Author Topic: The JACKSTAR Appreciation Thread!  (Read 10793 times)

« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2023, 09:39:47 PM »

😭 SADZ 😭

« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2023, 06:33:44 AM »

😭😭😭-So Sads-😭😭😭

😭😭😭-We Sads-😭😭😭

😭😭😭-He Sads-😭😭😭


Re: The JACKSTAR Appreciation Thread!
« Reply #33 on: June 14, 2023, 06:57:30 AM »

Re: The JACKSTAR Appreciation Thread!
« Reply #34 on: August 06, 2023, 10:32:05 AM »
Just a soupçon, an homage, even appreciation for our sadly missing lonely mascot l'enfant terrible.

Well- I was stressed... Basically, I couldn't comment this after 1+ hours of typing it, so, him posting it here to relieve my stress. Also, Don't read this if you can't handle swearing and controversy

WHOEVER YOU ARE STOP SCROLLING!. GUYS, she, this useless stupid non-loveable piece of meat, >! does absolutely NOT deserve the attention you are giving her. I ABSOLUTELY understand that we ALL want an apology for what she has said. BUT this can not go on forever. As you can see, she Isn't reacting at all, so you know what? So be It. I don't give a shit about such a low life so-called "adult" with no heart. She ABSOLUTELY deserves hate. I am PISSED. This bitchass cunt can not get away with this. I don't care. People like this DESERVE hate, until they realize and actually know that their actions have CONSEQUENCES. They ABSOLUTELY deserve to be cancelled. And this is EXACTLY why I hate people, more specifically SOCIETY. People out there give more fucks about celebrities that have done no shit wrong, or have, but like 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO WHEN THEY WERE GROWING UP, THAN fucking ACTUAL pieces of garbage that deserve ALL THE HATE that other people who have learned they way have. So, personally, I think we all should just at the end of the day either:

    Ignore this Godzilla lookin'-ass motherfucking garbage with no humanity in her. BUT: she will probably NEVER learn what she needs to learn. OR-

    We tell her, spam her, THIS: Jaimie, read this comment. Fucking read it and I swear on MY (the person who had actually wrote this. I dont want other people to risk this shit) LIFE if you fucking cry after you read this Im done, I give up on life, so try living with that. Yes, this is a challenge. FUCKING READ IT, READ IT IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS. DO IT, READ IT. READ IT IF YOU CAN, READ IT WITHOUT FEELING ANYTHING, I DARE YOU. READ IT, READ IT UNTIL THE VERY END, DONT YOU STOP READING. STOP READING, I DARE YOU TO STOP READING. If you are still reading, thank you, ha. I know that I have said that there's no humanity in you. But, I know that that isn't true. EVERYONE has humanity in them, even at least a little. Even serial killers. EVERYONE does. Even if they are messed up, unfortunately, we are all humans. What I am trying to say is, I KNOW that, deep down, you know you are in the wrong. Even if It's really deep down, or not, you know it. Think, just think about it. You probably feel insecure, and If not insecure then at least sad. Im guessing people probably look at you weirdly, stare at you, or even tell you in face a lot of insults about your looks. But, I have a LOT to say. Keep reading. DO NOT STOP READING. Listen, you are a human too, after all. And, personally I think like this: Do not judge someone for their looks, judge them for their heart. Don't support insults to over-weight people, but also don't support the fact they aren't doing anything about it. It's not for your looks. It's for your own health and happiness. We, in this judgemental society, will feel happier once we at least a little bit loose or gain weight, depending on the insults non-lifers give you. Even non-lifers get insults and sad. And become non-lifers JUST because they gave in, and became the same thing that made themselves sad and hurt deep down. For your own health, people should loose or gain weight (IM ABSOLUTELY NOT DONE! DO NOT STOP READING UNTIL THE VERY END.) depending on their circumstances, I mean. I know, from expirience that It is hard to loose/gain weight. There's 2 reasons why: It's just hard. One moment you are happy because you lost some pounds, the other you just don't feel like it and think Its worthless. One moment you finally gain some pounds, feel happier, the other you feel It's worthless because you don't see changes (same for gaining pounds, really depends). For both of these cases, The thing that also, except yourself, can bring you down is other people, or how I say "Society". In both cases someone could, after you finally feel proud of yourself, say something like: "Damn you're so fat/skinny","You should loose/gain some weight", "You really worked on loosing/gaining weight? Dang, I see no changes", "You should just give up, you'll never be pretty/handsome". The other reason that loosing/gaining weight is hard is: You just can't. There are people that just really can not change their physical appearance. As you know, there are people out there that can't gain weight no matter how much they eat, and the same other way round actually. It depends on their built. Some people are just built like it, and can't really change It except if they try really hard, with special techniques. I hate people who can't get this one fact in their mind: NOBODY is perfect. Absolutely nobody, neither in looks nor personally. There's no such thing as "perfect". EVERYONE has flaws. BOTH in appearance and personallity way. No metter how "Beautiful" someone is, for some people, they are just not attractive. And that's the thing. Yes, by the "Judgemental society" way, we can tell what's "attractive" and what Isn't. But in reality? There are tons of people who just really don't find someone supposedly "beautiful" attractive. Just because MAYBE the majority thinks so, It doesn't mean EVERYONE should,will and does find that person attractive FOR REAL. For FUCKS SAKE, there are 8 BILLION PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD, SOMEONE OUT THERE IS WILLING TO LOVE YOU, AND BE HAPPY WITH YOU, EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE. YOU DONT HAVE IT UNLESS YOU TRY. EVEN IF YOU FAIL, TRY AGAIN AND AGAIN. YOU LITERALLY NEVER KNOW! I, personally hate everyone and everything, including myself. I hate the way I look, I hate the way I act, I hate the fact Im not honest with both myself and others. No matter how hard I try. I can never be the person I want to be, supposedly. Tho. Im counting on future. Im, really, really young at the moment, and just want to be able to expirience true happiness in the future. The thing I want to change the most is my personallity. Both in real life and online. I just want to accept it. Accept myself. Accept the fact humans are just trash. But I can't. Which Is why, I want to say: It's okay. It's okay. I know, we are all a little lost. We all, are, truly, lost. No one knows themselves really. No one does. Which Is why Its completely okay to cry, Its okay to be weak. No matter what or who you are. It's okay. We are all stupid.. we all hate something about ourselves. Even if you don't think so. It is true. No matter how many times you tell yourself or someone else. You hate, something, about yourself. At the very least 1 thing. We all always think "I could've done better", "Why wasn't I able to do it, even thought I tried my best..?","I should've tried harder"..etc... In reality, we are all the same. In one way. And that one way is the way our feelings work. No matter how tough or mean someone looks and acts. They, and we all, have feelings. Yes, there are people that conditionally have " no feelings " but truly, they do. Just because they lack it doesn't mean they don't have them. We all, feel. Such a phenomenal huh..? Nothing can explain emotions, existence is really weird... We are all similar, no one knows how to truly fucking communicate, and even when, and if there was/is a case, the other people then can't communicate the same way, and then the one who was actually able to communicate their feelings freely and truly, gives up on it. We are all really such a big piece of trash... Everyone is an enemy in someone elses life... Wow... I hate life. I won't go on about it anymore, for now. Next: Let me tell you, Jaimie, you are such a piece of shit, y'know? You should understand that, just because you don't love yourself, doesn't mean you should express it on ANYONE ELSE! No matter the age. Tho, specifically, really? A fucking 16 year old?... You know. You should've learned that life is unfair up until now, and you, and really everyone has gotta deal with it. Listen. DO.NOT.STOP.READING! She is in phase of growing up and really, no matter the age, everyone is growing up with time. But, she is in the earliest stage. How could you..? She is a child. Just because you were called insults as a child doesn't mean you should do the same... I hate that kind of mindset... I almost can not understand people like that... I, personslly, will try my best not to make mistakes my parents did while I was growing up, tho I still am. As, at the moment ## year old. I will never, make the same mistakes my parents did. And.. even tho Ill try my best not to make the same mistakes they did.. doesn't mean I won't make my own mistakes... In reality, raising a child is the most difficult thing in the world. Which is exactly why all of us are like this.. Everything about the child depends on you. You can't not give them freedom, you can't give them too much freedom. You can't neglect them, you can't give them too much attention. You can't be mean, you can't be too nice. It's really, really hard.. Which is exactly why no one is perfect. We are all not perfect, which makes our child not perfect. And that is okay. The only thing that is not okay is that we are all, so stupid. If you don't teach your child to be open minded, Thats not good. Ill try to, in some while, to tell my homophobic friend that Im Bisexual. DONT STOP READING, IM BEGGING YOU! DO NOT, I HAVE A LOT TO SAY!Because In reality, she, isn't homophobic, I mean, she is. But, at the end of the day, I could tell that she was just confused. "How can a person like another person of same gender?" Were her words. I can get that. It's confusing. It really is. For some people at least. She wasn't raised to understand it, and, when i say this, I dont mean to fucking put a gay tv show on the tv, or to explain it directly like that. What I mean is, the thing I said earlier. The important thing is to raise your kids to be open-minded. Dont tell them shit. It will just confuse them more. In a way like this "You have a crush?! Awhh my baby is growing up so fast! Who is it?? Is it a boy or a girl??" And, if they ask "Why would I have a crush on a boy/girl (depending on their gender)?" You should keep it simple, with "Im just asking? Is something wrong dear?"and explain in the simplest way possible. Im not saying they should determine their sexuality so young, hell no! Let the kids have their childhood until adulthood hits in. What Im saying is, by not really telling, but initiating, show them that It's okay to: love the same gender, not be able to hear, not be able to talk, not be able to walk, etc... Im ABSOLUTELY not saying to literally put so many things in their little mind. What Im saying is, kids are curious, so they will have questions. If such questions as "Why doesn't that uncle/auntie have an arm??" Explain in the simplest way possible, like "Maybe they were just born with it? Or they got in an accident, less the matter, Its their thing, also, Its very rude to stare and point at people darling, don't do it again, okay? I know you were just curious, but, since I just told you, you won't do it again, okay?". Im just giving straight up examples. Doesn't mean such thing will happen, but when kids ask, don't sugarcoat it or say nonsense, just keep it as simple and innocent as possible. Teach them not to judge someone by their looks, example if "Today we got a new friend /student! (depending on age) he/she was reallyyyy fat/skinny! Hahaha!" Tell them something among the lines of " //the childs name//! That is so rude of you to say! You can't call someone fat/skinny! That will make them feel sad and cry! How would you feel if someone called you so and laughed at you? Do not do this again, no one deserves to be sad, okay?" And so on... I could give milion examples, like the fact favourite colour or colour of the things your wearing doesn't determine your gender or who you like, as well as the clothes in itself. I absolutely understand, even if parents are open minded, they want to protect their child from bullying, so they tell them things like "pink is for girls" and shit like that. Also, I HATE, parents and girls in this matter: periods. What I hate is: Schools don't educate it very well, while they should. EVERYONE should know about periods at the time puberty hits (almost for everyone, there are cases where girls have gotten period at the age of like, 5) but, what I mean is, i hate when my mother, and girls in class are like "Don't say it! Just say your stomach hurts or something!" When I completely openly say, after the P.E teacher ask's why am I not doing the work "Im on my period" tho, I mostly say it in the lines of "The red month has came" or "Im on my manstrubation" the thing is, For this example of matter, Its not the girls fault, because their mothers, or fathers, told them to just say shit like "My stomach hurts" and not openly say it, meanwhile, I dont listen to none. The thing is, I get it, in most situations the teacher gets it and just leaves you alone, BUT its not always the case. EXACTLY because they dont go into the subject of periods more, even tho they should, some teachers forget about it. Like, I was in another school before, and the P.E teacher couldn't get me. I was so embarrassed at the moment, I have problem with my heart and anxiety, and I was just so quietly whispering, he couldn't hear when I said "Im on my period" and really, in our language you can only call it Manstruation, so, I only knew the word in english and said "period" and, he either couldn't hear me or couldn't understand me, or both. Then I started initiating with my eyes and was whispering really quietly "down there..". He couldn't understand ot hear and at the end has just left me alone, gosh I was so uncomfortable. My mom hasn't even told me how to explain, she just told me when Im on my period to not work P.E, that's it. I literally asked her what to say and she only told me to say "Im not working"... That was the time my "friend" at the time told me to just say my stomach hurts. I was confused, like, why is it so complicated to just say it? Its nothing weird. So, I just started saying it and explaining as openly as possible, teacher got used to it now lmao. So now I dont even finish the sentence sometimes, I just say "Red" and bro just nods and walks away, what a legend. The thing is, boys should be educated on the matter of periods as well. Im so frustrated that I do not know if boys have some period of time as well. When I say period, I dont mean if boys have period- I fucking know they don't. Only females do because of the egg, but we won't go on about that right now, what I mean is, "period" as: "period of time" that boys go through that makes them feel pain or something, like stomach or testicle pain, the same way breasts hurt when growing, I mean. The thing is, a lot of girls don't respect guys, at all. Both young, and adult. Society should be more open minded. On school trips you can't sleep in a bed with opposite sex, like, bitch what? I understand, teen pregnancy exists, but, what does society do to stop it? Brotha, I want to play games on my phone with my best friend, and not listen to girls talking about their crushes and imaginary plots. I have to say it, girls are boring as fuck. Not all of them, but most. But at the same time, Boys are boring as fuck as well. So I mostly always at least give a try at requesting an alone room. I get it, I get it. But schools should EDUCATE KIDS TO NOT HAVE SEX UNTIL 18 AT THE VERY, VERY LEAST! Just- why aren't people more open minded? Brotha, a ## year old surely ain't gonna have sex. Also, educate sex at the time puberty hits. You should FULLY EXPLAIN CONSEQUENCES of having sex. ESPECIALLY while young. Also, Its not schools fault if fucking teenagers with no brain end up having sex. Its on them, and fully on them, ONLY: If school PROPERLY educated the consequences. And the fact Its WRONG.TO.DO.IT.YOUNG. EVEN with protection. Anyway, WHO THE FUCK GIVES CONDOMS TO A 18- PERSON? Also, parents, if you're still active LOCK YOUR FUCKING CONDOMS SOMEWHERE YOUR CHILD WILL NOT HAVE ACCES, AS WELL AS SEX TOYS. The thing is, as a society, we are all fucked. What I was trying to say is, both, ABSOLUTELY both guys and girls can, and are disrespectful to each other. Not everyone, but quite a lot. Also the thing that gets on my nerves the most is that if a girl sexually assaults a boy, he "enjoyed it".... What the ACTUAL FUCK? .... Boy, not only woman with man, but also woman with BOYS, WHAT THE FUCK. BOTH, BOTH CASES ARE WRONG. BOYS/MAN ALSO DO NOT DESERVE TO BE PRESSURED OR FORCED TO HAVE SEX. I HATE IT SO MUCH. BUT BOTH MALE AND FEMALE PRIVILAGE EXISTS! JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T EXPIRIENCE IT DOESN'T MEAN IT DOESN'T EXIST. I could be here all night if I was to list everything I hate about the world, gosh we would be here forever. I, trule apologise if there are any grammar mistakes, Its really late for me at the moment and English Isn't even my first language. Im really sleepy and sweaty, most importantly pissed. I had even more to say but my brain Isn't working anymore, Ive been typing this message for more than an hour. I don't even know anymore. Either way, Jaimie, this Isn't only for you, but for EVERYONE and ANYONE who actually reads this. Id be here forever If I had listen everything I hate about every group of people. But hey, at the end of the day I gotta let my stress out right now, so, Jaimie, Imma say some shit I REALLY mean and want to scream so fucking badly because Im pissed: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK YOU SCUMBAG? YOU PIECE OF- NO, ACTUALLY NOT A PIECE OF, A WHOLE ASS MEAT! HOW COULD YOU? JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE A FATASS DOESN'T MEAN EVERYONE SHOULD YOU JACKSTAR JOKER LOOKING ASS HORSEFUCKER! NOT EVEN A BIRD WOULD LIKE YOU. YOU HAVE RUINED THAT GIRLS LIFE. I HOPE SHE GETS HELP BEFORE SHE BECOMES SO INSECURE TO THE POINT OF SUICIDE. ALSO, FOR REAL? DID YOUR FAT ASS REALLY POST A PHOTO OF YOUR SISTER WITH CANCER AND SAY "Whose the healthier one now?" BECAUSE IF YOU DID, I SWEAR TO GOD IF THERE IS HELL, IM DRAGGING YOU THERE WITH ME. YOU KNOW WHAT? YOUR SISTER IS THE HEALTHIER ONE, YOU KNOW WHY? SHE HAS A HEALTHIER PERSONALLITY, MENTALITY, SOUL AND GOD WHO KNOWS? MAYBE EVEN BODY THAT YOU EVER WILL HAVE YOU FAKE ASS "CiNdEREllA" FUCK, YOU DON'T NEED A HALLOWEEN COSTUME, YOU'RE SCARY ENOUGH BY BEING YOURSELF, FUCKING JOKER WOULD BE DISGUSTED BY YOU. ALSO, WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOUR PODCAST? YOU KNOW, NO ONE GIVES EVEN A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT YOU OUT HERE. NO.ONE. ALSO BITCH ASS CUNT, WHO YOU CALLIN' "BeStieS"?!? BITCH, ID RATHER BE A BEST FRIEND WITH A PIG THAN YOU. PIGS ARE AWESOME ACTUALLY! SO NO ONE SHOULD CALL YOU A PIG, YOU ARE TOO UGLY TO BE COMPARED TO A CUTE ANIMAL LIKE A PIG, OR ANY ANIMAL AT ALL. I GENUENLY THINK MOST ANIMALS ARE BETTER THAN HUMANS. SO, NO, ACTUALLY, ID RATHER BE BEST FRIEND WITH A TRASH BAG THAN YOUR NO-LIFE ASS SCUMBAGING CUNT. BY THE WAY, YOUR BODY IS BIGGER THAN THE FUTURE OF WHOLE HUMANITY SIS, BUT SPECIFICALLY YOUR OWN. IF YOU'RE SAYING "BeStiES" TO THOSE 10 PEOPLE THAT STILL HAVEN'T FOUND OUT HOW MUCH OF AN URSULA YOU ARE THEN HAH. YOUZ YOU WERE A BALLERINA? PFFT- YOUR KID SELF LOOKED SO HAPPY, AND Y'KNOW, YOU HAVE RUINED A HAPPY KIDS LIFE. THE KUD WHO COULD'VE SMILED LIKE THE ONE IN YOUR BALLERINA PHOTO. I HOPE SHE WILL GET OVER IT ONE DAY. IM AN ATHEIST, BUT IF GOD EXISTS, WHICH I DO NOT BELIEVE, MAY HE FUCKING FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE I, AND A LOT OF MORE PEOPLE WON'T UNTIL YOU REALIZE YOUR MISTAKES, IF ONE DAY YOU WILL. LISTEN, I FUCKING HATE YOU. AND WILL CONTINUE TO HATE YOU FOREVER UNTIL YOUR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT, WHICH I HOPE WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY. IF YOU ACTUALLY FELT NOTHING WHILE READING THIS, THEN DAMN, CONGRATS, GO FUCK YOURSELF SINCE NO ONE ELSE WILL WITH YOUR CONSENT BITCH. DAMN ugh, I feel a bit better, I hope you don't tho. That's it from me. Sorry, but not sorry at the same time. Again, you.are.a.terrible.person. !<

Re: The JACKSTAR Deprecation Thread!
« Reply #35 on: August 06, 2023, 06:57:20 PM »
Its completely okay to cry, Its okay to be weak.

What a fag.

Re: The JACKSTAR Appreciation Thread!
« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2023, 03:28:15 PM »
Just a soupçon, an homage, even appreciation for our sadly missing lonely mascot l'enfant terrible.

"Missing." Oh, right, the truck probably isn't wired. And I don't answer to you. And you don't ask.

I command your world through Spirit. THE COMMANDER does it through third dimensional manifestion. It's not complicated, you just think one isn't as real as the other.

I don't care what you think, Fleshling. I care about what I am supposed to inform Spirit about next. "Mascot."

Chysalis. p.s. I don't know who you are and therefore you are not as important as I am. If there was something I needed to be more impressive at, well, I thought the same of everyone and if I am prepared and you are anonymously heckling I am perhaps okay with that, Errol.

What a fag.

Is the implication here that I need to accelerate my timetable, or, that I am not having sex fast enough for you? Try using the right drugs without all the whining, it blows my high, and that of anyone who I would be attracted to in the first place.

You are not finding me sober because I need to get credit for dropping any use if, for example, Court demands it, or if someone needs a partner/buddy/sponsor or if they pass a law that I just don't get to do whatever everyone else does.

You think you need to tell me what to do because I programmed this situation that way. Pro tip: you don't even pay me a salary. I like enjoying adult activities. You relentlessly whine about what I am doing, because you are jelly, and I do not give a single ripe wet shit.

« Reply #37 on: August 07, 2023, 03:31:52 PM »

Would it help if you knew that I'm working on nanotech-enhanced healing potions down in Grandpa's lab? Dude! I am not a lawnmower man. I am not a poolboy. And the fucking garage is filled WITH GODDAM COMPANY TRAPS, I do not know where to go for a sabbatical as I cannot stay inside this place while it is being reconditioned, it MUST be reconditioned or condemned, I HAVE NO EVEN HAD ANYONE YET COME IN TO EXAMINE THE MOST SERIOUS ISSUES, and you have no way of detecting real human emotion. I guess?

I'm ecstatic. Who wouldn't be? Semper fi.

Re: The JACKSTAR Appreciation Thread!
« Reply #38 on: August 07, 2023, 03:44:34 PM »
You think you need to tell me what to do...

I'm indifferent. Note: it was Lazarus who attributed the above writings to you, not me.

Re: The JACKSTAR Appreciation Thread!
« Reply #39 on: August 07, 2023, 03:49:27 PM »
In fact, I'd be interested to know where Lazarus found the body of text he attributed to Jackstar.

He already tried doxxing you, Jack - a couple days ago - and I pulled that shit down.

Then you went and gave the world a tour of your house.


Re: The JACKSTAR Appreciation Thread!
« Reply #40 on: August 07, 2023, 03:59:33 PM »
You relentlessly whine about what I am doing, because you are jelly, and I do not give a single ripe wet shit.

Jelly of what? Of the fact that I live in Africa, and you're the one washing your balls in a bucket?

Re: The JACKSTAR Appreciation Thread!
« Reply #41 on: August 07, 2023, 04:18:56 PM »
Have you ever stopped to think, maybe I don't want you to do such hard drugs so often because I don't want you to O.D., because I actually love you and don't want you to die?

Re: The JACKSTAR Appreciation Thread!
« Reply #42 on: August 07, 2023, 04:28:23 PM »
Look. I get it. Nagging doesn't work. I never told you what to do, actually. And while you may see it that way, I don't believe I'm a whiner-- In any capacity. Perceptions have become distorted.

Re: The JACKSTAR Appreciation Thread!
« Reply #43 on: August 07, 2023, 04:32:19 PM »
Have you ever stopped to think, maybe I don't want you to do such hard drugs so often because I don't want you to O.D., because I actually love you and don't want you to die?

It's like I said in one of my podcasts he's alienating himself to self-destruct and die a cold and lonely death on Martyr's Hill.

All he needs to do is put down the meth pipe, clean his house, learn from his mistakes, and fulfill his penance with the state, but he'd rather die and blame it on everyone else.


Re: The JACKSTAR Appreciation Thread!
« Reply #44 on: August 07, 2023, 05:14:48 PM »
All he needs to do is put down the meth pipe,

Who told me to start it? You are being relentlessly stupid. It doesn't mean anything to anyone if I have psychokinetic shielding and other neurospheric tools developed and... there is no demonstration. Maybe you didn't understand that there can be no show without substance.

I will note that you are now skipping the needle talk. That's nice. Do you understand that the challenges you have experienced... are not and have not been my challenges?

Millions of people use A LEGALLY AVAILABLE SUBSTANCE. You say I "needs to put down." Your implication that there is some evidence that it's "up" all the time... look, it's simply this: your insults are legally actionable and I don't think your opinion is relevant to my area of concern anyway.

Did you tell anyone else to stop? How is it that FOR THREE YEARS EVERYONE ELSE was whipsawing away, and I didn't get any invitations to partake? What is it about you and your sad, brutishly thug-centric lot, that makes ridiculous behavior okay for you, and you are somehow entitled to point at others?

Have you considered the possibility you were bated?

clean his house,

1. Not my house.
2. It's been deliberately sabotaged with extremely toxic mold. IT IS OBVIOUSLY PLACED THERE WITH A GODDAM SPONGE, YO. Do you know why I haven't contacted authorities? Because I will contact them when they can clean up the fucking evidence. It's a crime scene, I saw that instantly when I walked in the door after three months away, oh, and, by the way, you are a very obnoxious douche-bag of a person. You seem to think that I hold any blame or responsibility for this situation at all. I don't. YOU WERE HERE. YOU TRASHED THE PLACE. ALL OF YOU RANSACKED THE PLACE.

It's possible you have jurisdiction here, probable in fact... you certainly have no Authority over me. There are things that I am in charge of, and you... do everything else.

You should probably not bother telling me to "do" things. Go shove someone else.

learn from his mistakes,

Something I am having trouble doing, and I need to do, is to learn from your mistakes. For example, I can't tell if this some thug/pig code, and you have been shitting up my life and it's free time reserves for quite a bit. so how you can trash my house and keep me locked away from the rest of the world, which has you in doing something, and why I don't hear about these events on the quickly, or on the schedule, well I am sure I can hardly wait for that.

and fulfill his penance with the state,
I haven't been convicted of anything. I have no penance due to ayone.

but he'd rather die and

blame it on veryone else.

Blame WHAT? I think I forgot that I haven't told you the reason why I did not attend the party. She was going to be killed. It was going to be a great time.


How you can be sad at all with such a remarkable circumstance as this time of life is remarkable. The only real lacking here is that your boilerplate takes off a bit too much toldd