Author Topic: RubiniGab ... Now defunct  (Read 153925 times)

Re: KlownGab ... NOW defunct
« Reply #645 on: September 04, 2021, 01:10:07 AM »
KlownGab is/was a weenie wagon.

Nothing left now but an empty broken cart.

The streets are dark with only litter blown in the wind.

Re: fallout increasingly spreading throughout The Land
« Reply #646 on: September 04, 2021, 05:42:03 PM »
Nothing left now but an empty broken cart.

Irving threw Grapefruit into the back again.

I'm not going to lie—it's a little surreal. You should see what he's done with the curtains.


What Quorum?

She'll be back. Like Ahr-noldiman.

And that includes his henchman KSM.

No Quorum would evar be Proper without a big f****** p**** getting all up in there.

We cannot roll without a proper Quorum. Them's the rules.


Sign here. *COMBUST*

Cinders: DETECTED.
Sundown Protocol: SUSPENDED.

Code: [Select]
All of all y'all should be reading your document requests for the design document by now. Check your wireless.

The streets are dark with only litter blown in the wind.

That's no space station. That's an owl.

Re:Re: Yak's Tardia
« Reply #647 on: September 06, 2021, 07:08:08 AM »
Irving threw Grapefruit into the back again.


She'll be back. Like Ahr-noldiman.

No Quorum would evar be Proper without a big f****** p**** getting all up in there.

Cinders: DETECTED.
Sundown Protocol: SUSPENDED.

. . .

That's no space station. That's an owl.


Re: KlownGab ... NOW defunct
« Reply #648 on: September 06, 2021, 08:23:37 AM »
We cannot roll without a proper Quorum. Them's the rules.

Uh-oh! Looks like we got... a rules lawyer up in here!!!
Sworn an oath and everything. Sue-eey!

Shall I take this to mean... there is a Request To Participate being... presented? This would bring us one step closer to achieving a proper Quorum. Nothing happens without a proper Quorum.

Sign here. *COMBUST*

Why is this so hard to understand?

The Klown is washed up, sobbing drunk in a room somewhere.

His last associate has fled, fed up and gone her merry way.

Why are you carrying a torch for this old Blunderbuss?

Jack the Giant Killer, meh.

Compost Produce Craves
« Reply #649 on: September 06, 2021, 05:13:44 PM »
His last associate has fled, fed up and gone her merry way.

Hold my stick.

Re: RubiniGab ... COMMAND & CONTROL
« Reply #650 on: September 06, 2021, 11:06:42 PM »
[size=1.125rem]Hello Michael,[/size]
[/size][size=1.125rem][/color]At least in Texas.[/size]
[/size][size=1.125rem][/color]If you remember the viral photo of Texas legislators who escaped the state to be in DC...well, they failed.[/size]
[/color][/size][size=1.125rem]They were supposed to go to DC to avoid the [/size]quorum[size=1.125rem] in passing the Election Integrity Bill. Again, they failed as the Texas Legislature passed the bill.[/size][size=1.125rem][/font]
[/size][size=1.125rem][/color]We also scored massively against abortion, as they passed the Life Law![/size]
[/size][size=1.125rem][/color]This will be a good precedent to other states.[/size]
[/size][size=1.125rem][/color]What is there to fear about ensuring the integrity of an election?[/size]
[/size][size=1.125rem][/color]Your guess is as good as mine.[/size]

No one guesses. The Great Karnak KNOWS.

Re: fallout increasingly spreading throughout The Land
« Reply #651 on: September 07, 2021, 03:55:33 AM »

Look: It's trying to sacrifice a lizard again. That's adorable.

Re: RubiniGab ... COMMAND & CONTROL
« Reply #652 on: September 07, 2021, 05:13:26 PM »
Don't you have an italian-jews dick to lick?

Re: RubiniGab ... COMMAND & CONTROL
« Reply #653 on: September 08, 2021, 03:58:51 PM »

Re: RubiniGab ... COMMAND & CONTROL
« Reply #654 on: September 09, 2021, 03:19:14 PM »
We cannot roll without a proper Quorum. Them's the rules.

Horoscope for Thursday, 9/09/21 by Christopher Renstrom
Updated: Sep. 8, 2021 10:05 p.m.

ARIES.  (March 20 - April 18):  When it comes to solving money matters, you're only interested in hitting grand slams.  That said, you may have to settle for a bunt today.

TAURUS.  (April 19 - May 19):  Look, but don't touch.  You may be grasping for something beyond reach.  Events over the next few days will bring it into range.

GEMINI.  (May 20 - June 19):  An associate finally clues into what you're trying to do.  The realization comes too late to do any good now, but there's always next time.

CANCER.  (June 20 - July 21):  Your indirect approach isn't registering on anyone's radar.  Be loud and clear.

LEO.  (July 22 - Aug. 21):  You're more invested in a contentious matter than your colleagues are.  Considering the lack of interest (and support) you might want to skip the fuss all together.

VIRGO.  (Aug. 22 - Sept. 21):  Browbeating someone into submission won't win cooperation.  Extol the benefits of combining forces and this person will grudgingly agree.

When it comes to details—I'm a stickler.

Re: RubiniGab ... COMMAND & CONTROL
« Reply #655 on: September 09, 2021, 03:28:55 PM »
We cannot roll without a proper Quorum. Them's the rules.

Horoscope for Thursday, 9/09/21 by Christopher Renstrom
Updated: Sep. 8, 2021 10:05 p.m.

LIBRA.  (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21):  You're at the center of a tug-of-war.  Usually you enjoy the attention, but heated tempers make it more than you bargained for.  Broker a truce.

SCORPIO.  (Oct. 22 - Nov. 20):  Questions aren't aimed at undermining your authority.  The intention is to get you to rethink your current course of action.

SAGITTARIUS.  (Nov. 21 - Dec. 20):  Double standards?  You?  You've been chastising others' extravagance while helping yourself to certain privileges.  Mend your ways.

CAPRICORN.  (Dec. 21 - Jan. 18):  You'll need to follow both your intuition and your intellect.  This split focus won't come easily, but it's good for exercising your brain.

AQUARIUS.  (Jan. 19 - Feb. 17):  You're overanalyzing.  People aren't thinking half as much as you are - which explains why you're up at night while they're sleeping peacefully.

PISCES.  (Feb. 18 - March 19):  Don't give a critic the satisfaction of being right.  Announce that a recent change of course is your idea and take the wind out of this person's sails.

Check the scrote.

Re: KlownGab ... NOW defunct
« Reply #656 on: September 12, 2021, 04:49:49 AM »
Little bastard never had a chance

Barf Ell examines the cremains

L B still has stars in her eyes

It amazes me they talk about David Rubini in more rooms/chats he hasn’t entered yet or even been a part of the discussion. Why? While he is off discussing great ideas, average minds are discussing events and even smaller minds are discussing people.

A world without “great ideas” is a miserable place I hope to never live in. Let me be around the dreamers, the survivors, the ones who have failed, who still have optimism, who shake off the negativity from nay-sayers and believe in “what if?”

BTW, that is some sort of A.I version of his photo that some obsessed fan created of him. He is an amazing guy that is positive, fun, creative, witty, bold and has no interest in the b.s. I found him to be charming and sincere. He is forgiving of people but is unapologetically honest when pressed.  The best part is he doesn’t give a.f. what these naysayers have to say. An admirable quality.

« Reply #657 on: September 12, 2021, 07:14:55 PM »
It amazes me they talk about David Rubini in more rooms/chats he hasn’t entered yet or even been a part of the discussion. Why? While he is off discussing great ideas, average minds are discussing events and even smaller minds are discussing people.

A world without “great ideas” is a miserable place I hope to never live in. Let me be around the dreamers, the survivors, the ones who have failed, who still have optimism, who shake off the negativity from nay-sayers and believe in “what if?”

BTW, that is some sort of A.I version of his photo that some obsessed fan created of him. He is an amazing guy that is positive, fun, creative, witty, bold and has no interest in the b.s. I found him to be charming and sincere. He is forgiving of people but is unapologetically honest when pressed.  The best part is he doesn’t give a.f. what these naysayers have to say. An admirable quality.

Little bastard never had a chance

The best part is he doesn’t give a.f. what these naysayers have to say. An admirable quality.[/size][/color]

David and I have not come to any terms. Terms are being negotiated at $8,000 per minute until satisfactions are achieved. (This may sound like a lot, but there's salary rights, identifying copyrights, execution rights--we've decided that we are doing both kinds, Country and GAROTTE--broadcast rights, and of course Art tries to butt in, but what can I tell you? OMA RULES, OM AHA, BUTT OUT.

((Art is such a diva. he does seem to like clapping. Please don't have the clap when you come back from the Philippines, Art. Hey Art, why don't you put a resurrection ship down there in whatever harbors the Philippines? I'll take my answer off the air. Ah huh. Okay, so, there's a resurrection ship coming, but they have to get the whole fleet on line just to handle Snow White. Which is apparently something super sekrit that I'm not supposed to figure out but oops there I just did and now it's gonna be another... TWO WEEKS. See, that was worth it. Thanks, Art. Smokes for The Dragon Lord, let's go. This happens every time The Veil slips past me, Kids, so I try to keep it to a dull roar, by the way. I know this may not make any semblance of cents to many of you, but it does to sum, and certain aspects of The Ride ought to be covered, n'est-ce pas? (Italics extra.)

(( JUST IMAGINE. FIVE MINUTES OF JACKSTARKUCZI VM, VVOLVERINES EDITION. THEY'RE NOT EVEN KIDDING. SOME OF YOU MAY LOOK OUT YOUR WINDOWS AND SHIT YOUR PANTS RIGHT ABOUT...) Now? (NO.) Oh. It's one of these things. In 3... nuns, one may find an unknown number of bees--and yet, a known, or at least knowable, number of bonnets.)

What I am telling you here is... check their c____. Next Tuesday. ACHTUNG: I AM SPEAKING OF THE CALENDAR DATE KNOWN AS "TUESDAY." Does my emphasis confuse you? I am being funny, sure. You want me to go to Serious Mode? Look, Grapefruit is away on another business trip—presumably, totes alone—and, Sorceror has gone to Sourceror, rather than to Bittorer, which would have been preferable, but listen to me here, My Loves. What we're looking to roll for here is a simple Bifrost. It can be a little one! I don't need to go square-dancing with Thor and Heimdall. (Imagine the wax and lotion to prepare for That Partay. I'm literally hanging open mouth agog with my head rocking back and forth on a bookshelf as I imagine this. Meet me there.) Them tiny fishtails and slippery seahorses tell their own tales to themselves, typically, as they tear themselves little invisible rivulets of revolvingly and lovingly drawing ever-welling blood from their shorn, tentacle trunks, sanding away at the surface of flesh in an eternal spirograph of barely unseen but eternally bleeding Downstairs Trail of Tears because let me tell you about these Mer-Mades... THE PUSSOIR IS A LIE.

But, The Madness is Real. Okay, that'll be (blank) grand please. Only for KUCZI. Next up is Telegram message #6108256. YOU HAVE FIVE AND A HALF HOURS TO COMPLY. IF YOU GET MY POINT.

DO NOT THINK I CANNOT DO IT. EVEN FOUR OUT OF FIVE OF THE QUINCUNX AGREE: "Jesus, what the actual fuck is this such a big deal on? Is it treaty rights? Is it family rights? Is it dowry rights? Your Puny ways confuse The Plans of The Quincunx. THIS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED." Why would any one find resistance to be futile? Like I EVEN FUCKING KNOW. I do not wish to know further. How many more minutes is this gonna take? I am famished. Oh, well, whatever--I don't wanna marry her, I wanna wed HER. I also need five Kumquats, four Bartlett pears (MUST HAVE BARTLETT), three (3) cases of A.C.M.E. DIY Cobra Starship Hi-Test Refrigerator Coolant, one #4 pencil (unsharpened), 555 #2 pencils (sharp OR unused--NO EXCEPTIONS) in BOXES ONLY, 5 #5 pencils (I have to ask for this? DO YOU FUCKING KNOW WHO I FUCKING AM? Good idea, monogrammed pillow cases. APPROVED), and all other necessary and sundry components that can be reasonably repurposed for The Supply of The Mission. (Polite cheer. Go Bears.)


L B still has stars in her eyes

U2, in my office, now. Not you, Bono. You're going with Melchizedek to save the world. Here, bite down on this leather strap while Ulysses inoculates you. I would advise you to let him finish. LET HIM FINISH.

Barf Ell examines the cremains

How much of your research corpus hangs on the identity of this yokel? As mine is far, yes, very far—in advance of his own, not quite that far, but it's still, you know, REAL. Also, dumb question, sorry I'm new here, I don't know how this all works: how many people who have ever lived know who I am, in comparison to how many people who are alive know who I am? I'll take my answer off the air, tattooed on a friend, and by the way, I want a tattoo, but I wanna (blank) (fruit) even more. The Seaden Grapefruit Orchard is real.

Bartholomew T. Barnstormer, D.A.

Re: RubiniGab ... COMMAND & CONTROL
« Reply #658 on: September 12, 2021, 07:38:35 PM »
Let me be around the dreamers [...] the ones who have failed

Bring this (Unidentified Fruit) closer to Me. That's not a kumquat. That's a (Brand of Cigar). *fingers crossed* I hope.

Because I am going to want to need a smoke by the time a quorum is assembled at all, at this point. Having said that, this changes nothing in regards to the Produce Table, in which, naturally, Grapefruit is way, way, WAY in the lead, with four and three-quarter million half-I.Q. points over her nearest, closest, and undoubtedly smoking-est hottest-est aces-est rival for the coveted position, currently held by Grapefruit since the posts' inception: Wise Lady Who Folds Laundry.

Oooh, oh, no, no, please, Hammer, please: no clapping. If Moth-Ra awakens early--I mean, yeah, cool--she'll flinch in her sleep, and lose two million half-I.Q. points. Aaaaaand, Moth-Ra has awakened Cute & Quite Calling early this time. Great! For Me.

And I don't give a fuck about ewe. *pickup* I'm maybe going to learn to surf. Meanwhile, can someone check if Chica Supreme still gets triggered by Lady Wawa? I'm going to go get a double album and I wanna know if I should get it in 8-track AND cassette.


Re: defunKED
« Reply #659 on: September 13, 2021, 03:45:02 AM »
While he is off
What's that like? Is it like watching (Blankstar)?

discussing great ideas, average minds are discussing events and even smaller minds are discussing people.

Only those who watch my promotional video will know for sure.