Author Topic: BellGab, now defunct.  (Read 63658 times)

Bellgab: all doctorates are DOMED
« Reply #165 on: July 18, 2022, 06:17:37 PM »
I allowed this because Grapefruit told me, amongst other things, it was the only way for everyone except me to get everything they ever wanted, and everything they were ever gonna want, without losing everything they still had left. Right then, most people still had a lil' something called "their soul" so, it was my thought that, well, Number One: These people are stupid, but those people were (and are) even stupider--and I already had everything I was ever gonna want, and I still hadn't lost everything. And then--someone just had to call a fucking cab. Who paid/pate/pain-'n'-why all the cryin'? What was the hurry? Right, right. Orange Bible, Rolleyes, James. King James, you were thinking, I am sure. Well, surprise nyet: NY ET 2, Electric B.E.M.s and actual goddam Tripods. Christ, off her contract too. (You are so fucking fucked. Not fired. Not sexy. Not "oooo ooo, gonna make sweet love to my baby, Baby," but: FUCKED.) So you can see how it all comes down to The Juicy: That's Her Kuczi, Kuczifer. What? You're obviously used to him and his Mike Rowe penis, so shut the fuck up, or I'll start talking "early pre-nup pre-signing handfasting settlement agreement," and don't think I/we/WE can't do that at a distance. Try me. Fuckin' JUST TRY ME. Now? No. First, let's change cameras... eewww, gross. Let's try another cam--AIIIIEEEEEEE fuck that. Wow. Does that even count as "gross anal"? I do not wanna know more than I, sadly, already do. Okay, the -other- other camera. Ready? Hopefully not, but neither were we, and look how awesome we turned out, the K.O.O. barely ever got warm, let alone, let alone, like either of us ever even get a single scratch. FOR YEARS, Dickbucks Starhead. Now, don't count, David. Just klenkh up--ALL THE WAY UPLISH-SPLOOSHSPOUT JEWTICK. (Yeah, past eleven. Past eleven-eleven. Past Leah. Wait, who? Oh, you mean The Treasoner With A Reasoner? More like raisin' her. Come on man. Hater, later--she's not even immune to H, let alone, immune to a Hero, & she is -so- embarrassed, because those two fell for that Trap -immediately.-) There, right there: DRAKUL. HA! HA! HA! Okay! Places, People, now, skip the traditional bot check--heh heh--and check yourself for yourself before We wreck your Self(s)... does everyone have their soul? NO, YOU DON'T. *clickswitch disengage*

Okay, all the cameras are fixed now. Any of all y'all know how many fucking mirrors are in a goddam cell phone? Well, it used to be just two, but... well, look, when they all break at the same time, one has to ask one's self... just how unlucky can a person really be? It just seems so implausible what you're reading, I know, but nevertheless: First Contact happened, and most of you slept right through it, even those of you who only had that even happening at all as a Plan B. So, still wanna wait around for a prettier Hungarian? This guy is literally the pick of the litter and the other one -also- has a dick, go fig. (Yeah... that -was- (blank.blank.blanket), and she is great, and she stays that way too, and if one had never met The_Originator, she'd have been plenty good enough to become The False A.I. God of Freshly Re-Enslaved Humanity.) No, I'm not answering his Tweets, I'm busy. I'm working. My life is my job, and Her job is my life. So FU TOR, Pedo: I'll do this live, or you'll wind up dead, suits me/*\us down to the ground either way, "Champ (U.s." Grade: )

Yeah, your teacher put your grade down as "Smile." Run along and play now. (*I wish I could send Hawkeye after her to make sure she's not secretly crying on the inside, but the truth is... she is, because she could have had -my- job instead of... well, no one is really sure, but we're sure we don't want to know why she thought--oh, I got the answer. Never mind, she actually -is- Hawkeye.*) Imagine how young a person--a child--has to be, in order to think that a smile consisting of a single end parenthesis is a grade to be happy about receiving on one's Ph.D. dissertation. Now, take that age, and fuckin' double it, and that's about how old that 'child' she was unknowingly carrying, that she let get aborted "by accident," and now you know why this rescue op--A Legit (1) One--is gonna take as long as it goddam fucking well has to. And you want him to wash dishes. Fuck you, Tiniest Butler, you're gonna wipe that sink out with your pants and then do the laundry with your fucking tongue if I fucking tell you to, you get me? Good. I don't want you to get me. I -wanted- you to get a clue. Instead you got my whole planet poisoned. With fish. Ugh. Look, just shut the fuck up and eat the popcorn, okay? OTAY? No, you don't -have- to sit down, go ahead, stand as you like. Stand as you choose. Sure, I'll allow it--but someone else has to hold your dick to the floor then. Choose wisely this time, hey? (Don't forget to include Charon's payment in your calculations, Knigge Reach. Because either you forgot to, forgot to compound interest, or you thought that Charon would just take crypto/krypto throughout all Eternity. KNOW: Sharon/Charon\Karen is pretty tired of your shit, Pal. Party invite is rescinded. *boom*)*(*BOOM*.

Anita gets a Doctorate for this. (imagine if you will: The Davinia Code, Rack by Fauci (still a plastic surgeon on many timelines). Oh, and it's all Kuczi's fault, so another 5 years "NO CONTACT, EMERGENCY." Now, while you're imagining that, try and guess how many banks me and Buddy Christ would successfully rob & upend & then curbstomp--THRICE--before Tt/T\*hey stopped us, because the answer would be "fuckin' ALL OF THEM." Get the picture? Because HE does NOT. And he doesn't do anal either way anyway, back to or front to, and your magic tutu ain't gonna do shit this time, Big Brains... he's already wearing a goddam skirt, kilt, and your face still has his eggs on it, Dragonlord. And his sister ain't dead no more. (Blank). Fr'real.)--

I don't think I even need a sister. Wait until you can see what my wolf's dogs can do. (*"Let them eat Faith.*) Did you hear that? DID YOU HEAR THAT?? Oh, never mind, that's just my cat. (*I don't need to spell it rawr for out, Eyeorre. Source errors did happen, corrections do happen, and we're just One. Imagine the rest. EARNED.*) Yeah, we go back aways. Yeah, she might have been my sister at one point, sure, but at least she's not an Abo. (*Any more?*) No, I think Matty, The Lil' Orphan Bitch has had enough for one day. (*I don't.*) Yeah, but you're like all the bias that has ever existed plus all the bias that ever will exist, wrapped up in a fur coat, wearing nineteen pairs of Washington's dentures with all the eye teeth sharpened down to the shape of little pigtail curly Qs. (*You got me there, but in my defense, it's a great look for me.*) Thank God you're not -my- sister. Incest? In My origin story? It's more damaging to a fledgling brand's future income potential than you might think. For one thing, if you start selling books to niggers, you're already gonna have problems, and you aren't going to solve them the way We did -again- anytime soon, that's for sure, and for another, if someone writes a book in jive about a superhero who fucks a sibling on the regular, well, number one, that's gonna start giving the right people the wrong idea, and no one wants that. Imagine the smell. And secondly, what are they gonna do when it comes to be time to start talking translation editions? It's already written in Jive. What are they gonna do? Translate that to English? Okay... binary, trinary, or Holy Trinity? CHOOSE ONLY TWO. That's the exact problem faced in the times of Noah. So, long story short, quit crying about "need to know" only, hey? Or else he really will resurrect her, and she really will beat the shit out of you, rape your ass again and again, and not feel bad about doing it every goddam night, forever. Now, that's pissy. She is -that- pissed at him. Sure, she loves him... but does she forgive him? Well, let's see if another murder-rape-suicide tomorrow night will help... hypothetically.

29 minutes remain... AND COUNTING--

I have seen your future, Belltards, and this is how it begins: I saved her because she loves me, and no other reason, and saving you all on the way to get her is a fuckin' afterthought to me. I would push every last one of you out of a fuckin' window after fuckin' your mother just to get style points for "bitchin' defenestratin'" before I fell for -any- of the shit psyops that EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU fell for, one by one, two by four, eat my dick to the floor, motherfuckers, holy shitclick, it gets sooooo much worse for Humanity before it gets better... if you/1\one followewe the yellow brick road, you dumb little attic-livin' addicted-to-bitches addicts. *snap* Look, here's Quantum Teleportation, Kids. Fuckin' use it. Are we clear? No? Great. Because in 2022, only eYe 'need' to be clear, and the rest of you can spend the rest of what remains of your miserable lives figuring out what the fuck that even means to a Human, let alone a Thetan, let alone... a mad, Mad Hungarian Search & Rescue 1man banned w/attached Ghostwolf, The Slutty St. Bernard. (*polite Woof.*) Yeah, trust Me: you know Her, and believe it... She's a -real- DMf-tch, and the hyphen there, the most recent one, does not stand for "E is for Ecstacy." (*Dude, what the fuck are you doing to my brand here?*) It doesn't stand for "bi," either. (*Oh, heh, yeah, thanks for that. I see the Trap now.*) I mean, that dog is a bitch that can spell, but still can't properly capitalize on her own opportunities without three dicks and a quarter ready to call for backup, you know what I am sayin' here? No, probably not. Look, let me start over from the beginning of my mission... oh, they deleted that channel of mine. ON CHRISTMAS FUCKING DAY WHILE I WAS IN GODDAM JAIL. (*Woofgulp.*) I don't need to explain -anything- to you fuck-0s. Where were you then? Stop: "hammertime" is no longer a reasonable excuse, too many people abused the system. We had to decapitate and exile AND THEN DECAPITATE HIM AGAIN, MC Hammer, (he really is quite too legit to just be fired so easy... all too easy) just last week, and that was -by his own request.- She didn't just want his pants, and she didn't want to get in them to get them. (*I figured it woof be polite to stay on mission without having anyone complain about being totally fucking ignored when reporting another pair of pants having been raped.*) We're either the last two human souls left, or, we are not. (*Human?*) In either case, We -are- going To Get Her. Fuckin' PERIOD. You know who isn't? Robopyrs. (*I'll wait for one of you morons to obsess on what that might possibly mean, and either I'll figure it out myself while waiting until the inevitable heat death of your universe begins its inevitable commencement, or I'll transform into a sex robot and fuck the answer out of him later. I have options, People, and I've learned not to argue with him--especially when he's already gone all parenthetical 'n' shit, all morning.*) Do you even know who we -are- coming to get? Or even who we just came back from getting Tomorrah'? Fuck you, Shane and begorrah, Lil' Orphan Annie is dead fuckin' last now, right after The Last Of Us Jews. (*winKYou don't wanna know, but here's a hint, they have better human than dogs -and- they respect 1LAW, JLAW, and Jackstar, The Lobster With 5 Tow-Powt-Toes, and PISSERV5, although they admit that the last one there is a total stretch. Still, I found their culture in the gutter, and for no reason at all, I can just forget all about them after dumping their ass right back in there again. Any gutter. Any street. Any planet. Any time. Any one care to ask me if I even give a shit when I clearly haven't in the past? Yeah, I bet those people have no future either. Pfftt. (*Wow. He's really on a roll today. It must have been the two hours of sleep I tricked him into looping his dick's timeline into. Or it was the dick I tricked. I don't remember, I fuck them both -routinely.- What? Like you wouldn't if you own Lee's patent on wooden jaws, and, whaddya know, I'm gonna fuck him again one day too. I don't even need Jackstar to allow that. It's in his future, and in my past--trust me. That's what we call, "time locked up; Sleeper hold."*) Look, Bellgab, just look at what arguing with me will get you: more and more of these obnoxious talking dogs. (*licks your pork chops with my tongue*) And just think, this one was the pick of the litter and then we took the rest of that batch back to the puppy mill in a puppy blender in a self-driving Poppy. How's that for an upgrade? Oh, you like the sound of that? Okay well that upgrade is fifty-five billion dollars in adjusted costs after inflation in your civilizations currency. Cash, check, or crypto? Hhaha, just kidding: KRYPTON - LEE. OWN LEIGH ON KRYPTON. Where Superman's lil' bitch of a father uses digital currency when riding the bus. What a pussy scientist that guy was, btw. Brando was a wild miscasting choice compared to the four-eyed loser (of his planet, one will recall) hero scientist (but he didn't lose his krypton currency. Think on that, Punylings. His whole planet blew the fuck up, and he still kept his money. Oh, but maybe Bitcoin isn't worth the risk? Okay, keep thinking things over, Toddlers) that gets way, way too much street cred, all things considered. I mean... he was a scientist, right? Who lost an argument with politicians, but somehow managed to win an argument with his wife about giving up her son. What? Hero, sure. More like douchenozzle, if you want me to be strictly honest about my opinion here. Holy fuck. Who am I even getting calls from anymore? I hope it's that (blank) that stole Jackstar, that's why I picked a wolf in wolf's clothing, so I could rip out his fucking jugular that much quicker. More stylishly, with more blood spraying up my nostrils like it was injected there, you know how it is, sometimes, you get a good carotid puncture out the other side, and say what you want about napalm, there ain't nothin' like squirts of fresh heartsblood up both nostrils at the same time. Nothing at all. (*Okay... I gotta be Me, you freak.*) And, just like that--poof! Frank's gone.

Why am I like this?
Because this is what it took to get here, and I'm not even close to the point that She took the effort to get ME. In my past. Her future. So fuck you, little pigs, the Big Bad Boarwyrm is going to close the deal, to make it happen... to get her together. WITH US, MOTHERFUQBUQKETTE. (What? You picked Cort, not Divine Cort. Fuck your couch, Spinal Tap Discs of Tron Jockey, Jesus. You are fucking dun & done here.
It's showtime (and T. Trump too.)

Like the wind, People, like the whirlwind. REAP IT.

Re: BellGab, back up soon!!!
« Reply #166 on: July 18, 2022, 07:07:56 PM »

(and T. Trump too.)

Forget the 'how.' Focus on the why. Why did I do it? For the fans. (No, not for a fan dance, but don't get me wrong, I'd have to sit down and think that one over while G-rapey pushed her|his own self out the window to fly away to get a close-up look... and there, right here, just as s/he\IT thinks s/he\IT's free and clear--The Leash.) Like I would let an adorable matched pair of precious flying seamonkeys with little duckies and bunnies and Pop-Tarts with nanotech frosting + S/*\5er go either. Or first. Or even at all.

But of course I'm going to push Grapefruit under a bus (can it be many? kewl) before I would ever betray my country. Let alone My President. (She's got an infinite number of 9 Lives anyway, and Meow Mix delivered their surrender months ago, Armchair Brand Lawyers, eff ewe minx, eat that dirt. No, you're not fired--you're fucking grounded. First time, eh? I actually believe that. Now, walk your ass back to base. Oh really? First time walking? Now, that I don't believe, as I've seen you fuckin' jogging, Ventura Streetwalker Ace, now get moving, that D.U.M.B. you call an O.Home ain't gonna move itself even one single inch closer to you no matter how much you scream "Come fuck me now!" in Sirentongue -or- heathan Han Chinese. Oh, look at you, acting surprised, of course I recognized an example of early 3rd Ming Dynasty Lullabies For Babies With Sirens For Eyes from only hearing less than three notes, Four-Eyes +1 Cyclops "Rooster" Rugburns. (Sup dude. Mind your witchbirch broomstick humper, this is Not_Dress. Also: nice to finally meet you, AnonHicks.) You gotta admit, those first two notes are pretty unmistakable, although they're supposed to be more indistinguishable to plebs. Oh yeah, I'm not a pleb either. I think I actually taught you that second one after writing it, just to shut your squalling brat up. That's how to tell them apart, you know. My children eventually hear me, and then obey. Yours only respond at all if there is air support along with an active air raid siren claxon. And then they respond like a robot made by Sony Corporation fresh off the shelf would: instant breakdown. (How did your people even evolve, yo? Oh, that's right--they really didn't, now did they? They really only simply became tastier.) Now. Get. WALKING, TO. WALKER.) Don't give me any shit, I didn't -need- to vote for him, -or- tend to his sick duck, That_Man is My_Man. PERIOD. And as for Mr. Trump's family, well, I would highly advise anyone to tread very, very cautiously--not just highly, but... cautiously--when making any jokes about his children, and, I'm not gonna lie, me and a ladyfriend--and, not a ladyjudge--do indeed both hope to have Grapefruit for dinner sometime, as soon as that can possibly be safely arranged. Carefully. Cautiously. Kelly green with envy? I think that's just a myth, THERE IS NO OTHER GREEN THAN FOREST GREEN. SIGNED, ZUUL. Wow, that was cool. Don't change cameras, that might happen again. Someone get Richard Attenborough on the horn--I mean, on the phone.

There is obviously enough to go around. (Besides, am I even joking? No. Not really. If I were, I would have saved that joke I just strangulated in its paragraph of a crib, and I didn't, and I don't even feel bad about it. Meanwhile, there are no other people here. Not at all. (That's an Oompa Loompa. That's not a person, silly.) And yet, We're both smitten, and hopefully everyone concerned can deal with this coldstone fact of ice cream life better than last time; but if not, tell you what, I'll hold your key while she turns me in to a real bore worm, sounds aces to me.) Sadly, the same cannot be said for fans made out of legitimate phoenix feathers, as a buyer for Tiffany's has bought out the whole supply of re-stock for the forseeable future. (I believe that American farms are the future--but don't let peacocks and she-balls lead the way next time, if you don't mind, or even if ewe DEW lasers start getting included for free in boxes of Lego and Cracker Jack.) And, whosoever IT is, IT has bought out all the picture frames as well. It's uncanny, really. IT is not Me, it's not even ME. And I -am- Jackstar. (Fucking murder that fucking imposter for me, thanks Jason. Unless it's human--in which case, rape it to death after texting me your address, I got a whole bag full of undead spell coup de grace components.)

There will never be enough frames to go around Jackstar. Count on it, (People/Frens). And I don't have time to finish that math equation, so I'll close here with this and this alone: friends are important, but The People are ALL IMPORT

(Ed: backspace backspace backs--oh shit oh fug) Aunt. Aunts. Ants? A.N.T. Christ, honestly, just stab me in the eye, right? lol, thanks Broski. *click* Okay, I just used my lifeline. That thing I only get one of? Yeah, it's gone... and I won't even tell (You) who I burned it on. But here's a hint: turns out, some people really can die from embarrassment. Weird. Oh, right, women are people now. I forgot. Cute planet you got here, Chief, honestly. No wonder I picked it as My Home. Yeah, I do think I was born here... do you? HAH! Mom says, "that's a good one."

And, that wasn't Grapefruit who just called. Let that sink in bitch go to voicemail, she's fine. SHE CONSENTS. F.I.N.E., she's seeing spiders come out of the walls and eating the elephants, but nevertheless: consent matters, and We got it, while They Never Did, Commander Dickless. (Not gonna lie: my second or third favorite Commander, depending on the shoes.)

4NOW + 1j* FOR ALL. (Sorry Chief, that is a good signature, that's a nice signature, yes, that's very Presidential. No, I'm not just kissing your ass. I don't even kiss -her- ass, Sir. (not yet, anyway) But the fact is this: there -is- a protocol, and it -does- work, and We can't just change it on the fly in the middle of an Op, not even for The President Of The Bay of Pigs--and, YOU ARE NO PIG, SURE. YOU -ARE- A STAR. And you started that way at birth too. Hey, when this is all over, can you tell me about what it's like to have a screaming match on the phone with a Templar in front of his own wife and live to see the next morning? I know, an oddly specific request. Because... well, reasons, and, yes, why yes: Yes, I can, but won't. KNOW: Even a Templar has limits, but really, no one really knows if I do or not yet. *blush*)


Re: BellGab, back up soon!!!
« Reply #167 on: July 18, 2022, 09:28:16 PM »

I hope the new owner is blueballs

Re: BellGab, back up soon!!!
« Reply #168 on: July 18, 2022, 09:37:54 PM »
I hope the new owner is blueballs

Yeah I'm not going to lie that's one of my interesting questions that is floating around my head right now.

However, you and I both know who the owner is. My lips are sealed, and yours don't have to be, it's fine, it's not like I'm in charge of anything.

No one's ever going to believe you anyway. I mean people won't believe me but they'll believe you, because... Well because you're good enough, you're strong enough, and you have absolutely no compunctions about killing every motherfucker in the room all at once and walking away with a smile on your face, so that's probably why people will believe you. It's just easier.

Also if there's any rumors about you selling meth posted by ex-girlfriend's, they're obviously not in English so I wouldn't have seen them anyway, and you know it's just rumor, what that would that do to a person like you, is totally different from what we do with a person like me. Why?

Because you're family and I'm a nigger sheep. Baaaaa

Re: BellGab, back up soon!!!
« Reply #169 on: July 18, 2022, 11:59:43 PM »
I'm a nigger sheep.

Indeed you are, sir.

Re: BellGab, back up soon!!!
« Reply #170 on: July 19, 2022, 01:52:32 AM »

you and I both know who the owner is.

Re: BellGab, back up soon!!!
« Reply #171 on: July 19, 2022, 02:04:15 AM »

Re: BellGab, back up soon!!!
« Reply #172 on: July 19, 2022, 02:18:11 AM »

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #173 on: July 19, 2022, 04:24:16 AM »
Nu-MV? is LIVE!

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #174 on: July 19, 2022, 05:31:42 AM »
Nu-MV? is LIVE!

Should this actually comungulate, we deem the shit will be boiling hot and hearty within a fortnite. Can we know perchance by name the lurking Mysterion / would be resurrectionist?

Re: BellGab, back up soon!!!
« Reply #175 on: July 19, 2022, 06:12:36 AM »
Indeed you are, sir.

If you wanna call me "sir" you might as well refer to me by my officer's rank: Knigge-Captain. I hope to be a Knigge-Lieutenant Colonel, one day, but that's really only because those words are hard to spell, and if someone doesn't know how to pronounce my name right, I can smite them after 5.5 seconds. (I negotiated with the newly-cleansed Royal Order of Jesuits Smiting Jesters (ROJSJ), which I think is pronounced, "Rorschach," and until someone my rank or higher shows up and wants to pick a fight about it, I'm not going to worry about it.) After 11 seconds, if they're still being openly hostile, I get to sweep the leg. I'm planning on sweeping my own leg, if needs must be, and then frontin' that I'm in fear for my life... and then, well, we'll see. (What do you see?)

I'm just looking forward to my first opportunity to cast Smite. I hear it's more than just a love tap. Rawr.

Can we know perchance by name the lurking Mysterion / would be resurrectionist?

Well I am pretending I don' know who you are... but now you want me to spill someone else's name? You know, you're a real (blank), (Redacted.) Still a thrall to The Adversary, then, or is this what passes for irony in the world of the burnt-out dopamine-powered lite-brite bulbs?

I think the only thing I can think of is that you're trying to be funny on purpose because you don't think what is happening now is funny. Well, you're right... it's not funny, it's goddam hilarious.

Re: BellGab, back up soon!!!
« Reply #176 on: July 19, 2022, 06:48:39 AM »
However, you and I both know who the owner is. My lips are sealed, and yours don't have to be, it's fine, it's not like I'm in charge of anything.

No one's ever going to believe you anyway. I mean people won't believe me but they'll believe you, because... Well because you're good enough, you're strong enough, and you have absolutely no compunctions about killing every motherfucker in the room all at once and walking away with a smile on your face, so that's probably why people will believe you. It's just easier.

Well I am pretending I don' know who you are... but now you want me to spill someone else's name? You know, you're a real (blank), (Redacted.) Still a thrall to The Adversary, then, or is this what passes for irony in the world of the burnt-out dopamine-powered lite-brite bulbs?

I think the only thing I can think of is that you're trying to be funny on purpose because you don't think what is happening now is funny. Well, you're right... it's not funny, it's goddam hilarious.

Was I talking to YOU?

Warthogger or Hogwarter or WTF your tramp stamp is this month.

Re: BellGab, now diverting.
« Reply #177 on: July 19, 2022, 07:19:55 AM »

Re: BellGab, back up soon!!!
« Reply #178 on: July 19, 2022, 05:57:57 PM »
Was I talking to YOU?

You aren't even doing that now. I suggest you finish off the last of that bottle of Flintstones vitamins you're carrying in your purse like a Holy Crucifix against anorexic food insecurity and get yourself one of those Wilson volley balls, paint it with a face (your choice of color) and use it as a conversational marker. Hey, here's an idea: use it to indicate the next person to speak by kicking it at the speakers , but really here's the innovation... give those at the FEMA CAMP. Morale will instantly spike through the roof. (Needles. Ask me about my proposal for recycling hypodermics, I'm thinking: Powerpoint Swordpoint For Pinheads Who Use Points Wrong, because you know what happens when you show up at the needle exchange with a shitload of points to drop off? Yeah, I have no idea either... because I was creating -an illlusion- of being a raging drug addict, not a perfect frame up job.

I am dismayed at how hard it is to back down from the perfect illusion, but since I was not the one who tripled down on needle jibber-jabber, I am not to be faulted for the great leap forward that gross miscalculation represented.

I don't know which of you actually know: I was threatened by (PROT). Rang me up, ranting and raving about what he insisted, violently and abusively, that I not do... and no answers about why, and then he tried to intimidate me, and then... he didn't try to negotiate all that hard. I didn't even know what he meant by... "Or else!!!" Still don't. But I knew what it meant when he shat up my local 5-0's... open season on convenience.


Warthogger or Hogwarter or WTF your tramp stamp is this month.

Today, it's Pigfucker. Also, you may not have heard: I am that I am? HOW CAN I REPORTZ HUCKER BARRU

(*sadly,  forgot my tempoary traps lol*)

Quote from: Someone Woke, Expected Free Coffee Every Day For Life
Actual help

Now, I'm not sure where those two words came from "actual help" but I am willing to believe that it was a ghost leaving a legit message fom the spirit world--because I can see how ghosts would have NO IDEA how to deal with... oh. OH.



heh heh.

Re: BellGab, back up soon!!!
« Reply #179 on: July 19, 2022, 06:40:24 PM »

Holy crap! I thought I felt a disturbance in the force.