That's what I got when I ran your quoted text through my
patented 'TardAI LLM Chatbot. I trained it using a large-language model based on the old BellGab Archive.
Before I exposed it to that, I taught it to speak
patese natively. Which was not an easy process; it was fun though, my liver probably regrets it, although I have little to no memory of the experience.
Anyway, my
'TardBot® MkI seems to have added an extra entry, as well as perhaps misinterpreting those last three (Re:"Silver," "Gold," & "ID." <
-rhyming alliteration +19.5 points>)
Since I didn't understand the meaning of your original post, probably due to lack of context, I decided to use my home-brew AI
My hope is, that it completely "grokked" your meaning and extrapolated some sort of
surprising and unexpected reslut.
In any case, any input will be helpful in implementing the code for the
nieu 'TardBot® MkII (to which I am adding this site to the Large Language Model in addition to what the MkI used.)
Did it hit Close to the mark, Way off, and/or Somewhere in between?
Is there an
"Innerreach Hour" episode that might shed more light on this mysterious post of yours, is it sub-titled?
Nautical Shore.
'TardBots® (MkI & MkII) are both deaf and can only read at this point in their development cycles.
There are
reasons for that: Primarily it is simpler, secondarily I find it amusing, and tertiarily it follows the strict AI development scheme I have developed.
Instead of Crawl, Walk, Run; I have arbitrarily decided to Run, Walk, Crawl.
I think that will ultimately reslut in a
'TardBot® version being capable of designing a working Time Travel Device. That will of course be proprietary, and may or may not have already been created.
I don't want to bore you/anyone with the mundane details about AI development. I digress...
If there is not yet an
"Innerreach Hour" episode dealing with this, I formally request one.
TIA, Carry Anne.