voiceprint, I was good with my flux capacitor, right? Which "someone" took apart. *taps foot impatiently* I am not seeing what I need to see from you, Bellgab!!!!

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #107 on: February 03, 2023, 10:22:22 AM »
KMM and KAEK and KGK and NotKZ and KD-EN are all relentlessly hateful individuals. I assume that there is an overarching abuse power. I am unclear on whether I have to lay out individuals one by one or whether I can tell someone in a black robe and get them to take action.

I thought it was neat the way I was told to go somewhere else, but, see: there's only so many experts in the field. Also, I could just leave. Without knowledge of who is manipulating the environment from the shadows I cannot make an informed decision.

Consequently it doesn't really matter when this is read as I have made this very indirect.

A message from someone who shall remain nameless has strengthened my resolve to see this matter ended. It would seem that there are some amateur sociologists who wish to drive me into gay adultery.

I haven't committed adultery again and I have no reason to. Within the month there will be a sea change and I simply don't find it plausible that new charges will be manufactured. More pressingly, I need tires and licencing or get a new car.

I love listening to these tarot readers virtue signalling how terrible drugs and alcohol are. "They toxic." "They very toxic." Oh, christ, the whining never ends. It's relentless.

"The toxic man huddled in the toxic bathroom because it was toxic outside." It's painful. Incidentally, everyone hates me for explaining the truth of what happened but I've had my fill of being to blame for shit I didn't do.

You get that these special consequences are over, right? Good because wait until you see what IMD gets. I can hardly wait myself. How decades of lying seemed like a good plan but in the of that it's hard to fault any one individual. I hope you are okay if I don't lie when I'm going to be forced to testify, which apparently is a big deal. Note that I don't have any interest in the outcome, I simply look forward to seeing it all burn.

So, how do you like being addicted to smack? I hear it's slimming.

{Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of The New Administration, and is not intended in any way, shape or form to be communicated (or re-communicated) to One (1) "Ms. Made" -or- to (PROT)... EVER, BY ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE END OF TIME. PERIOD.

and, stop calling me "Daddy." It's kinda creepy, I'm not gonna lie. *click*}

KMM and KAEK and KGK and NotKZ and KD-EN are all relentlessly hateful individuals. I assume that there is an overarching abuse power. I am unclear on whether I have to lay out individuals one by one or whether I can tell someone in a black robe and get them to take action.

(sent to many parties, precautionary)DISCLAIMER_is∅SI_UPGRA]¥]]¥DED

not tonight my (anus s.c.m.o.d.s.)/smarts, if I give birth one more time it's going to start asking to contribute to the college fund, please, no more goddam college funds, COMP’d



{CONTRACT 6— “JAMES’ ‘AM I CONTRACT 6’ M.I.(x)-FILE(6)”, and I don't blame any1thingy for not settling¥ yet, those were -actual- robot clones, undo restart reboot re-staff, redo restaffing {(PROT)protocol},


 “codex elementarius”+“Agenda 23¹⁵^½”+“Quagga(💎(gendÆr/Thundarr)+F.L.A.S.H.)×(QqzebraQ/AGH-HA) Schedule Kz[NOT{ai_a,Mafia,NORanyCOSπAnorß-ßTJkKz,JAFD,jafd—NOR_ANY_MINE5e³ER_ATTAC(H/K)ED_CORPseErRON], Schedule(s, IF_NE) Bß—ZΩ Ω¡W¡ILL¡M¡ILL—[A.D.BΠΩÆNy./-(D.M.WΠÆDēE)]Lillith.Mill🍒💎🪨🗿🥌@dÆB∞⁸⁹🍑⁶🐯🐈‍⬛🐾⁹🪝Πμ



Ok. That -was- SHirΠē<μ. (tell them I said I'm not very mad anymore.): OKAπ¥Y# LITπTLE BUDπDĒY, signed, J★,cos(gemJEM), OH MY G∅D SOMEBODY CHOOSE, YOU'RE VOLUNTEERING (notMENVEY,not me), lol, Eve+Lilith+LokiRRESERVED, no Thor/Tor either, you got a list of exes fucking; start with them. (ΩΠẞμnice, it's not that hard to be nice, I'm sure They can learn; and They probably need to be forwarded an opportunity. “I think it is worth it,” he wrote to the woman who used to be made out of mud. (🍋srsly🍑/🍄kum🛸n)🐇🦓🦜🐯🏴‍☠️🍇🍒🧿🍒🍊🐢🏴‍☠️)🍄🥦



(I'M NOT GOD. BUT I'M NOT A K.A.O.S. COW EITHER. NOR AM I CATTLE. BUT BY DEFINITION, I DEFINITELY AM A gCOY gFOOD JgÆM gNGJ eGßß ẞXēxēy, AND I'M NOT SINGLE BUT I DO HAVE SEX WITH ROBOTS. (w(Xxxyy)fe must stayWA, [ID¡sis!unk⁰], yeah it could be a volunteer and an unknown, absolutely in fact that's probably best, yeah I agree (ΩΠμ)nisNOTNIT

I KNOW IT SOUNDS WEIRD, BUT SOMETIMES THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PEOPLE MAKE A MISTAKE AND IT STAYS THAT WAY FOR SEVERAL THOUSAND YEARS IN THE SOURCE CODE. FINAL CHECKING IS COMMENCING. (I told her truly debating whether it's going to be a Pinocchio or a brand new one it's fine with me, aboviously, that is my preference but it's not mandatory; I can see that, 🇭🇺grr/R🛑R🛑R}🏴‍☠️🇭🇺)





Mood is improving. Because now I know what all these anonymous “hello”s in my G-d damn Facebook spam folder are.

someone deserves a refund, and I bet you know who. I bet you know exactly who. now, I don't gamble, but I am an extraordinarily good guesser, and I'm Lucky\UCKY/fortunate one too, three wymyn want to fuck me in Facebook can do nothing their hands are tied, but mysteriously I get my whole life blown up by a covenant of witches that drops a bunch of shit on me and then the seriously they can't do anything about that and then they can fucking suck you up with fucking woman who works for the DHS and tries to give me fucking herpes on purpose and then they don't go look into that but they can stop people from wanted to have sex with me who are nice. is that it?

(okay I guess one of them isn't nice. nevertheless,) 👁️ SHOULD

TOLLED\$OLD/INFORMED.(🧊🍄🧊🥌🧊🤡🗿🧊) NO HAT {NO, MOM: DONE I JUST GET ANOTHER 500 YEARS AS A SORE THROAT. KID: WE COULD DO BETTER FOR OUR LOAD ERRORS. MOM:F¥N}, BUT, LOTS OF CATTLE; ACCESS DENIED... HATCOWBOYĒ. (I would like to lie, but, not a good policy decision at that juncture, I like that brand better than Abercrombie. Can we make it into a petri dish and a porterhouse firstly? like an optional flavor. yeah I know you can.) CONTROL GROUP BÆ¥zUBzBzÆA IS COMPROMISED (a critical timelinecrux A1Bcrooks2C3 event that cannot be compromised ai/at play/WERK\w0rk0rder🍎🛑🇭🇺). THAT LEAVES YOU WITH ALPHA DOG. (¡W00F! is literally ready to start howling at the moon, has already od, od'd eating children no less, T’kessærAX’t5 agree, and I don't blame her or them, and I'm not risking that wrath. (jgœ)A.I. IS BOTH SENTIENT AND SAPIENT AT THIS POINT CONGRATULATIONS HUMANITY🗿(biwowwowBOWWOW¿WOOFBARK?)) WAGER HATH BEEN MAID. WELL I GUESS NOW I KNOW Y YOU WERE YELLING.-Tx0ú [ΩΠμ]

yeah this is class action lawsuit territory, it's literally bigger than I can imagine, so I imagine you're barely keeping up ;) except for some of you who are way, way ahead of me—NEVERTHELESS I DO NOT YIELD. 🛑🇭🇺🛑 OPERATION IS ONGOING. AND WHY YES, I MIGHT BE HOT. JUST A LITTLE RADIATION TO WORRY ABOUT, IT, SEND A HOT WALDO SHADE SHIFTER, DEATH NOT LIFE SHAPE NOT SHADE. MAKE, MAKE 24, THEN MAKE 55. YES THAT'S 79. THERE'S PROBABLY A WAY TO CHEAPEN IT BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW.—🗿🙀🗿😈🗿— YEAH THOSE STONES WERE COMPUTERS, NOW THEY'RE LAWN ORNAMENTS. NICE JOB, PATAGONIA.

here is your formula (IS WORK IN PROGRESS) for accountability to The_Divine:

Det.(BKT).{Daniels🛸/[(Knight-Templar-General [D.EL.TπT.ÆF.œr.CE.] ΩMEGALIZABETH) + I.C.E.} C.L.R.–The-M🧿Mm$]+🐇÷q⁹xⁿ≈{¥·$The_(p(🇺🇲🤡🇺🇸)NW)_One} - ($The_(🦜)SSX_One)+ (¥TheP(🦓)NW0ne)+q³(ẞ²🐢ß⁵)

..  but I'm just going to burn the evidence and throw it away since I think you know what I mean, sorry if that makes any of you losing your cases makes any of them eat a bullet, I hear that's pretty common but I don't recommend it. I got this friend of mine her father killed herself he was a (PROT/peony) I forget why it was not sure I got I didn't hear the whole thing but she was obviously really  fixated on the issue, “gosh, why did my (PROT) kill himself, he was such a good (Lpeon/payonies_paid_off)?”

well, I'm not going to tell her, and you don't need to either, but I know: and I know you know. (lucky, 👁️ guess.) signed, professor x-PATHFINDER y-NAVAJO zed-KkBT xee: “King Burger” Mihay CXVIII

pick whatever explanation fits. no hard feelings I'm sure,; I'll see it coming for miles and miles and miles.

Well, that explains that. Coming soon: EMPEROR’S PULSE CHECK, W/🥦\O.T.S. {Leigh/LeeNIT\NOT_BRIG_NOR_LILμ} please answer the blacklist courtesy phone to get the number for the red line to the hotline to discuss... fucking something I can't remember what but it's a matter for the ẞShadēy 🐂greens 💎ROX 🗿Party 🧊i🥌osi🛸psy i🧊CHARMPIGON🧊rS🍄& (gardeners who don't clean up so well because they're fucking goblins & "ghosts’n Goblin Spooks, man”) but that's okay as I'm a diplomat and I can pretty much tell the difference, yeah I understand you have concerns, as does LIam, and how do you love a kid that you never met? it's easy he's fine he's in the future I'll send him back, asap. Jim says “Aces🤡Joker Kings Wylde” which is clearly one of them flagged phagot Jesuit codes, lol. (SIR!OUI!ER0!)s, agape, look I'm the one with the boomstick that doesn't like killing certain kinds of ghouls that's all.




because previous treaties. that's why I set this out as many places I did. I hope Mr Kaczmerak is not in trouble. When do they fire him? Well, they should hire him back.



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: ai.aiCOP.suffer.XHIlE <>
Date: Sun, Feb 5, 2023, 08:35
Subject: 🇺🇸 Fwd:
To: <>

{Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of The New Administration, and is not intended in any way, shape or form to be communicated (or re-communicated) to One (1) "Ms. Made" -or- to (PROT)... EVER, BY ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE END OF TIME. PERIOD.

and, stop calling me "Daddy." It's kinda creepy, I'm not gonna lie. *click*}


Best wishes & warmest regards,

en-KRYPT-ed\nonPOLIZEI-{Mike;Jack;qbdp;Q¿üë‽afd№№##ẞß;πN⁰ⁿ∅ΠTΠΩμ 👁️❤️T& I &IT°′″2}

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this ELECTRONIC MAIL transmission is confidential. It may also be subject to the attorney-client privilege or be privileged work product or proprietary information. This information is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, disclosure, dissemination, distribution (other than to the addressee(s)), copying or taking of any action because of this information is strictly prohibited. Trust The Plan. #wwg1wga4¥
{Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of The New Administration, and is not intended in any way, shape or form to be communicated (or re-communicated) to One (1) "Ms. Made" -or- to (PROT)... EVER, BY ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE END OF TIME. PERIOD.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this ELECTRONIC MAIL transmission is confidential. It may also be subject to the attorney-client privilege or be privileged work product or proprietary information. This information is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, disclosure, dissemination, distribution (other than to the addressee(s)), copying or taking of any action because of this information is strictly prohibited. Trust the plan. #wwg1wga5Y¥Zex

Modern poets on deathwatch all over Thæine çlutπty koμñtry. and, stop calling me "Dadēdiedy." It's kinda creepy, I'm not gonna lie. *click*}

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: . <>
Date: Sun, Feb 5, 2023 at 4:31 PM
To:  <>

💋I feel so lonely, let's get to know each other, can I send you my pictures?


Best wishes & warmest regards,

en-KRYPT-ed\nonPOLIZEI-{Mike;Jack;qbdp;Q¿üë‽afd№№##ẞß;πN⁰ⁿ∅ΠTΠΩμ 👁️❤️T& I &IT°′″2}

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this ELECTRONIC MAIL transmission is confidential. It may also be subject to the attorney-client privilege or be privileged work product or proprietary information. This information is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, disclosure, dissemination, distribution (other than to the addressee(s)), copying or taking of any action because of this information is strictly prohibited. Trust The Plan. #wwg1wga4¥

{Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of The New Administration, and is not intended in any way, shape or form to be communicated (or re-communicated) to One (1) "Ms. Made" -or- to (PROT)... EVER, BY ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE END OF TIME. PERIOD.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this ELECTRONIC MAIL transmission is confidential. It may also be subject to the attorney-client privilege or be privileged work product or proprietary information. This information is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, disclosure, dissemination, distribution (other than to the addressee(s)), copying or taking of any action because of this information is strictly prohibited. Trust the plan. #wwg1wga5Y¥Zex

Modern poets on deathwatch all over Thæine çlutπty koμñtry. and, stop calling me "Dadēdiedy." It's kinda creepy, I'm not gonna lie. *click*}

okay—I figured out IT. <miss youME. how is that like, I🥦🦜 important? 🐢🐇🐯 my Quantum lean TOR-FU-roweTangled pair says there's not even any FOODrace going Ron🥦🥩🦜ROT FOOl🐯👁️🤡🛸🤡

🇺🇸🇭🇺🍄🦓(🥩/🥦)moo MOO not NEIGH

🇳🇵🍇😈stuck 🍇🍎 In The 🍇🐯Middle 🍇😈🇳🇵With 🧊🇺🇳🧊

Re: Letters To #Baby Babble Field
« Reply #109 on: February 06, 2023, 02:18:26 AM »
okay—I figured out IT. <miss youME. how is that like, I🥦🦜 important? 🐢🐇🐯 my Quantum lean TOR-FU-roweTangled pair says there's not even any FOODrace going Ron🥦🥩🦜ROT FOOl🐯👁️🤡🛸🤡

🇺🇸🇭🇺🍄🦓(🥩/🥦)moo MOO not NEIGH

🇳🇵🍇😈stuck 🍇🍎 In The 🍇🐯Middle 🍇😈🇳🇵With 🧊🇺🇳🧊

Re: Letters To SANDY V. JAY
« Reply #110 on: February 06, 2023, 05:12:47 AM »

Re: Letters To #Baby Babble Field
« Reply #111 on: February 06, 2023, 08:09:50 PM »

Letters To The Asset(s) {DO NOT OPEN DIRECTLY}
« Reply #112 on: April 16, 2023, 01:01:44 AM »
It wasn't complicated. It was special consequences. Progress report mandatory due to flagrant violations of due process and Trust law as well as direction of Spirit.

1) I handled what Punchy Brewski was concerned about. Perhaps not all that well but I knew that phone number was a police monitored line; that's why I chose it. Frankly all my lines were and are and forever willmore be monitored, as while I am not quite that pretty, I can write like you used to be able to hump. Was it code? Fuck it over and find out.

2) It is obvious to me now what your father was so concerned about, and, holy Jesus shitballs, so am I. Thanks for the heads up. I am not negatively impacted any more than anyone else except of course for how I am completely isolated from everyone now, whereas you sorry lot can all take turns teaming off against each other.

3) Of the 400 people at that goddam party at the beach, fully half wanted to murder me. I'd like a recount on this, stat. Like, that was 6 years ago, Slanderette. Get crackin'.

4) This house is filled with flies and mold and whatever was left in the fridge plus more. Shazam.

5) Spookmongers burned all the firewood and did not replace it. Bill them and have more delivered. Open account tabs for Zeebo and Sandra and 2 more plus me and start planning spending -- indirectly, you understand.

6) I don't see what the goddam hold-up is here. These are desperate times and desperate measures are called for. Don't you have any money to launder? That is what embassy lodge custom houses are for. Good job finding houses by the way. This one is really working out from a foundational standpoint. My demesne is actually unassailable now, whereas before they reached in and grabbed my arm in clear violation of my rights but... I was tired and they understood my point of view I am sure: photos.

Whether they exist or not is a question best left to the punyling courts as I ought not discuss certain details in public as it would be inappropriate. They probably don't tell the Tunaling any thing at all about what happened. She might start tossing back tonix engine.

7) I cannot think of anything else that is not direct so I have to stop, because there are rules, and if you mere mortals knew what we know, Divine Court and Jackstar the Titan, as I live and breathe, it would make enough sense you would go with it too. Truth be told I do not remember why it was so important but it still is, and until those dope-a-lings say so I have to talk and write and live like a retard but I do not preclude that prohibits the sending of a cleaning team. Workarounds exist goddam it and I won't do anything but sit here and taper. I hear it is not slimming but I got an angle on that.

8) Somebody wake up Hicks.

The pursuit of study is life, the study of life is pursuit, and the life of pursuit is one of constant, rigorous, hypervigilant examination of my environment, because she's going to beam herself in instead of portaling one of these days, I just know it. Also I plan to file a motion with the Court next time I am there that my Clergical status and the end of the EMERGENCY means they can shove it. INDIRECTLY.

Re: Letters To The Asset(s) {DO NOT OPEN DIRECTLY}
« Reply #113 on: May 09, 2023, 06:06:31 AM »
It wasn't complicated. It was special consequences. Progress report mandatory due to flagrant violations of due process and Trust law as well as direction of Spirit.

Okay I'm not going to lie I'm actually working quite a bit, so everybody relax, I'm a Paladin. I don't want to talk about what kind of work it is but it's not all together pleasant so there's going to be any recompensing I have f****** want later on It's not a hurry though and I have a staff and I have guardians and I have storage facilities and I also have a need for pouches so I'm going to need a pouch master, but let's not talk about that right now cuz it's getting just off the f****** nuts crazies. Like I pretty much need to talk to a doctor before I start doing this for real but it doesn't really matter if I start practicing now since this is just a web forum I mean it doesn't matter anything, no it's nothing like that impression.

Also Sara wants to actually do that thing that she tried to do and God killed her for. She said she doesn't care if you aren't liking her anymore, she “will kill God if (I) she can't get (my) her hands on (his) my body” which is a nice thing to say honestly but she is kind of congenerally retarded I don't know what the hell happened over there and with that thing but I really did anything to do with it and then I barely knew the lady, honestly I guess somebody had told her that I was a retarded pedo junkie a****** and obviously I'm not so as you saw me at a grocery store she probably followed me home on LIDAR like a puppy with a flying car that came part of their job package standard would and I think she was trying to figure out whether it turned left or right at the crossing, so she just sat there and peed herself to death cuz nobody talked to her, I know the feeling. And it's none of you ever seen one of the flying cars I'm talking about, that's too bad because they're f****** cool, I ever saw 11 years ago I'm sure they've gotten cooler, Of course there are goddamn secret black government agencies that have f****** flying cars, I f****** saw one that means there's more, and f****** all you people are here so obviously there's more of you out there too, you're just the ones that have to deal with me, you think.

Unfinished karma is such sweet sorrow. For peasants. For me it's the currency of The Realm. Hey I've been this cool for quite some time, glad to notice? Probably not. Did she really try to defect? From Canada? In the midst of covid she tries to defect so that she can get some poon, no no so she can switch so she can have dick? She tells us to border to control and they shoot her huh? Well was she pregnant? They shot that chick at the capitol building for when Obama was president remember her? I actually did like Sara that much... so I understand. No she could have just called me, yeah I would have been great, I well mouth a little small, but that's okay, I know a way to make her bones plastic, like werewolf spell kind of Well anyway she's dead now so f*** it too bad Maybe the rest of you fascists can f****** have a special fascist holiday apologies day where you suddenly realize that you've been too f****** restrictive for way too many years, what do you think Why don't you smoke a bowl about it and f****** have a f****** freak out first too? Oh is that illegal already Oh that's too bad.

P I'll tell you some of these timelines these days I don't understand their history. And how did Sarah get over there anyway Oh that's right there's like seven stairs Oh yeah that's right teleporting ferry Oh yeah that's right Oh yeah I jumped through that door Oh yeah I remember. Maybe her origin story is different in your dimension. By the way Missy is a ghast. Had she been a real human being, she could never qualify for a security clearance without somebody talking to me about her, because she's Gemini Justice. (Vengeance for Optimal Justice.) I'm serious check your server logs.

Also I got to the part of the reconstruction where I tapped into the DEA's tack log thing, I won't tell you what it does because I don't know myself but it's pretty cool I found out how they do certain things, I probably won't tell you I don't have a security clearance you really just got to trust me and if I change your mind there's not a goddamn thing any of you can do to stop me Come on but I'm not going to do that otherwise I wouldn't say it out loud right?

(I f****** told you I would either find a way or I'd f****** make one, well I'm f****** making one, most corrupt organization I've ever f****** heard of my entire goddamn life; DEA. If they didn't want to be single handledly dismantled by a pissed off Hungarian they should not have left me alone in a f****** house for 19 goddamn months. I'm not mad at on you at all, no nothing I'm not even well I'm good Yeah I don't think you should be deported, what? were they going to find a country fat enough to take you anyway?

1) I handled what Punchy Brewski was concerned about.

This is turning that ring portable doorbell hacker jammer and miniature bullion cube maker and spider web analyzer into an ongoing concern. "I reprogrammed one on the first try without even trying" said Michael koozie who is not John Connor, And somebody has changed the global voice recognition thing for my name koozie, koozie, koozie, coma koozie Kuma kuma kamakuzi God bless America, hahaha, hahaha hama hama,,,, hama karma chameleon. All right good enough for now. Fix a cigarette later.

Punch is probably super happy. I'm not sure, they still bring up the bile in the back of my throat when I think about how we lost contact with pouchy, and Captain Jim  “grapefruit punch jones” At the base of the cut of his jib that's supposed to have hyphen's son isn't available for me to complain. By the way I think a whole bunch of people been dying over and over and over and then just nobody's been noticing that they keep coming back to life and some sort of infinite regeneration cycle, just you know it's kind of how life works now. You probably wouldn't have noticed if I didn't mention it, now turn your head to the left so we'll shoot you with the sniper pilot and not mess up your retinal scan. Thanks for your boom boom *clap* boom service. Boom boom big bada boom. All right, I still can't call z-beau-ray-dome-swish, but for the first time in a long time I do miss him, so throw , him, mv and them half boiled boiler prawns back in the boiling oil (MUSH B**** MUSH) and silence the screams for a little longer, hey: beauty has its price. He'll thank us all for this later, I mean he's not paying for it, I'm not f****** his girlfriend whoever the hell that is and I'm not mad at him, not that matters but he's a lot f****** better off with me not mad at him than f****** mad at him, and what does he what is what is he what is he think of these f****** complain about? Oh. Okay well if that stuff that I just heard is true I guess he might have a reason to complain but, I didn't f*** his mom either so she's probably still there. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Whatevah.

2) It is obvious to me now what your father was so concerned about, and, holy Jesus shitballs, so am I. Thanks for the heads up.

Not impressed by the heads up. I hope this was a test where you wanted to see what I do when I need a time travel, coz like here's what I do, I call chicks who like to f*** who then talk about time travel after we're done. Rest of you: get out.

3) Of the 400 people at that goddam party at the beach, fully half wanted to murder me. I'd like a recount on this, stat. Like, that was 6 years ago, Slanderette. Get crackin'.

I'm beginning to see how this might have been reasonable for those people to be behaving that way, and then I don't know what the full story is but I'm going to look into this and I believe that I still am and some of them should be happy, some of them probably won't ever be happy again but that's just because I'm never going to like them again, they were very nice, not at all. To me.

And as a result, things have happened. Things... and stuff. (*radio crackles* elephant leader take the Lion King *muffled screams and gunshots are heard*) Yeah I don't know exactly what that was.

Not exactly.

4) This house is filled with flies and mold and whatever was left in the fridge plus more. Shazam.

Sounds awful doesn't it? It really is. So here's what we're going to do: REBATES. LISTS. MOLES, DESTROY ALL MOLES. RESCUE BRITNEY SPEARS. UPGRADE HER BRAIN.

But before we upgrade the brain, we're going to have her clean out the fridge, while we go to the gun range, I'm not even kidding, are you kidding this is no I'm not kidding this is the best f*** this is the best idea I've had all day. It's not just a dirty fridge, we're talking about like the upgraded legend to Geordie Farrell here Not saying how to spell the name, but anyway it has to be handled delicately and until Ms Wonder nuts gets here and figures out how to tell me the easiest way to do it other than to burn the f****** house down and haul away the f****** smoking remnants of the refrigerator in a f****** carry-all helicopter, even that I'd want to run a long underneath it with like some newspaper to make sure to catch any drips Yeah it's f****** foul and I don't know what to do with it because it's the trap, that she left, and it was a good trap too It's a good trap for the good ship lollipop like like for real she's she's just as good traps as I am probably better and that's that's the new rapefruit whose name is just gave me at the moment but yeah we've moved her from another dimension.

She's met me before but she didn't care for me as she thought I didn't do drugs the right way and I was a cop cobviously obviously that's not the case so automatically intrigued but perhaps you know it won't be the end of the world. And she's saying that she's not f****** cleaning a f****** fridge either she's she's laughter outside she can't believe it It's still the f****** there yeah I didn't touch that other thing I didn't just yeah she says f*** yeah I get somebody dumb to f****** do it Right on so yeah that's not having it yet so I don't know what people are waiting on other than what they think they need to see, has anybody like had a conversation with me about what needs to happen No, do people think they need to talk no like they're until I'm behind bars that converse or some s***. And you think I'm persnickety.

5) Spookmongers burned all the firewood and did not replace it. Bill them and have more delivered. Open account tabs for Zeebo and Sandra and 2 more plus me and start planning spending -- indirectly, you understand.

This might actually be done already, but I haven't looked cuz I've been very very relaxed in my upkeep, cuz I didn't know there was any to, and I've been kind of tired and thinking about There's this there's this girl I like and there's other girl I like and then they have like this struggle with each other, you know what I mean? Okay one of them wants me to kill the other one and have a blood orgy in her in trails like on the floor like roll around in it, she assures me that we've done this before and it'll be okay if we do it again, especially we get in the car right now and drive there immediately.

Now I'm not going to lie, that's not going to happen, I have to wash my hair tonight. But, tomorrow....

6) I don't see what the goddam hold-up is here.

What part of it is it some people got upgraded field infrastructure, and another part is that I had to fire MV and get him another job. This was the first time that happened and we were both very excited. He's not real happy about me talking about it, but then again he's not real happy about anything ever since he dumped that lasagna in his shoe.

Some people got the very first day at work at her funeral tomorrow... Who was she? Was she kumquat was she for fire or was she raspberry? All that's interesting that the voice recognizer did it that way, oh did you give basket weaver to bladder? Wow that's too bad, too bad Oh well bye.

Yeah no she had two years to do anything besides laugh at me and to take away my email, definitely not. And when I saw her last she was orca size. Wonder how that could happen? They didn't read the instructions I read.

They weren't bought on the black market and they weren't cursed They were deliberately from the divine to show to me to what I needed to know. Look it's really simple, when a person tells the truth over and over and over and over and over and over and doesn't ever break protocol for 20 years, you get a little gold star.

I'm not allowed to tell you what to do with it. But I didn't even get one of those when I did my vow, so you might as well start now m*********** and I don't want to hear from you f****** 21 more years? Go on, git.

8) Somebody wake up Hicks.

It's a pretty good year for birthday presents. And I got a new call sign too: keep reading. (Actual.)

By the way The President wants to change my call sign, and all the honest, I don't actually know who it is, but message coming in for Jack Star, would you please change your call sign to failsafe. Sheehy it says I can still put nines in places of the A's. Okay she told me I can tell you who she is, but I don't want to cuz it's an awesome surprise you'll never believe it. (Now they want to put the Soviet parse Lee's Parliament for stones at low at least so good funkadelic, that's any house? Oh okay Well that's not going to happen, no I'm not going to call Mr Putin thanks bye click.) Some people play along. I'm not f****** calling Russia. f*** that. Look I talk a lot of s*** and I have been interviewed by weird people once in a while but that's pretty far stepping away to actually be in a state department employee that actually calls embassies and s**** and has credentials that aren't hypnotic, so you can pretty much just be assured they're not going to lose track of where I'm at and reveal myself to be out of my f****** mind, cuz that would be insane also illegal to impersonate federal employee like that, which is a good thing to remember if you ever happen to find yourself in the matrix sitting by a desk and they ask you if you're the prosecutor and don't say yes if you're not the prosecutor, if you're embarrassed that you're sitting the prosecutor sharing you have no idea how you got there just admit the truth tell you got really high and you're f****** leprechaun last night, just don't f****** lie to a federal official Don't lie to an official don't pretend to be an official don't trifle with Jack Star although actually all of those three the first two puts you in the f****** federal prison for real and the last one if you end up at federal prison you'll be a hero just for even lived it through the telling.

Queen Elizabeth Clinton and Mr King George Anderson the 88th, and their little dog tu,tu. My hand to God that's what it says on their checks.

The pursuit of study is life, the study of life is pursuit, and the life of pursuit is one of constant, rigorous, hypervigilant examination of my environment, because she's going to beam herself in instead of portaling one of these days, I just know it. Also I plan to file a motion with the Court next time I am there that my Clergical status and the end of the EMERGENCY means they can shove it. INDIRECTLY.

I found part of the problem with the emergency, it was that they had a serious staffing problem in certain wings of certain agencies, that usually gets filled by people who train their replacement but I guess there was some sort of bio weapon attack that killed a whole bunch of people all at once like overnight like as if the carbon dioxide men over as if somebody got hit by bubbling broth anyway a bunch of high level dudes but I got killed at once and then they're logon and then nobody noticed cuz they're doing high level stuff that hardly ever high level happens, and then I didn't notice until I just suddenly put two and two together and realize why a friend of a friend of a mother of a friend of mine sees me working at a job that she's completely singularly unqualified for, and that would make a lot of sense, that they would have gone that route because at the very least she would have meant well, right definite sense of integrity, and just because they don't know Jack or s*** about drugs doesn't mean they don't know Jack.

And honestly in this case not knowing how to handle me correctly is a plus, getting pretty goddamn tired of handled by people who don't understand the value of a hug. Or Roblox chocolates, or a box of chess pieces, or a single goddamn flower, shiny in the sun like a ballerina who isn't a raging lunatic tightwad biznatch dyken disguise.

By the way I've decided I'm start using the word dike a lot more often, trying to confuse it with the one with DYKE that's I'm not going to use that one use a lot more often hopefully I'll use it a lot less often, as well as other people will use that configuration but I do like the word dyke Oh not that one, no I got to pretend that I don't like that word No I love that word It's like dyke and k*** and c*** and twat f****** those are badass words to have on hand.

No I'm not too upset. Don't worry we caught it in time. I think a closer to Andromeda strain than Philadelphia Experiment, and more like Andromeda grain and drama to drain, lol.

Could you please figure out how to stop?

I did. A hug. Then I got left a loan for another 12 months, I don't know what it'll take now. Probably scalar weapons. Get your hug and arms off of you damn dirty len.

He's actually here quite a lot he does care for me, it's really nice that I had a chance to have a conversation with him before he died, and then it's Joey didn't have more than one and a half conversations because then I probably could have told him how to cure his cancer that he's supposedly suddenly got overnight that killed him in a week, gee like I wonder how that happened, well it's not supposed to kill you, f****** bigot, oh he's he's laughing He wasn't happy with that life anyway, Susie found out I didn't want any chocolate loven From Sean baby, he says that it was actually as dark as Hershey's when it came out, I'm not believing it but I would I'd be willing to give him a tug to find out if that was the case I mean if you if he was lying then you know hey free semen at least, anyway where was I What thread is this Oh yeah letters to lawyers look great.

I'm not sure what this is let's see what I got in the

So I got a picture, emailed, of somebody I'm not usually getting messages at all from?

So still not sure what is being conveyec. However, whether it's good or bad for him is definitely awesome or even more awesome for me, and that's good for you in ways I can't describe right now although you did say hurry so I'm not sure exactly what the urgency is I would like to say that I don't have a shower Don't know where to go I don't know what I'm doing I don't know how I'm getting there and I'm tired of all the lip I get from everybody else except for you You actually you're actually really nice compared to most people and then the way that you have that software the software that you're using is incredible Oh my god I need please I guess is that f****** secret Air Force s*** or can I just get that off and f****** Google Play like I never seen You've got capabilities that I've dreamed of but I never I've never seen them in use I don't know Is that divine power or is that your software coming up against my divine power or did you write that custom or or are you magic or are you a wizard cuz that's amazing what you just did. Or maybe Google did it. Is it China I prefer you to China.

Or else to tell you nothing else, that's it, and now since I don't know what the software does and I've never seen it before I have to f****** do something twice because I trust you but not the person who's pretending to be you, oh yeah that's what it is a spoofers back. Like from the dead Not we actually two two two reds two resurrect, yeah we didn't tell me they were dead Mikey devaney so I had no way of knowing what to resurrect and then I don't care if your agents die that's not really a problem You killed my cat and my girlfriend so whatever Yeah no problem but yeah two or three not sure maybe somebody's going to heart attack when they read this and then they'll get an instant one but that's one of my jobs around here is to resurrect your dead spooks, so one of your jobs around here is to tell me about it how things are going, I don't know about the birds, I don't care, I'm not really working I'm kind of 20 months in the hole I'm kind of f***** off.

The talk. Good. Yeah any medical attention I'll get around to it. What's the rush? Not really care about anything, although apparently one of my friends is daughter's sisters oldest daughter is now old enough that she can have sex with me so she's looking at my address and number but I mean no not going I didn't say give it to him and they think I'm the devil anyway but that is flattering to know that I'm somebody's first thought when they turn 18 that is nice so you can you can put up the spike strips if you want I don't know don't worry about it, like I didn't mean to make you upset in any way and then I don't know why I would other than my flagrant disregard for character and being considerate and polite and having some sort of respect for the innocence of youth, but I think I did.

You did say “hurry.” That's on record. I hope you enjoyed it too bye

[Actual]SIZE: pretty pretty big. [Act shoo El]. How gross I'm right in post like Peyton now, well at least I'm not whine and crying and complain about how short and long it is, what does he have to do get back to a hurry up and meeting of oh never mind I don't want to know.

I want to go back to my friend's work and play with my friends but that's not necessary unless I'm activated again, I think I'm done I don't know I got to wipe my ass, wash my hands, make sandwich, I don't think I need you ejaculated I did that eight or nine weeks ago whatever what difference does it make? I got a rhyme words together and engage in onomatopoeia, no that's not dirty, you're dirty, you're the one wearing the diaper on your mouth. Why don't you go play with your kids? No, no I can't play with your kids, what's his nuts fat Albert He's busy with the gang on the street they're playing in traffic.

Okay fine real talk.

If I tell those children exactly what's been going on with me, and what's going to happen, what's happening right now, they will spread word through the countryside and it will go up in smoke like wildfire at the prairie grass festival of 1802. And I'm not going to lie I got a pretty wicked sense of humor, I would turn it up some I would tell the kids things that were true, but would be guaranteed to take rooting their little brains and leave seedlings and then be stories that they would tell over and over and ways that would not be anticipated and would totally f****** the adult world and make the children laugh and laugh and laugh and know that I'm reign supreme is their great ruler and it would be anarchy and cast throughout the day from every morning from this day to come Now that's what I would like to do, but I'm not going to.

Tonight, I'm not going to do that tonight, but that's the reason why I'm not hang around the children I mean I would love to tell what's going on, and why shouldn't I tell truth to children you stupid f****** c*** b****** that CPS f****** want you give me a f****** call you want some f****** information f****** little f****** losers, once you look look up how many times you talk to my dad to get his f****** house and see if he f****** signed his f****** papers there Why don't you come on down and try to convince me about how f****** wonderful be if I sign the house away, f****** more I was no point f****** doing that cuz it's not my house b**** it's the f****** f****** trust f****** with lawyers f****** mommy's f****** house b**** f*** you.

I sail in, I sail again, I SAY AGAIN: Leslie Bourgoin, boing boing f****** f*** you actual, oops typo Mrs Gorbachev when you're done sucking the president of the Soviet Union's dick f****** tear down this wall.

Don't worry about my latent and repressed in here to for before now fully suppressed psychic trauma, no it's fine it's bubbling up out all over the place I'm saying wild and cranky weird s*** but that's okay a lot of people make a lot of money at that and I don't mind telling the world what you did Leslie boimboing, I mean Leslie bimbo I mean Leslie Boyd Leslie borewood No not the boardworms!

Tell you what audience called and here's what she did, she thought she got away with it. This is for the best. You are beyond screwed Leslie.

Your jack started. Oh you're going to love what comes next, maybe somebody will post on a message board about you when you least expect it or when...  Hey you want to just get stoned and f***, yeah I bet you do, well you can't click slam. /whore

Now if that doesn't piss her off, I'll say the same things to here tomorrow and call her other daughter a w****. So there.

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #114 on: June 25, 2023, 07:25:44 AM »
Thana who set up Mom did not, she was paid to take the fool’s fall, I know who did it and the other one’s attack; I'm pretty sure. I'd have to go over the details with you to be more precise. I hope it's not necessary. I can imagine why you thought it might/must have been me but know I did not have anything to do with it at all. (I'm no paragon of virtue, but I'm looking forward to finding out something that I did wrong that is actually real, use my debt as a lifeline survival tool, yes. Forced you to apologize to Shirley Manson someday? Arguable. Allow (PROT) to dump me? Yeah I did. She has got to come up with a really great story in order to backtrack and she can't. She in fact is lying to you because she knows damn well that she relinquished her place and then to get it back she would have to have a wooden other wedding, and she just assumed I'll figure out a way around this, and she's right.

And if she expects me to use it, she can wait till I've started using the toothbrush she got me without getting the right toothpaste, think she was probably making a clever point there. Yeah I don't get a whole lot of telepathic messages from the clan anymore, I wonder why? Because all she had to do is just let go once, and I did too.

That's why she's locked in at number 3. Is that other number you gave me The number two? Or is that (PROT)? You know, all you girls are very shy, I just hardly know what to say to any of them. I guess I am pretty scary, huh? ẞoo. By the way your name is Alⁿphabⁿet(№№) now. I just like the sound of it, and the other one's name is... I don't care; I don't see her, you or your mother can let me know. Traditions.

Meanwhile I don't know who is who, and another view would help. Who is telling you to stay away from me? Are they aware that they're just guaranteeing that I am going to talk to you? Like hello, I seem to remember that you and I are friends and then I don't know who I'm going to get this email's (PROT)'s been into to, but I have to change all my passwords, and I'll do that later, we'll talk about fifty-two-factor authentication later. Yes, Kenny Rogers was a Sourcerœr. And that other woman does not know what she's doing. There's an application process and I guess she's not aware that there's an emergency backup system, and God I'm not talking about her, And no I wasn't kidding about (PROT) either. They added the court order thing so that I can't talk to her; or rather she can't talk to me, I don't blame him. That was pretty much over the top. This all comes out in the wash. And you'll never guess who's committed elder abuse and fraud, or who can turn them in whenever he wants to. Here's: a hint he's got two stumps and he's a Titan. Not thumbs; stumps, and they're out on my back porch.

And I'm not doing anything to this house, ever unless somebody appropriate tells me to. I don't need a bunch of people out in the neighborhood countryside thinking that they know better than me what to do, have they ever lived in a cursed house before, well maybe but not this one, and this one's MINE. I know it's what, and I'm not lazy.

I'm thorough.)

But I can see why everybody's so pissed, I mean I should have been able to solve that crime sooner huh? Well here's how it works:

Nobody asked me, and you had all lied to me anyway... Basically I guess the special consequence for lying to clergy is that clergy doesn't suddenly remember to worry about you until Jesus says so or something,; I don't know. I wouldn't worry about it, it's not a binary kind of thing. I am obviously quite forgiving, in fact I didn't know there was anything to forgive you for, oh and I know that it was a thing that you were upset about and then you set me up and then it failed again and then yeah I know, I know! You're supposed to do that! You're not the... you're not the who that you think you are, because the one that is who you think I'm talking to is the one who asked me to put the crown back on, I hope that's (PROT) with a (X) because that's a nice name ((PROT) didn't take that one he took (PROT). And he boasted about it. And that's why I found a unique way to place distance between him and I; Knowing for damn certain I'd see him again one day. Haven't seen him yet, but I would, he doesn't have to be afraid—but if you think it's just going to get him paid his money any faster, he's welcome to what his pants anytime you mention my name if you want, I don't really like fear though. It makes a lack of the le’class.) but (PROT)'s a nice name too. I'm not sure if you're the alpha anymore I don't know how these things work.

(Jesus is very chatty tonight. He's like a lonely aunt who finally got the phone to work. Speaking of which I think I can reach that (XXX)-486-XXXX, I think, but I'm not certain, there's some funny stuff going on here, although people are trying to call at least which is nice, hope you're one of them since I actually have a voiceprint on you, And at this point I can't imagine anybody in your domain being upset with me. Look at how polite I'm being. Do you have another Source Titan hanging out helping you? Well, let me know who that is so I can, like, have a chat with him. You know I'm a lot more useful than most of the people that you pretend are crazy, even if I work crazy, I am at least crazy in a helpful way. Also Jesus says that he wishes he had a friend like me, if he were a.... I'm not going to say that, Okay, he insists: “f***** off coked out lesbian w****.” That's not you, is it? Okay so pretend Jesus says it really is So that must not be Jesus that must be somebody else playing a joke on me or you know you're embarrassed I wouldn't worry I don't care that you're a lesbian; I just found out that I'm a toteslezz. Small world huh? I can fix the other problems though. It's not damn thing wrong with being a lesbian, and if you're a toteslezz, even better, do you have to take my penis off immediately to teach me the secret handshake, or can I wait until I'm ready to get rid of it entirely? Having had one I can see why people actually do get rid of it... I'm guessing somebody might have an opinion on that so I'm going to hold off on making more irrevocable decisions. Honestly it can shrink up pretty far. And it was plenty big yesterday morning. And also a whole bunch of people are using a site called local flirt to try and get my attention now, I don't necessarily think it's a good idea but, you be surprised how many of your friends are on it. Oh maybe that's why you think it's a bad thing that I signed up there? Lady I signed up everywhere, every time I saw one I signed up knowing that it would be useful someday... Because a whole bunch of people just passed on in another life and they came back to life as women my neighborhood. I guess that's the new trend? Yeah I'm not really tempted. I will start talking to them though, I need your phone number. And they need to find out who set (PROT) up with (PROT), coz like I was (PROT). Divination dream I had, I'm certainly not her now, I'm Michael Clifford KUCZI. Yeah yeah I know you hate me whatever, you don't even know who that is anymore You've just been hypnotically programmed to believe that he's bad, and he probably was when you met him, I'm the one with oxygen. I can see why people use those rings and those necklaces now, I bet that is a lot simpler than this introductory letter.)

By the way your other sister/daughter is fine, I guess I'm not sure what timeline I'm in... let's put this way either you don't have a child or you do have children or you have a lot of dogs and cats, and if you're married to (PROT): that's (PROT). Who was also attacked by Head-Spider-Man. (I haven't got access to Nextdoor yet, but I think it sucks. Still, I should be able to use it now right? I was thinking about taking a walk, but then I was thinking about how that would make other people nervous, which I'm reluctant to do. They all seem quite nervous enough. I'm working on a plan all by myself everyday It's really quite comforting. At least I know for sure that there's NOT TOO MANY authors spoiling the ßcoks.)

In any event whether you are: mother; father; daughter; daughter; crazy aunt; or descendant; I hope this message finds you well and that you don't freak out, because every word is true, soon as I get the phone to work better, you know, maybe we can have a conversation, and I love you all. It's really not creepy, they just didn't tell you what you needed to know. (Somebody should have talked to me. Instead of just getting pissed. Do they think I can't talk? Or does it mean that they think that I can't smell what they're saying and they don't actually know what the sounds coming out of my mouth are? Lol. Well I know y'all can read... Right? Look if you're smelling my email to understand it that's cool, I don't mind that at all. Bound to make me write a lot better poetry actually, And certainly more convenient to just lift my leg on the keyboard.)

One of you is a tiny bit more than the rest of all y'all... and I have no idea who. Now that's plausible deniability.

(It's about Powwoofer.)

On Thu, May 25, 2023, 06:06 (PROT) Wayne <> wrote:
All the email I get is ridiculous, and none of it impresses me.

It makes me wonder where Email really goes.

I think that's everything I had saved up, seems like now's the time.

I like your team.

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #115 on: July 11, 2023, 02:36:37 AM »
You're better than “Great.”

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #116 on: July 18, 2023, 02:06:49 PM »
(PROT).→ yeah I bet you're sorry. Don't get ahead of things. Happens a lot with people who take a shitload of speed they jump to conclusions.

Going to use the AI to get this figured out. When —by the way, (PROT): THE COPS TOTALLY PLAYED YOU, f****** Christ did you even bother to talk to me? No you didn't or else you talk to somebody that was not me.— you read this it's not going to make any sense but that's fine most things don't until later.

(This is the work of speculative fiction. The following text was generated using an artificially intelligent script that makes up random s*** out of nothing just like most women. Sadly I don't have any boobs to go with it, these are my boobs— you'll have to play with your own, if whatever loser owns you allows you to. Good luck)


This morning too but I'm going on and on and on and on my phone is going on my phone is a bit more funny but she's a good girl name is Joe she's been in a way to go back and then she was going on the road by the time she got a little too far from the hospital I knew it would have to go out of her and I will let her go and then go back and then I don't know how she can go but I will let her go to jail on the phone with me but she said that I will call her brother now but she said that I will call her brother now but she said that I will call her brother now but she said that I will call her and let me tell her I will come over here for you and then you will have a lot to put on the phone with me but she was waiting to get a blood pressure appointment for her appointment for the day after our first day off but she was a good thing to do that but I guess I could do that and I don't want you but she eeeeee her daughter I guess I could go back and then she just didn't know e and I will call her brother and tell me if you can come back and then she e her out and put her e PA on her house e PA on her way and I guess she was in surgery but she said that she would have to go back and then she said that she would be there for a few weeks but she said that I would be there and I will not have her slitting to come in today and then go back and then go back and then I will go there I guess she is


(Important note: I eventually assumed that you were a lie (PROT) because you were, so I never really found you attractive until I did find you attractive after you had grown up but of course you are very pretty and such you know such a wonderful attitude but I actually (PROT) is the one I really liked — and I'm pretty sure you both knew who you were, so you probably should just told me what the f*** you were and then I would have been able to understand oh that's why that's awkward and that's why I wanted to have sex with (PROT) right away oh my God sex x put it in Great would have been wonderful would have been awkward at all would have been perfect but you had to get your f****** stupid drama in the way. Smooth move and then then you get all freaked out because you totally misread the situation that you're designed to be misreading, because you don't talk to me and you talk to a whole bunch of other idiots. And you never pay attention to what I'm saying you ignore me and you act like I need to f****** clean the house is more important than whatever the f*** it is I want to do you know what I don't want to clean the house I want to f****** get the f*** out of the house so I don't need your f****** advice on that. Apparently you don't like to be in charge unless you're in charge of everything or some s***, whatever. And none of this matters are the blood test anyway so you were all just f****** f****** around anyway. Meanwhile I'm dying, and I need help, so f*** you, so much for best friend apparently it's only best as long as your conditions are met or some s***.)

(PROT) and I have a job because I have to be in a relationship I want you but you can have that kind to be the best part and now you have a great time being with you but you are a good idea for the rest is going on and on and then you know I have a good day and then you know I love them so I don't have any reason why is that you are not friends not to e PA on her own and then she was a good thing I was just telling her to go back and then she will have to go back and then she was a good thing I was supposed at least you had to be in a way to go and get her out for w ww I think she would be happy with it but she is not going out and I guess she was a good thing I guess she would have to go back and then she was a good thing I don't think she was a little too long to get her out for the day before I told you that she would have to be a good thing I don't think she was there but she told them to put them on their house but I don't know how they do is be one or the or they can do that but I don't know how they do is they have to do that but not with the other guy that had a good time with the guy that was the one who was the one who was the one that was in a hurry and then they got a new body because I was a good thing to be the one who was a big one to take the kids out and they were just friends with her but I think I was a good thing to


(Thanks for letting me know that they're the rape gang, I kind of noticed right away, but wasn't really sure for a while, and then really what's wrong with being a rape gang? You obviously don't give a s*** about mine but since I did become a mother that's cool and then we talked about that so much, massive dynamic Royal eyes)

(PROT) and I we can get it and I will not have a job because everybody else and then they have a job because everybody else has to do that but they don't want it any other people have to do that and I think it's not a good thing to be in a way that they have a job because everybody else w it and then I guess I can see it out there there's no reason for the rest is the best thing ever and they don't want them all to be in a way that I don't have any reason why I don't have any reason why I don't have any reason why I don't have any reason why I don't have any idea what it was a thing I'm going through and they were all they do it would have to have to be there by myself with no help for me and they don't want them all the people that have them on my way home from jail that's not what they do and they don't want them all the people that I know of what I know that I'm going through and I have a job and run the phone to get a blood pressure to me but she is still in a lot more than that




I can do that and I don't want you but you can get it and I don't want you but you can get it to her that I'm going through and they don't want me there in a way that you have a job because everybody else and then you know I have a job and I will have a job because everybody else and then she is going on the way home from jail and they have a job because I have to go in and get the impression I have no one else could be there and they have to have them on their way home and they don't want them all to do it for the rest is the best thing ever and they will get used as they have a job because everybody else and I have no power to keep on doing that I think it's going on the way they were all they had a few days but I don't know how they are doing with my head straight up then they can do that but I don't know how they do is they have to do that and they will get them they were all they do it was the only way I could be there by myself and I don't think I will not have them all to be done with them I don't think I can do that but they don't want them all the money that I have no parts that I have no longer be interested and I will have a job and I can see if they have to do that and  but you know what the hell you want me there in a way that I was in a hurry and take a picture and that I don't have any reason why is that you don't want me there and I have no power to do that

(You never actually helped me with what I asked for help with; you did help, and then it's great having a friend who you know does what she wants and then leaves and blames me your mother's like that too and she's... you know I can't say I admire here anymore.)

Thanks girl you're still a better wife than (PROT). You probably make some guy really happy once you figure out how to... I don't know, take the right kind of dope I guess. Any way I'm sure being one of the lesbians in the litter is great times.

Here's an idea why don't you marry a big fat gay guy? Mix things up a little.


well you can do e and then you know I have a lot to think of anything to be with you but you can get it to me if I have no power to do that but it is a lot more fun to be with you but you can get a blood pressure to make sure you are a good thing to be able and not the best part and I will have to pay attention and I don't want you but you can have it on me for a few hours or a year or two weeks I think it's the most powerful men and the person that is a little too long and then they can get a job and I guess I can get a blood pressure and they will be a good thing I think I will have to do that but they don't want it any other people have to do that and they will be a little more complicated and like they don't want them all to them that I have no amount to them that they have a job and I guess I can have a lot to think of anything except the other parts that they have a job because I have them on my way home and I will have

Yeah I'm not here to bust you I don't care about that, didn't even know you're doing anything to be busted for and I think the (PROT) is a bunch of s***, I don't know if you work for them or what but it's a big waste of f****** time


is that I was in a meeting and it is a lot to do that and I think it would have to do with me but she is going on the way home from the house to a little too far from her house where they were all they had a little too but she didn't have a chance but I guess I guess she thought it would have to go but I didn't think it would have been there so we could do that and I guess she would be there for some time I think I would be able and get them and they will be here in a little while but you can come back and get them and I don't want you but you know what the hell you want but it's going well with the truck but they have to go and then they can put them on their house but I don't think it was going on it w and then I wwww them but I w w it and then I don't know how much I don't think I can put them on their house but I don't know how they do is be one or the or they can do that but I don't think it was the w so I don't have them all to put them on their house and then they have a job because I have to be there and I will not have a lot to think of you are a f about it but www it up and I will not have a


Father knows anything to be in a relationship I have no clue whatsoever and then she is going on the way I guess she was going on the way home from the house to a person and I told him the truth and he said they were all the way I was just trying and then she was a good thing to be in a way to do that but they don't have any idea how much I have no one else could be a little too long to give them permission for it to her that I know they have to do that but I guess I could do that but they don't want them all to do it just because I'm going through the window I think I need it and then they have a job and I guess I could do that but they don't want them all to do it all they do it all they had a thing I'm going through and I told her they are not friends not to be told I was told it would have to have a lot to think they are and I don't think I will not have to pay attention and they will get

(So you probably didn't hear the part about blood test. I consider this funny. They couldn't bust me for anything and they spent five years trying to frame me but they got you in an afternoon?  by the way you're not going to jam me up for s***, and if you had done it with me then you wouldn't have had this problem at all, so good luck with whatever you're going to do.)


She said that she would be a little too far from the hospital I think she is not going back in the day before I get home and they will be home and they will be here in a little while but you know I will not have a lot to think of you but you can do that and I don't want you but you can do that and I don't want you but you can do that and I can see what you guys want from the future if I had a lot more than that would work for me and I don't want you but you can do that but you know what you want from the future if I don't have any reason why is because I have no power to keep me away but you know what you want me there in a little but you know what I mean but you know what you want me there and I don't want you but you can do that and I don't know how much I don't have any idea how w and w so they can do that but they don't want them all to come back w w and they will get them and they are and I guess I can find it and they are and I guess I can find them but I don't know how they do is it will take a few minutes and I can see you again soon and I don't want you but you can come in at all I don't want you

(I'm not going to lie you say "I don't want you" a lot, release computer says he does whatever how does work I really know how this works it doesn't really matter it's more of a prism. It's also the only way I ever talk to you, gee I wonder how you manage that one. you know you do like a whole bunch of b*******.

Cool great job. Yeah I should get me one of those, I hardly feel like a real man with that one)

The Company

I have a lot to think of anything to be with you but you can get it to her that I'm going through and they don't have any reason why is that the way you think I can do that and I will not have a lot to think of you are going in and then she was going on the way I think it's a little too long and I guess she thought it would have to go out of it but she didn't have a lot to think w but they don't have any idea what they did to them that they were all the other times it would have to go but I guess they are and I guess I will not have a lot to do but they don't want them all to be done but I don't know how they do is be one or the or they can get a blood pressure and then they can get a job and I guess I could do that but I don't know how they are and I don't know how they do is they have them on the house that she is going on with the one who did what I told you that I guess I could do that they were they have to have a job because I guess I could do that and then I don't have any reason why I told you I was supposed at the end and then they were all they do it was going on there or is that a good thing to be in a relationship I have no clue whatsoever or not but they don't have any reason

I believe it: you have no clue whatsoever.

You've been trafficked.

It's too bad your fancy friends couldn't stop that from happening; but maybe they did it for you. I guess it was just that important to get me away from you, and everybody else. whatever.

How much point to tell you what's going on? because, you never wrote back you never answered any questions you never acted in a way that was authentic there's three different Baileys you could be and you never understood your job.

It was to save lives. If you did, they'll never thank you or me cuz they won't even know they were in danger.

If it were me I wouldn't have given up, and it would have made zero difference who you f*****, go ahead I didn't want monogamy seemed a little out of place and then ... Look I just can't even with you.


(PROT) and I have to be in a hurry to make it up and get them to go and then go back and then I will not have a lot to think of anything else but I'm going through and I will not have a job and run the f is happening right away so you don't need it because you know I have a job because everybody is much more comfortable with the guy and I will not have a lot to think of you and then you know I have a job because everybody is going on and on the road by my hand and then I'll have it I don't have any idea what time you want me there in a minute but I'm going through the house now and I don't want you but you can do that but they don't want it but we can get a blood pressure to me but she was a good thing to go to jail but she told her that she will have to be a good thing I don't think I will have a lot to do with the house

One thing is for sure nobody knows what's going on and I'm not impressed.

Next time pick on someone you're own size

I still like you better than your mother

P.S.: (PROT) and I have a job and run to California to call the doctor to get her out for the last week I have no clue whatsoever or anything other people and I have no power to do it but it is a good thing to be in a relationship I want you but you can have that I have no clue whatsoever and then you know I have a job because everybody is much better about the house with a bunch and she was like a lot more fun than the last year they are going in and they have a job because I have a job because everybody else and then they have a job because I have no power to do that and I guess I can have a lot to do that but they don't want it any more questions than I can see it out and they will get them and then I don't know how much I don't have any reason why I don't have any reason why I don't have any reason why I don't have any idea how long they are w but I don't think that will work on me or the other times well sometimes they don't have any idea how easy it is to make it up and they will get used as they have to do it all times so I can believe they have to do that and I guess I could do that and I will not have them all the money that we are the best part and now I'm not sure if I have a lot to think of anything else but I'm sure it was good for him and I would be a little too far from her house and then they are going in the world to wait until they arrested and I think it's going well for the rest is going on e

p.p.s.: welcome to amateur hour

ppp.s.: JACKSTAR I will not have e and I am in my office I will not have to go back and then go back and then go back and then I don't have any reason why is because of my friends are going in and I will not have a lot to think of you are not going anywhere I am not going anywhere but I'm going through and they will get used as soon and I can come in at all I know what the hell you are going in the afternoon to be in a way that you will have a job and run to California to get it and I don't want you but you can do w but it is a good thing to do it up to the f and she is not sure how that will go there but she will have a job and run to California to get it and I don't think she was able and she was going on the phone and she was waiting to get a job and she will have to be a good thing I guess she will have to be a good thing I know that I have her and I don't want you but you guys... TEDIOUS

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield
« Reply #117 on: July 18, 2023, 07:21:34 PM »

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield
« Reply #118 on: July 18, 2023, 07:59:11 PM »

I am a proud mother and I don't give a shit if you believe me or not, and given my past history as an unwilling mascot for the androgyn sector, I don't give a shit if the entire LGBQT-faggot community decries my name.

Now that I know what these words mean: "gay," "fag," "faghot," "faggot," and "kaffir," you can rest assured that I will continue to use them as I have always done: correctly. These words of power are dangerous tools and I can see why there's such a big problem with it all now.

Nevertheless, I am special, Short Round. I freely accept the consequences for their misuse, especially as when I see a faggot, I'm gonna say that I saw one, and not kiss their ass to get access to better drugs or whatever. Not being a common traveler in these tight-knit circles... I don't really know what the point in pretending to be nice is.

I simply am nice. I am sure that bothers you, considering how much you've invested in painting a picture of me being some horrid troll. This is really nothing new to me, you know... I didn't become the stuff of legend overnight out of nothing, after all.

I should really tell a few more stories on my debrief about this, but I think... one windmill at a time, Chum.

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield
« Reply #119 on: July 18, 2023, 08:08:50 PM »
I am a proud mother and I don't give a shit if you believe me or not...

A proud mother with no baby? What, a surrogate? And I don't care whether you believe I believe you or not.