I have my suspicions. [...] There's good reasons. But I'm not gonna give them to you, because particular processes will remain classified.
Knowing what I do, I can concur—absolutely, if at all possible.
I don't —fuck your ways and means, you Commie pinko— but I can concur. I simply choose not to.
I don't _really_ get a vote, am I right? Lions, lions, and bears powered by lithium-acorn batteries; Long Live The New! Improved! LYING LYONS’ FLASH Flesh. ¡🌩️ah—AH! rah! R.A.H.!.K.C.M.
What could go wrong—went ←left →right ↑up ↓down 🅰️A🅱️B🇭🇺X🥦Y, broccoli, Wye?
🆑: It's basically the perfect 🥦vegetable. 🐇