Author Topic: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis  (Read 30401 times)

Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« on: February 14, 2022, 01:48:39 AM »
I have been watching the recent saber-rattling with interest.  Personally, I think it is a bunch of hot-air.

I did hear a little snippet on the radio this morning that confused me, theythe hobo elite were talking about "sanctions."  It wasn't specified exactly what the sanctions were going to be, but they did break them down into two groups:

Pre-invasion Sanctions & Post-invasion Sanctions, while I understand the latter as a consequence of doing something in response to an act of aggression.  I do not follow the "logic" of Sanctions imposed for an act yet to occur.

I would think some sort of "Pre-invasion Sanctions" would likely force Russia to invade the1 Ukraine, which would be a dumb idea if the intent was to prevent an invasion.

If Russia is forced to "pay the price" via Sanctions for something they have not yet done, why not go ahead and do it?  Not much will stop Russia; the proximity of the two countries mean that logistics will not be a problem for them.  They have a nice buffer (THANKS OBAMA) against Turkey in annexed Georgia/Ossetia to the south and Belarus (their nominative ally) is a pretty good buffer to the west.  Seems to me that if Russia had really wanted to invade Ukraine, they would have done so by now.  I don't think it is in their interests.

Again (THANKS OBAMA), nothing was done to stop Russia with the Crimea/Donbass adventures which are both now de facto Russian territory, and also the only deepwater ports (that I know of) on the Ukrainian side2 of the Black Sea.  US/NATO will have to either do amphibious-type landings or air-drops, since the above mentioned land routes are effectively under Russian control and would have to be dealt with before any Operation Crimea River type adventures can begin to do the actual boots-on-the-ground repatriation of Ukrainian territory.

This whole thing doesn't make much sense to me.  The notion that Russia is going to invade "next Tuesday" or "next Wednesday" is somewhat laughable to me.  I absolutely could be wrong on that, but I will not be holding my breath until February 15-16, 2022 to see some insane Russian invasion of Ukraine go down.  I honestly don't see that happening unless there are some sort of serious provocative3 movements from US/NATO, which would be dumb.

I have been politely ignoring this situation as if it were a fart in an elevator, but this "Invasion Imminent on Next Tuesday" & "Pre-Invasion Sanctions Being Considered" clap-trap are just a bit too noxious to remain silent4 on this issue.

Hear, Muzaks:

Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to swerve.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?" & "WHO farted in the elevator?"


In Memoriam


1 Saying "The Ukraine" is about as dumb as saying "The America" or "The Russia"... media dumb-fucks & other dumb-fucks reveal their dumb-fuckery by using the term, hah.

2 "The Ukrainian side" is not in violation of above, it is akin to saying "The United States of America" or "The Russian Federation"... not that any illiterate dumb-fucks might be able to make that distinction.

3 Not to be confused with "prevarication" by US/NATO, although there can be a case made that theythe hobo elite are most assuredly engaged in...

4 In this case, I believe the "They who smelt it, dealt it" rule applies.  Nautical Shore.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2022, 09:46:51 AM »

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2022, 01:47:35 PM »

1 Saying "The Ukraine" is about as dumb as saying "The America" or "The Russia"... media dumb-fucks & other dumb-fucks reveal their dumb-fuckery by using the term, hah.

It's subconscious Russian propaganda to call it 'The Ukraine'. It means 'borderland' and when you use the definite article it implies a sense of ownership. People used to refer to 'The Gambia' or 'The Congo' because they were colonial possessions, just as Ukraine is seen as 'Little Russia' by some and not as an independent state.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2022, 02:28:40 PM »
It's subconscious Russian propaganda

My body is ready.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2022, 08:28:35 AM »

If Zelensky doesn't start to play ball, he may soon be replaced. Just sayin'.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis - Operation Broken Noose
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2022, 02:32:29 AM »
I think CBS is the network that had that crap-tastic "Do It Live" tabloid show

back in the nineties?

Nautical Shore, I do know that my local affiliate is always the one with the hyperbole crap "sNooze Stories" (breaking, tune in @11) carp.

Anyhow, with that in mind CBS has:

Code: [Select]

SeekRut Iraqi/Russian Chemical Factory
Baby Formula Factory
Heinously Destroyed Ukranian Kindergarten, dateline: Last Tuesday 16FEB2022

Washington — The U.S. has intelligence that Russian commanders have received orders to proceed with an invasion of Ukraine, with commanders on the ground making specific plans for how they would maneuver in their sectors of the battlefield, a U.S. official told CBS News.

The orders don't mean a invasion is a certainty, as Russian President Vladimir Putin could still change the orders if he changes his mind, the official said.1

Honestly, I think we are at peak KlownWorld with this one.  I suspect this is an Epic Troll by Putin, and I dearly hope that God-Emperor Trump is somehow involved (I doubt it, but gee that'd be great)!

I wonder if this is the same "US INTEL" outfit that had the invasion going down Tuesday last?

SiriusLee, though:  what is all this "wag-the-dog" BS supposed to be distracting us from?  The list is long...

Nautical Shore.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?" & "WHO farted in the elevator?"


In Memoriam


1 A little room to back-pedal there, just in case this story is what is known in "The Bee's Knees" as a "NothingBurger"

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2022, 08:05:36 PM »
Sorry I don't have immediate details to post.  More later.  I have lottsa 'irons-in-the-fire' at the moment.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2022, 08:18:39 PM »
I love how the establishment is now pushing the propaganda that Russia wants to be communist again. I doubt Putin actually said this but I could be wrong. I’m obviously not for communism but I sure respect Putin a lot more that our so-called democratic leaders in the West who actually seem way more authoritarian and totalitarian than Putin now. Apparently, Ukraine is a bastion for neo-Nazis. Shouldn’t the West be supporting him in this? That seems to be the thing that triggers them the most.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2022, 08:29:05 PM »
I’m just saying that if I had to live under despotism I’d rather do under Putin than Klaus Schwab and his globalist bankers.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2022, 08:50:05 PM »
I’m just saying that if I had to live under despotism I’d rather do under Putin than Klaus Schwab and his globalist bankers.

I read somewhere that what Putin is doing will interfere with the "new world order" but no explanation further.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2022, 08:52:27 PM »

I read somewhere that what Putin is doing will interfere with the "new world order" but no explanation further.

Then I wish him luck because clearly, the people who actually want that are some evil, Bond-villian type mutherfuckers. ;)

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2022, 09:08:02 PM »

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2022, 09:45:18 PM »

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2022, 10:17:52 PM »

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2022, 10:25:25 PM »