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Topics - pate

Pages: [1] 2
Politics / Camel,Uh Harris
« on: August 07, 2024, 03:52:27 AM »

Politics / Thanks, Obama!
« on: October 06, 2023, 03:44:56 AM »
Leonardo Dicaprio Testifies Against Obama Money Laundering Scheme Tied to CCP

April 6, 2023
Next News Network Team

Just when you thought Hollywood couldn’t get any sketchier, news breaks that mega-star Leonardo DiCaprio and the founder of The Fugees were caught up in an illegal money-funneling scheme to support former President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign...

Fuck Obama!

ediot:  This apparently was from early April.  No clue, but I say again:  Fuck Obama!

Radio & Podcasts / Dan Bongino
« on: October 06, 2023, 03:30:15 AM »
Dan Bongino Podcast - Episode 1982 (03APR2023)

I do not believe this is on the YouTube, but here is his ugly mug from around that same thyme in April:

Dude is a beast.  I typically listen to his daily radio show, which is about three hours and is in Rush Limbaugh's old spot (12pm-3pm EST?)

Y'all should check him out!

ediot: this would be the second "open tab" of the forty-one on my phone, also apparently from April.  I am sure it was some real shit, but I am not going to replay the rumble vidya, no thyme!

Esoterica / Citrus paradisi
« on: June 15, 2022, 08:11:31 AM »
One could say that citrus paradisi is not a true species, but a hybrid...

Many have lauded:




Personally, I find them revolting in flavor: to wake up to that and feel JOY?  Life must suck for anyone that feelz like that...

Anyway, we all know the rule about both onions and opinions.

Feel free to write about this GMO as much, or as little, as you care about the subject.

Thank you in Advance, TIA!

Politics / Miscarriages of Justice
« on: June 02, 2022, 03:04:46 AM »
This one is a little early for the "MoJ - Late Abortion" tag, which I expect to come down the "pipeline" in an edition slated for Q4FY2021 (possibly late Q3FY2021):

California Court Declares Bees Are Actually Fish

...The Sacramento-based three-judge panel ruled that four species of bumblebees found across California are technically fish since they are invertebrates...

Last thyme I "Followed the Science" it indicated that, technically, fish are actually in the phylum Chordata which includes the sub-phylum Vertebrata while the bumblebee is in a completely different phylum called Arthopoda (subphylum Hexapoda).

Unfortunately, this obviously sound ruling will probably survive the Appeals process.  TANJ-it

Politics / Random Political Thoughts
« on: June 01, 2022, 11:36:19 PM »
My first thought is actually slightly off-topic:

I thought there was a thread by this name already.  Must've been another *Gab, Nautical Shore.
Code: [Select]
See below (if you dare) for a few incredibly shitty quality recordings of my new Windows-Down-Stopped-At-A-Red-Light "happy place" mantra.

Sometimes I get less mono-tone and jazzy with it like in the second one.  The key is to try to get the time of the mantra consistent.  I think LGB1 is about a 5 second cycle and LGB2 is a 3 second cycle.

I highly recommend it, especially when you are stuck in traffic due to some massive Streetcar/Public Transit/Highway improvement boondoggle that is taking themthe hobo elite somewhere close to 50 years to complete.  Kansas City is rife with such projects,  to the point that they seem to have most of the roads/routes to anywhere more than a few blocks away shut down for months on end...

I'd say "shut down while theythe hobo elite are 'working' on them..," but there doesn't seem to be much actual work going on.  I am frankly surprised theythe hobo elite haven't run out of traffic cones/barriers yet.

Mostly, the progress achieved so far seems to be to find yet another traffic choke point at which to dig a new hole (that will be filled in sometime before 2025, apparently) and close the intersection.  From there theythe hobo elite seem to spread out in an ever-widening circle to close the nearby intersections to the point where all the traffic in town is funneled to one single "choke-point" (underneath Bartle Hall) that causes wonderful incidents like this:

^probably caused by a Kansas (*spit*) driver...

My administration will not let this sort of aggression stand, man.

Between the local communist mayor's BS trolley/streetcar project and the current usurper-in-chief's Federal Highway Un-Improvement project, theythe hobo elite have made quite a mess of this town.  I am sure it has nothing to do with attempting to discourage individuals from car-ownership...

Hear, Musaks:

That is all, Carry Anne.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?" & "WHO farted in the elevator?"

Opinion / All that jazz...
« on: May 08, 2022, 06:28:06 AM »

Politics / Ministry of Truth - 1984
« on: April 29, 2022, 02:55:38 AM »
Have we reached "Peak Klown-Whirl'd" yet?

DHS Announces Ministry of Truth:

...Big Government will then do the dirty work of imposing censorship itself:

    The Department of Homeland Security is setting up a Disinformation Governance Board in an attempt to combat “misinformation” online.

By now, readers are likely aware that “misinformation/disinformation” is Liberalese for any speech our rulers want to suppress.

Like something out of George Orwell, the Department of Homeland Security perversely facilitates the invasion of the country...

This is a late April Fool's Joke, right?

Nautical Shore...

Opinion / Twits, Followers &c
« on: April 13, 2022, 06:32:37 AM »

Random / Louis Tomlinson Fan Page - In Memoriam K_Dubb
« on: March 01, 2022, 07:24:04 AM »


In Memoriam


Politics / Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« on: February 14, 2022, 01:48:39 AM »
I have been watching the recent saber-rattling with interest.  Personally, I think it is a bunch of hot-air.

I did hear a little snippet on the radio this morning that confused me, theythe hobo elite were talking about "sanctions."  It wasn't specified exactly what the sanctions were going to be, but they did break them down into two groups:

Pre-invasion Sanctions & Post-invasion Sanctions, while I understand the latter as a consequence of doing something in response to an act of aggression.  I do not follow the "logic" of Sanctions imposed for an act yet to occur.

I would think some sort of "Pre-invasion Sanctions" would likely force Russia to invade the1 Ukraine, which would be a dumb idea if the intent was to prevent an invasion.

If Russia is forced to "pay the price" via Sanctions for something they have not yet done, why not go ahead and do it?  Not much will stop Russia; the proximity of the two countries mean that logistics will not be a problem for them.  They have a nice buffer (THANKS OBAMA) against Turkey in annexed Georgia/Ossetia to the south and Belarus (their nominative ally) is a pretty good buffer to the west.  Seems to me that if Russia had really wanted to invade Ukraine, they would have done so by now.  I don't think it is in their interests.

Again (THANKS OBAMA), nothing was done to stop Russia with the Crimea/Donbass adventures which are both now de facto Russian territory, and also the only deepwater ports (that I know of) on the Ukrainian side2 of the Black Sea.  US/NATO will have to either do amphibious-type landings or air-drops, since the above mentioned land routes are effectively under Russian control and would have to be dealt with before any Operation Crimea River type adventures can begin to do the actual boots-on-the-ground repatriation of Ukrainian territory.

This whole thing doesn't make much sense to me.  The notion that Russia is going to invade "next Tuesday" or "next Wednesday" is somewhat laughable to me.  I absolutely could be wrong on that, but I will not be holding my breath until February 15-16, 2022 to see some insane Russian invasion of Ukraine go down.  I honestly don't see that happening unless there are some sort of serious provocative3 movements from US/NATO, which would be dumb.

I have been politely ignoring this situation as if it were a fart in an elevator, but this "Invasion Imminent on Next Tuesday" & "Pre-Invasion Sanctions Being Considered" clap-trap are just a bit too noxious to remain silent4 on this issue.

Hear, Muzaks:

Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to swerve.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?" & "WHO farted in the elevator?"


In Memoriam


1 Saying "The Ukraine" is about as dumb as saying "The America" or "The Russia"... media dumb-fucks & other dumb-fucks reveal their dumb-fuckery by using the term, hah.

2 "The Ukrainian side" is not in violation of above, it is akin to saying "The United States of America" or "The Russian Federation"... not that any illiterate dumb-fucks might be able to make that distinction.

3 Not to be confused with "prevarication" by US/NATO, although there can be a case made that theythe hobo elite are most assuredly engaged in...

4 In this case, I believe the "They who smelt it, dealt it" rule applies.  Nautical Shore.

Esoterica / Missouri, nord aux arc, or Misery - The Show Me State
« on: February 09, 2022, 01:46:21 AM »
As a proud Missourian, I decided that there should be a thread for the Greatest State in the Union.
Honestly, I just wanted to post the above vidya.

I note that Harry Truman, Rush Limbaugh and myself were all born in this fantastic State; those three are just the top three on the list of Notable Missourians.

List of Missouri state symbols

State Bird:

I have never actually seen one of these in the wild, although I see Cardinals all the time.  For some reason I believe when I was a kid that the Cardinal was actually the State Bird.

Nautical Shore.

Random / Memes, you know you love them
« on: January 30, 2022, 04:44:11 AM »
I am shocked and amazed that this thread doesn't exist yet.

In Memoriam


Esoterica / Maths, Mathematics, Calculus, DiffEq &c...
« on: December 15, 2021, 06:03:34 AM »
I haven't bothered to check for a solution(s) to the following:

1^n(x₁)=10^n(x₂), given: n=f(x)

But I suspect there is at least one...

I am all out of AAA batteries for my old Texas Instruments graphing calculator, Nautical Shore.

BellGab / Greatest Country Songs Ever
« on: October 15, 2021, 10:00:45 AM »

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