Well, I am pretty happy.
I identify as a totesmisandristic lesbian on alternate Thursdays, if it helps any.
I do not wish to participate in your homosexual fantasies, which probably doesn't help at all...
I would prefer not to participate in your biosphere.
I haven't seen her...
Kill yourself
Before or after study hall?
"suck it up," Alice.
You can study the biosphere you wish to inhabit as long as you like;
Nautical Shore how I missed thus; could you merge Top Right Corner with this thread?
Because he's the only one writing anything worthy.
Nevertheless. You can stop acting like a retard giraffe, Fuck-0(s). Srsly. I WAS TRYNA BE NICE. Piss off, fuck off, and go get wanked off again while you pass time until your next H dose, you fucking shithead dopefuck MORE ON. *actual click*