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Topics - Worthauger

Pages: [1]
« on: November 02, 2022, 07:16:51 AM »
Hey. Have any of you ever had to deal with this one? I'm not into pornography—I'd rather be making it if I'm involved at all, and I'd rather not bother with the VHS vs. Betamax debate.

I had a friend of mine who had to deal with porn addiction as a factor in her relationship, and it sounded like a real drag. it was really distracting while going for my fifth daily orgasm.

But that was a long time ago. I don't know what the current deal is, which I find amusing, since I don't pay attention, and people are in denial of their addictions, I probably have a bunch of people dealing with and obsession with pornography that I'm not aware of.

Can we make money off this? Baby needs a new pair of shoes.

BellGab / Branding A Brand-New Brandgab HOLIDAY
« on: May 20, 2022, 07:01:21 AM »
Been authorized to create a new holiday. It's not presidential or anything, right? But it's yesterday or today actually it's May 19th: (CLASSIFIED).


The name comes tomorrow; in the meantime, be of good cheer and try and figure out what the holiday is about and what it's going to celebrate and how you want to remember the day yourself.

If you want to post links to all the porn you watched yesterday I'll allow it but: freaks XXY please, phreaking NEVER!

(I'm not kidding. We got a holiday. This is all part of bringing ball/bell gag/grab to the table.)

Esoterica / All Vag Hath Abandoned Ship
« on: April 25, 2022, 12:15:43 AM »
Quote from: Tonto

This is what I got.

Politics / The Game
« on: April 20, 2022, 03:00:12 AM »
I just lost The Game.

BellGab / Art Bell
« on: April 18, 2022, 10:06:40 AM »
see you at discovery, Brainiac

Not gonna lie: kinda want this on my tombstone: BIG FONT, FUCKERS--*click*

Random / Happy Easter (2022)!!!
« on: April 17, 2022, 11:25:44 PM »
What, no poetry?

[img attach=1]

... Weak.

Politics / The $17,000 Question
« on: January 03, 2022, 06:42:01 PM »

Well? Wat do?

I just want to punch my viewscreen over and over AND OVER AND OVER

(kisses, SUGAR*)

Even for me: this is a good one. This has been in the works for some time, and today is as good a day as any to launch... besides, it's somebody's birthday out there today somewhere. GARROTE NECKTIE.

Quote from: MCK
And, (PROTECTED), thank you for your efforts here. You've really done good work, and I'm glad I vetted you so thoroughly when we first met.



Best wishes & warmest regards,


P.S.: I have no plans, urge, or desire to damage/vandalize the house before I leave, although a few windows have been broken. (They were old and I didn't like the way they were reflecting light back at me.) Do we know what the future plans of the present owners are? If they have a fondness for old windows (or old toilets) I'll make sure that nothing else breaks as best I can.

That being said, if they really are going to turn the house into sticks and not renovate the old structure at all, please let me know, because there's a few walls downstairs with eyes on them and I don't like the way they're looking at me. Semper fi

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Behold: the shape of the flood to come. I've got to let some more time pass, do a lot more proofreading, and get a few waivers signed, but, yeah: Seatec Astronomy, Infant. Try to get some sleep. You are welcome: IN ADVANCE.

It's not just a code. It's a brand new adventure. Anyways, I'm sure the great lot of all of all y'all have some great doozies saved up in your G-Man G-Male G-Whizz archives 'n' shiz, so, how about kicking down some samples of your collective badassery? No doxxing, no harm, no foul, just good clean fun, like learning how to teleport, just to feed sharks just that much faster.

Always faithful. Always loyal. Always... (CLERGY PRIVILEGE). But a man's gotta have a few secrets kept safe... ya know, right?

Random / Darling Ranked Puny Toon Tunes — L. 0
« on: May 16, 2021, 11:50:24 PM »
Aboviously I am up to something here. It’s between five and twenty-nine.

I don't have much else needed to add. Øperators are not standing by.

Preferred communication method is the Rebus. That's not a requirement, I just like solving them.

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