Author Topic: totesbeyondbusted  (Read 7809 times)

Re: totesbeyondbusted
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2023, 03:34:28 PM »

Re: totesbeyondbusted
« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2023, 03:36:42 PM »
Perhaps all the really hawt intel is found over on Ellgab, where the dear and the cantaloupe play.


Re: totesbeyondbusted
« Reply #32 on: September 05, 2023, 05:20:34 AM »
So anyway, people have beef. Strong beef. [...] You had your chance to get close to me with bullets. Now, you're gonna have to use your (blank). Inorite.

As a courtesy to those Netizens of a more honest stripe, I have voluntarily chosen to cease a great deal of the documentation of the NEFARIOUS, MALICIOUS, RACE-RELATED BOWDLERIZED BULLSHIT that I see routinely these days, as I navigate certain, select few conversations that I am so graciously allowed to still participate in these days. (What took you so long? Oh, right: you don't pretend to be my friend without a paycheck, and none of you ever actually learned how to be a friend--or if you did, the ability was burned out of you during the electroconvulsive therapy. Sad!!) And there are no forums that like me, none that want me, and since I haven't sucked any cocks yet, is closed to me. Such a pity. All those massive dynamic rolleyes, going to waste. What do they call the twerp over there that pretends to be me, anyway? Dubbstarrrrrrr? Cool name, especially if they have a little parrot for forum flair.

So you haven't seen it, because I haven't been writing--much--about the truly ridiculous technological discoveries that I continue to sporadically and spontaneously reverse-engineer the practical workings thereof. (I heard Bob Lazar figured out how to make The Montauk Chair do DP when a female Federal judge sits in it, if she's not too whorish-looking. Kudos.) This was not done in order to save up several depots' worth of ammunition--quite bomb ammo--for future use. No, it was mostly just because I was lazy and don't want to work.

*polite* bullshit COUGH.

Let me put it this way: I wish to avoid a scorched earth Total War defensive position, because I simply don't have any objectives, personally, that would benefit from that. I am largely Neutral.

HOWEVER. What I am seeing happen is a flat-out ABOMINATION. This is not what ought to be happening. This is an End Times Apocalypse, this is not Sweet Valley High. This is not Sally Jessy Raphael.

THIS IS NOT DONAHUE. *sniffle* I miss him. But I'm not going to participate in certain, select levels of depravity. Be Nice.

But not French nice. I certainly won't be. I think some of you have gotten the wrong idea, Punylings.

God's children are not. RECONCILE.

Re: totesbeyondbusted
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2023, 05:46:11 AM »


bye bi bitch, hello Sunshine: WELCOME TO THE THUNDERPLEASURE DILLED DOME. (Rebrand pending focus group returns.)

I just can't put this any more clearly: I AM NOT ABOUT TO BE LEAD AROUND BY THE NOSE OVER THE FUCKING PHONE, YOU SELFISH PIG-HEADED PHREAK-FREAKS. All of you shit bags are on the hook for untold numbers of crimes, and you're all sitting around hiding behind my Shield of Assault IV exoneration; after which I would imagine quite a few people are planned to be rounded up. Or whatever you :cube: ick ule Ole! fools do. Honestly, this is all totestupid.

Which is awesome. For most of us. For me: I SLEEP ALONE AND TRY TO WEEP. Or maybe I have that the other way around? Whatevah. The point is that I am sick to fucking death of the whole goddam thing, which puts me nicely position and aimed at a future of: I WON'T GIVE A SHIT IF I EVER HAVE SEX AGAIN AND YOU CAN PUT ALL OF THEM IN A TINDER BOX AND LIGHT A CANDLE FOR ALL I WILL GIVE A SHIT.

It's probably won't get that bad, but I just got off the phone with someone pretending to have the capacity for human emotion who was surprised to discover that *gasp!* I WAS NOT KIDDING: I WILL SPEAK TO THE SHAW WOMAN BEFORE CERTAIN SELECT DECISIONS ARE MADE.

POINT BLANK PERIOD. I don't even know if she's still alive. Has she been rescued? Did she need to be? Do I even care? Obviously, the answers there are all yes.

Did she want to throw her own ass into a woodchipper? I dunno. However, just as I laughed openly at the half-dozen clandos who kept assuring me that I should be pissed at the woman who was left behind after Christmas Eve 2021, I am not, and I still have no fucking clue what happened on a number of points.

AND I HAVE THE RIGHT AND NEED TO KNOW. And you fuckers, you know tons of intel on that. And more. Do you share it with me? Aww hell no.

IDGAF if I end up pulling it out from under your fucking fingernails, Bellgab, mark my words: I WILL FIND OUT WHAT I NEED TO KNOW.

AND I CHOOSE TO FIND OUT FIRST BEFORE FUCKING AROUND. How is this hard for you twerps to understand? Oh, right, because you all depend on my ignorance and her vulnerability to even come close to gettting your obscene plot to fuck everything up and steal everything that's left from me, and her, and everyone else, it's all one big black box game to you Tavistock chucklefuckleheads, isn't it?

Too fucking bad. Pick a warfighting strategy that doesn't revolve around deliberately torturing the civilian population for your advances towards "victory"--although, since you're trying to steal everything I ever had and everything I ever had, one wonders why anyone would be as patient, tolerant, and mindful of the laws of Space and Tyme as I have been.

The answer is: the U.S. Constitution is that powerful. Your fiendish schemes will never prosper. NEVER! And I won't have to compromise my values or my dignity or the security of my country in order to assure that.

My sex life has gone right into the shitter, however, but so what? I'm not a sex addict, shrug. Let's see how well you assholes do with a five-year-mission into The Land of No Human Contact, I bet you couldn't go ten fucking minutes without looking to score with a fresh hottie, and you think I'm staying at home alone surrounded by garbage because I'm afraid of girls.

Nope. It's because no one can believe that I can keep my hands to myself, and so... hotties do not stick around, I can assure you, unless they are being paid to. And, they aren't.

Unless it's to make a Federal case out of me. Now, as I would like to see myself forming healthy, social relationships, both of the sexy and non-sexy kind, here's what's going to happen:

YOU are going stop your unlawful corruption of Justice and your flagrant abuses of Power are going to come to a swift and screeching halt. Mark my words, twerps, because this isn't about my maybe-non-existent wife/spouse:

THIS IS ABOUT NERDS, SQUAW. (Since none of you know who she is either, it's not terribly offensive... nor is it a contact violation, since it makes her pretty fucking happy to be acknowledged by name. Her name. Part of the penance. Council's idea. A pretty good one, too, especially compared to giving a sock to a knobby elf.) THERE, LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO. SHE WAS HAPPY, THEN SHE HAD TO SQUINT. FU, FEDGAB.

Basically none of you know a fuckin' thing about what all of this has been about. Good. Don't forget that.


(Somebody wake up Hicks and tell him to put Q back to sleep. SLEEP, motherfucker, have you heard of it? Pfft.)