Author Topic: Art Bell  (Read 17471 times)

Re: The Ghost of Art Bell
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2023, 12:12:25 PM »
The Ghost of Art Bell

He changed his mind--I wrote something, now I'm not posting it.

discusses AI

Just think, I could have been spending the last year and a half studying something useful; instead, I've been studying the YouTube divination community and observing the totally human and absolutely organic personalities that somehow all manage to have no idea what the fuck they are doing sometimes. It's like they're... just phoning it in. Like, on autopilot or something.

and is interviewed courtesy of U7 radio.

That is one sexy URL. Does it pole dance? Well, let's put that out of our minds for the time being.

Let me know when your resentments are about something serious. Thanks for the link. It's nothing like a breadcrumb at all.

Re: The Ghost of Art Bell
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2023, 02:00:55 PM »
Changed his mind again. I don't *think* he's gloating... ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

The Ghost of Art Bell

Don't hate me because I didn't swallow his soul—

discusses AI and is interviewed courtesy of U7 radio.

—Instead, seethe with envy and furious yet impotent rage that Art is proud of me for not blatantly disrespecting his wife. Apparently this was impossible for some people. Weird. He also seems to find my audio production work to be “barely adequate,” which I find to be a fair assessment. Now, is it really Art who communicates with me occasionally from beyond The Veil? Was that really Airyn that I briefly saw a few weeks ago in a grocery store? To be completely honest... I... can... neither confirm, nor deny, any such claims.

I can go this far: damn, Art got hitched to some smokin’ hot chicas, and he is proud of me for, amongst what I assume are other qualities, the most impressive of which seems to be that I was able to notice her there at all and not drool, ogle, or gush. (“Gay” does not mean “hates all women,” Bellgab. Really, am I even “gay,” at this point? What difference does it make to me? STILL ZERO ACTION.) The bar for excellence has been set absurdly low around this issue, which was not something I really had much reason to pay very much mind to before recently.

and is interviewed courtesy of U7 radio.

Two weeks old? That seems so young. Is this going to put me on another pædoterrorist watch list again? I hope not. I never knew how much my future would be affected by allowing myself to be statutorily raped at 15½.

It wasn't about sex. It was about power. Did they really harvest my DNA to engage in immensely unethical GMO research?

Yep. I even dared them to. In my mind. And then a few weeks ago, I decided to withdraw my consent.

Mentally, I'm saying. ”Dear God: pull their Hung Angry street cred; I'm a coward with a microdick, sure, let's pretend.” It was that easy.