Author Topic: Arbitrary, idiotic things on your mind. Post 'em.  (Read 303618 times)

Re: Arbitrary, idiotic things on your mind
« Reply #1785 on: July 26, 2024, 09:09:43 AM »

Re: Arbitrary, idiotic things on your mind
« Reply #1786 on: July 26, 2024, 11:10:43 AM »
You miss a lot of things when you’re censorious, language policing communists suffering from groupthink.

The accountant working hard at breakfast watched me flee, but did not follow... and that is why everything in the experience of some *niche* few has been so uniformly... unpleasant.

You fuck with the bull, you get the horns.

Ewe fuck with the equally-yoked double-0×°⟩⟨ team, and ewe get the honk-honk a-OOOOO-gah. Most of you have no idea what this means.

Warriors do, and if they did not, they just got caught up to speed. For I am not my brother’s keeper.

I am, however, keeping GrapefrūīT⁷⁷⅞⁸∆⁶9. Don't like it? Too bad.

In weeks to come, my former enemies will learn things that will make them wish they could die. They can't. LOCKED IN. NO WAY OUT.


tl:dr; Embarrassment isn't going to kill you. You're simply going to rush you were dead... because I have arranged all this:

#1) to see my enemies driven before me;
#2) to hear the lamentation of their women;
#3) for I have crushed them all— y'all just haven't heard yet. (Embargoed.)

Mahalo. Aloha. Suck my dick? IDGAF. Whatever you've heard, times it by a million because you have NO idea.


Re: Arbitrary, idiotic things on your mind
« Reply #1787 on: July 26, 2024, 04:43:33 PM »

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I know what happened to your immunity to STD transmission.

Rank hath its privilege. Need to know basis. Maybe you should get a job that pays you with a functional immune system.

Re: Arbitrary, idiotic things on your mind
« Reply #1788 on: July 26, 2024, 07:33:19 PM »
Because k_dubb made his way there and someone else clucked in they missed you.

If they had any balls they’d post here, wouldn’t they? Then they could bask in my warmth and good cheer. ;)

Re: Arbitrary, idiotic things on your mind
« Reply #1789 on: July 29, 2024, 07:05:30 PM »
If they had any balls they’d post here, wouldn’t they?

The situation is diplomatically complex and it's a dead-heat photo finish as to whether I'll neck myself before their balls finish dropping.

Dave: you are sick and you need help. Calling me repeatedly while I am stranded with a disabled motorcycle to ask me about your delivery of sixty dildoes and two pizzas is the stupidest thing I've I ever heard of. You are straight-up demented.

Obviously, you find my decision to be openly contemptuous of your bigotry to be worthy of an equivalent response. Since I don't believe the way you want, you feel as though you must engage in petty harassment, vandalism, and so on all the way up to felony harassment and stalking. ON THE DAILY. Dude, you are a cure way worse than the problem.

IDGAF what you want. You are having a psychotic break with reality. You will be dealt with, and I will never lose a wink of sleep over it.

Also: you will be fired. You have done nothing but create problems. You are not a crusader for justice. You are a sad, fat, four-eyed bully.

Keep the sultry that you have stolen. You need it.

Re: Arbitrary, idiotic things on your mind
« Reply #1790 on: August 01, 2024, 01:52:17 PM »
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

That has very little to do with the price of tea in China.

I know what happened to your immunity to STD transmission.

The trouble we're having is mainly due to you not knowing what you don't know. While the folks in white coats will probably be pleased to know that you're not rambling on about invisible opossums any longer, there's still a great deal wrong with this picture. Don't call me Pollyanna. Tell Suzie Q. to hold my calls. I'm in an important meeting. Well, actually, I'm hibernating, but the general public doesn't need to know that.

What they really ought to know is this Truman Show is of your own making. And I think, unlike Truman, you enjoy being on the inside of a falsely constructed world. There are millions watching and that's probably why you feel watched. But I admire your vigour in the face of such a tremendous number of obstacles.

There were no instructions in a little booklet nor a hardback manual from Source. You are one of the few living beings whose life force has been publicly traded by a corporation. Oversight has done a pretty shoddy job. Arguably, we're all traded in some way. People's futures are gambled away at the stock market. But this is another breed of animal, what they've done to you.

I can safely predict there is a clone floating in a vat of fluid in a lab where they've twinned your psyche in hopes that they release said doppelgänger into society in order to confuse the general public. Perhaps the conspiracy is way larger and actually has legs. Perhaps this is why there are different versions of you on phones with markedly different demeanours at key moments. 

Rank hath its privilege.

"Hath". He's the new Shakespeare.

Need to know basis.

I don't need to know.

Maybe you should get a job that pays you with a functional immune system.

You giving career advice is like an abortionist at a pro-life rally. It just doesn't work.

Re: Arbitrary, idiotic things on your mind. Advice from a Marine Sniper.
« Reply #1791 on: August 01, 2024, 03:46:55 PM »

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

That has very little to do with the price of tea in China.

The trouble we're having is mainly due to you not knowing what you don't know. While the folks in white coats will probably be pleased to know that you're not rambling on about...


You giving career advice is like an abortionist at a pro-life rally. It just doesn't work.

Mayhaps, the meth-addled & semi-literate lad (is there such a thing as Meth Induced Aphasia???) is experiencing some type of gender dysphoria?  I have always suspected such.

Perhaps this bit of vidya wisdom will help him (or any other illiterate 'tard having trouble with concepts) out:

Re: Arbitrary, idiotic things on your mind. Post 'em.
« Reply #1792 on: August 02, 2024, 02:35:07 AM »
Mayhaps, the meth-addled & semi-literate lad (is there such a thing as Meth Induced Aphasia???) is experiencing some type of gender dysphoria?  I have always suspected such.

You're projecting so hard here, you're adding a third b to ⛎🅿️Project Blue🥎BeamⓂ️🆎🅱️🅰️🥩🕹️👁️🆔🍇🥝☦️💟✂️🗼

Re: Arbitrary, idiotic things on your mindie no
« Reply #1793 on: August 02, 2024, 03:04:52 AM »
That has very little to do with the price of tea in China.

Q.:.What has sixteen faces and flies?
A. Your mother when she comes back from the future after being sex trafficked as a whore by MOS.S Å.D. unlawfully abusing the CERN facility.

The trouble we're having is mainly due to you not knowing what you don't know. While the folks in white coats will probably be pleased to know that you're not rambling on about5 invisible opossums any longer, there's still a great deal wrong with this picture.

The new MAPA manufacturing security protocols consist of land, sea, and airborne units, each more deadly than the last. I don't know who is down with violating the law in that matter, but the battle wages on.

The War on Drugs is not something one man can control—yet things are out of hand, and I am a Sourceror. Like why not?

Don't call me Pollyanna.


... I have a list here ... always be ready to give a thank you speech...

Tell Suzie Q. to hold my calls.
I'm in an important meeting.
Well, actually, I'm hibernating, but the general public doesn't need to know that.

What they really ought to know is this Truman Show is of your own making. And I think, unlike Truman, you enjoy being on the inside of a falsely constructed world. There are millions watching and that's probably why you feel watched. But I admire your vigour in the face of such a tremendous number of obstacles.

There were no instructions in a little booklet nor a hardback manual from Source. You are one of the few living beings whose life force has been publicly traded by a corporation. Oversight has done a pretty shoddy job. Arguably, we're all traded in some way. People's futures are gambled away at the stock market. But this is another breed of animal, what they've done to you.

I can safely predict there is a clone floating in a vat of fluid in a lab where they've twinned your psyche in hopes that they release said doppelgänger into society in order to confuse the general public. Perhaps the conspiracy is way larger and actually has legs. Perhaps this is why there are different versions of you on phones with markedly different demeanours at key moments. 

"Hath". He's the new Shakespeare.

I don't need to know.

You giving career advice is like an abortionist at a pro-7life rally. It just doesn't work.

I'll get to the rest of your spergwall later, Punyling. *click*