Author Topic: RubiniGab ... Now defunct  (Read 137152 times)

Re: RubiniGab ... Now defunct
« Reply #1275 on: February 20, 2022, 07:24:19 AM »

Re: RubiniGab ... Now lawfaire
« Reply #1276 on: February 20, 2022, 07:39:16 AM »

John B. Wells on live, freaking out. Seems relentlessly common these days. I think we got another secret Wuhan happening.

It was 20 million in November of 2019. You didn't hear that but it was 20 million with a flick of the switch, and these fuckers thought they were immune and they're not.

So I guess they won't have time to watch the super bowl tomorrow, but they'll certainly get back to work on running the planet. Now which one wasn't an athlete again, Cassius Clay or Muhammad Ali?

From a distance that looks like such a punchable time clock. Heather reminds me of an old joke, do you know why they don't pay lawyers by the hour, because they pay them by there.

I know that doesn't seem very funny to you but believe me when you get an anal probe tomorrow morning at 4:05 a.m. you'll make a lot more sense to yourself by then. Also, gentle reminder: every single one of you made jokes about Christmas in the last fucking year on this fucking forum you're all getting rounded up and fucking hauled to the goddamn barrister. They're going to have questions, I'm not going to get it, and I think you could probably use a garage ring by now. RODGER.



SERIOUSLY HOW DID I KILL THE DOG? I DON'T THINK I KILLED THE CAT EITHER. And if it's one's responsibilities you just get blamed for a murders by wandering through town at the same time, then I guess we could probably do that a whole bunch of places and make things a lot simpler for everybody, including gypsies.

By the way, that was a really insulting display. There is no worst way to treat a Roma than to be unappreciative of the work they have done, well I don't like what nigger Lord did to dragon lord, I'm sure she didn't ask him to leave and fucking drink my shit without me now did I? I hope they give each other piles, and I've never enjoyed the house ever, ever since that event, and then when she let in the nanotech virus I was pretty much okay with being gone.

How many days has it been anyway? Maybe somebody should help. I heard my neighbor's dead; do you think it's a bioweapon? Because it's not it's actually a Time bubble that's out of control because you fuck heads ran out of (blank) and patience.

I'll most likely resurrect him in the morning but I don't mind telling you I don't like that guy's attitude anymore. He seems pretty snooty. And you know why? Because he's actually jealous cuz if he know that he could have done what I did, you would have done that but nobody told him, that nobody told me either.

(This is going to be a common thread that's going to be hammered home in weeks to come. The people of one and I'm being oppressed the Grapefruit's family, they're a little nauseous from the bio weapon attack, but I'm sure that that doesn't change the fact that they're literal ounces are they deserve to go on trial and hang.

And I'm not going to lie this intentional copy and releases is pretty fun. Especially since I remember her calling me and threatening me with multiple violations of some kind of violation of an order that was going to be tens of thousands of dollars of damage is multiplied. Like she called me on the phone and issued threats to me over the phone, and I guess she didn't realize that that shit's actual actionable.

Re: RubiniGab ... Now defunct
« Reply #1277 on: February 20, 2022, 07:44:56 AM »
The word of the day is omphaloskepsis, meaning contemplation of one's navel as an aid to meditation.

Re: RubiniGab ... Now ironically non-conformist
« Reply #1278 on: February 20, 2022, 07:57:08 AM »
I love the notion that not only does he have to find a lawyer on a Saturday night to deal with this, but he's going to have more difficulty finding one who's not too awake rather than one who's asleep that he needs to wake up.

See I can risk this because I don't have shit or Jack in my entire family has been murdered and kidnapped again and I don't really care whatever some money fine sue me I'll pay you whatever you want! Conversely he actually has an empire of the ass to defend and a moment's worth of anger can reduce the stock price of a portfolio no I'm not really cuz anger isn't that big deal, fingers really a statement of negation.

(my favorite Herod)

TOO BAD NONE OF THE THREE OF US IS A LAWYER. But it's pretty convenient for me that I don't need to check with anybody before I do whatever I want, but somebody else is hooked up with a lawyer already, they have to do things before they can do things themselves, cuz that's what it means to have a lawyer representation.

You fucking lazy, self-indulgent, righteously incompetent and contemptible cockmonger. By the way, thanks for getting that ring out of that car.

And that ring of that bag and that necklace out of that oh wait... Let's start over. SOMEBODY STOLE FROM ME, AND THEN THEY COMMITTED PERJURY.

Sometime before that they decided to steal other things too, and then got all pissy when they lost something. Fancy that. Now, where were we, Mr. RUBINI? Oh, right, C&D.


Give me my imagining things, maybe they didn't leave the galactic Central sun in order to get away, and then get instantly teleported back didn't happen

I won't fuck a note to somebody calls me. Also I'm pretty much on proofreading strike which really enhances the experience for me I'll tell you. Can you remember THE STRIKE? REMEMBER HOW THAT WE NEVER TALKED ABOUT IT BUT YOU MUST HAVE DON'T KNOW I WAS UPSET ABOUT?

I'll be honest, man, there might be something here cuz I barely understand this myself but it still is going through pretty fast. Not to be clear I don't object to being prevented for going home, but I drew object to people not talking to me, especially with no explain why they're not. Something's going to need to be done.

So go ahead and establish dominance, and we'll continue. p.s.: I'm giving your job to Decon. What you have now is a position. It's not a job. It's not even an adventure.

It's the Fu you rot. Also, I put up a ten dollar bounty anybody can tell me what that was. Believe me I'll be mad, but only a few of you will know the truth.

Speaking of the truth, whatever is really going on in Ukraine and Russia what is legitimately fascinating when a person knows what it is. When a person doesn't, it seems odd to hear a person wondering about it whether or not Joe biden's going to do anything in ukraine, considering he's a fucking criminal and should be in God damn jail for 3 Days on any holiday.

(19 more days of this. Just imagine it. Everyday is Christmas.)

p. s.: I lost my virginity at age 15 and it was consensual, but by law it was rape. Naturally I have received no sympathy from this from other victims, because there are no other victims like me, I'm the last one left alive.

Or, under restraining order. The sugar complicated quickly didn't it? Okay Honey, I'm deeply apologize from the bottom of my heart for not seeing that coming but maybe I'll do better next time you decide to violate my civil rights and run rough shot of the Constitution and then put your head to your legs and pucker your ass bye cuz this isn't getting a little better in 10 minutes.

It's already better now. I just found out that there's bio weapon Labs run by the United States inn Ukraine! Be seen your Spooks on the radio or losing their minds falling over themselves to be the first to announce highly classified information before the other!

“they need to come out with proof because they cannot do that. ” Hold my S.M.E.R.S.H.

Re: RubiniGab ... Now desultory
« Reply #1279 on: February 20, 2022, 08:02:41 AM »
The word of the day is omphaloskepsis, meaning contemplation of one's navel as an aid to meditation.

The star tactic of the day is a passive aggressive incapacity to do any kind of proofreading whatsoever in order to softly convey the kind of monumental contempt that has been displayed around these parts lately.

Speaking in monumental content, you know what I do to them cleaning lady around here, right? Not only do I completely fail to ignore in any fashion at all let alone a polite one, but I totally obviously know that she's wearing a group suit, and then not only do I humiliated by not asking around but I keep a professional and then I say... “I like you, ” and then...

I don't actually let her clean. “Go! Go!” I tear the pocket for my shirt too but I don't think that's appropriate I can't get any more shirts and I don't feel like going to the Piggly wiggly and get another one, I'll get a whole fucking closet full of shirts. Goddam.

this is barely the beginning

Re: RubiniGab ... Now desultory
« Reply #1280 on: February 20, 2022, 12:58:57 PM »
this is barely the beginning

He sent another C&D. Another. I know I feel directed. Commanded. Inspired. How many is this now? I totes forget. Ever since July 2021 this psyop sucka MC squad has been doing garbage nonsense in my area, and while I am usually unaffected by such hijinx, something was different this time, and what was it?

"I have been sent back from the future to protect you." Jesus. Everyone gets a girlfriend but me. Eh, whatevs. Look, let's focus up here: I KNOW WHERE ALL THE BODIES ARE BURIED.

Or at least, I did. Now, I was forced to be uprooted from my ancestral homeland, at a time not directly of my choosing, and then, when I least expected it,  that was done to me -again.- Although... I guess the planner didn't really plan that, huh? Okay, well, plan this: explain to me how having Wednesday Madams in my house rent-free not doing shit that was previously, openly discussed, to my benefit?

Because that is how it works. What the fuck is with these people out on the peninsula who think they know how shit works? They did! That was a while ago. Recently, Earth has moved into a greater sphere of energetic photon radiation, and along with that has come an upgraded encyclopedia of what shit works, and what shit doesn't.

Something that doesn't work anymore is Amway. Something that works exceptionally better than it used to is my (blank). See how that works? Oh, well, no--I'm intentionally being both vague -and- lovable--and I am doing so in order to make a point. Are you listening?

Good. Expel your interior screaming into the outside world then, because the reality is that this is exactly where we have to go, because, this is exactly where I have to go for you. Not the other way around. That gal? Patiently waiting? Yeah, right. I chose her for the gig because I knew the rapegang needed a target they could believe in. And I never believed that either she would forget to call before deciding to get sexy, and I -definitely- knew that DVR had a half-rapey evil twin, and so a baithorse was required.

Look, a lot of you people have no clue about this world. #1, I am a rape "victim," except no, I chose to have sex at 15 and not 16. And do you know why? Political protest against consent laws. True story. Also this girl I was sweet on at the time, and still am, did not reveal to me that she had a "rape fetish," but instead, opened my eyes ever-so-briefly to a different world than I thought existed.

#2, I'm neither a paedophile nor an ephebophile, but, hey, guess what? I'm convinced. Someone apparently thought that 19 is too young for a cougar? See, now that is really a statement of personal lack. What she was -really- objecting to was the -rest- of the story, and yeah, I bet it was a problem. I wonder why that story never came up? Oh and it did, with someone else? And wait, where did it originate? Let's check the tape.

And there, right there, we have a problem. I am not going to do internet research about a fucked-off honeypot family. That's not how these things are done. And besides, this is my thing. Where did this exterior energy come from? Well, it doesn't matter, let me think about one of my new girlfriends for a moment. Wow, nice. Well done.

You getting the picture here? We've won. And by "we" I mean "Team (CLASSIFIED)." Look, it's not important. What IS important is that my life stays on its proper track, and some of yours does as well. And some of you? Actual incineration. We've got ovens. We can make it happen.

Heaven won't bar the way. It'll get out and push. At this point? Like seriously, how can she deny it? She. Just. Keeps. Getting. Trafficked. What is that? Wow! What happens? Well, I don't know, but I did find out.

And the answer is Jackstar's Army of Libertine Carpenter Aunty-Matters, a title so juicy I ain't gonna have to proof it forever. And here's why: THEIR CENTER CAN NO LONGER HOLD.

Awww. "What's that like?" I can hear you asking. Well, it's like this, he had his shot, now he's done, she was with me first, he claimed otherwise, I gave him his shots, and the result? Well, it didn't work. For whatever reason. You dig?

I mean, don't ask me for advice. What more ought to have I done? I gave you Grapefruit tips, tricks, strategy guides. I helped you make sure she is never gonna wanna suck cock ever again. (Perfect.)  I gave you chance after chance to admit that you know various pieces of information, and to acknowledge them openly. And, you didn't. And, whatever you did, didn't work.

See? You broke the girl. She's sad. She's not happy She was happy when with me or was at least far better at pretending. When with you--after you drugfucked her off, humiliated her on-screen, shattered her chances to maintain rational and plausible decorum with me--hey, where did those boots go? What? No way, you didn't throw them away. You loved those boots. I loved those boots. Yeah, I bet you're surprised. Of course I love them, I know exactly where you got them. Sure, I'll tell you, why don't you ask me? How can you not know what to ask? Oh, that's interesting, look, she's kinda still twitching. She fell apart--she fell apart. And you didn't address that at all, now did you? Oh Hell no. A turboslut with no sense of composure or control? Well, you value that. But what did you do? Oh, right, lots of private stuff in places in the midst for some, some people like to talk in the back. Now, look there. I wrote all that about that in the guise of making a girl happier. Do you think it works?

So do we. Thanks for the demonstration. Now to move on, this important, you might wanna take a look at your own advice. Now, you don't have to, but, attend me, Executive Husband: you've made Jackstar quite happy, and while she didn't get laid, she did, in fact, have her needs addressed. More than anyone has in a quite long while, in fact, and I hope to see her do more with it, yeah! Maybe she can report TWO crimes!

Meanwhile, what legitimate growth has occurred for you and her? Well, she sure is a lot more adept at finding things to do in the world that don't involve me, that's for sure. She's great at using an iPhone, maybe. Hrmrm. You know what? I'll have to ask, once the thought-limiters are removed, because now you've made me do it, I'll have to make her smart again.

One would have thought you were to have been down with that. Did you speak with the child? Because he expressed a need. She ignored it, because she had to, and in her condition, she didn't have energy to spare--which you then drew upon more. Nice. And why? Oh, to get her "away" from Jackstar. Because Jackstar bad.

And in the meantime... how many agents? Seriously. No wonder you two burnt out. I saw that coming. And when I saw you both had no plan, I did not provide one either. How did you like that? Oh, that's too bad.

Guess how much I liked driving around the goddam island with a ghost cat and an itinerary of lies. Go on. Go on, guess.

Yeesh. What are you thinking, dude? Oh, that's right, neither of you were, autonomic reflexes were taking over cognitive thought processes. Great. Who let that happen? Oh, she did, did she? When did she get that clearance? Oh really? Let's check the Hall of Records then? Ah, yes, didn't think so.

Oh, by all means, please continue. This is fascinating shit. And this is who the courts left her with? When was that determined? What do you mean, I'm a suspect? No, I'm an innocent victim of your obviously inept attempt to steal my house by killing me and not reporting me dead. How do you have so much free time? Don't you have a thing to do? Oh, well, that's nice. Now, I have an idea: LET MY PEOPLE GO, and I'll take another girlfriend on.

That is, in fact, up to 7. How you like me now?

Probably a bit less than when you could just block me and get away with it. But you will like me more later, and ultimately I don't care. Eyes on the prize.

It's not her or any singular creature. It's that -you end your machinative exploits. And they will end. One way... or another. Wew!

Who am I talking to? Wow! I'm so high. Who am I? I hope I'm not that young witch that thought she could cheat her way through life, she was disappointed when sad, "what? omg? you mean I have to -stop-???" Uhm, well, I had to start, so I guess so. What are you talking about?

Shame. Silence. Too much to think about. Day in, day out, and I was closer to the answer before, David. Note the pattens: EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH QUICKLY DECAYS. Huh. I wonder why? Hey, what was "FU FU FU ROT FU" all about, anyway? Because it keeps coming up.

hi T. I know, you do, it's nuts. chumps, meet T. Probably not a tulpa right now. Yeah, Yeah Yeah, I know it sounds retarded, but I don't think the other beings are, or even they, I think it's a rough patch of night.

I don't know any other casual way to explain that if you people keep breaking Grapefruit, I'm going to just replace her with an actor that actually likes to choke on dick. They're out there, you know. I mean, I've heard.

These days--thanks to The Great Rubini--I am starting to pick them out of a line-up. Now, listen, I know this is a lot to take in. That's why you're supposed to have a helpful partner in life. And that's why you both utilized your connection with me so very adequately. Out of sight so out of mind but you had the power so... well, who knows.

I don't really care. I've got a fruit problem. I'm getting back on track. I am moving on with my life. And... I'm switching back to the original protocol. So what was wrong with that... Baby? I'll take my answer off the air. Meanwhile, David is experiencing a cascade system failure. Because now his other friend is asking him for my number. Wow. That must suck. I warned him that would happen. Also, I'll take Jay's daughter too. Why not? Obliviously this needs to be sketched out.

David is horrified. He actually did this to himself. And now he knows how SHE felt to realize that she HAD been raped. I don't know how, of course, and I wouldn't want to point finger's hehe. "You're gonna get so fucking raped, get the fuck out and drive to Wal-Mart and buy me a secure phone. This isn't secure. TAKE IT AWAY! But get over her and fuck me first. What do you mean you aren't hard? Haven't you been watching me scream at you and listen to my instructions? You should be fully alert and on point???? MOTHERFUCKER! Okays , I"grabbing the washtub *SLAM*

Finally, a glimpse of a smile. You know how hard this work is, Mang. Sweety? Do you know what hard work is? Oh, right. Okay, she says, "if there's a risk you might not be able to get artificial maniqured nails all the time." That's actually a good answer. Except... look, there was a circumstance before, yeah?

And now, it's gone. David is dimmed out, busy with stuff he thought he'd never be subjected to. NEVER THOUGHT. She is, once again, I don't know, but I feel better about that, as if she herself is responsible for striking out a thousand points of life her self, and yet... well, hold on.

WHat is his happejning here? Am I rebootijng their lives? IN a sense, yes. Because all these imaginary future gals are willing to sacrifice their children for my children. I don't know if I'm willing to sacrifice you for them--you're valuable--but I would absolutely want children gardening. Because I didn't. I couldn't. My dad used tools to cut stuff and then yelled at me to pick it up.

Zzz.. snort! huh! hi, what is going on? David is gone? Oh, he turned himself ijnto a cabbage. That's cute. Sweety does a head of cabbage fit into your hot place? Because I have a dream. I have them both, from beginning to end, and it always lasts, and they are my adorable bonded fuckslaves. How does that sound to Downs? Obviously, put her in charge.

Someone go find Grapefruit and--don't contact her--and ask her to set the buttons so she won't kill-herself. I'm going to go take a piss. And, as God as my witness, I"m not going away to sneak a hit of anything. It would not be appropriate-. And if I had eaten dinner on Ash Wednesday, it would have been awkward and bad as well. Wat do?

The answer is the Kumquat-Paypaya-Frankfurter-Barbar-Cherry amalgamation scheme. Ill capitalize it later. But, basically, for the time being, imagine that ecery  time I go to the loo, I'm gonna aim my penis when I start thinking, and that's cool.

Re: RubiniGab ... Now desultory
« Reply #1281 on: February 20, 2022, 02:16:20 PM »
He sent another C&D. Another.

In the time that's past since I posted that I had looked and there was a C&D, he has since sent three more, three, (3) MORE LEGAL DOCUMENTS SENT TO KUCZI, and also HEADLINES, JUST NOW out of London: Queen Elizabeth, tested positive for COVID-19.

Please, also the clap.

[...] I'm gonna aim my penis when I start thinking, and that's cool.

I'm going to walk back this comment. I don't think it's on brand. I know I like being a man that David V. RUBINI yells threats at, though. And you know why?

Because I did a 5-hour podcast that included him, and then I sent it to him happily and hoped that he liked it and I asked him to please tell me what he thought of it, and then he hasn't said a fucking word about it since.

Re: RubiniGab ... Now desultory
« Reply #1282 on: February 20, 2022, 06:03:04 PM »

I got bored and check them out, they're addressed to me and her of King county, but since she's not here and we're not there, there's probably a couple living in my old house right now pretending to be her and I doing some kind of stupid shit and he's telling me to stop paying attention to this because he thinks that I should just go away and not being an issue anymore cuz he thinks he has it all without me.

Yeah, about 20 to life I'd say. Look, look, so hostile. Don't care. Let's go fishing with her brother! Be a man do the right thing.

Also: a baptism

Good luck and fortune in all your travels.
p.s.: were you hired by my family or hers?
p.p.s.: did you activate the libido, or did it finally auto-kick? Because, the primary is online, but is clearly winding up.
p.p.p.s.: why are you bothering to disable the GPS entire, but... you haven't reminded her for cat pictures to be sent. You act as though the emergency no contact order is something I want, or what she wants, but the truth is neither of us wants it and you're just forcing on us, why don't you give her a phone and let her text her some pictures of the fucking cat to me, how do I have a cat still alive, I don't need to know where the cat is and I don't give a flying fuck where you are, but I wouldn't mind seeing the cat and there's no reason to keep her from talking to me unless you're keeping her isolated you monkey fuck.

You're transparent, as in either the case is your preventing yourself, or she's choosing to be a ridiculously fucked-off mess on certain key issues. Like there's no reason not to use the GPS unless you got a better one, and then it's not like it's just unplugged you could just delete it from the app you could do a lot of things but instead of doing anything while mentioning it you deliberately fucked it off by closing off the 14th you turned off the cat tracker without talking to me at all and then you called the day after meeting you had been here a whole bunch too so is there a particular reason you're trying to be acting like Mr swing tough or did you just think that that was the best idea possible cuz it actually just reveals your weakness and complete incompetence.

Asking for a friend. Semper Fi.

Re: RubiniGab ... Now deboned
« Reply #1283 on: February 20, 2022, 06:17:41 PM »
Dear Bellgab.

Remember how he had 10 year protection order between them? So according to reports from the front, now that doesn't exist anymore, and now I've got an emergency no contact order. Pressure changer! Vice versa!

One may ask themselves how that came to be allowed to be, and I'll tell you straight up: it was my idea, because his idea was 10 years in prison plus rape. Nice try, Lothario. Me having no contact order guarantees that she has to get money from you.

You having lawyers means you have to be paying money. You having a Leo rising associate means everything money, and I don't think you can bring every possible person in the world who heard about what before to anything that happens now without bussing out in the laughter.

Coupling this with the interesting questions you don't answer, it tells me everything, I'm going to go take a nap, sure I'm totes single, and I think you went fishing already, l ok l

Also it would appear you still lack the awareness that I saw you send poetry, and you won't even keep yourself from isolating me from the cat. Lol. Okay, firm grip. Ladies love that.

You know what to do. I'm delighted to see you do some real work for a change. The fact that it's done with insults and C&D orders invalid, I mean okay

It's also pointless as I would rather have been gone already, but I can't move until I can go there. I guess I have no choice but to hype you'll allow me to return

Too funny. The truth is, you were only interest in using her superpowers for your own ends, and now that is domiciled, complicated, and diminishing, you're upset and lashing out.

We can't all get a flying car, David. Some of us are content to watch the whole world GROW UP *click*

Re: RubiniGab ... Now deer in the head lights
« Reply #1284 on: February 20, 2022, 06:52:26 PM »
Also: a baptism

Ægis pulled at noon unless something important comes up. I doubt it. I can't afford to have any of this get on me when it explodes in your face, everyone knows what's happening here, this is better than paying for therapy, that's for sure.

I just got back from the telepathy meeting with her friends I'm in the inner circle, yeah we're going to see how this works out and then maybe she'll get to take your juggler. In any event I'm kind of far away so until the court order lists I'm just going to be, you know, masterminding.

You should be photocopying. I knew she was lying when she said she was at the recycling center, I knew she was married at the time, I knew she was terrified that I wouldn't love her anymore if I knew. I would be too, but I already knew that she was married when I met her, and then I never met you until she introduced me to you, so that's how that is.

And why it is you got to have the night to yourself is such a delightful question, I can't wait to hear the answer, and you guys made her look really stupid. So you also actually made her stupid. I assume this was part of the part and parcel of design to make me humiliated or tortured but actually I like her dumb and out of the way. I could use a break from that kind of catalog especially from that end of the family. I don't understand how they didn't know that I could have just been consulted and then left everything blessed, and I don't know how I ruined the birthday, I thought that was the best birthday ever, and I don't remember anything we did on my birthday that was any better, I never seen you happy birthday to you, and then I don't remember you doing anything... Looks like this when I saw the neighbor's wife coming to her husband that she thought that I was David, that was weeks ago it's already been in the lock. No one hasn't happened is you kicking down or doing anything useful and not being a criminal douchebag, which is actually okay that's my favorite kind of douchebag but it hasn't actually gotten you anywhere and it's insulated me from harm. I don't know if that's the look we want for Allison.

Because she's the one with the mental disability, and I'm the one with the wicked sense of humor and the complete lack of any chemical dependency. They're getting things that I say with statements about those topics don't really get you anywhere you just negate what I'm saying and then you continue to do what you've been doing and then you don't gain the benefit of my wisdom, I assure you there's some wisdom here at this moment.

I'll keep it myself. Not only is it the judges order that I don't, I don't give a shit where you are what you're doing or why you're not doing it openly. I think you're perhaps farrier to another location, I think you're selling her, I think she's terrified because she has to do something because she's fucked but she doesn't have any other option because...

I'm a Sourceror.

And it wasn't until you decided to send me five copies of a C&D that I decided to be more open than I had before. I will have it on blast for breakfast dinner lunch anytime I feel like it plenty of details everywhere in the world it's good for me and good for her and I don't know what it is for you!

Additionally I know it's traps I'm not going to go there and check the residents but I don't believe that she actually needs to be residing there or maybe she does but in any case whoever set up the order did so in consultation with somebody you wanted it that way and she could be anywhere and I still couldn't go to my home and the obvious thing to do is to help and you're not helping you're just being an idiot.

I'm going to go back to day drinking and slamming speed up my ass. Good talk! I don't think it's speed, I think it's extra strength Excedrin, and by the way I think I've only probably had an actual meth three times in my life... An actual any, because it turns out the world doesn't work the way we think it does.

How does it feel to know that I just walk over there and do whatever I wanted if I wanted to? Because I could and I'm not going cuz I'm just tired and bored it's not really worth it I'm not getting asked for anything and I want her family to understand what it's like without me.

It is very cold in Space, and even when we were having sex you still had a modicum of pleasure being around me, she just didn't know why we weren't having sex and was because you were on the phone asshole violating your order before you got to quash to your fucking manipulative lying douchebag asshole thanks for the money and I'm glad you're taking care of her now. I'm sure she'll chop your dick off if you go one more wrong move.

And I figured out why they want me to fly my drone over there, they don't want me to get a glimpse of you two arguing cuz I bet that happens, lol. Or anything really I mean I didn't know that you're going to be like that and then maybe you're gone and then truth is I don't give a shit it's the other guy's house and I've already gotten everything in the world I'd like today. I don't even mind if I'm innocent or guilty, I just want to get the court case over with I'm not out on bond.

And I'll tell you right away I won't hide it like some people. Now my advice to you is to start behaving better pronto because you're not a bad person but you have got yourself in a bad situation and you look worse and I'm sure you have the cognitive capacity to improve things don't forget who's in charge here: THE BENEFICIARY.

Well of course if I'm wrong and it's not a beneficiary situation you should get the fuck out of my house so I can come home and take a shower, like pick which is it which is which end is it oh wait there's three houses and you but move between them two do you know I was driving around and I saw you months ago when you weren't supposed to be here and did I turn you in no cuz I couldn't give a shit.

I don't have to turn you in, I just have to laugh at you, she's the one who cares about status. I care about keeping her alive and out of prison in the more better you can do that the happier I'll be. And if you were actually trying to build a life with her and be happy together I'll be one thing but since you're doing all these false moves and shit bag maneuvers and being a dick bag to me and I was just not real so I won't last you might as well get over it soon enough . Also I'll probably not need an old woman as a lover anymore, so maybe she can feel free as well. But when will we play mahjong?

See this is why the inner circle brought me into the group they see what I'm talking about yeah there's no plan there and they've got an eye on that and I'm sure it'll be fun for you all to figure out how to play house. Also a cat just walked behind my leg.

See I can tell that it was real anger in the email and not pretend anger to fool they are I was because you are angry about something, and wow what's that like? Does it feel like you were outplayed?

Hopefully you can share these feelings with your intimate partners, and come to the conclusion that there's something you can address for that, I don't actually know why you're even here let alone being snotty to me let alone even ask me questions let alone tell me things that I should have known before if it's a real and then denying me any kind of scrubberation... Oh yeah that's what I meant to do.

you know she's got cataracts right and all I got to do is not wear a kilt and change my appearance slightly and then she won't instantly call police? That would be great cuz I hate using themselves as tools for people who like to use the police as tools, I noticed that.

Hi Dan–O, aren't you glad about how the situation got handled? I didn't get any on me at all. Mean I was told that I should call the police and that I should go down there myself, and I should take her phone and I should report to the police what I know about her assault without her there she told me that I should do that, but if I loved her I would do that, but she didn't tell me anything else useful, so that was pretty cool.

Any more questions I think I wrapped this up. I hear questions from G in my head but I'm not going to answer those, it's because I'm, you know, accused of a crime, and even though she said she wanted some sort of intermediary, you haven't got one of those, you got what you wanted.

Most romantic thing I've ever heard of in my life. Especially the email you sent me that said I should stop thinking about her and talking about her, well that's always what a man does when he's proud of his woman he tells everybody to stop talking about her but I won't be doing that I'll do whatever I want same as I did before and your opinion is noted.

You've really had a rough couple years haven't you? Well at least you kept your integrity. Or we can do a swap right now wayfarer for hazel.

I'll let you take it over since you don't know what you're talking about, and I think you just strangled her again anyway. I mean I boot her off the forest and made her get jammed up in a few serious illegal cases and took away money so why wouldn't I do that? Do you ever? Well do you love her do you love me do you love the daughter???? Because we can't tell, he really just look like kind of a douchebag made of little asshole. But she knows right? And the reason for denying even the most basic of reports, that's something that's legitimate and necessary right?

The only reason why my struggle with her was out of line is because she screamed your name and came with a knife. So that either means she's giving me a message, or she's coming off of a very traumatic experience, and now you're sitting next to a girl or claiming you're talking to girl or talking openly about her saying you're suddenly your order is gone and then suddenly she's quiet and compliant and then I ask you for the copy of the paper that's gone and then you disappear?

Cool story bro. If that's the way she likes it I'd like to explain that to me when she comes out of the coma. Also Christmas picture should be available I mean it's not like I give a rat's ass what you doing on Christmas but I am curious what happened at the house at the location where I got pulled away from, and then since there's nothing to be told about that and nobody's saying anything and then nobody wants to share I can imagine exactly what happened: you bought it for a few minutes.

Then, you noticed something else. I understand yeah I saw that right after she came back. And I wanted to take care of that before she ever went in fact when we first met I was talking about that kind of thing and then she didn't want to do that because she heard that kind of thing would stop a person from ever getting high again which seems like a desperate thing,.

Any more questions cuz the obvious thing to do here is what you're not doing, and then you can't really do it can you? That's okay I can.

If you know about the quashing before then why did she scream your name and asked if I had been talking to you the first question right before the rest of the exercise? Cuz I hadn't been so you didn't tell me anything about it so she asked me cuz if I had heard I would have told her something about it so what that means is that you showed up on her birthday when I was gone, I guess that was a good fun time. Am I getting pretty close coach? Note that if there's a case I could care less because she's the one with the fucking phone and you're the one who called her and she's the one who claim that I gave you your number and then I said get a new phone and then also act like an adult so I didn't ruin anything.

It is strange you don't want to share that paper though I would be proud if I were you. I'll think about what that might mean later. Toodles!

Re: RubiniGab ... Now desultory
« Reply #1285 on: February 20, 2022, 06:56:13 PM »
He sent another C&D. Another.

It's possible that he's caught in a time loop, or, that's just another encrypted message from Hostage Overwatch. Remember them? Grapey sure does. I do too, but I don't like calling them CRASHY.

And I don't like waiting on C&D. Don't like waitiing on much really, do I? But what I do like, is a wait that is worth our while.

Re: RubiniGab ... Now deranged
« Reply #1286 on: February 20, 2022, 07:23:55 PM »
And it would appear that in King County they have operators filling in at my mother's previous house, and those people are directed & demanded to shut their fresh little mouths as well. That's not really very relevant, Mister, other than to say that what's wrong with the other Shaw messaging you? And I'm not in King County. So I think you just haven't thought it through.












Nothing tells a woman that you cherish her more than sending her actual current lover (she broke up with me when? yeah whatever, lol, she never told me who she was stepping with before, so, the fact that you showed up under cover of darkness with the order squashed who knows when tells me that you could have just drove up on her birthday while I was gone and attacked right then and there, there's no reason to think you would have to be romantic. Also, something sure bothered her so if she imagined that I planned it (i did not) and if I drove off and deliberately left her for over 24 hours on her birthday (I did. She wasn't being very nice) and that's when you showed up? Well, that would explain all the bitch lasagna on the floor, as well as why her plan was to escape via custody.

I beat her to that one. In any event nothing explains why she just doesn't sing me a good bye song on her podcast. You were training her how to do that, weren't you? Obviously you would prefer that I am as gone as possible, and that could have been done easy, especially if you had shown up openly.

Seriously inferiority complex is better than megalomania, right? I'd say somethign to her but I have no wish to risk The Hole, and I bet you really would get violent if you didn't like what she writes. You're known for that. She's obviously under DUUUIRS and it's not like she enjoys reminding herself that I did, in fact, warn her.

Her friends report severe remorse. Purportedly they were told that I had no money. Why this matters I have no idea. Just give me some.

And, I would have liked my nebulizer. I'm uncertain if it is clear to you what the aggregate of all this petty behavior is: tedious. I bet you thought that C&D and then block was cool move, huh? Yeah, nothing demonstrates commitment more strongly.

I told my friend to contact her, before the "emergency" so you might get yourself a two-fer. Does it even matter? I don't think you understand what is at stake here.

I am indifferent what happens to them all, I can't even tell (PROT) about it. :( It would be a sad phone call. Sad!!

I wonder if I can ask the judge about the squash. Well, I would have to be invovled, and I am not. There's nothing I can do alone, and I'm glad she finally told me about what was on the sheet of paper in the bank. Of course I already knew--no one gave a shit about the website, and I am sure it's fiendishly clever, and I wasn't worth telling it to yet. Also it's more conspiring.

Maybe you should get some absinthe to celebrate, lol, oh and also that's not even her. I don't even know what there is about who she was to miss, I don't need anyone to keep tabs on me and report me to prison when she's done getting her end, I think it's a matter of disappointment, as how can one imagine my lvoe was real, if I don't want to kill her for what she's done? Well it's because I knew what she was doing the whole time, I think that's cool enough, and I did not know that I was thought to ne that stupid at all.

Adorable. Anyway, best of a bad lot in life, to be sure, and at least you put Innerreach back in prison where he belongs. Top marks.

She deserves you.

Re: RubiniGab ... Now deranged
« Reply #1287 on: February 20, 2022, 08:26:01 PM »
And it would appear that in King County they have operators filling in at my mother's previous house, and those people are directed & demanded to shut their fresh little mouths as well. That's not really very relevant, Mister, other than to say that what's wrong with the other Shaw messaging you? And I'm not in King County. So I think you just haven't thought it through.












Nothing tells a woman that you cherish her more than sending her actual current lover (she broke up with me when? yeah whatever, lol, she never told me who she was stepping with before, so, the fact that you showed up under cover of darkness with the order squashed who knows when tells me that you could have just drove up on her birthday while I was gone and attacked right then and there, there's no reason to think you would have to be romantic. Also, something sure bothered her so if she imagined that I planned it (i did not) and if I drove off and deliberately left her for over 24 hours on her birthday (I did. She wasn't being very nice) and that's when you showed up? Well, that would explain all the bitch lasagna on the floor, as well as why her plan was to escape via custody.

I beat her to that one. In any event nothing explains why she just doesn't sing me a good bye song on her podcast. You were training her how to do that, weren't you? Obviously you would prefer that I am as gone as possible, and that could have been done easy, especially if you had shown up openly.

Seriously inferiority complex is better than megalomania, right? I'd say somethign to her but I have no wish to risk The Hole, and I bet you really would get violent if you didn't like what she writes. You're known for that. She's obviously under DUUUIRS and it's not like she enjoys reminding herself that I did, in fact, warn her.

Her friends report severe remorse. Purportedly they were told that I had no money. Why this matters I have no idea. Just give me some.

And, I would have liked my nebulizer. I'm uncertain if it is clear to you what the aggregate of all this petty behavior is: tedious. I bet you thought that C&D and then block was cool move, huh? Yeah, nothing demonstrates commitment more strongly.

I told my friend to contact her, before the "emergency" so you might get yourself a two-fer. Does it even matter? I don't think you understand what is at stake here.

I am indifferent what happens to them all, I can't even tell (PROT) about it. :( It would be a sad phone call. Sad!!

I wonder if I can ask the judge about the squash. Well, I would have to be invovled, and I am not. There's nothing I can do alone, and I'm glad she finally told me about what was on the sheet of paper in the bank. Of course I already knew--no one gave a shit about the website, and I am sure it's fiendishly clever, and I wasn't worth telling it to yet. Also it's more conspiring.

Maybe you should get some absinthe to celebrate, lol, oh and also that's not even her. I don't even know what there is about who she was to miss, I don't need anyone to keep tabs on me and report me to prison when she's done getting her end, I think it's a matter of disappointment, as how can one imagine my lvoe was real, if I don't want to kill her for what she's done? Well it's because I knew what she was doing the whole time, I think that's cool enough, and I did not know that I was thought to ne that stupid at all.

Adorable. Anyway, best of a bad lot in life, to be sure, and at least you put Innerreach back in prison where he belongs. Top marks.

She deserves you.

Re: RubiniGab ... Now delicately poised for flight
« Reply #1288 on: February 20, 2022, 09:18:41 PM »

I just called Dove House for data on how to proceed. Don't worry about it, Demander, I'm sure your master plan is safe and sound. Note that the exquisite irony in that I may be emailing you too much is totes magnifique.

This is a sensitive situation, and now that you are having outsized reactions on the Internet in regards to your "situation," I do not wish to make anything worse.

It would be a very simple matter to overcomplicate matters given that I received a very fine offer last night that I will undertake for a study. In the meantime, these things don't happen over night, and your alarmist attitude is probably something she's broadcasting. You're a mindslave! She owns you with her Banshee Blast!!

I would be happiest to let my awareness of attention here dwindle down to a winked-out spark so I never need to be reminded of our struggle. This is awkward since I would prefer to be heard and understood. I would also prefer that you deal with your own issues on your own time and not in my quasi-wife's car. Further, the lack of clarity on the issue of how to proceed with housing, both my items and countryside huts, is a daunting matter to bring up. Here, let's see:

What the fuck are you doing? Someone is, from the top down, orchestrating something irritating, and the first order of business is to find out who thinks that this way is preferable to another. It is not. I'm getting stressed, you're near triggering, and, there are weird feeelings everywhere

Assuming there is a good idea, the bottom line is that now that I have Awakened the One who was to be your aligner, well, I'm going back to bed. You deal with her, that should be fine, two is better than one, oh right, no car, and I, can't go in.

And this is protecting who? Who's her treatment counselor? Well, it's fine with me, because of course you wouldn't spend money if there were any competition.

Rubini, I do not consider you competition, and neither does the plant.

I also do not take either of you seriously. The nature of slavdom. "If you did this, I will do that!!" forget it. I don't do that ever.


My dick: hires your lawyers. Your dick: needs more lawyers.

Powerful. Alpha. Unstoppable. Teachable. Sure, I don't understand somethings: you both had the opportunity to be generous with knowledge. It has been quite lacking lately. I am sure that has really helped things.

Teach me all our kind in our county. I might seem stupid sometimes but I see no reason to strive for maximum cosmic capacity, as it doesn't take much.

Reminder: I was asked to talk to the prosecutor, to urge him along, and then I didn't get anything in terms of actionable evidence, and if I do, I wouldn't even know what it was. Without cooperation I'm stuck in the water. There is no cooperation from you: there is an inherent motivation to cause pain in me, you're an abusive fucked off mess, and last I saw, she was there as well, especially since if you really did break into my house and rape her on her birthday while I was sleeping in my car parked outside my mother's house, as God as my witness, you both fucking deserve it. I did say I wanted surveilance installed, I also said stop screaming at me, and you now what, taking 3 month off is probably going to be aces.

I don't know why else you would be screaming about "dick in the ass" so I assume that is what happened to you from him. Oops, that was contact. Well, I take it back, and it's a simple matter to check the paper, and verify the dates, and if you broke into my house on my birthday and raped her in her ass, and she loved it so much she cannot tell me or anyone, see, this is not "rape." This is "control drama." I don't know why anyone would let this in. I did let her in, and she has no idea what is happening. I would love to tell her more, and what a surprise, someone has an opinion on that.

You are a pathetic, drooling reprobate snorefest, she's not communicating with me and the truth is that zero comm is some comm. You're frontin' as the big man, but she has nothign to say, after quite some time... yeah, that's slavery. If she's been with me and it's abusive, holding her silent and enabling that while I drop bomb after bomb... it's like this, that can't be a plan, and there's another row of them. It looks suspicious. It's also boring. It would seem to me that you could have brought forth better.

Similarly, she spent the week before not talking to me and speaking to people I have never met on a shitbag iPhone that she wasn't comfortable with me owning. She felt better driving 50 miles and being a crabby teenage brat. And she's late 40. The amount of time that has been wasted should be enouhgh that I don;t have to go anymore luggage classes.

I'm seeking to find the ideal words to say that "I'm calling the police! You're going to jail!" echoes in my ears as I drift off to sleep, and straddling her chess and grabbing her forearms so she didn't scratch her eyes out was fun. She was screaming like a bleeding out hog. As if I hadn't ever sat on her chest. As if I were really hurting her. Well, she of course felt panick and terror, but that isn't from me, she perceves the feelings as much stronger they are.

She pretended for years that she didn't know she was poisioning me, even though I kept asking her, and she kept playing really dumb, so I bought her a book that explains that all, made sure her son saw it while in full view of some cops, and after weeks and weeks it has not seemed to her to be iportatnt enough to call attention to. Which of you decided it was a good idea to set us up the bomb is a curious matter but as it is a family tradition that I have recently joined, I am not sure you wish to have your request responded to that way.

I think it likely that she has thought better of many ideas she once held as sacred, but the negativity makes both of you less than appealing. You're possessive and she's shellshocked. I am not being asked to rescue, you're asking me to just walk  aaway from a house with all my belongings because you lied to police.

I don't get why she doesn't just... oh, right the money. Well, I don't know anything about what all of you are doing, and I see no one wishes to let me know. But, you have. I threw my whole lot in with her, and then you took advantage of a simple mistake and now yo're going farther. This is a waste of time. A kidnapping fetish isn't fun for me without access for the data, and I see nothign but someone called the police and then did nothing else but be nowhere to be found.

Like, actually under guard. I'm not saying it should be lifeted faster, I am sayuing I don't see that happening and you are working to speaik for her. And it makes since that this sohuld be done by you? I suppose that makes sense for you, I think she's just being nice and making it possible for me to never feel any guilt.

I already didn't, and I think you seem to have done well enough. nothing is being asked of me and I miss the feeling of inclusivness and now I know she threw me away months ago and nothing will cause that feeling to return because the link isn't decsigned that way. What I am trying to say is that this is a long list of utterly invalid mechanisms and there are no paths to understanding, so it's not really for me at all, it's you and how you're keeping her out of prison, asshole, go work.

She told me she knew what she was doing so I suppose that must be it. I think its useful to have jewelry, but I know zero at this point. I need to get inside, that can't happen without the law. Just the notion that holding this is good at all, tells me brain damage. Where are... got it.

She's totes delusional. She thinks you're boring, certainly more boring than two of us together, but clearly you're opposed, and she's a fucked-off beta cheerleader, so she's not going to cahnge your mind, and I should be able to. I dont' want to change it. Go pay her bills, do whatever is useful, this is beyond tedious.

I'm not telling you to leave, I'm not going to do anything special, and I have nothing stopping her from being loving.

I choose to not accept cowardice in my life, she blew it. She set me up and thought that was a good idea. Over and over. I told her what I saw and she said I was a liar.
I will never live that way again. I don't understand what your problem is but I am sure I haven't been told. It mystifies. I love you, Allison, and you should probably have gotten a better lawyer and not left yourself vulnerable and I guess you're friends with Kathleen now. You told me you had no plans, you had plans, I told you that I actually didn't believe that you would hide those things from me, and then you did, well, how did that seem a good idea? Oh, right, brain damage. This is no longer a rational conversation. I don;t even have valid location data. You had time to deal with it.

You had time for a threshold dose. You left me behind. It's really special how I was someone you thought was interesting for a litlte  bit.  My analysis concludes with the assumption that you know you made mistakes, and I bet you're real sorry on the surface, and you're sorry all the way through for the time being. For my own part, I am sorry that I did not realize you would ever make this wish again.

I will never forget that you left me alone to go use needles with someone else--twice. It's not as though I didn't know, it was that I was told you would tell me. I  expect you have a reason and I am not asking. Nothign will mean much until the cycle is broken. There is no authenticity in these trees and you have no capacity of understading me, I"m just going to sleep and climb ladders. I think you're effectively insane. You have experience with this I have told so enjoy.

Oh, and guess what. Cue cards are out tonight. And so am I.

Re: RubiniGab ... Now demoted
« Reply #1289 on: February 20, 2022, 09:22:04 PM »

Get the body camera footage and make yourself useful with a project that will really count. I'll let you punch me in the face later. You can have two free ones.

Share them with your friends.