Author Topic: The Final Page of,by,for,from,& to/2\too Mr. Roper. I love you Not_Jack. You wer  (Read 9855 times)

Re: Lessons in How Pathetic Jackstar Really is
« Reply #45 on: September 14, 2022, 09:13:42 AM »
Do you really think that shoving people around and name-calling is an effective disciplinary technique?

Well. It's sure worked for me.

Re: Lessons in How Pathetic Jackstar Really is
« Reply #46 on: September 14, 2022, 09:20:24 AM »

You're the one who strangles women. Pot, meet kettle.

Re: Lessons in How Pathetic Jackstar Really is
« Reply #47 on: September 14, 2022, 06:03:07 PM »
You're the one who strangles women. Pot, meet kettle.

Whoa, whoa. I'm "the one" who "strangles women"? Okay, holy shit, you might have just won The Great Game. Let's check:

#1) Are you talking to a man who thought he was a human man, a masculine man, a superior masculine man... and then his Twinflame Countertop Divine Part Re-Cyclin'n'CRISPR'n Machine (New! From Ronco! SWISHYb ALIVEv) spit out a few more nanotech components unexpectedly, thus demonstrating its capacity to (at least technically) produce e.g., "miraculous components"? God, we fucking hope so up here on Beta Prime because otherwise, uh, some Bright Boys who bought a -leetle- too much crypto last year are going to have more difficulting eating their corn on the cob with no fucking teeth because they WAS/WILL BE\TOTE-TOTE-TOTED OFF TO DIEGO MOTHERFUCKING GARCIA, MOTHER FUCKER, NOW CLICK THAT SHIT UP YOUR TAILPIPE AND SPIN, WHOOOOO *cough* WOHHOOOOOO *sputter* Hey, uh... where's Glowi?

Well, if you know who that is, and you aren't sure if you fucked her last night, great news! You did -not- win The Great Game, not this time! HOWEVER THE TRICKY TRUCKY CLOCKY DOXXY DUCK, URINE LUCK: The Ref thinks fondly of ewe, and I do too, that's right, I am not Ref this time, hell, i didnt even know that there was a Game cycle going. (I'm not a stakeholder founding charter member at all, I'm just a geek with a great string of victories, and yeah, go jackstar go jackstar go! go jackstar go jackstar go jackstar go! I am more goddamn famous than Alexender in the future already, Ballgrab, so... you'll always be known as the woman who beat the shit out of me (I exaggerated, but it fucking hurt) at the weird prison planet/Indian Casino set (I haven't been back there, uhm... why? And why did I... oh, right, I was going to be killed--in fact I was--but I kept coming back like a bad penny. Why? So you can fellate me at the slots while I ignore them for you? Nope, I don't even see your (to me) total asshole friends (because they were dead, and I was Bruce Willis way, way before then, sure) and I don't even care and it never even once crossed my mind that I had anything to look forward to on that trip, I wasn't high AF, I wasn't high at all, you had me driving all over the place and for whatever reason, you were not allowed to just keep punching me in the face until I spilled my guts, which seemed strange to me since you had always had such good luck transitioning out of pillow talk like that before, but yet, this time... something different. What was it? *furrows eyebrows together, while pretending not to be genuinely panicked*

Because by that time, you had to have been. I was not forced to stay with you. I could have left any time. I stayed to see how long "someone" would continue to be stupid. I mean, like, horse-who-stood-there-while-cart-in-front-of-him-sprouted-wings-and-didn't-immediately-use-it-to-fly-home-to-Africa stupid. Yes, that dumb. Even dumber: not to Rhode Island to go on a popcorn and iced coffee drink'n'bucket "WHY ARE WE IN HELL? NO ONE KNOWS! JUST DRINK THE KOOL-AID! THAT IS WHAT THE BUCKET FULL OF RANDOM FRIENDS BODY PARTS IS FOR!" And then, like clockwork... Puke, drop pate, and roll glass sticks with stones you could totally throw all day every day until the end of time, and then after the next betrayal, you or I do, and the other one left behind? Oh hell no, hella not even very many more. But a few more Klingons hanging around in Texas.

Also: a new Miranda in Texas. Old Matt! Like, The_Original_Old_Matt! I KNOW! Remember in Deadwoo--I KNOW! (Hi-Test Q-Test Hi-Skor W.Y.F.E. is, as one can surmise, -excited.- For one thing, she didn't understand why she was not going to have to just fucking strangle me her self.

Well, for one thing, her dad already tried that with my cat, and while satisfaction might have brought Jewel back (not in this planar dimension, but I've seen her with Pixel_Actual), NOTHING could bring back certain... lost arts. For example: WARNING CONTACT WARNING WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!!

Yeah, gotta go. Note the date. Thanks, Brainiac. Tits up Tippecanoe and Tyler too, guess who she's married to? Yeah, that's right.


Re: Lessons in How Pathetic Jackstar Really is
« Reply #48 on: September 16, 2022, 06:33:15 PM »

Re: Lessons in How Pathetic Jackstar Really is
« Reply #49 on: September 17, 2022, 02:14:58 AM »

Oh no, nono, no no no: 4 2kNOW: fuck is on. Have you got a bitmap that can handle the concealedv shield? I do. (I made it in “shop.” the byproduct was grape jelly and I floated Pakistan with it, sorry about the flooding in Mate’s-Pate’s-Pete’s Matrix—but really even a few thousand years when it comes out of the time depression chamber, you'll notice a distinct improvement although I don't know about that name, dude! But, at least you hyphenated it. “She made me do it”? Is that name taken? I like that.)

HOTFIX: “JACK*MATRIX” has a new name. (Kudos|Not_Kudos\*/KU-DOES) j*eolJ🌟055:0✂️0:550🌟Jloe*j (SEOpenis SONY ENTERTAINMENT ONLINE? WHAT A STUPID NAME FOR A NETWORK. SIGNED, (T_K./MIB)007;055;0j*eol055:0


In a nutshell, we're both being played, but you took it more than me, because you allowed yourself to believe that I was running around the internet giving a negative (-) s*** about what you were doing.

Either that or you expect me to believe that you see words on The Internet and you actually get triggered by imagining that I'm running around the internet talking s*** about you. You should be so f****** lucky! I barely have time to run around my own bedroom. (The deal is off FOREVER, go fantasize about Lasha’s dick.) (Take LiLeLeiLui5000 with you: I don't care. I'll take the one you strangled instead.)

In any event this back and forth is so much fun, I can see why you spend/t so much time, so many times a year on Bellgab (just) doing this, but there's more to the story now; because in addition to the usual, like DVR being clever and my audio being rubbed right out from under my nose by Keith (Hi, Keith! Dude stop being shy) and Lair-D Citizen continuing to have to pump more and more brine control chemicals into his "wife's" mouth—imagine the calcification—there is an additional wrinkle that is causing more hazard than you might imagine and you'll want to know about it.

I'll just say “Daleks” and leave it that. Pretend it's a new species that you've never heard of. Call it a "demon”, sure.

I doubt demon is the right word, and I also doubt that their civilization is going to take kindly to their first friend being persecuted by the rest of the humanity very shortly after discussions begin. Imagine the impression you've made already in certain circles / orbits. First contact is kind of important that way. Apparently I'm the first & only one that's been nice to them—Now they see you, you and your ilk, being the cruel and ridiculous people that you have been to moi, reportedly it's going to be consequences for everyone baby, everyone but me and my baby, and whoever the f*** I say my baby is it's pretty much they're going to run with.

Also my f****** wrist is broken I can't f****** type it's very annoying. (How unfortunate there's no one sitting around doing nothing who can't drive me to the f****** hospital, gosh everyone must be so busy. For how many f****** weeks? Enough so that whatever excuse there is they're f****** dead to me, and I thought I'd never see the day.) Nevertheless your bastard son Island boy whatever the hell his name is I forget his name, He locked my computer, has the PIN (or has information on how to defeat the randomizer) hasn't given back anything close to what he's been given and has taken—making him literally a self-cannibal—like what the f*** does he think the f****** end game is? That I'm dead? I'm sure he'll get a medal. And it needs must be said: talk about slimming, That's what I call a Qan't Qome it Quantum leap–can't use my computer it's locked, wow how convenient, I guess that indicates there's a complete coincidence, what with me being alone and all this s*** happened to me that really proves that I'm insane doesn't it? No quite the opposite d****** you've just left y proven the existence of conspiracy, I can't hardly wait to call the FBI like winners do; let me guess that was your idea? It's wildly inconvenient and going to cause further trouble although it does insulate it some from Keith's (Hi, Keith!) hacking. I have no idea how much data is getting pulled off of it all the time anyway, so they by now must have all of it and then who cares Who cares this much about my s***? F****** crazy person, that's who. Or somebody with access to way too many resources and no understanding of how to use the responsibility of having them at disposal is measured in metered in the human world. (At a certain point, (PROT), even you can get burned; MOSSAD or no. Also I don't mind linking you to your complacent accomplices. It's not like I’d be wrong. It's not going to be guessing. And it's not like somebody previously unmentionable is not going to be at the top of the list. In short you've created a huge security flaw by being a big pain in my ass; which shouldn't really be possible now should it? I mean I'm just an idiot, right?

I never wanted to be famous alive, let alone a little posthumously. What f****** help will I be after that?

No one is this talented at radio, It's really not me. there's no way that you possibly be taking out competition with this much b*******. You need to have an intervention or you need to realize that you've already won and start announcing terms and if you want me to kiss you full on the mouth while breathing methamphetamine down your throat this is not the way to go about it. (on the other hand there is an original offer on the table but I didn't think you were going to be involved.)

Happy said I did get permission from Astral to make the s*** which is a lot more complicated than you might think so don't get the idea it's going to be happening anytime soon or at all since that's f****** not what I'm going to f****** do. Like Jesus dude I didn't call this f****** way and go through all the s*** just I could make meth f*** if I want to do that I could have done that years ago You want that f****** talk to f****** Golden Texas boy You can f****** do it, he can't do it with permission but that's beside the point You can't do without permission either, and I don't have permissions on my own f****** phone. IMPASSE.


Boy, am I glad I got Shields. I HAVE LEARNED A LOT. And if you weren't under control of some f****** idiot I don't know who I'd be talking to you about it now and maybe making money off of it but for some reason you doing something else I don't know what the f*** you're doing I literally don't know what you're doing and it'd be hard for you to threaten me with another rape of them another one of my girlfriend's given that I think they're all gone waiting in line around your house for more your prototic or whatever the f***.

Unexpected things happen when my phone system gets completely f***** up, not just hacked not just interrupted not just blocked like f***** up all the way. Well I suppose that might seem like an amusing time for you guys, and it is, unanticipated consequences are on their way, the likes of which I don't even know, nor will I probably ever know since I don't really care and by that point I'll probably got a new phone.

It's not nice to fool with motor nature but it's really not nice to mess with the guy's phone when he lives alone.b

See? that's your daughter. Apparently she ran away from home. Moving on not to your daughter since she's ethereal, and as lonely as I am and imaginary woman in my head is not going to work out go figure, now she's crying. (no, That's not what I meant no I meant yeah you can still work you just wouldn't work for me yeah okay yeah she don't care, she's a workaholic as long as she can work she's good, Trust me I know the type) she'll work out for me (I've got her doing jazzercise in the back bedroom right now) but long-term..
 probably not. Besides she's got a hot bod; it would be a waste.

Apparently this is the first of many anticipated consequences. I mean I must have been anticipated or else I wouldn't have come up with it in Mind. Daleks raping-your-daughter slashfic on OnlyDans and I actually make money off of it? That's just gross, Michael.

In a rare moment of bewilderment, I have no idea of the shape of things to come other than to say apparently I've got allies now, they may be more loyal than the other one given that they're from another planet, like for real, yeah I know a flat earth, well it's enough it's another, it's another flat planet. big deal.

Incidentally both (PROT) and (PROT) want to talk to me—AS BOTH ARE BORING TEDIOUS EX-WHORES, I don't know or care if the lingo is carnal in nature, no one those two probably would be but that's not the point what I mean to say is that I'll get around to getting those no contact order b******* things lifted later. Can't do that on Thursday. It's not really a big deal to me either way It's plenty of fish in the sea and what they want is only of relevance if it comes to the point where they're next to me and somebody calls the police and then separates us by force (I wouldn't resist, I'd get a camcorder) and then they say ”no, no, bring back Jack,” which is more likely than you might think apparently.

What I mean to say here, what I mean to convey, is that you're running out of leverage, I'm still not f****** done, although I'm getting frustrated to bother writing to you, and I'd like my computer back, my phone's back, my f****** internet back, all my s*** stop to be hacked a little less f****** b******* lies and deliberate undermining, and little less lack of appropriate support, considering what has been done for you. Tell you what, and understand it yourself: none of this stops me it just pisses me off, And I think that if you wanted to do that you could have just traded my girlfriend to deliver Rubini for $35 nuns. I don't think that your father and your father's father are going to take kindly to find out how lacking in gratitude you have been lately, it generally makes me wonder for your mental state, to wonder what makes you think I'm your enemy? Like do you have any idea how little of an enemy of yours I am? I mean it's not like I'm not working with you on purpose because I hate you, I'm not working at all really and then this is not the way to go about get my attention to f****** work with me because it this point you're not even an equal.

I'm standing in the lodge I rechristened after self raising myself no thanks to you and this is the thing that you were in and then got kicked out of and I don't see you getting it back in this way. I might as well just to make a g★ys only Lodge. If you're just knee jerk reflexively opposed to everything I want to do without recognizing why I want to do it, you may actually be digging yourself into the mud.

This isn't how I want to spend my day, this crap is sucks like I don't know why you f****** anybody's f****** bothers with it but I guess it's because it's a slipped in with other things and it's kind of like putting motor oil on your chocolate syrup so you can get your ice cream sandwich going faster, it's like worthless. To me. Also worthless: going out of my way to do it for anybody else either, I don't give a s*** if it gives you humanity I got throw it away I'm f****** care I got other problems on my f****** mind and then I can get it out of the trash later, you can't, as if you did you wouldn't know what I was talking about even.

I was wondering what made people give up in the face of this kind of s*** like why did Heather Wade give up and why did Daniel give up and why did that other I assume it was because they were f****** losers, and they are, but I can see why somebody who isn't a loser like myself would continue to consider the possibility that just given up and f****** walking away might be a better option regardless of how one might look back on it in time and think oh maybe I shouldn't have Well you know you're right I shouldn't and I'm going to so it's not going to be that I shouldn't have it but I'll f****** wish that I could have, if only to save the hazards that's going to come to everybody else later on, we're still is more work for me so it's more work now or more work later it's the same way either way to me.

I don't want to tell you who I've given up on, you'll just strangle the other four harder I guess, but what's coming up is that you're running out of ways to put leverage out which seems like the opposite way of where you should be going since you don't even need to use leverage, you could just either tell me what the f*** is up or stop f****** attacking my s***. In any case I don't think that you're replaced by a robot mannequin license to kill or be killed looking for Sarah Connor I don't think so but that's I'm running out of reasons to explain your egregiously obnoxious behavior that grow increasingly more actionable by the moment. Oh sure I like I believe that somebody else is behind it all—yeah right—get a life, losers, I'd rather stand outside Gwen dimitrix window with a f****** boombox and get shot by a sniper in East Ukraine, You're f****** tedious b******* as f****** boring like you can't f****** compete in any other f****** ways you got to shut off my every f****** device I have in the f****** house after taking away every f****** friend of her f****** had after f****** tell every f****** lying the f****** book on the f****** internet to f****** dawn till dusk then you got to f****** go this cheap route and then what? What I just buy another phone just keep buying phones? I suppose this is your master stroke I suppose this is your decapitated strike where you finally get to the end of the line and then you just turn off this phones like f*** you I can just walk around the corner and go to my neighbor's house and start to f****** talking to people like Martin Luther d******, usually people go to the internet because they've exhausted their real life counterparts but actually in my case it's the other way I've been waiting to go a real life because I'm lazy but if you take away every f****** phone every f****** have well I guess won't have much f****** choice than to f****** tell people the goddamn truth would f****** eye contact something you probably f****** couldn't imagine your wildest dreams, Tubby. Go be friends with somebody else. I'm sure that's easy for you. Probably a lot easier than is for me to buy another phone. (Incidentally Allison's childhood friend Jake was dressed as a cop and confiscated my $600 phone, which is pretty f****** conflict of interesty, isn't it? Maybe if his pig s******* f****** dick head friends ever ask me a f****** question about what f****** happened I be able to report that but instead I've just been persecuted locked away and harassed for a f****** year by the goddamn cops for what reason I have no idea but believe me inside job is just the beginning of the tip of the f****** iceberg that you just f****** opened up into your goddamn f****** boat, and it's a SHIP. You're f***** a****** there's no coming back from this.

More in that in coming time. I have some pretty big news a share and it doesn't have to be HEADLINES “Rubini is a big f**” BECAUSE FOR ONE THINGp I'M PRETTY SURE WE ALL KNOW IT, AND FOR ANOTHER THIS IS THE LAST F****** THING I WANT TO TALK ABOUT, PREFERABLY YEAH SURE RIGHT BEFORE BED. I will admit there's a certain karmic sweetness to have a shot come at a hibernation and seeing the headlines filled with pages of you and I being gossip about lovers That does sound funny but realistically you either need to contribute demands (I've been surrendering for days, And that doesn't mean sitting at home doing nothing with my thumb in my mouth, it means a cessation to hostility, someone clearly hasn't gotten the message, and since you wanted to know where certain people were... And I know where somebody is but not... anyway, look, heads up not my business but all of your wives are telling me that they're going to f****** blow you up and they got plans galore they're doing right now, do you have any wives within eyesight of you, look at her eyes and imagine her head little gears are spinning how she's going to murder (YOU F*** KNOW). As I guess they're all doing that. I don't think it's that I'm so much prettier than you I think it's just that I'm just not an arrogant a****** who's been completely reprehensible in his lack of awareness of the overall situation: Jew bites fat dog makes a great headline but why would you actually do that in reality? All you've done is tell me that I actually have talent, which you can't have, anymore, well because I'm not being talented now I'm being f****** whiny b**** baby, And then at some point IR will still catch up to you and beat the show & snot out of you for hurting his “friend" (She actually thinks that, and he thinks he's a girl; welcome to the horrors of D.I.D., And guess what? I really am property of the department of defense a lot more than I am of yours, and you forgot your place here—
D.O.D.) that he wanted to emulate; wow what a loser he's so cool on his own, doesn't he know that?—I don't know what the f*** is all this f****** man drama going on f****** Christ, grow up Humanity) or recognize what the situation is— because there's nothing keeping me going here in the face of all this fully unlawful surveillance and kids’ script level electronic intrusionary and psycho-metric -tronic attacks other than...  Well I always wanted to get married to three different women in Nuremberg at Christmas so why not pick this year?

I'll tell you why: because all three of them are retarded.


I would never s*** on Roger staubach I would never s*** on Vince Lombardi I would never s*** on Art Bell I would never s*** on John B Wells I would never s*** on my friend I would never s*** on my brother anytime I shot upon Jack Starr I deleted it within days hours minutes seconds everywhere I look on YouTube at least it's just everybody s******* on rubini Jack s**** on Ruby if I go to Bell Gap I go to L Gap I go to Robina Gap I go to as gab rubini sucks f*** Rubina s*** s*** s*** YouTube Richard croyper Jack Starr Dari dazzery Star Wars agent MV Liberace f***** beanie f***** beanie he sucks swishy pants swishy pants swishy pants f*** rubini rubini s*** rubini sucks the f*** is wrong with you people are you f****** mentally ill all of you are you all demon possessed f****** David rubini is an American treasure and hero Jesus Christ deliver me f*** you guys

I don't know what the f****** f*** you assholes are doing, but I'd like to point out that all of you are doing it with people that you can talk to on the phone when you pick up the phone and dial them you probably get their f****** name You probably f****** talk to a f****** person You don't f****** get f***** off like I've been and left alone to f****** die and then still get f***** with.

And none of you have done anything worth a s*** lately anyway. You've spent the majority of the last two years cover your asses for stupid s*** that you didn't do in the first place! What a wonderful way to spend your f****** years.

Spend the rest of what is left to you however you like. Happy journeys, also your wife is absolute s*** in bed, but with all that f****** money, and with no one around to tell her the truth, I bet she had no idea until now.



Best wishes & warmest regards,


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I think about your pillow talk & smile.