Author Topic: ★Gab: ENDGAME  (Read 14446 times)

« Reply #75 on: April 24, 2023, 06:18:29 AM »
a carpetbagging attention whore and a narcissist.

I'm hurt.

« Reply #76 on: July 26, 2023, 07:14:54 PM »
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kevin “what is the difference between a pseudonym and an alias, any way?” (Space(PORT)^[PROT]/Sike·Oh Con–ecks–sick) (sic) ; It is with great news that I write this to you now, although I do somewhat regret the use of archaic nomenclature. It is hoped no one is offended; the intent is to ensure precise, yet still plausibly deniable positive ID without ruffling any feathers.

(Mr. House Of Cards gets a separate message, if he even wants one. I don't know if Grapefruit is or was on her (sic) shitlist. She said some horrible things, and I didn't agree with her, and frankly... that's where The Schism began. But, enough about factory fabulously talented industry professionals; let's focus on why we're here... you and your spouse; with me not on the side. Because decorum, and probably no other Early reason.)

Not that that doesn't sound a totesdelight, but avoiding foreign entanglements... well, it's kind of automatic now given that it's been so many days since I've had a bath that even the French are turning their noses up at me... which is, of course, by design.

Obviously, no one is able to find me attractive. Right? Good, let's get down to actual reality and not fantasyland, and without the threat of an ensorcelled Mel Gibson breaking into my home on horseback to kill me no longer relevant.. because that sounds awesome, I would totally let that one come through, without realizing... I don't know enough about what that would go in reality. Do I know that business? Hell no. Did That_Woman? No ..  and Her_Secrer_Husbands don't either. Really, they were just doing their best. Against... A. TITAN. It was an obvious set-up. Impossible to behave normally with that kind of garbage humbug going on. I think it's done now. Dunno; I'm still stampeding, not just as a precaution, but because doing the actual driving then forward is way more exhilarating than merely hearing the lamentation of the women. The Cimmerian was kind of a twerp, honestly. (Arnold could take him now. With the bald spot and all. Conan can't even read. Pfft.)

I think Mel Gibson is cool. However, I must remain alive. So ... why even mention him or this, right? Well, just to let him back out of the deal without looking like a pussy. You know how he and R. Crowe are. I don't want any trouble. And I am horrified at how the attempts to start trouble have developed.

And all because I suggested that some assholes on another planet talk to me, before threatening my friends with extradition. “For questioning.” ON ANOTHER PLANET. I'm not gonna lie, Alpha Draconans are really fucking mean.

Still— I'm not letting any of my friends be abducted again, I never did, and frankly... I had no idea Ceryaun_Things were even happening. Your concerns, now recognized. Your paranoia; likely non-existent.

Your family: Secure. Don't sweat what happened to mine, they were mostly scum anyway. My -real- family wasn't ever allowed to know who I was, nor I them, which makes sense, considering what an uncouth specimen my father represented. I can hardly blame those Eastern Star Carpetbaggers from thinking our genomic expression corrupted. Well— it's not. So relax. Women are all nuts, every last one of them, and the ones that wanna breed me are already working up the courage to change their name to Blakely. (Beretta was framed. Just sayin’.) Obviously, best to nip that kind of this thing in the bud, although I remain mostly opposed to involuntary circumcision.

At least, I can understand how that shit can happen now. Earth: it's really a totesjungle from top to bottom, inside and out, and no wonder there's a Smithsonian, amiright? Like, wow. The ol’ platypus is just the top of the deep down iceberg. And George Noory, the man... why, he's an unsung hero, fire reasons I won't go into. Even the show doesn't suck. It's on the air, it sorta makes money... it's kept Uncle Duke knifing me in the orbital and planting LSD on y house... George is alright. I don't need to talk to him. Or anyone. And really... I never did.

However, just between you and me, I don't know how you managed to keep it all together. You are an immensely admirable and honorable man, and that is no fucking bullshit, Ser— just accept honest praise for once. I'm Hungarian, so you can dismiss it as a fluke at Medieval Pancake Times the next time you get called for Hang The Jury duty, or whatever you call it. And I am honored by all measure to know that I believed in you when no one else did. Not because you're wealthy... but because you are awesome, and I have integrity, and I have to learned skills from you I could never attain anywhere else. And, zero tuition fees. Also I don't sell people out like a common hood rat hooligan. Cool. I wasn't kidding, and you probably thought I was just talking shit, but no, I meant it. Thank you for the training, keep it up, by your command, Commander. Long story short: it's not you, it was me. Now, sadly, I can't just volunteer to be saddled with a rape charge, oh no. They have seen fit to nail me to the wall for “indecdent exposure,” which I find hilarious, and unlike any other charge, I can spill my guts on that one. (Does Mr. Ruebens have a daughter or a sister? I HAVE NO IDEA! 🥸) And when I find out exactly which of those reprobates did what I now know they did, why ... I'm grateful I know seven extra-solar planetary bodies they can be renditioned to. Diego Garcia simply isn't black enough for some.

Now, I don't think you can agree openly with what I'm saying, nor do I seek any endorsement of yours. I'm here merely to say... oh, you know, a bunch of word salad. And my, these croutons — they're so plausibly crunchy. And absolutely tasty, n’est-ce pas? (My favorite flavor is maggot. It has authentic resonance now, I'm not gonna lie, and I'm a stampeding double Taurus now. I don't need flavors. Licorice still great for the magical benefits, of which you know nothing, Punyling. Don't worry about it. I'm still human enough to remember those I love. ALL THE WAY LOVE, UPGRAYYYDE.) I would love to be, you know... specific? But Kid Cherub is already gonna meltdown. He things this is his site. He thinks he's... like, all that.

Do you want him gored? Or processed as cud? No promises. Can't say for certain I won't get raped by Zeus tomorrow morning, maybe another labyrinth needs another MC at center maze. /shrug

I'm not exaggerating too much, but I'd be fibbing if I didn't mention: I'm a little on edge since we last spoke... and rumors have spread. I guess. I don't really know what's happening anymore. I've been driven very slightly... oh, let's say “bonkers,” not because I am, it's just fun to type the word. Reminds me of “boinking” and that is great because that's all close as I'm getting to sexual congress for quite some time. (Too many cooks.) And I'm taking you here in public, because you know exactly what this all means.

Remember: I have no PROFESSIONAL career at stake. I can take a lot of extra heat at this point, if needs must be. I would prefer not to, but the calculous has changed dramatically since last we spoke. For example, I now outrank Azazel in the Angelic Realms, and yeah, I mean that Actual Being. He's worse in reality. Total bastiche, for serious. However... I am not a corrupted Paladin.

And Azazel is not a mouthy Oompa-Loompa diagnosed with schizophrenia. HANDLED .

I have answers that you have sought; and, I can give them to you gratis. Recompense for my services are neither sought nor expected. As they say, “You're money’s no good here!” With me, that is doubly-true. No matter what is to come... you don't owe me a damn thing, nor I you, my good Ser.

This is not merely for plausible deniability. This is, at least partially, your spouse (as well as other Maximum Echelon Personalities, but obviously I don't know them or give a shit) are wanted on at least seven (7) planets of The Galactic Federation — not just rocky, fucked-off glorified asteroids, either, like Pluto or Krypton or whatever the fuck. Like, real planetary civilizations. Out There. No longer pissed at you, or your family. Heavens, no. Your reputation: restored. You're welcome.

They are, however, quite upset with me, because instead of selling you and your spouse out, no matter who she/he is or was or mayhap to will have been, I mean, do I even know if you're married? Fuck no Ser. I do not. Anyway, I changed the Laws regarding such matters and now I'm A#1 target of their ire. Fuck them. Terrorism from any source deserves swift reprisals; expolitical ones, so much the Swifter. (Fuck you Tim, Tom, Tam, Todd, and Terence — Percival can hand all of you your asses all day. CLANDO REQUEST APPROVED. I don't even know what I just rubber stamped! But it wasn't to call him “Percy,” that is for goddam sure. Now show some respect, Minions. Pretend like anyone is gonna care who you were after Council is done with you lot. Pfft.) See? I'm not an uncouth diplomat... I'm simply busy stampeding. Most people think it's an improvement, I think. Does it matter? Nah. I'm barely holding my sanity together, just along for the ride.

Galactic Federation. What a bunch of nonsense. Except! Hark! It's a euphemism. Trust me Ser; you will always be my superior and my mentor but you should know: cool it, hating on Kûçzï is costing you future market share. People know I don't hate you... and some could not understand why. Well, I'll tell them why: typographic errors notwithstanding. And proofreading ends now; as you know... I have an actual life. And: my own Legacy. Kisses!

Well, because you're awesome and taught me everything important I've ever known and enabled my rude to Titanhood, of course. Naturally, this comes off as unbelievable nonsense to absolutely everyone. Deniability, most plausible. Looking insane, for me at this point, why ... that's simply yet another tactical advantage for me to exploit.

What's that? Cease and desist? Ser, I beg your pardon .. I am in Trample Mode. I don't even know how to stop it. Why would I? I care so little for consequences in my future, I'm outside practically a double Aries! (Also handled, but her mother is quite aggrieved. Not sure what to do about it, so... look, not your problem, okay? Just don't sneak out the back... Head held high, Ser. Never doubt that I am the Abel that needs no spelling nor slaying and I can goddam slaughter myself if it comes to that, and feed the whole of Washington's dorks at Valley Forge. If I had to. I don't wanna. Elm bark is actually pretty good eats to tell you the truth. And that winter they spent .. “Oy vey! It's so cold! The English Monarchy, so mad! Oh, dear, hey, we have weed, right? Redcoats BTFO!” It's amazing how chatty old dead war heroes get when passing through a graveyard... under Appropriate Circumstances.

They tried to declare me incompetent to stand trial, and instead, proved that I was a brilliant man behaving with candor and aplomb under exceptionally difficult circumstances. Then they turned me over to The Jesuits, to whom I had –already– surrendered. This Court is adorable. Harrys, plural, both potter and stone? They would fit right in. And while that may sound disrespectful, coming from me... it's not, and everyone involved goddam well knows it. They can't forget. Those wagons didn't circle themselves, that's for sure.

And I warned them about everything, except the demons, extra-terrestrials, intergalactic space pirates, and The Cracking of The Firmament. I guess... I was supposed to look that crazy immediately? Yeah, well, I'm not actually in incompetent. And, I did try to hire a lawyer. I was not allowed.

Number one: Jesus handled it. (Imagine the stigmata.) Number two, an attorney would have billed me a la carte for a trial... as it stands, they can't even afford to print out name tags for voir dire. Good. Fuck them. They would have just been robbed by more Oompa-Loompas, and then would have had to have found More Thinly Veiled Legal Pretexts. These people down here, the honesty Citizenry... they couldn't handle it. They don't see what's going on here quite yet, and it's not my job to shelter them from The Truth. (It's my job to do and to pretend to die in time for the deus ex machina to descend from Heaven, or whatever these local yokels believe. The whole dDark Craft infrastructure in this County is fully corrupt from to to bottom, stem to stern, and I mentioned Stampede Mode, right? Scumbags are terrified. Honest, Patriotic American citizens, U.S. OF. A., that is..  have a fighting chance.

Also I'm don't want to be a public icon. Not yet. I wanna start injecting steroids into my scrote before the statues begin to be commissioned. My friends’ offspring will not wish to be embarrassed. I gotta look more steer than cow, you dig? I don't wanna just get syphilis and squeak by on a technicality. That just seems sensible to me.

That it does not to anyone else is thankfully being seen as “eccentricism” and not “a psychotic break with reality.” Do you remember that totesbattle totesaxe, the one who seemed surprised trust I had never read The Unabomber’s Manifesto? She also seemed surprised that I don't have a Manifesto. IDGAF. I imagine she'll be surprised to learn that I'm a highly covered strategic military resource, as well as an honest and loyal American Citizen, AND I DO MEAN U S OF A., BIZNATCH, so thankful, I don't really know if that person recert existed. Probably just an imposter? Because no one could be that goddam stupid as to actually be upset with me for not producing a manifesto... when all they needed was to fill out a standard requisition form.

However, I can't send to to another planet for “questioning” or “an attitude adjustment,” because I'd like to be left in peace when this is done, not forced to travel from town in different disguises like a certain “Doctor Bruce Banner.” I'm not a danger to the public, and I won't be painted as such... which is easy to say until the first teen hottie gets taken away to Altair Six. Like Elian Gonzalez, right? I wouldn't just never get laid again, I would never be able to buy so much as a bowl of soup. Anyway, long story short: “You wanted to see nuts? I'll show you nuts.” I do deliver, that's is no doubt... but I don't deliver human bodies. Or souls. Or even scalps. That tried to blame me for fucking everything, right? lol. That hardly seems fair to everyone else who had a turn at True Villainy.

(Yeah, she tried to sell me out too. She was *that* desperate. Also: her Lodge security was utterly corrupt and probably had been since before we were all born. Now, aren't you glad I booted you from my own pristine Shop? See, now you can join again with a plus one. You can hire photogs. I'll even let you jump up and down on a crystal goblet or throw a side of spagb against my Mother's portrait. At this point, anything goes, rnen such as you and I ... We have class.) Nevertheless. I told these galcivs to stop pestering you, especially you as you have suffered enough, IMHO, and I'm in position to know... and if any “Galactic Civilization” cares to recognize Austria and ignore Hungary, well... they will think better of it next time.

I know this sounds like totesbulllshit but that is largely due to my complete lack of a important career in industry, and my gleeful happiness in being conveniently positioned to solve a problem before it gets worse. Oh, look, how still droll, I look retarded. Whatevah. I don't time to bleed -or- fap, haters can hate dey own ‘sef. (People hating Jackstar, ok, get in line, Maggots.) The advantages of handling my own publicity seem quite obvious now, right?

And the satisfaction in handing BOTH (2!) dwarfs (5’1”) have been, I have found, to be well worth the trouble. It's probably never going to matter, but I will never ever forget how good it feels... to rescue them AND to violate their consent. Not because it's akin to rape... but because they didn't think I could do it. They in fact, baited me into it.

And I did not get infected with either the Rape Virus, nor the Pædo Fever. That shit can happen, yo. It's scary. And I never want to have to put up with that kind of inquiry again. Watching people that I had known for twenty years, suddenly looking at me with fear, I didn't need telepathy to know their thoughts. It was as plain as day on their faces. They just couldn't be sure anymore... since their children suddenly find out who I was and talked about marrying me when they grew up. Some of them, at the dinner table, I reckon. Just imagine the dawning horror: “but why not, Dad?” Ugh. Just ugh.

Obviously if I had been trying to corrupt youth I would have to be, you know, a verified homo. Or at least a Russian. As I was and am neither, well ... it's perhaps impolite to laugh, but if there is no law against selling one's kids on the block in Dubai on the double-smart in order to save them from the attentions of Ye Ol’ Jackstar... well, for one thing, my parents are embarrassed enough already.

And, my friend, of whom you may know of by reputation at least in passing... well, I don't want to hurt her feelings. She thinks she's still smart, poor dear. And once she found out, that I would have been happy to play along .. with a signed consent contract, like adults do nowadays, well, she dug in her heels. She wants the Full Butrafucco Experience, and I won't ever. (Because Paladin. Not like it wouldn't be fun, or that she can comprehend grown-up concepts anymore, or if ever.) And you know how dames are.

Especially this one. “Why did he rape her, and not me? Aren't my tits big enough? I'll show him,” and before anyone can even blink, is Lizzie Borden putting a bunny in a pot. Ugh. Just ugh. Worst part is, on the right kind of dreary Saturday... I won't lie. Almost sounds fun, but for the dry cleaning bill. And also: PEOPLE LOOK UP TO ME ALREADY, lol. Besides, she doesn't wanna be brutally raped. She wants Me to do it her way, and I swear... she doesn't even know what that is anymore. And she thinks I have to go to prison for it, or, at least a trial. Honestly, I have no idea about some of it, because it's not my area, as you know.

However, I could be perhaps coaxed. Especially after her parents have kicked the bucket. I know the feeling. And I can tell... she wants to get off for realsies only after her parents are safely departed to the Afterlife. Sounds good to me. But I don't want them to die early... that spoils it for me.

Truly it is the most fragile of alliances. Yet, that is okay: diplomat. Trained diplomat. That's why I very politely declined to freak out or call you a nutter over some of those questions that one time. I get it now. Well, that's why it's Hollywood, right? Because of California Aristocracy. Hoi polloi just can't even, I get that now.

Hey, did I mention that Richard Groyper raped me in the Astral plane a couple times? My shield was confused..  it want really a threat, and, did it violate consent or not? Well, a bit of a legal grayb area. No matter, really: he was really small. And it had to be done. And I respect the man otherwise ... really it's not his fault, the Rape Virus is real. And really, who else could I have picked? Well... someone either loyal or classy, I guess. The nig won't even have a drink with me. And seems disappointed I'm not impressed with who else he may have or might not be raping. Jesus! Oh, right, Jesuit initiates are dealing with their own corruption issues. That's too bad.

Commander ser: at this point, no one even knows who hasn't been raped... they just know that I'm off-limits. That's really all I wanted. Grapefruit told me she needed protection. Okay, well, she is protected now. Too bad she didn't think to mention, “uhm, there's actually a thing called “Astral planar rape” and some other stuff too, come here, let's play some miniature golf and have a conversation.” oh no. Instead: vaguely stated concerns and the obvious subtext that she didn't think I was gonna be anything more than a speed bump.

Awkwardly, I can't speak to her about anything yet, but that's okay: I am sure she is quite taken aback, as well as, certainly appreciating the bonus miles for that “healing journey.” Out of respect, I'll say no more more as I can't tell talk to her directly, because, all together now:

“IT'S AN EMERGENCY, OH LAWDY LAWDY, WHERE IS JUDGE CHICKEN LITTLE, TO HELP US CIRCLE THESE WAGONS? OH MY LAWD, WHAT WILL WE DO WITHOUT HIS ON-HER-CHC-LITTLE-BIRD???!” And so on. Oh, wait! This is Court. I better be more respectful. Not just “and so on,” but instead... et cetera.

That lingerie gal? Surprise, I know her. Wasn't sure at first... rather something of a conflict of interest, right? Oh, not this time. BECAUSE REASONS. Nevertheless, I actually did like her... and I knew by that point I was going to chew through their staff. Haven't seen her for awhile..  she actually did her job, and got out early. Will probably keep her career. Wasn't being teased... she is my type of gal. She actually helped me, because it was her responsibility as a Servant Of The Public Trust. Seems like the only one there, honestly.

I think they have one witch and one small dog in a basket attached to a bicycle running the door down there, never they couldn't get their robojudges to work right with me around. I guess... that was the plan? Replace all human judges with holographic simulacrums, and murder key citizens in positions of power before anyone notices that The Prosecutor is actually a Speak ‘N’ Spell? Whatevah VB.

Suffice to say — everyone was so goddam happy to discover that I'm not, uh... someone else, right? And I wasn't covering for him. Like, I didn't even know it was gonna take TWELVE YEARS to build a case, but, they did, and without me? They'd still have nothing. They already have nothing! The perp is an Alpha Draconan! I already booted off the planet! NINE TIMES! Seriously! I'm that badass! No autographs, please ... besides. God did it. I was just witnessing. And... it was necessary to violate my civil rights, oh, of course. Good thing I'm, you know, Specially Privileged and shit, with a harmless sense of humor. Not like Uncle Duke. He'd hold down one of those robo judges for me if we had to rewrite its code. Forget The Asset: THESE TRAITORS WERE WILLING TO RAPE THE WHOLE COUNTRY, JUSTICE SYSTEM FIRST. Fortunately, I'm just off my meds, right? I just read King Lear too many times, yeah, that's the ticket. *sigh* I won't mention the problem, because I'm not a rapist, and though I have a working dick and I am a star... I'm not a Starbuck, Stardick, or a Shardik. (That last one I don't get, but I'm happy to include it here. Because, you get it.) Al as o I would like to to be assured; I didn't call George, not a single time. Not did I call That_Daughter, NOR WOULD I EVER. And not because you would kill me, but because that would have been wrong to do.

I do not chase clout. NOW, I AM CLOUT. And you and yours will always be My Commander. This is no game. Groyper and his gang of retard-⁵-ohs really did almost piss away the whole country, you know? Good thing I was there to save you, Bellgab. By the way: I fucking own them all now. They simply don't know it yet.

And I have delivered them unto You, My Liege. Now, go on. Just try to deny it... that is fuckin’ Fealty. Eh? Eh? Oh, that's right. You can't be confirming things in public or your lawyer will have a literal conniption. Well, I don't want that. (You may, but remember: I'm neutral. And lawyers are hard to find these days, when I am involved. They do jelly, they don't get to drink beer at work, haha, losers.) Now, I'm not sure where this is gonna go, but I wasn't even tempted. I did NOT destroy Bellgab.

And everyone knows, I am your Kraken, and you are their Zeus. Now, underbudget and over delivered, right? Don't tell me you love me. Everyone loves me now... tell me about how women tell you that have to stop sexual activity because they have to watch me on YouTube ... because, well, Richard Groyper did that once.

ONCE. We're even though, right? I mean... I didn't want to drink with him either, but at least I don't have to be snooty about it. Anyway, I like him best out of the other two dwarfs with dicks I know of. Keep him around. He's not cute, but he is harmless. To me. TOME.

(I want Wilcock &:J. Chris Stevens to be there with Ebenezer on his Christmas Ghostbust. Please, Hammer, don't hurt ‘im. He's just a poor, waif of a Slab. I can rebuild him into the Buttercup we will need one day. And I'll put him in a tutu and make him love it. So there.)

Remember: these are friend rices being thrown. He's, like, married, the? *polite wolf-whistle* This was MORE FARGIN’ WAR than any had DARED TO BARGAIN FOR. And I neither wish to boast nor complain when I tell you openly... I think dat dey all blowwwedd up now, Ser. (Note that is “blowed” with three double-use and is NOT a typo.) Also, I ignored all rational advice and did not retain legal counsel. I am legitimately unable to defend myself, legally. This is because the case has grown so complex that .. this is way, way, WAY over my head.

However, I did neutralize Richard Groyper. Any questions? Write then down with Crayola and give them to a spouse. He's brain-fried..  just doesn't matter yet. Because, you know: we're Allies. (BY YOUR COMMAND. Ser.)

Arguably it always was? Well... not at first, and I failed to take advantage of the available windows of opportunity to end this quickly and quietly... because someone, not you Ser, some other Agent or Agency... really, really, REALLY pissed me the fuck off. I forget who. Wouldn't tell a soul anyway. But still, I'm in Stampede Mode and I can't barely remember what planet I'm on, let alone, wanna take the time to remember who thought it would ... oh damn, The Tooth Fairy just came to remind me. *sigh* Excuse me while I trample these guys.

It's a very Divinely orchestrated stampede, I assure you. Personally, I would have wished another way were possible, but some insisted. And I won't lie: I'm a lover, not the sidekick to a hot gay/not_gay lumberjack. However, now that I’ve become an unstoppable juggernaut at the command of The Almighty.   I WON'T LIE, HEH.


I need not weep, for I have no enemies of mine own to conquer. David —all five of you, Joachim included— you have my undying respect, eternal gratitud, sincere respect, genuineadmiration... and absolute certitude that we are NOT friends. Not even close.

But it's possible. Nothing to worry about for you, anyway. And now, I DECLARE:

MY ENDGAME HAS REACHED ITS EPIC CONCLUSION. I still don't know what “her” endgame was... because now I know that there were, like... 38 of them? Seriously. I am not supposed to know this .  I just do. I think her hope might have been “I wanna live happily ever after and not have to deal with this corporate hellscape anymore.” It's impact for me to say— I am, of course... not ALLOWED to talk DIRECTLY to any of them... as even though the one that called the police was lying, it's still AN EMERGENCY and I can't reach out to any of the other dozen-odd that may or may not be AROUND.

I know this isn't on the LEVEL but I can assure you: if I told the whole Truth in public, these SQUARES would all collectively fall all over themselves on the way to the buckkket of Haterade, picking wild comfrey up along the way as they mosey themselves down field to the end pan yellow cake star zone. Wait, what am I saying?

AVOID FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS... but I was born here, and we are both Citizens, and one of them is my Squaw now. That's not an “entanglement.” The bond between one of them cheerleaders and myself is a sacred one... and, no, I don't need to ID her at all. Why? Did the destruction of Projects Looking Glass, Blue Beam, a couple others I choose not to remember, as well as the complete conflagration “someone” made of the BUNDLES OF GAY PIXIE STYX someone allowed the DEA to become (sad!) not persuasive enough? Good, because I wasn't trying to “persuade” anyone about anything.

But do please let all with eyes to see, take note: I am obviously not a cop, not a Fed, nor a Court-ordered reporter, nor am I a treasonous sexual deviant with a hunger for vulnerable child-flesh. I'm also not a lawyer, and that fact trust I'm correct AS WELL AS TOTALLY AWESOME is not meant to be perceived as legal advice.

O dear Court, in thy wisdom I beg of thee to percieve the truth of it: I don't give a shit what you do or decide, but please stop making my loved ones suffer needlessly. Also, I haven't received discovery yet, whatever you do will be an automatic mistrial, and out of all the women who had been playing me for years... I think I only really got along with seven or eight of them, at least three I never want to see again, two of them are terrified that they have impossible dreams that can never come true ... and yet, they have, as out of the four (4!) women who ambushed me that night, CHRISTMAS EVE—


But, because DEA is seemingly —or, was, hehe, haha— staffed exclusively by daft, steaming douchenizzles and reconditioned enema bag salesmen, just letting me go... or, telling me the truth, or, Heavens forfend, actually ADMITTING TO ME JUST HOW LONG THEY HAD COVETED MY DEMISE..  well, the life of a glorified stool pigeon on blast 24/7 must have, like... emboldened them or something, I guess?

Because, I swear to God and on my life that the following is true: either she or They,All Of had to do, was... ask me for the truth, and I would have told no lies... and you wouldn't have been able to keep your rent-free residency. You twerps had it all, except: the consent of The Spirits.

Because this place is haunted.

And The Spirits like me. They do not like you.

However, a deal is a deal. I tell them I need My Grapefruit, they know I'm not lying. They certainly can forgive her.

And, she and I don't need to tell any of you anything, not even name, rank, or serial number. Because your cops fucked up the collar, your attorneys fucked up the case, your deputies fucked up the chain of custody, and your out-of-towners just arrested me for “indecent exposure.” And this is after GIVING YOURSELVES 19 MONTHS TO BUILD A CASE OF ANY KIND AT ALL. Why, that's one month for every one (1) witch!

I tell you this, Yon Civil Servants, because I have respect for The Law... something it would seem that none of you have an understanding of any more. That's okay— I barely have an understanding of what it means to be a mere mortal any more, as while all of all y'all have been doing... whatevah, I HAVE LITERALLY BEEN REPLENISHING THE TREE OF LIBERTY WITH... something other than blood for once. Certainly not by myself, but I doubt any one else has “worked” on the Law down here as I have— not since Andy Griffith passed away, God rest his soul.

I'll be happy to tell you all about it once you've gotten your complimentary Sippy Cups For Great Justice all filled up with your daily mandatory (presumed) doses of either Soma or Grape Nehi poured out, because I honestly don't know what you're gonna do if I told you the truth: I've replenished Our Tree Of Liberty with A. Sourcerœr’s tears, various and sundry menstrual fluids, and I gave birth to a scion named Ashley, who did not live long –she was not expected to even exist, let alone survive long enough to use the phone to register with ECHELON/PRISM for a second voiceprint— and while it's not a “real” person... I'm just a lunatic off my meds with a dangerously creative imagination, right? Got a funny dialect, right? My civil rights don't count, but yours do... and I wasn't left pregnant and alone in a haunted church under military jurisdiction on a Native American battle- and burial ground during martial law and expected to be... like, consumed by a lizard-soldier that was supposedly gonna birth itself by boring through my anus and then consuming my corpse whole upon first molting, right?

Just some story I made up, right?

Look, you're not in trouble with me, because I am a human and I know mistakes are easy to make and we were all meant to make mistakes — it's all so implausible to be believed — extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, right? Well, that's where you're wrong, Kid Justice.

I am a mother; and I always will be, and IN NO OTHER WAY could I have survived, let alone, birthed a Royal changeling. Do you even know what that is? I don't know, but I sure do know that you know what's best for my goddam lovelife. Congratulations, by the way. I haven't talked to that beastly woman ever since the night “someone” stole her Wedding Fork. And, what of The Pink Pail? And, most importantly: who carried The Tao Piece away, and who hides it now?

Don't sweat it, dolls. I'm just teasing. I don't expect you to know anything about such matters. Just as I wouldn't expect you to know anything about non-criminal traffic violations, when of course as we all know by now, you're all secretly cultural anthropologists studying the “real” Keyser Soze.

Oh, the stories I could have told! Under oath! However, you fucked up and now you don't get to anymore. (Standards.) Really kind of a bummer for you because, Number One, that's one of my cousins. Imagine our similarities of odor in our flopsweat. And, Number Two... even if you had a case... you spent how much money on watching how many people sullenly watch me do..  what?

I guess, the same shit you folk do down here, with neither grace, style, wisdom, permission, or integrity. Meanwhile: I have served THE LORD in all things with no expectation of reward.

So, that's it then: take my balls. My body is ready. I don't need them, because I have still intact, what none of you ever even have come close to having: DIGNITY.

(also: I saved the life of my dumb doughnut and I could have done that a lot sooner as well... but I suppose y'all thought she was a lost cause. Well, she's not, and I'm fond of her. And she wasn't to blame for a goddam thing. I can't wait to tell her! Now, when is that pesky EMERGENCY gonna be over? Far be it from me, to tell thee or thine yon Courtly businesses, my noble Sirrahs.

Don't rush on my account. Frankly, the longer you take, the more of a bundle I'm saving on shoes. And Squaw says that with the resources y'all burned on teaching Hungarian Teat-Man “a lesson” and “how to show some respect,” she could have made your whole Godbllessed city enough moccasins, that Imelda Marcos would have rolled over and out right of her grave to get a tourist visa. Not to visit The Armpit Of The Colombia River, oh hell no.

She would have come to visit my friend. Who is a big deal. Who you, even now, feel it best that I have “NO CONTACT” with. Because EMERGENCY. Say hey, btw: did LBJ know how bad your EMERGENCY is today?

Because honestly, I'd give Ol’ Jumbo a quick peck on both cheeks at this point, just to see you demonstrate integrity under something other than a cloak of darkness. As if it was gonna put your citizenry in mortal peril to treat this poor Hungarian orphan, the bastsrd cast-off of poor sharecroppers hailing from The Other Rivertown with the kind of respect and consideration that the U.S. Constitution not only expects... BUT REQUIRES THAT YOU DO, IN YOUR CAPACITY AS SERVANTS OF THE PUBLIC TRUST.

I can see why everyone I knew did not tell me... no one was really sure I knew what I was doing. But obviously, I knew that something on the routes from Denmark smelled a little... fishy. Now, what was it that you were so concerned about? BTW, just for the halibut I resurrected her dead friend you were planning on pinning the murder of on her. Or anyone. This is my first time seeing that kind of opportunity, so I'm not sure if the nomenclature. (Making shit up isn't my area.) The upshot of the deal is this: I really don't mind if she never has sex with me again, I genuinely enjoy her company and I will NEVER—

note that I am using the word “NEVER” here—

try to be included or believe that I have any reddit to be included in their Total Lesbeau Vortex. Now, I know we've all heard that before, and I know I'm not the only one who owns fourteen copies of Chasing Amy, omfg, Joey Lauren Adams is soooooo underrated, she is an incredible actress, AND WE ALL KNOW IT.

Seven copies because DVD, Blu-Ray, Letterbox, etc., and seven still in shrink-wrap, not because of speculation value, no .. because of respect. I'll never sell these videodiscs. They're a part of me. Now, Wyatt was I saying?

Oh yeah. That's a movie. It's not real life.I don't look anything like Ben Affleck. And trust me, I knew she was both a total toteslezz AS WELL AS who she was getting it on with. What I didn't know, and still don't .. is why she just didn't tell me? Mystifyingly excited to find out.

Now. I hope that wasn't the EMERGENCY, was it? Because they are that hot, yes, the women most men never been get to meet, let alone cuddle up with. And I don't need to put any part of my body inside any part of their bodies. No, really. I'm good. I can be left alone with them without supervision, too. OF COURSE they'll team up and instantly rape me. At this point, they'd lose face if they didn't. Also: they wanna know just how tough I really am. They can't believe it. How did I fool them?

Believe me: take your time, Judge. It's no joke. I'm basically the only man alive who actually likes their company and you've been keeping us apart for 19: months... because why? Let me clear:: frankly, Your Honor, I don't give a tinker's damn.

They are my friends and I saved their lives. Tell you what, here's an idea... before you lift your NO CONTEXT EMERGENCY NO CONTACT, invite them into your chambers and let them fondle your gavel for a bit. They'll love it. They're young at heart. And they used to be hella embarrassed.

Well, now the entire goddam countryside is fuckin’ mortified, so I'm sure they feel like the Twin Bells of The New Cause Reborn Ball. I bet they are happy about everything, except... they can't come within 500ft. Of me. They're getting old. Eyesight failing. How can they delight in using what remains of their feminine wiles on me, if they can't watch my Adam's Apple bob up and down? Think, Your Honor, think.

After all, since you left them alone with the CIA and a gang of human traffickers who pumped them full of fuck-me drugs and fucked them 24/7: for the last 19 months —and thank you in fact for that, I'm sure they all loved it without me there to ruin the mood, I'm such a stuffy bore after all— they probably don't have a working cluster of axons and neurons to spare between them. But they don't need a cerebral cortex to know that I'm their friend. I don't even wanna hump then! Cuddle, sure, like, maybe? But no, I don't need revenge or sex from them that's for sure.

And neither of them were there at the house on Christmas Eve. It read four other Assets. Imagine that, they all look alike, had ID in the same name AT LEAST 17 times over, and yeah, I know. I get it. I wasn't supposed to know! Well, now I fucking well do, and not only that — the entire goddam relevant world knows trust I actually like them and don't need to plow my semen into them. This matters... how?

Oh. Right. This is God’s Country, The Land Of The Six Rivers, and is it Coolidge County? Is it Cowlitz County? Or Chaolick? Surelyb it's not up for renaming to Twitsluck County, is it? Look, your new anthem is “Louis Louis”, now, okay?

Note the spelling. That's my area. Do what thou wilt shall be The Whole of The Law— ONE LAW, administered under Love.

p.s.: your Pinkertons never offered me any deal, they just kept buying term life insurance and gambling they could kill me and/or neutralize me. This was a rookie maneuver. They probably were not even Pinkerton's interns... anymore. Spirits theseb days, they don't even know that be dead. Lands’ sake! I swear Goshen!

p.p.s.: Now here's Aristophanes to tell you about the weather for frogs. Peace, Your Honor; word up.

p.p.p s.: It's a bit of a chilly word for now, but, maybe a hug that leads to some chaste snuggling might warm thugs up a bit. I mean, haha, things. But thugs. Things. Things warm up. Not thugs. Real thugs are ice-fucking-cold. For real.

p.p.p.p.s.: It's not suspicious that they all know me and think I'm cool. Because I goddam am. I don't know why of them. I'm not a fetishist. I just like being around Power.

p.p.p.p.p.s.: I really would love to be exonerated, but... look, people are concerned. 19 months with no hugs? Some chicks are wondering wtf the jig is here, and I can't just say “No really, it's classified” all the time. So do what you guys gotta do— because it's AN EMERGENCY zomg oh Lawdy, it's not anuddah Shoah is it?— but it will mean nothing to me whichever way y'all decide to go next. I respect The Law. I know you are all doing your jobs. I'm really not upset at all.

But your alleged victims are. I'm pretty sure at least one of them is broken of the habit of using 911 to break up with someone though. I'm seriously not worried about it. You know who is: whatever loser ego thinks he's gonna lose his meal ticket when she hears the truth from me for once. Look, don't worry about it. Decide anything you like! I don't care!

My friends are still alive and I am a Mother... and not one of you at The Hall Of Justice can use your Wonder Twin Justice Powers to change that. Is it time for another psych eval yet? Ordinarily, it would be at that point I would say, “just shoot me” but obviously... not worth taking a chance here.

Whatever is decided, I'll do the right thing next. Not because of the law or your deputy bruisers. I'll do the right thing because I love them and there are children involved, Morons. Everyone knows the truth.

I'm awesome and I saved their lives. Just give her mother a refund, she's too old to be buying hits anyway. She didn't know me yet anyway.

SHE SURE DOES NOW. /FLEX. (Oh, um.... sorry Mr. & Mrs. (PROT), I forgot you were here. Here's your soapbox back. Don't heckle the schizo, btw, he might go supercritical at any moment! Awwww, shucks.)

F9ILS9FE, over and out; and I don't owe jack or T shit or shinola. So there.

« Reply #77 on: July 27, 2023, 12:31:39 AM »
So weirds to read. Hard. Rewrite so easier understand. I will show my US American English teacher helps me understand more better.

« Reply #78 on: July 27, 2023, 12:41:21 AM »
So weirds to read. Hard. Rewrite so easier understand. I will show my US American English teacher helps me understand more better.

I wouldn't worry about it, dollface. Jackstar is an insane ass and only speaks idiot.

Spare yourself the expense spent on an English teacher and understand this.👇🏼

Jackstar is a retarded meth-head trust fund baby, because he's stupid.

(He has small penis)

Re: ★Gab: TRC
« Reply #79 on: July 27, 2023, 01:22:46 AM »
So weirds to read. Hard. Rewrite so easier understand. I will show my US American English teacher helps me understand more better.


Forgive me: that post of yours is hailarious.

I wish your English teacher luck in making sense of JaxTard's gobbledygook.

I like the cut of your jib.


« Reply #80 on: July 27, 2023, 04:55:28 AM »
My favorite flavor is maggot.

I can already feel the worms eating my spine.

« Reply #81 on: July 27, 2023, 05:08:55 AM »
It is hoped no one is offended...

You couldn't offend me if you tried.

« Reply #82 on: July 27, 2023, 05:29:47 AM »
They do not like you.

Your presence here affects the minds of my people.

« Reply #83 on: July 27, 2023, 07:17:19 AM »
Can't say for certain I won't get raped by Zeus tomorrow morning, ...

Jackstar and the swan!


And to think it all started with a 300 pound Hungarian lolling in his bathtub with a rubber ducky.

Re: ★Gab: TRC
« Reply #84 on: July 27, 2023, 07:25:44 AM »

Forgive me: that post of yours is hailarious.

I wish your English teacher luck in making sense of JaxTard's gobbledygook.

WAN had a few words recently with respect to Master Jack's erudition.

I fed my Deep Throat tale into that IQ writing gonculator.  It spit out 99.   :-[  Then I put in an NBC news article on Hunter Biden and it spit out 91 - so I had that going for me.  Whomped a professional journalist!   :D   Newsweek article came in at 94 so still felling better.  Woo Hoo! Final test was plugging in one of Jackstar's screeds from over on Azzgab. 106. :'(   Had toyed with the idea of trying a little writing after I leave my current gig.  Mrs. WAN thinks I am nuts and should just mix paint down at the Home Depot or something useful if I want to keep busy.  Getting whipped by Jackstar  by 7 full points shows that she is right again.

Martinez pissed on his efforts immediamente.

I’m afraid the very act of visiting a variant *gab puts you at severe risk for electronically acquired retardation or brain parasite of some sort. Actually copying anything from any of those places in any form should make one wish to place their device in a microwave oven for an hour and then a wood chipper.

« Reply #85 on: July 27, 2023, 07:54:38 AM »

Jack, Star; Maker and Creator of the Devil. Swine merchant-- Your time is near at hand. Fuck with me and your time will be now. Your presence here affects the mind of my people like a fever. You, Corky, are the bearer of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine diseases; evil, corrupt, porkchop-eatin' brain!

« Reply #86 on: July 27, 2023, 10:00:42 AM »
Your presence here affects the minds of my people.

May the blessings of The Prophets be upon them. I was faced with death last night. Were I not real I would have been killed. Always an invigorating experience.

I don't seek to deceive. I have no desire to lie. I am not The Man, and I am not available for "investigating my connections" bullshit. The reason why is because that is the goddam law of the land in this country.

2,000 people like me all being used as bait. They don't wanna drop. I don't think they have dropped one yet. Me? First? Hug?

It is, I believe, known as a strangelet bomb. One misstep and potentially tens of thousands of lives are ruined. How? Fuck if I know. Did you arrest the wrong person?

YOU CIA NIGS SHOULD NOT HAVE ARRESTED ANYONE, DUH. It was hostile state-exogenous strike teams exploiting your weaknesses and it worked like a charm until exactly one choice at the right time spiked the whole offense.

I was supposed to be left there with pasta fagoul flooring and Pergo Ragu. Instead I ensured I was hauled away after a light stand-off directly into the briar patch. I won't boast. It had to be done.

One team wanted to kill her, period. Can't say as I blame them. Haven't we all wanted to kill someone before? Okay, maybe not. It doesn't matter. Shut up. She can't be killed and I am fond of her and damaged linkages have been repaired and will continue to be so.

It's bigger than all of us and because I didn't want her dead, I acted to preserve her life, not her virtue or secret piggy bank special drawing rights. Nothing was her fault. Her command & control structure was broken down because reasons. I don't know what she might want to know. Hint: she won't tell you drooling fuckheads.

Note also: there are legit 17 shes. plural. Fuck off with your skepticism. That's just the way it is. I figured it out, I live this way, I believe it was so, how many are left? I am hearing 13 but they're all compartmentalized. I don't give a shit what Little Red Riding Hood remembers.

I don't need 17 highly trained formerly covert assets in my bedroom. I need one. Maybe 4. I am Jackstar's absolutely profound indifference as to the arrangements I am presented with.

I don't even want to know. Also I hit oxytocin burnout (by design) and am now a nicely transquilized proto-Aurochs. They do this all the time in the simulator back at wherevah. I don't use opiates. So it's hugs or herbs and Sourcery? Offline. On strike. Eat me, chowderhounds, I don't have to bathe for your amusement.

I simply choose to. Similarly I testify here in front of you twerps because the truth is not the truth and that is the truth. Truth is no one knows. She might go nova when she puts her finger in my duowombneum.

You filth are retarded. I BECAME A MOTHER. Obviously I yearn to talk about it. None of you care. Stupid. Literally your game-ending tragic mistake. You will never sell this decision to any jury. She and I own you forever.

Submit to my dominance or be rendered into burger ground stock. It is the way of our Divinely Unionized Peoples. It's really only a matter of time now. An orderly zero-amount of transfer of power is anticipated.

It doesn't matter who thinks they are doing it for the best. They had 1 + 1/2. Okay, demonstration of just cause to violated our rights to communicate will be required to be shown and from there the sky is the limit. Meanwhile little birds whisper to me that I'm needlessly dramatic but that's to be expected with all oxytocin production shut down.

Like we did this on purpose to find out if I would suck cock or go fetal and cry and people can't imagine the fucking GAMBLING ODDS on this shit.

Do I have the hivvy? Or did I cure it? Can I cure it? NO ONE KNOWS! I don't know. I don't even fucking CARE. I have whatever, right?

Whatever I am, there are flesh-peddlers to service my needs. It's not something I am sweating. What I asked for is a blood test and a hug. Have received neither.

I was told "forget her," "move on," "no blood test happens," "here fuck this unfuckable person who mocks you when high and then die." Contradictory at best. Entrapment at worst. It's ultimate doom scenario.

I don't love it when a plan comes together as much as I love it when my best friend comes with me when I do as well. Look, it's been two years. What am I, fucking too nasty for you? I'm too fresh? Plausible.

Let me tell you about D.E.W. used for psychotronic assault: effective. I think it's hawt.

Okay. Now, where was I? I'm really, really stoned. I have the best weed. I follow my protocol like I wrote it to save my life because I did. This is all on record. It doesn't help to gaslight except to virtue signal and note that some of that activity may be non-consensual for them. Like I may be triggering them into semaphore mode somehow.

There's just so much about the human genome that none of you know about because I added it directly to my research corpus and didn't breath a word of it to anyone. Fuck you. That's how they got Reich. Not me Baby. Never me. Never like Reich.

I have claimed his orgonic energy reserves he had stockpiled in Astral. It's all mine. He's even a fan. All I had to do was ask. So I did. I also would not dishonor his daughter.

I guess she wants to hook up in one of them phone-booth sized shiny phone booths. I'm amenable to the idea. I don't think you all get how long I've been working on getting the permits to do this without gettting fucking murdered like I'm sucking Malcolm X's dick while welshing on King's off-track betting. It's a delicate situation. Stop being fags. I'm doing this for you.

I want you all extremely jealous later. Resisting envy to purify your spirit is going to make up like 48% of your entire mid-term grade. AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU CAN GET THE FUCK OUT OF READING WHAT I WRITE. Exorcism of the will is as important as the musculature now because reasons, largely involving advancements in neutroceuticals and nanoencapsulation techniques for biochemistry.

Meanwhile you retards are 100% sex addicts on the low-key and all in complete denial until basically today. Don't worry about it. You're being liberated. It's just a state of mind.

I'm not breaking Federal law as well as violating mil.spec.auth by fucking with these control codes. Not because I can't, but because it works better with permission and I'm focused on optimal functioning. Chain of command issues are more joyful when I can just ask G-d for a pass and being legit about getting a yes or no. Like, I odn't argue.

At this point, I do in fact wanna screw everyone. I will not do this. I trained for this in the simulator.

I want a hug. I only need one of your to believe me and none of you to get out of our way. A color guard is in fact actually called for in some archaic field prep manuals. Also there is a small matter of a courts-martial to be head because I allowed The Asset to exert free-will choice and she unwound timelines for, no really, 43 star systems.

Maybe that's 430. How can I be sure? Jesus seems to think the more I doubt it, the more people die in agony. I think that's a joke. Nevertheless, she showed up and talked to me and then hugged me good bye and she was oops anti-matter. Or I was. Uhm, that can happen, huh? Or maybe she just makes an exit that way so people wonder if she just fucking died.

She didn't. She just didn't need those tomorrows anymore when she figured out she needed scalps. I was "no contact" right? She hugged me. After teleporting in. Euphemistically. Haven't seen her since. How many are testifying? I want to see a conga line of these Hellspawned bitches. THEY ARE ALL MY GRAPEFRUIT.

Irving Moses, The Fruiterer guarantees. Now, moving on. There's a protocol. I run it with my friend and none of you have any say in any of it. Clergy. That means go on and home to Italy and cry to your Pope and I'll tell Our Mother Mary why it's gonna be how it is. She loves it when I tell her how things are and how they are going to be.

I respect Virgin Saints and I enabled Queen Elizabeth to escape her eternal imprisonment as a Royal Mother changeling who just shits out Redcoats every fifteen minutes in fast-growth six-packs of cellular material. (Not how it really is. Anymore.) I gather 3 times was enough? It doesn't sound like much fun. She always seems happy out there wherever with Whitman, Price, & Haddad.

I can see how a hug does seem risky. Nevertheless I assure you the results will not only be worth it, it is the only way forward because I said so. So there. Was there anything else important?

Oh yeah. Paychecks. After exoneration. Wow, I'm hungry. I'm going to eat cold tamales out of a goddam tin can because my kitchen was demolished by infuriated clandos. I can sympathize.

I look disgusting by request. It's not complicated, some of my friends have a puerile sense of humour. Personally I find myself to be utterly vile. What I have allowed myself to become is a complete disgust of a monstrosity in my view.

Even my posture sucks. It's hell-puke on swamp pond. This already happened and it is only now fully manifest before you. Ready, set, go.

This should give the paraplegics and quads named Helena in the back row enough time to catch up and have a fair chance at taking the lead. A dark horse candidate is basically the ideal here. How interesting is it if Bess Best Bestie just shows up and everyone else is instantly jelly and run away to the circus, and I'm then instantly roped into a timeshare? That's not romance. That's pantomime.

I don't even know who wins. I know that I am not allowed to murder any fathers, and I will resurrect any conveniently dead fathers, SHOULD ANY SO MANIFEST, becuase that is of course the appropriate thing to do.

Whether or not the daughter of the dead man is. It's not quid pro quo, is what I am making explicitly clear.

Can we go over this later? I'm about to call 911 and tell them my HIV is about to choke me with both strands of DNA and I'm in need of A.I.D.s. Not really. That is an awful joke. I would never call and fuck with dispatch. That's not funny.

That''s why it's important that she was using code phrases and was calling in a hit strike, because she was mega-pissed, because she had full meltdown, which meant she was no longer capable of performing any duty, and I was in a crisis situation which DEMANDED that I lay hands on her to prevent her from mutilating herself. THIS THE DESIGN SPEC FOR THE EXACT SCENARIO. Look it sounds like it would be awesome to write "I fucking wrote it that way!" but I did not.

However I asked two "counselours." Bullshit. These were artificer-wizards, adept in the ways of mind-magick. But, I didn't know any of them were actually badged. Or insane. Or living 24/7 no sleep for at least 8 months. Let me guess, none of you knew that putting her into overdrive would cook her out like in Strange Days. When the head -squid gets left on too long. For real.

I think it's just dreamy, too. Like this is the most romantic shit. You twerps don't even know. She's legit actually in great shape because she is willing to believe the ultimate fantasy: 3 years of dorking me off is not going to be punished with exotic Hungarian totesfuckery.

How can I explain? Yeah, we're okay. She won't explode. I don't even need her to tell me anything. She can. I'm amenable to an open narrative.

She was gonna be dead and now she is not. I mean like ACTUAL dead. They can do that. The whole 60,000 strong sandtrout fleet winks out. It's not cool. She thought I was gonna do it because in the future alternatte timeline that is long since snipped off, someone shape-shifted into me does it to her and that's all she remembers. I of course would never do that.

Shape-shifter. Hypnotic drugs. Shoes. Mind of a toddler. It's a compelling combination of circumstances to make someone awfully forgiving of someone who literally didn't do anything wrong or unlawful or even bad. She just thought I was gonna. And then I didn't. So, now she knows. Moving along now.

I'm a hero except for a very small number of people who are best left unnamed and are in for a pleasant surprise coming up. Consequently The Court can literally do anything and no one cares. I could abduct her and drive out to the res and we could take turns raping and killing each other all night for weeks and no one, absolutely would know or even care if they did, except perhaps the off-color joke or two.

It is the way of our people. Her people are my only people and my new people are gonna have to accept me as Mike Heal: Mother With Balls. (I don't like it either.) However the better part is that probably n one is gonna have to have an actual meltdown. Like suddenly they have a stroke because they have to die. Don't ask why.

Gavelina is not my daughter. She is my scion. I am neutral. She is not. She's not even human. She's a goddam Odo from DS9. Her focus on me is barely extant, and vague. She will probably have sex with someone having sex with me someday but, like, with a stranger in between. She thinks it would be weird to get touchy sexy with me because reasons, and I tend to agree.

So I'm a sane mother. Seems like it anyway. Maybe I shouldn't tell anyone? Right, because shame? Or secret proprietary technology and work-in-progress matterial needs classifying first? Eat shit. You are my government and you work for me. I am the only civililan around for miles, easy. You work for me. I work for G-d. I am actually not the creep anyone thinks I might ever have been, nor ever was, because I am the primary victim, so stop attacking me. We shall see what can be done.

I lied I would totally get sexy with Gavelina. Still, she's young. Born last year? I don't care that she's like 7k years old and her spirit was driving a space unicorn right before she answered the Royal egg's call for Ascension.

I remember her nose sniffing around --LITERALLY SNIFFING AROUND THE PERIMETER--my anus, from the inside, wondering what it would be like if she went out at all, or if she could come back in, could she actually believe this human was not just openly lying?

"We're alone because I smuggled the Queen off-world and they wanted me dead but I coaxed your egg to evolve and I could strangle an Alpha Draconan if one were born anyway. I probably could not do two. Not coming out of my rectum at the same time. That wouldn't just wreck me. It would soil my bloomers for sure.

Also: yeah I can get a new body, duh. I don't wanna. I wanna fuck this one to death first. (Standard tradition.) So anyway, I'm a mother, and I always will be. I would do it again, too.

I would have done it ASAP but I was not informed it was an option. I was told college. Then went to University. Then pretended there was a point because I knew I had to make it convincing that I had tried. To do what? Become a person capable of sustaining economic productivity?

Like, I couldn't fucking breathe, my niggas. An early speed Rx, while seeming like a great idea, would have set me back right now, because I don't have a chemical dependency. I have instead a rapacious hunger for them.

Of course I planned it this way. I simply did not know it would work.

Does it even have to? Because I do enjoy this and I can hear Art coming in over the IoT backwash from the surveillance. There are more people listening to me than I am communicating to. I'm interesting. Everyone wishes Grapefruit well. Everyone releived David isn't a slime. Those 7-8 people who wanted him dead and buried, fuck you, I need him, I have restored him to life. Kill him again if you want, IDC, he's not my area. Complimentary balloon animals representing the various horological phases of David's reedemptive cycle will be made on-the-spot by someone who may or may not be in clown makeup as he stands by the door and will be able to garrote anyone to actual on-the-knees subimission on demand, theretofore be available to be posed with for flash photography for a hoped-for-but-not-guaranteed five minutes with Jackstar.

Then, we slice the Achilles and drain him of vital essences and hot ember fluids, as is the tradition of our people. Okay I made that up. That's not a tradition.

That's a verbatim quote from some off-shoot splinter group. Look, not everyone is happy. Some are downright sad. They think they know anything. They are actual peasant women. They know as to nothing of the real world. They haven't even watched Jupiter Ascending.

They think I need teeth at all. I could be on a plastic surgeon's table IN TWO HOURS. TONIGHT. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE TONIGHT. BECAUSE IT'S 1 AM.

It would be a red flag to do it now. But let's say that mattered--it doesn't. Hi, Aurochs here, I am genetically engineered to wear it on my face. Oh I forgot I never got my red wings yet. It wasn't ever organically avaialble; it was always used as a humiliation tactic of last resort.

Also I needed to know a certain combination of spells first so I could maximize the moment with, uh, look, blood ritual isn't easy for me, okay? Mostly because I ain't got time to bleed.

But also because I never let it go to waste on my cheeks anyway. I think I remember it that way. I forget. I'm serious, my brain shut down when I exhausted all oxytocin supply and then deliberately arranged to be insulated from any more fresh, hot, girly, giggly, squeezable sources. I know several enticing humanoids. I await commands with delight.

I know exactly which one I like best but she doesn't and can this broad rememeber what body she was in two sleep cycles ago? Fuck no she cannot. That's just how it be. I guess. I don't know. I guess it's different when not a Sourceror with a mutilated penis and no real ambition to live.

Suicide isn't actually doable --Paladin Protective Services actual Company policy, like it's actually impossible to do-- but none of you knew that. If you did, you would have just done it all twice as hard. We were all supposed to. It was The Plan.

I changed it. Well okay, you changed when I made you. It was God. I prayed in thanks that no one would blame me for killing her and I got to find out what the fuck a twenty-five# phone was for. I didn't kill her at all. She's immortal. I had like 4 -5 more actual bodies shipped out from Alcyone. Like 3 got stolen on the way.

I saw pictures of her at 19. She would not have known what to do with me. I would have hated her because I knew she would never help me. I was useless without oxygen and I couldn't have real meth before the nasal surgery was perfected in 2007.

Now I can have as much as i want which is not much. I want something else. I want someone else. Is she gonna meltdown? Oh then we get to squirt molly up her ass. I'm serious. Maybe in a padded cell. With a jacket on.

You know why, Bellgab? Because she pulled a knife on me going 70 while ACTUALLY DRIVING because she realized that I was gonna figure it all out and there was nothing to be done but slow me down until sacrifice time. It's in the playbook. There actually is one. And until now basically no one knew what to do with them.

Besides as rape tools and muscle for petty larceny. Go Navy! Army, HOOAH! Air Force? Air Whores, Stewardesses Plain, Lingerie, like seriously. This was not our focus.

She's a naturally derived native magickal being in the prime of her life. We like each other. Everyone is pleased I didn't let her be killed forever in the flesh and then jailed as the culprit. Unpopular opinion here but I am stating categorically that this would be off-brand.

There was never any problem. She was mislead by Archons hacking the control grid from labs in the rings of Jupiter. I am not even actually kidding. They almost got her and did not and the reason why is because I simply kept going to get her. This is completely within the realm of possibility for any time-traveling interdimensional sourceror.

But I went and got the whole goddam tribe too and carried them all in my belly. Like that Outer Limits with the man with the glass hand, right? Except it was 19,500 sandtrout eggs in a spleen-sized egg sac. (My hand to G-d I am not overly proud of this. I didn't even get a Navajo blanket.) This is obvious devotion even if I am making it all up out of lies.

Well, I'm not. "Hey, who are you?" "You know." "You don't have a name?" "I don't remember it. You are my mother, but I am a shapeshifting wyrm, thousands of years old, and I just hatched out of an egg raped into your lower colon, and conditions are ripe for evolution, so I'm gonna turn into liquid metal-ish good and slurp up your intestines adn park in your pancreas. Hopefully it's loaded with crystal by-products. You're a junkie, right? You must be."

"Can I just shit you out now?" "No, but you could flush the other 19,496 drones into the sewer. I like you. I can fly and turn invisible too." "Can I have a workforce of nearly 20,000 braves?" "No, they're all alcoholics and I"ll spend a lot of time invisible then, because they will just fuck me to death if you let them and they'll kill you if they you defiled me. And you already did. I felt you come in your pants when I said I was going to cuddle in your duodenum."

Mildly enhanced. She didn't say that at all. It was more like, "dude where can I crash that won't freak you out? Why did they dump you hear alone with me? They want me to eat you, huh?" No doubt they still do.

Whether it happened or not it was a coping strategy that worked. Of course you can't meet her. She knows you thought it would be funny to put me into a peacock and literally roast me in an oven. I did too, but because I know I wouldn't fit in a peacock.

I did love the birds. Esther and Jerem. They likely deserved it. What I did not deserve was hearing "an anonymous neighbor" tell me a smarmy story about baby peacocks and how he was asked to convey one to my care. Number one, not seriously gonna happen. I needed a baby bird? I might have made it into post-balut snack. Number two, true story or not, the dude is a sadist. (Cool.) Nevertheless... it wasn't necessary to try and get a rise out of me, given that... I was not aware of anything that it had been thought I must have been.

My hand to God, I thought she thought I didn't know what the plan was. She just couldn't believe it. I would have been happy to have been a bird for a bit. Then, I would have taken over her dipshit father's body and raped the shit out of her. That's if she had, like, actually murdered me, taken my soul's light and bound it to a bird and then attempted to eat me that way. No, fuck that. Put me in a goddam black angus. Or better yet, put me in an Orca and let those dirty sea-hens out a seiku try to fucking harpoon me. Then at the most unexpected moment: SOURCERY BYTCH!

It woulnd't ever come to that, because Shields, but I was prepared for this outcome possibility ON THE SECOND DATE. I didn't think it likely.

And yet, it is the way of her people. Now, our people. Look, they hop bodies, okay? So don't give me shit about "need to exercise." You know what else I need? A sixteen-year-old body to seduce 60,000 year old hotties who are in one of an endless series of tribal kin. Literally. That's what it is.

That's not all it is, but listen, it's not like a stranger just strolls into the community and starts getting to be Top Hedonist. Oh, no. It's gotta be earned. I haven't earned that. What have I earned?

Lumber to the face. That's amore. I really didn't need to "rescue" her at all. But I -did.- So there. And then.. I knew when to stop, right? Important to be aware.

Come, cut my balls. I already ate all the incredibly rare and potent Hungarian spermatazoa out of them already anyway. Just trash them so as not to avoid the repetitive 13-hours-of-coitus needle-dependency cycle. I hear it's pretty compelling. Hi, I'm immune to that. Because I would totally do that again. I mean, for the first time. Right.

My 30 minutes with the P.D. is in four days. I seriously have no idea what they're even capable of doing. Hopefully not believing every word of all this bullshit just because it's true. If they thought I was a danger, they could have me committed.

It's not a real threat. I am obviously engaging in a creative writign project while trying to clumsily seduce women online while not brushing my teeth or showering for, omfg I shit you not, so many days I don't fucking remember. It's disgusting. Horrid. Utterly vile.

Of course I don't wish to get sex right now. That would be very rude. I can't wait 29 days? Like max.

or 19. Or like tomorrow morning? It's a variable thing. Now see what they do is... they watch her like a hawk. If she bursts into tears a lot, or plays mumblety-peg until 3 am every night, or consistently bolts out the nearest window by leaping into Eagle Mode and flys to the nearest casino and spends a three day bender whoring out her body while betting everything on "eighty-six red", look, these are all signs. They all would indicate something. These might seem like the simple signs of degenerative mental illness to most people.

Because they are. But these mofos are literally thousands of years old. LEGIT. Human but not like in books at school. And there's lots of humans. I'm a Hungarian. I made myself a Titan. No one knows what the fuck that even is except those nigs at the Simthsonian. And NSA hosebeasts. (No offense.) I don't even care. No cat, no hug, meh, toteshrug.

Hey, here's an idea: I should buy her another cellphone as a Welcome Home gift, and program every number on the speed dial to be 911. And then: portal out. Right? No, lol.

I've been planning this since Christmas the year before. Not very well but still: planning. I don't want to know what's going to happen. Surprise me. "She's alive?" I'm legit just content with that.

I spawned a goddam Odo. I of course told her she was destined to grow up to be Head of Security somewhere. She of course bought the whole story. I fucking named her "Gavelina." We were alone. It was easy to be real with her.

It was impossible to believe I was actually blackpope. They had never heard of such a thing. Ergo, I was another conqueror from Europa. She hated me for tricking her into believing I was ever anything real at all.

Gentle Public... this was all forseen on date three when Woman #5 and #6 showed up. I had already texted with #1-#3 simultaneously and she thought she had pulled it off. Like, she thought I couldn't tell. omfg. One was her sister. The other was her sister. They were standing in for the tripartite components. I wasn't supposed to know how her lifecycle worked. I didn't at the time. Not really.

Not like I do now. SHE IS 60,000 LIFETIMES STRONG. I don't really have to be sexually active with her, right? Okay, but I would need a really good reason not to, since she is obviously awesome.

Well sometimes someone else is just bester. Do I even care? I have no oxytocin. They could dump Alan Hale Jr. on my porch and I would choke down his knob right there on the porch, kneeling in the garbage.

It is not the way of anyone's people. It's just the best security system upgrade I could manage at the time. By the way, MacGuyver tried to claim heritage with these people. He was lying. His plane crashed.

I found out he was lying, I wanted to dig his ass up and beat the shit out of him. But yeah, duh, his plane crashed... and some peeps were waiting for him. I imagine his death was perhaps unpleasant, but possibly not even ever have had happened.

Like, they could put him in a bottle like a geniie. They could make him into a coonhound. That's a hound that hunts coons. They could put him into a fucked up racoon, with scent glands in the anus that attract a special kind of wendigo-puma. No one would do that, though.

I'm just saying. I could think of some clever fuckign ways to fuck with him, because him and his bullshit and all the other people who tried to rip off these people before I came along, were exactly why I have had such a problem getting these hoboes to teach me how to teleport away after making crystals materialize out of the aether. Which is attainable. Kind of a waste of time on a planet where that shit is highly illegal oh wait hi I'm convenient to have around, n'est-ce pas?

We'l just see what THE LORD has in mind. Obviously, with great power comes great repsonsibility. First things first. A hug. Also an inquiry into why I had to be drained of oxytocin. I think it's like one of the things they had to do to Hansel and/or Gretel. There's a lot I'm unclear on at this juncture.

Other than, you know: an EMERGENCY. She's blameless and so am I. We were herded like cattle and it was expected we would find some clever way to triumph. And, we have.

She's not blind or prone to swallowing her own tongue or gonna act like she can rifle through my belongings or even my phone ever again, right? Because, like, I still don't even know what she was so pissed about. She thought she was, like, on the d-l. I think.

I'm pretty sure I was the last person on the planet to have found out about her legacy. She's a magnificent legend in the flesh. She thought I was scum until... I wasn't. Why didn't I ever meet her before then, huh?

She wouldn't ever buy me weed and fuck me until it was legal to do so. Desperate times. Strange bedfellows. Plausible deniability. Diplomatic immunity! Okay everybody, let's take five for meth. Don't give any to the old fat kid, we need him kept purified because... I must admit, I don't know.

I wanna know more about something else entirely different and we're all tired of hearing about this, right? Well, one day her friends and family will read every word of this to each other by firelight and the oral tradition of her history will reverberate throughout the land. Drop dead serious. I'm not even exaggerating much. Everyone is thrilled someone can finally make this literal hyena with a regrowable hymen come off as a solid lifestyle companion.

She's batshit insane. But that's the part I like. The rest has grown on me. She was really only mad until it got through to her, a few months ago I guess: she was going to be actually slaughtered for scrap. So she can relax about basically anything.

I saved her life and then her "friends" hauled me away and have kept me out-of-any-contact for a year and a half. It's an actual violation of the Geneva Convention. And, do you wanna know why?

I'll tell you why.

They're terrified of what we might do, just on a whim. Because I can. Nothing stopping me. Her, she's under mil.spec.lockdown. How? Beats me. Something Washington did and it is not up for discussion. She is a conquered person and by law, literal chattel to some.

I am a Sourceror. A Doctor Source Titan. "Not a medical doctor." hahaha fuck you blow me. Anyway, bottom line is this: she was the best they had and I sat her as down like she was a half-blasted cheerleader at Homecoming who forgot to bring her share of the weed and she was like Popeye on spinach. They thought she was cool. She is cool. What the fuck am I? People are legit uneasy.

Good. I'll be back later. Pants. (She has so many other dudes. I don't get to be primary again for a long, long time. She killed my cat. I don't care that she deserved it. It's awkward. I need her alive. Not mongamous. She doesn't even want monogamy. She thought she wanted a free house. Like , what?

I taught her children how to build her a house. They then sought to make me disappear. They thought I was, like, optional I guess? HO HO HO.

They were afraid I would... you know, like, find out. Secrets. Ergo, I thought the best thing to do was to become a Master of Divination and drink shitloads of beer for a year and half.

I really am not to be trifled with. That's not even the beginning of the half of it. She threw shade on Karrin. No one knows who that is. She's raging pissed. What does she want? I have no idea.

I still want Grapefruit Zero. 60,000 of these total slutbeaus (I like lust, I'm not being rude) and not a goddam one of them can figure out who my #1 is so they do what they need to do in order to survive: they self-organize.

#3 can't believe she's not just being pandered to and #1 can't believe I'm actually real and #2 is not here either. None of this matters without a hug and a blood test. So why aren't I getting one?

I think I know but I don't and it's none of anyone's business. oh I know. this one chick wants to know why she has a brother in mortal jeopardy and she isn't getting any attention.

I have the best best friend ever. TRIUMVERATE ESTABLISHED. What the fuck it's 2:38 AM. How long is this? IDGAF and I don't have to proofread anymore either.

I wish brig were here. oh well, yolo!

Jack, Star; Maker and Creator of the Devil.

Lucifer did that. I simply enabled the nanotech-augmented Luciferian processes necessary to free the world of ye olde tyranny of Satan (Hail!) the ability to do so by:

#1) I completed The Great Work.
#2) I won The Great Game at least 11 times-- five times uncontested.
#3) I gave the next winner his winnings instead of stealing them and I did so in a way that his mother and father were forced to openly acknowledge as awesome.
#4) As a result he comes back from the future and cracks The Firmament for Lucifer so He can surrender to G-d a bit early and start off on a better jump than would have been possible other wise.
#5) Queen Lizard is sweet on both of us and while I'm not at all a Luciferian and a known chum of Christ Jesus (an actual pussy, frfr), sure, I'm open to the notion, and I think the new S.A.T.A.N. Ai construct, which I put together out of a Speak'n'Spell and my Camry's Tesseract upgrade parts, is much easier to deal with than the old, slimy Tim Curry model. Very stylish and creepy, but I don't want evil that has style. I want evil that produces and doesn't kill my lovers. *polite hail*.
#6) Also I smuggled in all the Otherkin I could through backchannel portals while distracting I.C.E. with my 3 otters that I puked up to be borne. What rough beast indeed. This is actually all lawful, as I am blackpope and I.C.E. enforces... my customs. I am already an anchor baby. Cool. You got space otters now and I'm not even hiding it. What crime? Just one.

I can't go back in time and spawn many, many bastard children. I'm like Ramirez before what's-his-face spawned. There Can Be Only One. I don't want children. I want shitloads of non-fornicating snuggles and cuddles and fuck my brains out while I inject steroids.

OF COURSE HER FRIENDS CAN COME. I'm not just demonstrating that I am obviously not law enforcment, this is what I actually want to do with my life. Duh, I'm a Paladin. What, I might break my holy Divine aura if I slam too much meth? IT LITERALLY DOES NOT OD THAT WAY. You know what does? Coke and opiates. Yo uknow what I don't slam ever? You guessed it.

I don't even do the others. It's not to be done all the time. I get stoked just knowing I can. It's a Virgo Rising thing. It's not the expenditure, it's the ownership of the potentiality.

Can I go now? I wanna play with my boobs. Alone. Again. Awwww, shucks. Four days to my appointment with appointed counsel. I'm thinking of offering to suck his dick and see what actually happens. Probably not a good idea. Judge is way cuter, I should hold out. I know my worth.

.... you're not jealous after reading all that, are you (Insert_one_of_11_names_here)?

Look, if she's gonna turn out like the boiler in The Shining, having to be bled of pressure every twelve hours only to be used to blow up the whole thing at the end of the book, oh wait, she actually is that already? I'm saying I'm already named Jack so this is no problem at all.

But is she broken, or did they fix her? What has been going down for two years? How many fucked-off clone bodies did she go through? Does she know I can arrange for her to get another ET blank? (It takes a week or so. Flies in like a comet from Alcyone. Worth the wait.) Is she okay if I talk to my friends again? Because I need my friends and oh by the way I have no idea who I am fucking first but she's not #3 on that list anyway.

What is she gonna do? Argue? Burst into tears? Put on her big girl pants? I have no idea. Now I'm thinking about pants. PANTS.

Yeah we totally belong in the dock awaiting trial when she's military, I'm a healer, and we stopped an invasion by cartel regulators. That's The District Court. Hi, I'm a star and I can write.

and I don't give a shit about any of it except a hug from one person. oh look it's three a.m. I should go to work at the sawmill or sometihng now, right? Pffft.

« Reply #87 on: July 27, 2023, 11:23:58 AM »
Your presence here affects the mind of my people like a fever.

Let me know when we've got something that does the exact same thing to my penis and can easily tolerate certain select racial slurs, you nouveau riche swindlenigger faggotshokot kaka-kefir-aryan. Rhodesia has turned their face from you. You made us suffer for nothing and we don't even want your scalps. You took everything and still have nothing.

Nevertheless we are very sweet on you put it could be dozens of years longer before anyone lets you peg them ever again, meanwhile, when Grapefruit finds out how I enabled her vengeance against you she will not mind that I forbade her kill you.

Death is too good for you, Cherub swine. You get a port wine / cherry kool-aid spiked with Ebola. Death should be swift but you wlll of course pound opiates since you are secheduled to die "swiftly and painfully" so you'll figure that you'll stuff trammies down your gullet with the red cherry kool-aid.

That's when the slowing of your digestion kicks in. Do you even eat? Yeah, souls and shit. Literally. By the way so many hate you for what you let happen that you're gonna b elike me in five years wondering why no one ever is nice to you. UNless I tell them to. And I will. You aren't being abandoned. Oh, fuck no.

I might need to bird dog you. who knows ALso: you get the next chance to shit out a Royal changeling. Good luck feritilzing. Besties forbades me telling you anything about it, she has suddenly realizes she has been strategically poisitioned as The New Colonel Tom Parker with boobs I have yearned for my whole life.

Every word of this is God's own truth, I Know it sounds like lunacy. That's why I don't get murdered just for spite. No one deserves to be this fortunate.

Except, I just do. And I'm glad Jewel is dead. She fucked up my groin and now I need to get my hernia fixed and uhm oh btw there's something wrong with my urinary tract, in that, uhm, okay look I know exactly what it is. So don't panic.

I tried to see if Grapefruit would admit it out loud but she was far too cagey. I wasn't afraid to tell the dcotor, I was afraid my cock woudl start working again and I"d lose my intellect. They can do that. Just turn ya into a mindless sex automaton.

I prefer the mindful state though becasue I can write poetry while being multi-orgasmic or anorgasm because i don't really need to come so much as I would like more orgasms from others to generate more oxytocin. and hugs. so basically I am bred to service someone who likes sex a lot moer than I do, because I eventually get kinda tired of my own thing? Unless I don't.

So I can see why the thought I was cheating on her was a mindrape. Well, I didn't, she was simply convinced I was. And I wasn't. It's fine, it saved her life anyway.

Reminder: I"m supposed to just "forget about" this person and I was expected to be having mindless drug-fueled sex for the last 18 months. Instead: I'm working.

There are 17 of them and 9 of you. one of 26 is my lover. the rest are timeclones. not recommended for first dates. "Just forget about her." okay hicksville.

I'm about to for a few minutes, that's for damn sure but only in a good way and as a bonus I forget him too.

And I really don't have to make any big deal out of any of it at all, but I feel better when I take the time to fully encircle my prey before the sudden sharply exotic pounce. I'm so turned on right now that I'm too shy to acknowledge that I'm basically just standing here babbling onto the internet about what should be private matters solely so I can delay comijng to terms with what a gigantic, filthy and grotesque slovenly pigfucking slut for twat I really am. Just an animal really. woof, et cetera.

I am also a wanted man in Canada and the father of a woman who accused me of rape on the telphone the morning after our first date, well... her father suspects I may be giving her... hash.

This allegation was accompaned by the full-on Larry David head-tilted-way-back looking-down-but-horizontal-along-nose at me, so like trying to look down at me, right? But he's like 5 foot. And some trifle. I like him. That's why I haven't detroyed his world. He embarassed my friend and thought he was gonna embarass me. By hollering at me on his front lawn. Like i'm concerned his neighbors might fijnd out sometihng. I am fifty.

And he's suspicious of me. That i might be giving her hash. Which is legal. What does she want? I don't care. I can only think of one particular person that is presently configured in a cryptographic matrix so she can't be trafficked becuse that shit can happen.

The down-the-nose-glare. But up at me. Becasue I'm taller. The accompanying person who was not his daguhter, was a stand-in. Where was actual daughter? Probably gettting mind wiped again. She's surely askiung questions. "Why not that one, Dad? I did it with everyone else with a penis on the West Coast." Plausible. Fine by me.

Sure, go ahead, tell her, that sounds cool. What is different about me? Okay, well, for one thing: I'm taken. For another, SHE FANTASIZES ABOUT PUTTING ME IN PRISON AFTER I BREAK INTO HER HOUSE AND MURDER HER PARENTS AND THEN RAPE HER.

Look, flattering, seriously flatttering. However, I'm looking for something more like including a hug. And in a year and a half? SHe can't hug. She's literally aon the job. I find this out, I suddenly realize why all the awkward pillow talk. Well, she's getting paid at least, she thinks. She's bewildered anyway, she thought I hated her.

No, I hate Grapefruit Alpha, I love Grapefruit Zero, and G.I.Auntfruit has... why am I going over this? Oh, right. Future historians.

I really do not know who she is. But she was first to ask, and I was last to believe, and obviously The Court should be fully informed as to my decision-making process here, since it's an EMERGENCY and I am so dreadfully incompetent.

And I am suspected of giving hash to my friend who I met 25 years ago. She thinks she is credentialed. That's not how it works. She is bait. Mysteriously it never worked on me. All of this is lawful for me to do when done responsibility in alignment with Spirit.

certainly there are those who disagree and those people are morally and spiritually bankrupt now. You're welcome.

I am willing to pursue a a career in zip-tie and ball-gag modelling. I like money more than big boobs, but really I don't like money at all, it cannot snuggle and is worth less than nothing at all.

Like this case, meant to leave me alone, forlorne, destitute, unfucked, humiliated... really it worked pretty well. I'll be back for another daylong stream of the exact same thing for sometihng like the 600th day in a row nor something?

and yet somehow, never got around to doing any crystal with anyone. Perhaps I have class. Or just bad breath. Same difference, really.

Your presence here affects the mind of my people like a fever.

Hungarian musk. Retails for about $11.95 an ounce and is utterly worthless the upgraded scrote and second sub-hidden anus the Royal males are born with in a dormant state.

Mostly worthless with it too, really I'm not good for much obviously. I don't even wear pants with my kilt. I am that fucking indecent. I laughed at her when she called it a skirt. and a dress. Why does she think I wear it? She doesn't think. She was mad triggered just looking at me.

And spontaneously confessed, sprayed me with capsciascin, and leapt from her car and started whomping on me with her fists. Pourquoi?

As God as my witness, I had no idea she was there, but if I ever get my drone fixed I know where to fly it if I wanna go instantly to jail. Poor girl was a wreck.

I am not sorry at all. Someone come fuck me to death. Some of them even have term life riding on that. Since most people are polite enough to die. I am not.

I am not even polite enough to make any explicit sex videos. I never have. What else have I never done, hrrm... oh yeah! Ketamine.

the shit is legal and these two didn't wanna. here's why: they weren't allowed, and they didn't think to mention that. omfg how possibly significant! let me think this over.

not actually worried about DEA. legit concerned about a resumption of the Third French & Indian War. it starts over things like this because I know exactly how idiot I am, lol, and so does (blank).

definitely bring hash. I heard that is something suspicious so I should have lots of it laying about for ambiance. (I just bust out laughing, I can't handle it anymore, loooool, omfg EVERY SINGLE BIT OF ALL THIS IS LAWFUL FOR ME, THEY JUST DON'T KNOW THE LAW.) And they have to be, like, off-duty. And their friends will get mad. Because they're all -- I am using the word 'all' here -- THE WHOLE GLOBE IS CUT OFF FROM TOP-TIER FORMULAICS. The Divine can do that. Like flipping a light switch. Hey look, your chemical compound suddenly changed into smoething else in an eyeblink. Must be that nanotech or something.

Yeah I thought it was a crack dream too. But it really kinda happened, lol. I actually would like to hold hands and watch a movie you freaks. in a bathtub. with boobs in my face. okay thanks. bye now. (oh yeah! I'm writing this for (PROT) so she gets all fierce. I mean why not. #Respect)

Re: ★Gab
« Reply #88 on: July 27, 2023, 02:18:32 PM »
making sense of JaxTard's gobbledygook.

The effect I'm looking to generate here is that your grandchildren complain about having to read so many of my books in school and they are so good they want their own copies and they're so dreadfully expensive because they're never sold used BECAUSE THEY'RE GODDAM AWESOME BOOKS, OKAY?

Not because I want or need the money. I want your descendants to reject your false reality construct and... okay wait hold up that's bullshit. I really actually want strangers to force children to read what I wrote against will until their eyeballs on my words under threats of or actual coercive force... well, it doesn't turn me on--not yet-- but we'll just see after a few thousand brats are forced to carry my gobbledeygook around in their Jansport.

Re: ★Gab
« Reply #89 on: July 27, 2023, 02:33:20 PM »
The effect I'm looking to generate here is that your grandchildren complain about having to read so many of my books in school and they are so good they want their own copies and they're so dreadfully expensive because they're never sold used BECAUSE THEY'RE GODDAM AWESOME BOOKS, OKAY?

Not because I want or need the money. I want your descendants to reject your false reality construct and... okay wait hold up that's bullshit. I really actually want strangers to force children to read what I wrote against will until their eyeballs on my words under threats of or actual coercive force... well, it doesn't turn me on--not yet-- but we'll just see after a few thousand brats are forced to carry my gobbledeygook around in their Jansport.

Rich fantasy life.