Radio & Podcasts / Re: The Krepe Files
« on: Today at 09:20:22 AM »Good night. (FU.SHANE) Wife seems happy. Therefore I am happy. WEEKEND AT BERNIE'S, SHANE! FUUUUUUUUU!
Important to understand: I never bore Neighbor Shane any animosity whatsoever until I returned home after four months in exile 3.5 miles away to find absolutely everyone kinda... tight-lipped about what had gone down. I thought this somewhat peculiar, until I detected the faint whiff of, "hahah, you're a dumb city boy and you don't even know your father sold you to Jews and you are an actual bought-and-sold chattle slave, no consent is required, and we just spent four months raping your little heretical immortal Tuck Everlasting family to death over and over again while you sat in town and waited, you dumb city boy, and whenever we feel like it, we'll show you the proof and then do whatever we want again, because this is Our Land, Native Sympathizer Hunga-Gunga Z---GGERMANG, so now keep smoking, Sunny Boy. We got you."
Now, further important to understand: such words were never uttered. Such events never took place. And, had they took place... well, I guess that would have been a learning experience for us all. Excepting women and children, because, fuck you forever, Derpalings. I am a paladin. I have discipline. I have standards. I have a reputation.
I have a fucking dumb bunch of friends some times. No Shane in it. (I haven't seen him in a coon's age! Land sakes! I swear Goshen!) Mistakes are how we learn, right? And one thing is for damn sure: mistakes were made. Again: no shame in it.
So after this many years, yeah, I'm pretty sure it was pretty goddam tragic. No one dares speak to me without wearing the equivalent of Kevlar. Because sure, I seem okay. But any *real* beat cop will tell you the hard truth... one never knows. Until one does.
So I am alright with people being timid about me. I am timid too. Had I known differently, I would have done things differently. That's no excuse. it was my responsibility to know best. I am the Master of The House. I am The... something-or-other of The Demesne. I don't remember that one much, as there's some contention, I reckon. After all, I look quite weak.
And: I am. The shit I am not writing down would blow your fucking minds. I don't need the world to know the truth and shit. I only needed one thing, and I got that early. "I will always have Ballgrab." Oh, yeah, totestotally. They really could be counted on, unless she wanted me to be, like, uhm... anything resembling what she had before the third time Nameless Juan ran his shell game.
There are some things that simply can't take back. "It'll be fine, Allie..." it was never, -ever- fine. And if there weren't documented brain damage involved, similiar to that which incapacitates, uhm, i'm gonna say here: "Hungry Hungry HIPPA," it would be hard to explain how this woman can't figure out how to not commit treason.
Spoiler alert: I know exactly what is happening, and as soon as My Military asks me to, I will step right up and fill them in. (It's possible that they think they know, but they don't. I know this because telepathy, ghosts ans apirits, and they think they support the Knights of Malta or some such shit. Okay, dudes. Not gonna argue. *polite* Hooah! (Of course they're planning on killing me. That's what a military does. They hope they don't have to, but... they want my wimmins. Who doeasn't? lol.) In the meantime, I consider a lot of this matter to be absolutely case closed.
Because none of you can afford to recompebse me already, and you are all aleredy trying to figure out how to bust me for meth conspiracy charges. Because, that's your job. And, you know what happened.
I know I am sad about it, and I know that I seek no vengeance. Some of my friends do from beyond The Veil. Pfft. Oh, now they need me. Yeah, lol, sure.
Life goes on. That is all anyone needs to know right now, except for just one thing: the state of the Magyar/_\Algonquin/_\Potawatami Urban/Western Tough Country RoadstreetFAGGIT Justice Axis of Necessary & Proper ACTUAL Divine Justice (now with new! Nouveau! PLENARY & UNAPPEALABLE MOMENTARY CRAVINGS FOR FELLATIO-ALIGNEDS MURDER, praise to Il Papa may this never be -- Peenman Enterprises is owned by some total fags who hate The Pope *sigh*) technology cache is quantumly indeterminate. In fact, there may not ever be, or ever have been, any such grouping of cultures or civilization. I can neither confirm nor deny, for I am merely a stupid needle junkie in deep, heavy denial, about to face suddenly appearing Federal charges. Right? That's the #Official projection? I fuckin' hope so.
My balls-out insane street cred scrill is fucking insane. Wimmins in their sixtiesa are calling their doctor to ask if he's seeing anyone on the side who might have blown me once--they just gotta know. Does it seem very special? Does it glow in the dark? Does it smell like cookies? Does it taste like victory? Will it run out and fetch back the newspaper with Lonely Hearts Club ads in the classified circled with little rainbow sparkles?
No, silly. it's just sperms mixed with whatever fluids my poor, hugless body feels like making a passable attempt at generating. My body knows the truth. No woman, no care. I have eaten plenty of my essence. Oh, suddenly it is a delicacy? I'm calling bullshit. It's just a ploy to throw cover over the notion that because you're all COMP'd, any time I seem "high," it's a national security matter. So... who knows, really. I'm hoping Mr. Trump will sign an Executive Order dewmanding that I report to the rehab of choice, the chooser being KHLOE KARDASHIAN, because I think she deseerves a chance to redeem herself, I didn't like the way that happened to her, but I will be truthful: what happened to his brother was a sad, sad thing, and I am pleased to report that Mr. Trump has first priority on any anti-addiction prayers I am compelled to pray. I don't think I will.
It's not a toy. it's your LIFE. I took the time to figure this out because my parents were hopeless and space pirates were telepoerting into my school just to defile any girl I did like. I shit you not. And with Brainiac Beta telling the world that I did anal a whore for my first time (wow, thanks, not like there was any kind of violation of the law there, because obviously I should have known better? except, I did), it seemed clear to me that I was facing an important calling in life.
also, I knew that creep was going to take my dna and her dna and try to hack the cryptographic code for True Spanish Fly, because that is a purpose of The Holy Crystal. Addiction never sleeps. It only waits. And he was OBSESSED with her. I liked her. HE WAS WEIRD ABOUT IT. Here's why: SECRET METH.
It's the deception. That's part of it. So no wonder I never had fun. They trafficked her tro talk to me at all, why would she otherwise? She was told Hungarians were niggers and Austrians were best and she was an Abbo re-wash with no memoery and no reason to argue with them. Until me, they surely seemed cool. I kinda thought so.
Human trafficking and grooming is a hideous, vile, and abhorrent practice, the depraved depths to which it can reach being truly not appropriate for Family Hour. And because some bully thug thought he was all that, he caused untold devastation tracking across dozens of lives... because he thought he could, and because he was obsessed with my friend's smoking hot super rocket body. it's really quite a thing, when it's actually being worked out properly.
So is mine. No one has really given me a good enough reason to do that for them, however, because anyone who liked me before gets murdered by Jews or Duke's boys or... oh, something. Probably AF Shaw's ghost, because she can't really come back yet, because she thinks I'll just laugh at her. I won't just laugh at her. I will laugh with her.
She has no idea what really happened, what I have been doing, or why I have been doing it, and neither does anyone else. So, of course: solitary confinement. Way to go, mil.spec.d00Dz. I think you're ready for the big leagues, have your mothers all biogengeered into swine breeding sows and lock them up in gestation crates. You all obviously know everything there is to know about taking care of superhuman Native American subjugated bonded chattel whores. Just kidding.
We don't have any more of those left, because someone remaining nameless just... LET THEM ALL FUCKING JUST GO. Because seriously. If it took this long to get this far, I don't think any more patience on my part is going to help. I am loathed by the Punyling hordes. No shame in it. I feel like Casper, The Friendly Ghost, who just made a death pact with Evil Michael Jackson. I don't think I would. But he's my friend (he's actually proud because he actualy had the courage to do it himself ewven though he's dead and he's SO HAPPY I AM NOT SOME KIND OF CREEP. Because he doesn't care anymore, fuck it. I'm amazing, and if I wanted him to raise the whole goddam Jackson 5 from the grave while Latoya and the more whorish one fought over who gets my watermelon sugar first on OnlyFans pay per view, he'd think it over.
Mostly because there's no goddam way I would let Latoya near my glans. It's gonna bw Tito all the way. This is not important right now, unless you're that one friend of mine who is kinda freaking out... am I serious? (No, >K. Also you are the V it doesn't matter what anyone thinks, because they had their chance to do ANYTHING and they coudln't do SHIT. That's on record.) I'm pretty good friends with him, honestly. as good of a friend as one can be to a dead, milquetoast shuckin' and jivin jiggaboo nignog who couldn't figure out that his doctor was gonna murder him, oh REALLY, wow you were screwed, huh?
Of course I could have saved you. I didn't know you had ever heard of me. Holy fucking shit. You could have told me everything. Wow. So now, you're dead... and at that point, I'm safe for the likes of you. You and your ilk.
NGL: at this point, why even bother being selective? let's jusrt wear reverse color hoods and masks and start rectonning shot-by-shot remakes of From Dusk Till Dawn at all the Eagles' Lodges. Holy shit, did they ever drop the ball. Yeah, they sure thought very little of me.
(*Sounds of the Ghost of Michael Jackson hoping that Jackstar will ask him to go scoure the burial grounds for skulls or something wicked like that are dimly heard.*) He really is quite the clever friend. He dosen't manifest. We don't scheme. I'm not breaking The Veil. He's just trying to impress Prince. Who does NOT come by. (He doesn't want to be friends. He wants me to tell him how to be immune drug addiction. IDGAF what a pair of dead junkie taffypullers want. I have one Black Casper already. Why do I need two? I HAVE THE KING OF POP. You are... dead Prince. Uhm... duh? You were murdered, dude.
We all were. Unlike most people I did something about it. In response, literally every single individuated consciousness tried to annhilate me. So... look, it's a prized secret. And, I am not even offered a gift of reheated smoked salmon. Wow.
My father must have been just awful. People just can't seem to figure it out... my feelings are hurt. No one cares.
MV is afraid I'm tricking him and I'm going to take his wife away and she's already... IDK, but he thinks he can't trust me and it's all a ruse. Yeah, defininitely can't trust me. What does that even mean? i tell him Dawn is furious and he doesn't even ask which one. The man has a condition.
So, that's why... it's impolite to start talking mad shit about people while being put on trial. This seems obvious to me. That there would be those who would not care was a surprise. For example: those 3-4 thugs + Shane who parited down on Ambush Eve. UHm... no one has thought to remind them that they might be, likw, doing damage?
No one cares. Here's why: (Shields.) And I am one goddam fortunate man. I better watch myself. I'm obviously skating on thin ice.
I don't give a shit about doing any drugs with anyone except Grapefruit Actual, and wow, that would be a fun conversation. because, number one, she wants to keep her kids from seeing her in a Hannibal Lecter mask? or something? I don't know. I want her out, so shew'll be out, and she needs no further punishment, surely everyone agrees. They don't tell me what they let her get up to while persecuting me, but I don't need a bullhorn to be used... it would have been ideal if I had not left her alone at the Church. However, I had assumed she was still in some alignment with me.
Nope. They told her that she would never see me again, I was a pathetic loser, and she was, well, I don't know. Ask Shane. Or let her ask him. I don't know. Is this even happening? Did it really take me three years to line this up?
It's more likely than it might sound, because these things have to be coordinated... and NO ONE wants me to know. Including her. So.... I'll ask Jesus to go back in time and put it on the VCR Plus+(TM) for me. Who knows. I might find a clue.
I might crack another cold case. That's okay with everyone, right? I don't hear anyone being choked to death with Maniac Cop dick, so... I'm probably just imagining things anyway. That never happened... and no one ever went to inordinate lengths to gaslight me into making a false police report, right? Because that would be so, so sad.
For you. I don't think I would feel anything, honestly, because I have just plumb gone numb with shock. I saved her, lots. They thought one really was a robot and nothing they did mattered. Everything mattered. That was the only one that believed in me.
The rest thought I was a fool for letting her go. "Let her go." How was I to halt this woman's plans? She had no idea. She had no plans. She had me. And she knew that was enough.
I felt it when she was attacked and her neck broken at someone's peak apex climax. I do not know who. I do not know how voice2skull works. I do not know how honeypot assassins "come back to life." I have never seen that happen. I have no way of knowing what is real and what is hallucination and, at the time... people and persons both known and unknown were highly motivated to gaslight me into insanity.
I would think it best if no one asks. There is either video, or there is not. I don't need to see proof. I don't need to see evidence. I knew what I did when she actually, actually left. I thought she had some plan. She was being driven somehow in a way I didn't understand... because she left those parts out, and didn't really know the truth. I hope she doesn't know now.
I don't want to know anything at all. The sadness in my heart that will always remind me that this all had to go THIS FAR--
you couldn't just STFU with your on-the-double watchgod casebuilding, goddammit, you were gonna take Jackstar out, because I was dangerous, huh? OKay, well, tell you what: next time just mention that I never got to even cuddle with Jamie Lockmiller, what was I supposed to do, deny that I thought she was cool? And that she wanted me to get her meeeeeeeth, becaue someone rthoguht thAT would be a GREAT WAY to protect society?
no hugs or sex from anyone cool bewcuaase of the rumour I had herpes on my dick from her ass--uhm, what? and no one explained why they looked at me like I was an idiot, like how couljd I have done that? Simple: it was the only way to find out the truth. And the truth is a gang of junior druglords used her to get rid of me and crush her life so she would be their pet and they would have a chemist they could blame instead of themselves and I could not think that she was that stupid.
She wasn't. Meth is *that* powefful. I didn't understand until later, no one thoguht I deserveds anything but misery, I do not know why, but for some REAson literally everyone forgot that I have a subtstantial number of civil rights, and did Jamie want meth THAT bad, and her loser husband wouldn't hook her up, and because of that, and because I was not interested in catching a bullshit charge, did he really have her killed? Huh. Well, I guess he couldn't have been sure if I was lying or not, nd I guess if I might have some secret military bioweapon that some asshole two years old hew than me with access to guns and money and friends and any kind of support imaginable... yeah, so that guy, didn't want to compete? So, that's why I got dunmped/no_dumped and I was never told. That would explain all the known facts, for sure.
It does not explain why there is no national holiday upon which we get to buern him in effigy, but, as there are Masons running drugs (i.e. JESTERS, and God love them for it) involved, clearly the topic does not come up much. Likew, why am I even going on and on and on about it?
No phone delivered. No one to call; everyone likely just taps my lawful surveillance unlawfully (beause I have no rights, praise Hallulja), sees that I am "whackewd out on drugs and talking shit," okay, nicelt ubiased view, if I hear that told to me again, that person will be heavily goddam surprised what will come next.
I literally have nothing better to do than to write all this down while I still am aware of it... because people sure as shit wanna knowq what happened. "Uh, i got really high but i documewnted nothing because a Prankster called me a zigger" may actually be high treason.
I do not know how things go in these circumstances. I do know that I quite enjoy wathing suddenly anxious false Masons (there is no other word to describe them) suddenly realize exactly what I have said... my communications are Specially Privilieged. What that means is, talking to me for any reason that doesn't include an enjoyment and a celebration of mE is UNDOUBTEDLY A HUGE ANNOYING WASTE OF TIME. (Kudos. Better price for joo.) Now, that seemed obvious to me. Why talk to me, if you don't enjoy it?
The notion that some are legit paid a salary to pretend to be "my friend" and that NO ONE ASKED ME, EVER, NOT A SINGLEW TIME, ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED... look, no shame in it. I guess. Spooks are gonna spook.
... maybe it would have been better not not try to fucking traffick me into drug addiction when you knew that I had been deliberately raped into being STD poster child ON PURPOSE SO MY FRIEND COULD BE EXPLOITED? Because obviously, people knew. Uhm, like, well, that's just what happened? "It's the company you keep!" Is it because I was a willing participant in trying to find out what you dweebs are doing with my country?
I honestly do not know, but in case you haven't noticed: Freemasonic security and superiority seems baseless now. What? You don't mean to tell me that you sold yourselves out to Satan and it seems easier to just call mew a ziggerfaggot? I don't know much about how it works, honestly.
However, when my mother died, everyone I knew acted like that was great. As if she were a criminal, and I wqas her creepy Norman Bates? I wonder why that had looked that way to people. It's not possible that was part of an ongoing criminal assault against my family and my life, eh? eh? how about TWO (2!) FRESCAS??? *polite* also you're a junky moron alchoholic dipshit, and I will say this: you mostly played fair.
I did not play at all. No hard feelings. And incidentally: you were really doing your job and your guilt was a clear sign of humanity. Why contain it? Oh, right: it was a secret. So, I guess I'm just lazy... i ask ewveryone everything and no one will say but eeryone knows and that means I'm a dumb nigger who shouldn't breed, but never a hug or due process under true colour of Law?
Freemasons, I will say this: mistakes were made, but this wasn't a mistake. This was in fact how your cute little department of secret bigots was desgined to work.
It was just a way to confuse slaves so they would be on the edge of the disposal with no recourse before they noticed. It was how things were done. It is how things are done. It is what happened here.
THIS IS BECAUSE I AM A GODDAM ALPHA AND I HAVE MASTERED THOSE IDJIT DRUGLOED SPACE SPERGS AND ANYONE WHO IS ANYONE GODDAM KNOWS IT. It's not hard to be. To get to be, I didn't know it waS hard. it was simply what had to be done.
I couldn't stand the bullshit lies anymore, so i turned her over to Jesus. She HAD to go. would not sat why. Seemed sad about it. I don't really know why, because it has been so long since I bothered trying to live a lie i don't know where I would begin, or why, or... what? Look, I'm not lying... I really just hope the girl I really liked ever likewd mew at ll, bEcause that was the narrative, oh, Jack is abusive. Here, look at this video of him screwming at her for no reason at all! (Let's not talk about that period of time, because it is still legally actionable.) I couldn't fucking believe anyone would be forcing anyone to try to pull off an anti-Jack eyewitness narrative... because that is the goddam playbook. who and qwhen thT WAS chosen was I assume on Podbean.
A conspiracy began there, and I do not think I gave a shit anymore after that, because the fagin running her body that was stolen after Archangel Allie was kicked out was a really obnoxious asshole, and probably had no idea that I was well aware what "human trafficking" and "sell you all for organ meat" actually means. It just doesn't dawn on people that I, in fact, know my shit.
For if I did... why did I not put a stop to it? Well, to what? She needed help with her kids, and she needed to "make money," an d she needed help to "lose weight," and no one told me what had happened just before, and no matter how many times I mentioned, "my dead friend from the future came back to encourage me to date this situation," which was 100% true. SHE FUCKING TELLS ME HERSELF, "OMFG WE GET MURDERED CAN YOU HELP???" and she probably thought I was just gonna be hypnotiziewds and mumblew consent and then she could get hwer keys out of her locked-herself-out-of. She was high as ballas a lot, lying to me ABOUT IT, and I think she had either accidentally or in flash of discovery, stabbed her "best friend forever" in the fuckign heart when she fiuond out that she was a rat for DEA, I guess? I can see why she would use that aas a cover when discovereing hewrself a fucking slave to a high school drug gang that used her to eliminate me and prove thewir dominance to the entire school in a HORRIFIC fashion, and it seemed so sad, right? Why bother telling me?
Well, because then you wouldn't have been an acessory after the fact, Captain Law and suck my dick that's an order, and I would have maybe found out faster than 35 fucking years, but I can see how if you had that person in your whole business an d family for as long as you obviously did, and then never thought I WAS ANYTHING but an asshole, and then, I suddewnly show up right after you figure out where to stash the body until she re-manifests... not knowing if she would manifest... uhm...
Seriously. I can see how NO ONE would imagine that I could be, or was entirely, cool about all of that. NEVERTHELESS!!
ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. She couldn't be bothered to admit she did something wrong so she kept kiling herself to avoid having to break up with ne and then could never go through with telling me the fucking truth? (mEtI-I.) Yep, sounds like birnak winab, I mean, a normal woman.
I really a only speculating. However, I was not told very much, that seemed like a dumb idea, given that I was a paladin, Level Zero, working for God, would not have bothered to get excited if it weren't for God telling me that my dumb dead firend's ghost was right, AND I didn't care if I ever had sex with her at that p0int, and no one had told me anything except the most total AND COMPLETE lockdown cold shouldwe I had ever ijmagined. It was like everyone blamed me for having the foresight to not get fucking trafficked into a prison sentence, and, omg, did someone fucking kill her when they found out she was a TOTAL NARC COVERT NARCISSIST WHO WANTED TO TRAFFICK BABIES FOR THEIR BODIES? (Yeah, but she was really hot and talkeds constantly about sucking dick so it was totally worth it to invite her everywhere instread of me, right? Not gonna lie, I wasn't much fun to be around at that point.)
Is everything adding up to all of you right now? Probably not, because you're all doping methheads in deep heavy denial bECAUSE YOUR LIVES DEPEND ON IT, and I'm just a poor orphaned needle junkie loser son of suspected espionage agents, right? Do you suspect my parents of sharing "hash" with the Heathen Chinee as well?
Just kidding on that one. I still get chatter. I really am a Deputized Secrets Paladin. I just spelled it wrong because if the spelling is inconsistent, that helps with the plausible deniability, and think about how many years this has gone on. NOT ONE FRIEND. NOT ONE HUG. NOT ONE REASON. NOT ONE ITEM MADE SENSE. NOT ONE SIGHTING. NOT ONE FLIP.
NOT ONE PERSON ABLE TO TALK TO ME AND BE REAL. Because first of all, how do I even know what love is? My mother probably shat me out after she stopped sucking my idiot immigrant father's stupid European dick and shat me out, right? 176 IQ, obviously I am lying, becauase how could I be so smart without realizing that I am actually, so fucking dumb?
The answer there is simple: REBATES! And now, you know why I can go anywhere, anywhere at all on Earth where people, you know, like, die... and there will be some work of some kind. some kind of job. When The Divine finds a trustful person that is okay with The Veil and ALL THAT SHIT.... well, it's a delicate deal. Some people freak out.
Other people want to get some goddam sex after putting up with their deadbeat parents their whole lives, whoo hoo! I was hella stacked! I didn't even have to murder them! I just took care of them and enabled them as responsibility as possible and EVERYONE STILL TOLD ME I DESERVED NOTHING BECAUSE I DIDN'T WORK HARD ENOUGH. Then, Ok Cupid sent me a DSHS worker who tried to give me HSV-1 ON MY DICK (oops! sorry I forgot, tee-hee!) and then E-Harmony sent me a full on Dark Shadowangel WHO LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING IMMEWDIATELY which killed all intimacy, which I happewn to like, and since she wwas a shadow apparition sent by, I think, Pandora or onew of her idiot theiving friends, i could be wrong... in any event, as soon as I could, I was as responsible as possible, and no one but assholes and thieves and liars were allowed to talk to me.
Because I needed to be taught a lesson. beause I didn't work hard enough. after being statutoerially date raped by significantly oldwe men who then used various psyop tactis and full-on-brainwashing-her qith methsex... so that I would get the message that I better not try to breed and I should totally start sucking dick for drug money. (Nope, not yet.)
Every word of this is true. I knew there was a reason for it all... but I had no idea that it could have been that miserable a thing. Like, who hates this hard? Oh, yeah, probably Kathy, who never really knew. Because she never asked me. I know exactly why.
i really wanted to bew able to answer certain key fundamental questions, and since she didn't ask, I didn't pry, no one todl me a fucking thing, and 35 yerars later the Masonic plan for Great Justice turned out to be... 'put him into a pigeon whilew we gorge on his paladin flesh. he don't even know how to kythe through tharn, and we won't teach him, so that'll be alrifht. we control his phonews and ewvery single person who has ever met him...." SERIOUSLY, MASONICK D-BAGS. I'm not saying you're evil. I'm saying that not one fucking person bothered to ask me what happened, or what my plan was. It was just assumed that I was going after drugs in a search for relief through oblivion. HO HO HO. Actually I wanted to explain to the megahottie Tiger/Lion that was assigned to me in the wake of this catastrophe, that I don't give a shit about creating kids on a world that gets trafficked at age fifteen, and I was gonna fornicate on drugs a lot. a lot a lot. as soon as I dfigured out what the fuck happened. Which took this long. (Standards.)
Are there some questions that don't need to be asked? Maybe for you, Red Todd. I chose to honor myself and to believe in God. Because there was NOTHING I had done, EVER, to deserve all this bullshit. At least, that is...
until I inadvertently encountered C.N. at a coffee shack. it's still hard to credit that was her, but, yeah, yeh. mos def. I guess she had never seen anyone manifesting in Christ Consciousness before. It's not a drug thing. It can be, but even if I am "on drugs," what the fuck would she care? Oh, right, because no one told her what the fuck was going on either, and she and >K.Other were probably quite shocked. Like, was I gonna just... let that happen? ahhahaahha, oh hell no.
I knew it was Satanists seeking to mock The Living Christ by destroying her sign of faith. Not sure what was so awesome about him anyway but since he apparently had lots of high, HIGH-level connects it was probably pretty easy to meth-mindmwls with her... and she would have had no idea. I didn't know it would work that way. I would not have thought that would bw something woerth doing. So when I saw it was clearly happening, I wondered... why do people think I'm not just spraying Binaca Blast into another girl's face? I think it was because I had newer been supposed to use it in the fiest place and I was discouraged I couldn't get another woman of simiarly quality as the refugee abbo 21 jump street from the future trying to steal my baby batter... yeah, no qauality like that? uhm, actually, no. I would have preferred having a real relatinoship with many other people.
So, that's why she was wound up\, with drugs, sent at me, to distract \fron the real plan, which was to use fuk-me drugs all over the place in schooll with no one the wiser, because of course the police knew. THEY WERE THE POLICE, AND THEY WANTED HOT TEEN POON HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TO BEW WILLLINGLY GOBBLING CORRUPT COP COCK. (Better price for goo.)
Let me guess. I 'm supposed to not talk about it? FUCK YOU ETERNAL, SHUSH-PATROL. I don't see how respectful, polite, AUHTORIZEDS DOCUMENTATION of ACTUAL HISTORICAL EVENTS is not my fundamentaL citizenship duty. or, was. I don't really need to go off like this. HOWEVER: no phone. no car. no home. no water. NO CARE :e: NEW ELLE calling mew up on the regular asking for my angry hung man dick.
Instead: a sociopathic MILAB with hella superpowers and a hatred for all things dick and an inability to enjoy cock without a dose of the right crystal, and of course she wasn't supposed to be happy with me. or anyone. I was suppsoed to be fucking dead. LL MY FAULT. Eh? Eh? Now, how abotu a Fresca?
Well, let's see. Because the notion that Kathy thought I was the culprit and that was why she didn't dig deeper, and that I was thoguht to be blamed for not "resisting temptation," like WHAT? Resist what? NO MATTER THE CHOICE, DUDES WITH DRUGS AND MONEY AND GUNS AND NO MORALS WERE GONNA FIND A WAY TO DESTROY ANYTHING I LIKED. THAT WAS MY LIFE IN PUBLIC SCHOOL.
AND, I GUESS: MV MARRIED HER AND HELPED FUCKING KILL HER AFTER SETTING HER UP TO BE STABBED. (Simulated spexulation. No evidence that such people ever existed, and if you find any, you'll be called a lying ziggerfaggot FOREVER while your house is ransacked once a week until Bremeteron decides to "teach you a lesson." So help me G-d. THAT WAS THEIR PLAN. TRUST THAT. HAHAHA.
i do not know what happened, but I do know that it was not as simple as some might imagine, because she was under geas (a magickal compulsion) and she couldn't speak and she was high as fucking balls... ONCE. and it newer, ever, ever made sense. until now.
For example: oh, you all thought I was actually that stupid, and deserved to be removed from the breedstock. Well, on the contrary: I removed myself from the pool of available talent, even though JJ still wants babies with me, especially since I'm her godddam hero. I newver told her what she watned to know because she couldn't ask, I guewss, because she thoguht she was trying to solve a crime, but she had no idea what the crime was. btw: Than = Rev = Ray and I am sorry that you never thought I might not be willing to trust another time travelling hotass dopelured girl, especially when she acted like she knew nothing and said shit like "come with me to a nudist colony here try crank it's not meth but you can have it ioh and we're going with this other person and another person and my boyfriend doeasn't watn to go (he's shy) but how about you? oh wow you've never done crank before? that's amazing, what do you do with your time?"
Long, slow, steady blnking. She really wasn't like that at all. I don't need to manifest her, because she's leaerning, this is an ongoing investigation, and she would be amongst the several who rewally wannted to know, what the fuck, because she also comes back from the future acting like that's totesnormal and clearly wanting to handlew my body, but oh, no, I couldn't possibly, you're fAR TOO SWARTHY, omg! quick leave my dad knows you just touched my clit OMFG TIGER FAMILIES ARE ALL TELEPATHIC AND THEY INVESTIGATE CRIMES ON PATSIES AND OMG RUN HURRY HE WILL KILL YOU IF HE SEES YOU GETTING SEXY WITH ME and of course none of these words were ever said either.
What was actually said was rather different, and omg! how do I know she's a Tiger? Well, mostly becasue Justice AllforuseexceptforKucziheonlywantstofuckandneverbreedwhataloserheywait League, well, uhm, it's complicated, but, see, rather than try to help... they just gave up on trying to "save" me from my "addictions."
Naturally, it's time for the middle age crisis, and I am 51 and have the tolerance of a goldfish. I don't know what anyone has bewen doing, but it is clear to me now that I was very succesfful in cloaking my intentions... and as well, mysteriously wasted my time on the worst of the pretending friends. Like, why would I even bother talking to the obvious recently-tapped for Hood Rat job who was desperate to get out of the hell she was in... like why would I bother trying to help her?
Because no one wanted to help me either, and I didn't know how I could help her, but it turned out, what she wanted was shitloads of sex and somoene to blame meth on. and if I had known this, it would have beeen better. So what happened was this:
Consequences. Special ones for sure. Oh, and do I know secrets. Oh my yes. Since I don't spooge for any reason other than to perform God's will and to make middle-aged hotties who have given up on life start letting themselves get addicted to saying my name at point of max apex orgiastic ecsstacy... speaking of which: I never got to have that, AT ALL, until after LIKE FOUR YEARS OF REGULAR RELATIONSHIP, she finally comes up with, "i FOUND IT ON THE FLOOR, OMG WE ARE SO LUCKY, YEAH YOU SAID ON OUR VERY FIRST MEETING "i never get permission for this," AND THEN INSTEAD OF EXPLAINING WHY THE GODDAM 60,000 YEAR OLD QUEEN SHAMAN OF THE DYNASTIC LORD OF CLANDESTINE SMUGGLING IN THE SALISH SEA, LIKE SERIOUSLY THIS BROAD HAD A PEDIGREE THAT GOES FARTHER BACK TO HAWAI'I--IN FACT, SHE FUCKING OWNED HAWAI'I THAT'S WHY IT WASN'T ILLEGAL WHEN SHE SET FIRE TO THE FUCKING PLACE FROM HER SPACE LASER WHILE BLOWING KLAUS SCHWAB (Note: this is not speculation. This is fiction. in reality, Klaus blows her... away, oh she loves it, he's the best, omg totally, he's the best paladin ever, *crack*, likew how much is that worth? getting to break her neck while your cock is in her throat and you know she's the most evil lying dumpass whore ever... except, no sweetie. You are a fucking hero and if you haven't learned the truth by now, I guess I'll get you a quaerter fucking pound of meth and dissolve it in goddam mercury while holding your head under the water line and slamming you balls deep first thrust in the pooper (Note: I would never do this again on purpose, it was quite by ACCIDENT WHEN THAT HAPPENED, no really, and I was so dumb I thought it would help to hurry up and get back to creating more dopamine for hew from my dick, you know to stop the pain, and I then rewalized, oh, that was rude, and I was sorry, but then I remembered that I was getting playeds by a woman who thought I was too dumb to figure out what the fuck was happening.
So when a woman drifts away after seven years with an email, and she says things like, "you should get another girlfriend," and then they send a woman at you who tries to claim your first date was rape, and then, like, you figure it out, finally: "they really are this bad at saying they're sorry, holy shit, they must think I am an idiot," or who knows, really, because there was no one, not one peson who gave a shit about anyone I liked.
They were trafficked or murdered or jsut treated like garbage because I was a stupid hunga-gunga-zigger, and i still do not know why, but my father was not popular, and I can see why: THE UNITED STATES SURE HAS A LOT OF IGNORANT STUPID BTICH FALSE MASONS RUNNIG AROUND HERE, AND THEY CAN BE QUITE TEDIOUS TO DEAL WITTH.
(No offense. You here are all cool. Except for Morgan, who is so sexually frustrated that she helps me make the most obnoxious mewss possiblwe happen... because, hahah, that sure showed me who is boss!!! (clowns who think they know what to do with a criminal and are secretly trapped beyond all hope in a systrem of corrupt whoredom and disempowered fembot whores pretending to be women... and Nancy Allen in RoboCop(TM) who loves Murphy and she gets fucking murderated. Right in front of him. So, you know... that's why... just shut up and CALL KUCZI A ZIGGERFAGGOT aGAiN, OMG, CUT HIS MIC, HE EATS RAW MEAT, ISN'T THAT F\AGGOTY? REMEMBEWR TO DESTROY ANY HOPE HEW MIGHT GET!
... because you were trapped as an accomplice to Dark Lord Satan and there was nothing any of you could do. (Kudos. That was what Jack Parsons did. He turned all of Freemasonry, globally, into a corruption of God's perfect plan and that's why none of you said anything about my Freethinker's lodge, and that's why everyone is told by their thug-uberoveeclass... just give up on Kuczi. He's dead. Wrapped in plastic. What was your name again"? Fuck you Tamara, you destroyed the whole goddam qworld! Yeah, like, I wonder why.
"She was The_One" making false accusatiions, she probably was, becuse she never had to speculate, she kneqw wht teh problem was, and shew was so pisseds, she never told me why my plan to totally fuck over every gang oF HUMAN TRafficking losers ever WAS NOT TO HER LIKING BECAUSE... oh, see, she did know about the date, and she did think I was going to not fuck a woman who actively fronted that she wanted to, and that was more pleasant that being smirked at and bewing told told to hurry up at rape, and I was a dumb nigger.
Okay, ABBOKOOZE. (Upgrade.) Note that I cannot bring this case to trial. I do not have to. eveyone alredy knew, and it was decided that rather than someone tell me the truth: "kid, you're immune to most forms of herpes and if you aren't an idiot, you'll never get it anyway, why is it so awful?" here's why it's awful, it is nothing likew what you have been told it is, and I am not going to lie, I thoguht it would have been better to have done it with the person I liked. However: she had already been tafficked off and was acting like going to soem other guy's house to listen to music and no I wasn't invited... so, like, I was supposed to get the hint, right?
This was this person's version of being polite and kind, because men & women have sex for very different reasons. I don't know why that person ever had sex... because she always hated it and she never brought the drug that would have changed that. Yeah, just bad timing, you see?
She didn't want to have orgiastic ecstasy, because she thoguht she had that with some phagnmonkewy who gave hewr drugs and did, ugh, just ugh, I an't imagine what sex with him was like, and he gave her meth nd fucked her. thaT WAS ABOUT IT. THE shit is superlegistlated for reASONS. if one knows what they are doing, they can completely ruin a persons entire life in about 30 minutes wiith a little help from their reprobate friends
so of course this was great shit to never let e see, EVER for FIFTY FUCKING YEARS, and then menawhile let a bunch of fAGS who like to kidnap wonewn and deny the Christ, oh, ewery thursday at the rAVE, don't invite kuczi, omg OMG DO NOT LET ME KNOW THE REAL THING, HE WILL... DO ANYTHING TO GET IT, WE ARE PRETTY SURE HE HAS RABIES, HE WAS WITNESSED BY AT LEAST FIVE THUGS WEARING DEMOLAY-BRANDED THUGGI UNDERWEAR TO BE STARING VACANTLY AT A BLONDE WITH HUGE TITS AND ABSENT-MINDEWDLY BEATING HIS FIST INTO HIS PALM. (This is true. She wanted me to kill the kidnapper pretending to be her brother, because human trafficking does not woerk like people think it does, and you're welcome, D.J. hoenstly I knew that people would just tease us, because of course I knew you were a timecop. You read books. You were polite. And you noticed that I could maintain eye contaCT. iT WASNT hard. It just seemed like too much effort to figure out if I was supposed to care or pretend to do.. what? What would a woman even want besides a shiatsu massGER AND for everyone to mindlessly obey? Oh, right, no risk of pregnancy or disease sort of and the man gets to... ugh. Just don't even. If there is no possible way there's a baby, it's boring to pretend it's fornicating.
I should have been read in and instead I was trafficked and I know why, too. Because I wasn't supposed to have sex. I qwas supposed to "wait and be good." I was also supposed to be okay with ATTRACTION MAGICK being used on me. I was not okay with any of these things. I was also not okay with the contempt certin peoplw weew okY WITH displyinv.
See those typos? that's my sign from G-d. I might try to pretend to be interested in a fap. I'm not, really. I'm interested in collaborating on a novel with... oh, let's just say "Sidhe >KNOWS," where we take turns between me writing down hot content on her back like she was Uma Thurman and I was Malkovich, except I am utterly beyond being as cool as him already, because you, none of you, were trying to "solve" anything. Yeah, well, you're a Hungarian anchor baby, and you will never, ever, ever know how badly Dana wanted your help. Well, actually, no. I know exactly. She needed Actual_Help. Not just a recreation of what she let get fucked up beyond all recognition. Nice job, Space Ace. Wow, you sure pissed eweryone off eh?
That was Phase I of your plan. Which was to pretend like I seriously damaged your life. (I did, and your gang of lickspittle lackeys and toadies can fuck off and die. We are not the same.) I didn't mean to, and, wow, MAYBE THAT'S WHY YOU SHOULDN'T TRAFFICK MINOR CHILDREN YOU FUCKING WANKER... but this is Phase II. l don't want to go off to max-sperg.
i want every goddam one of you who know anything about any of it, to never goddam tell me. What do I fucking care? I REAlly just waNTED TO KNOW WHY I WAS TOLD NOTHING. AND NOW I KNOW. BECAUSE NO ONE KNEW THE TRUTH, AND IT WAS CURIOUS WHY THE WHOLE THING HAPPENED ANYWAY.
(Vengeance for the judgy-fridgy total DEA snorebox who thinks that sex is bad, because look what happened, right? Well, i have no idea what the fuck you did, because I was not paying attention. But you sure saw them do things and that seemed okay with you. Still does, I guess. Well, now it's likew this: You are welcome to provisw your inpUT. And, you did.
drugs bad! drugs bad! furiously overcompensating!!! hey, guess what: Kurt Zwar is an Arcturan, and you didn't want to have sex anyway. So, why the altar? I can see all sides of this now.
Jesus says that you know exactly what I want to do, but you don't think that's possible. Denial, heavy, heavy denial. That's possible for sure.
Consider how long you all have been watching me here, politely as possible, to figure out what happened to me. How many times were I blocked? How many times, "take your meds, Schizo!" what meds were those, Lipschitz? Because you all had cover story prescrptions. "I need 'muh Adderall because 'muh ADHD. No you Cn' hc NY JUNKIe, I AM IN THE COOL KIDS CLUB AND WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO NEEDLW JUNKIES! CHASING THE DRAGON! BASKETBALL DIARIES! YOU'LL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT! NO WAY WAS C.N. ACTUALLY HOT FOR YOU AND IF SHE WAS... WE'LL FUCKING BRAINWASH HEW!!!
Hi. This is J9CKST9R. I am not really a star. I am a transcendtal illumintory event. I am drawn as I choose.
And I am drawn a lot. Fortunately, I am prepared for all this. All of this except one thing. I assume most of you have seen Natural Born Killers. Maybe not Gwen though. "No, I never saw Pulp Fiction." wow, really? okay. you don't know who Amanda Plummer is? Huh. But you really want to see Joe vs. The Volcano. But you haven't yet. Because you aren't getting picked up by... hold on a second, lol, you aren't clued into this all totesonehundred yet.
You think there is only one (You). And, there is. You are very lovely and I enjoy time with you a lot. A fair bit. HOWEVER: YOU THINK I GIVE A SHIT WHEN YOU FIGURE IT OUT? Like it's a fucking hugelt famoua movie and you frontin' like I'm trying to triangulTW YOU. WHAT THE fuck do I want to talk to people who are afraid of me for? Only to find out why you're pretending i'm a threat, oh yeAH, BRainwashed into being a misandrist LYING HORE, and of course you ARe nothing like those things, but the idiot moron TWERP who CHEMICALLY ALTERED YOU fucked it up so much that, look, this is all bullshit.
You are actually acting like you have something to fear from me, and you have to hideAWAY from me. okay, thAT Means you're the one covering for whomever the police need, they don't WANT TO ASK ME, because they find me to be... problematic. You dig?
You, skittish of me. You, gunSHY about admitting to WATCHING A GODDAM MOVIE EVERYONE HAS SEEN. And, yo're not the real Gwen, thAT'S FINE, Jaimie Reyes probably fucking ate her, and now here you ARE, and, oh, ARE YOU CRANKY PANTS?
HUH. okay. well, just like that: whomever you want my dick into the least, that's qwho I wANT. why you give a shit is amazing since you have no idea what i have gone through... and you clEARLY don't really give SHIT IN reALITY.
wise up reALLY clEar here. I don't even know what you did. I don't even know what you think happened to you. I don't want to know. Unless it is relevant to my own life. (btw: you are shit at determining WHAT IS IMPORTant.) you could have done way, way more to help.
I do not know what you did. I am sorry I could not do anything. You are sorry that people know what a self-absorbed covert narcissst brute you are. Good news is, easy to fix. The bad news is, you're in denial and wgatweer rAPEY FUCK is your Daddy now, well... they are not very smart either.
I can see why someone is "missing." Of course I know where Sanctuary is. You don't get to know. BecAUSE YOU FUCKED MEW OWER and pretended you had the right. aND THAT i don't have my rights. and you know better. Except... you REALLY don't.
I knew it was you. What I did not know was that you are *this* envious of me. Oh, yeah? well maybe you shoudl have put yourself in a facility and admitted what you were doing INSTEAD OF HIDING MY FRIEND WHO WANTS TO FUCK ME FROM ME. Welcome to morE TRAFFICKING CHARGES, GRAPEFRUIT NUMBER PERFECT, HOLY SHIT NO WONDER THIS IS all HOT GARBAGE.
tl:dr; wow, she really is wanted for something. since I asked and you shut me out I cannot simply ask you and this greatly lowers your status. Consequences remaining special. And you... well, I had no idea that you were this complicit in MAJOR FEDERAL RICO CRIMES. (you cannot CLAIM thaT I am your spirituL GURU when you have never, ever once... admitted the truth.
I suppose you do have the right to remain silent. You in fact have the abiity. And when they are ready, the kids will form up a posse and I will watch then track you down and make you pay for your betrayal of your people. No shame in it. You bent the Algonquin/Potawatami situation over really, really good.
That's because you're a bound meth-printed mindslave to the dude who abused KD, and you goddam know it. (Aegis upgraded, but I don't feel good about it either.) Not one call from anyone in authroity. rhat mEANS you sill have not ome clEAN, and you have beewn shielding a rapelord this entire time, so, as you Can SEE... your reticence amounts to Obstruction.
None of this happens from me. I simply know what may happewn. It's really up to the children... and I qill follow their whims slavishly. Mostly because they have beeen traumatized.
But primarily because the scumbag pretending to be her mother is still on her trail and I suppose you think that's... gonna work? (Tribal Council is at your disposal and, yeah, just like that: I'm your Man. I think you have to show just cause thAT IS NOT just SEX THING. I have never been in this situation before and it doesn't seem plausible thAT... OH YEH it's not really her. she's been brainwashed. I guess it's really easy to fall into. and I will of course teACH TYOU EVERYTHING i KNOW ABOUT IT. you need defense. you also need a partner who can help you dispose of bodies more eASILY Than you ever dreamed.
I have done nothing else but recognize the gravity of the situation and I always see you, yeah but,,, there are rules. It can be a trap, indeed. And no one wants me to be happy like that.
So, i'd be content with knowing that it was no dream. something happened. you had to be fetched. no one was happy about it. it was that disgusting person who i don't know, and he's right in public view, taunting me, and no one cared. then i'm in jAIL, AND no one cARED... BECAUSE YOU HAD BEEN sold. Why else? you ARE very special and Chuck was surely livid. How dare I be effective? No one told me anything.
I understand why now. I have destroyed their world... and you have chosen your own path. Tribal Council indicates this is a bigger deal than is realized.
I will always be on the side of those who have nothing and who are not even left to be content with what little nothing they have in peace. This is truly why I had to be eliminated. Clearly, the Shaw braincase is... yeah. it's vile. Teams are on this.
Your mother just got popped and clanked. Your sister has no reason to hide. Your mother's sister is obviously very much in nwws of reorientation. And I did not think it was super necessary until you did.
It'll be months. You need training. I need respite. Some will need padded cells. The Patriarch, in particular, I have no idea. I know that it's not at all meant as an insult. it is the simple facts.
YOU ARE MINE NOW. He failed. You are safe. I saw that coming, and he and his "wife" or "ex" or... dropped the ball on security. And I was of help.
Then I was hauled away at gunpoint and no one came except killers. they acteds friendly. nope. they did nothing. also said nothing of what was critical. then they tried to seduce me and their eyes turned black.
I don't know how it works. I do know that I never forgot. So, that's explaining the false imprisonment. I can see the danger, for them.
I never thought it would be of interest to you in a million years but I forgot that you had that... uhm, I don't know. It's been years. I will put it this way: INSIST ON COMPLETE HEALING, FOR IT IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT.
(Vengeance for Shirley Manson.) She is a huge geek and is so relieved. I am real. The_Failsafe... it's nothing. it doesn't matter.
You fail, and you are safe, because of G-d, and mE, and Fang. You knew nothing of this before me. They just used you like luggage. Well, now you can... whatever. willy nilly. the more asinine, the better.
the more ass in mine, the better in mind, and i require immediate partnering. I will not be encouraging any particular drug binging.
WE ARE GOING TO DO THEM ALL, EVERY GODDAM DAY, FROM FIVE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING, UNTIL SEVEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT! (Standards.) You need a safety pal. I need to show off for the world. Your Oma needs to swallow something besides a tongue for a change.
Brian may or may not be your father, lol, but in any case that's a different circumstance, becausse Council says so. I do not get high to talk to anyone. I don't really "get high." I never saw the real thing before recently. And most likely, never have you.
it is a really big deal. So, that's why it's on What's Up, South Africa.

you took my breath away and that obsessive, murderous klepto your boydfriend calls your most whorish mother would have killed me when she found out you were actually liking me. I mean, duh, I'm the only actual_person they let you get a gimplse of and then they LITERALLY TRAFFI\CK you into me and, uhm, I am sorry, no one told me at all.
I had no reason to think that would happen because... yes, it is already a decided action. (Now I want yours. Legit.)
the black and white hairstyle was kinda scary but more frigthening was the notion that they were really that far out of touch with reality. So, stay in grace. Be of good cheer.
You can write to the Supreme Grand Lodge Master yourself. Do it for us or me. You're hired. You're a Freethinker Docks:E: Dumb Bull Door. It doesn't even have to be some freaky thing... for them. They are not going to know a single goddam thing!
Family Court is immensely powerful and of course, they know me. I have never, ever, had any of those accusations stick. They would know, right? They are grateful for my reality. Not only do I not have an OnlyFans,I have never looked foR ANYONE. no one ever invited me.
I'm sad about the whole thing. btw there are two T!/\z. I don't even know why she is miserable about it. He needed a vow, I would not do so without lengthy discussion. every night. for hours. preferably online. radio station. CHARGE by the minute.
well he raped me and he pretended that he didn't; openly lied as a matter of fact, and he denied our secret clando spousal arrangement, ugh, no, you can't shoot him, but you can request that I be given the contract to. It's complicated by waiting periods because otherwise it would be abused by anyone. I had to keep my eyes off of both of you because I thought they might misinterpret anything. People usually do.
I'm embarassed because I would kill me too. and this is why all this happened... so you could be whisked away. Bcause I am so... what? oh and yeah of course not telling you. It's how they do.
Consequently, no, do you even like to? you xcan teach me. i don't even get anything but clandoes who want to kill me.
You and the other(s) are my only hope, because I knew that was what they wanted. OPENLY BOASTING AND USING PHOTOS OF ACTION. I could not goddam believe it. Your memory has been cleARED.
and you thought it was me the entire time. The price of liberty is eternal vigiliance. Freedom is no small thing.
You don't have to love me. You have the right to choose. I have liberated you. Most of them have no idea how i have this power. I just asked G-d pretty please, but only if it's not a trick because Max Nympho, Main Witness to Squaw, either a slyph or a dryad and there are elk here. strong elk. evovled elk. your elk.
the enchanted frog pond has to come back but you have people for that. And in rEality, when G-d's replacement comwes for what they think they are losing, they won't even remember us.
The only weapon is the mind. Mine is yours. The woman who thinks she is Auntie is a rapedemon who has been hypnotized into taking her identify in completeness... and the real Alli is, uhm, I'm gonna say: "thanking G-d for new ways to be grateful for me because without me you were literally vanished from the face of the Earth." it was years ago. I was very disturbed.
everyone acted like nothing had happened and the dude was allowed to conitune to stalk and harass me and make moves to re-aquire you. These people are sick. And yet, superlative tastes in a courtesan. Not gonna lie.
I used to write to them like this. Then their secret oinker husbands got mad jelly and demanded everyone stop being so nice to me. Dutifully their slave/concubines obeyed. I still have a hard time realizing how much everyone thought you wouldnt care. You would not be allowed to be conscious. It is the theft of consciousness. It is an abomination.
a lot, and you can tell me how to make it anyway you like, because i don't like it either, and it was created for you or she or another or even three. FOR YOU.
no one else was ever mentioned to me and they ARE going to PRISON. I will show you what i KNOW but you should know it can only be done every week or so. constantly burning it off like it's a daily vitamin is the most abusive thing I can imagine.
so I'll let you start that way. or even better, pheumatic injector, i'm kidding. I don't know what would be better than...
boofing a tampon, 4x elbows, knees, wearing a grope suit, with a remote control, no i mean, me, because then everyone will think you have tamed me, which you did, and who was doing the deciding before today? hospital eval for sure. I don't know why.
well it's so we can have safety for once, but i don't know who does this shit. when i was told they found B's needles in your room stashed, I was reasonably horrified, because number one, none of my business, number two, normalization, number three, you do not deserve to be bodyshamed and the only reason it was cmoing up is because she was getting ready to start buidling a case on me grooming THE PAIR OF YOU. She has levels of peersonality about me now.
They all hate me because you literally asked for this and they literally already tried to get me in prison on that birthday. I was sad. All those flavors and they had to choose prison.
There is nothing unlawful about what I am doing in this moment, and it is in fact unlawful for anyone to keep hassling me about what I am doing, since I am under duress and they are fucking lying to themselves and thereby to the rest of the world, because they don't care about me at all... they want me gone, they want you under control, and they want my magick power to control police. I have none of that.
I have loved you since they trafficked you into that bodyspace and sought to control me with it. NGL: you do it for me and I now know why I was supposed to not be broken up with. They wanted me away, and you with no help, and if your brain was still fucked off, so much the better.
For them. Welcome to The New Flavor Jack Cunt Tree. It's a lot like the old flavor, I guess. I don't remember the last time I wanted to.
Bailey Jane's father will not allow it, and since already was baxk in time she shouldn't bew so sad. yeah it is reLLY DUN TO KNOW THAt it is un to know that it's not going to send me to MacNeil. Unless we can go there to hunt.
I already know where to go. No one else has any real claim and you ought never be jealous of anyone else giving me attention. I would simply tell them about you, and I CAN'T be used like that as an interrogatory. Inadmissiable, protected by G-d and if people get nosesy at me these days, I know why.
your mother is in debt and promised to sell you to someone else and has said that if what is happening is real she is just going to kill herself, and so, uhm... yeah, no. not going to be allowed to happen. she's never even been to real prison, for fuck's sake. oh yeah that reminds me. your mother tried to trade me to prison in exchange for leniency. supposedly. i don't buy it, honestly.
I can make one call to CPS and one to The Dragonhead, and if I complain about it at all, they will take away her rights to your phone number and put you in protective custoday and probaby buy us condoms. always make a baby. the family must be replenished.
y'all were actuLLY HOOdwinked