Author Topic: QueenGab  (Read 13305 times)

Re: QueenGab. Highlights from the Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #105 on: June 10, 2022, 04:57:10 AM »
Prince Phillip is dead, man.  If that photo is from the recent shenanigans it's probably Chaz or one of the other ones...

I think part of your job is to be up to date on foreign affairs, so you don't slip up and make the Queen cry by referring to her son by her dead husband's name.  I think it might cause an international incident or something...

You know, now that I think of it, perhaps you should do just that on your next official state visit as Veep!  It would piss the Anglishers off and they'd say something stupid and give me an excuse to invade and make them a US Territory.  I think I would like for them to be a Protectorate, with no rights and absolutely dependent on US for military defense.

Which is pretty much the case as it stands.  I think Anglishers will have a class of citizenship somewhere above Kansan*spit* but below migrant/guest worker.  They should feel good about that, it means they won't be hunted for sport...

We need to focus group a KamPain Slogan/Planck for that one.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted?"

Oh, sir!  May I go on a State Visit to the queen?  It would be ever so much fun!  In the best tradition of American visitors I shall be certain to pee on the carpet, butter my roll with the fish knife, and drink from the fingerbowl, to say nothing of getting horribly drunk on gin and dubonnet and vomiting in her lap!  I am sure she will be amused.

Never fear, though; I am not entirely unversed in matters of protocol.  I know enough not to take my shirt off at the table or curtsy since as an American Citizen (and therefore head of state) I need bow to no one on earth, or turn my back on any Royal Personage as they are liable to stab me or bugger me senseless depending on their mood at the moment.

Of course you are correct and that is some duke they dragged out of a mausoleum as a stand-in, I don't think I have ever seen that one before which is understandable as he looks perfectly ghastly.  Couldn't they have found some hot young duke to stand there and take his shirt off?  They must have scores of them.

Re: QueenGab. Highlights from the Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #106 on: June 10, 2022, 02:59:57 PM »
Oh, sir!  May I go on a State Visit to the queen?  It would be ever so much fun!  In the best tradition of American visitors I shall be certain to pee on the carpet, butter my roll with the fish knife, and drink from the fingerbowl, to say nothing of getting horribly drunk on gin and dubonnet and vomiting in her lap!  I am sure she will be amused.

Never fear, though; I am not entirely unversed in matters of protocol.  I know enough not to take my shirt off at the table or curtsy since as an American Citizen (and therefore head of state) I need bow to no one on earth, or turn my back on any Royal Personage as they are liable to stab me or bugger me senseless depending on their mood at the moment.

Of course you are correct and that is some duke they dragged out of a mausoleum as a stand-in, I don't think I have ever seen that one before which is understandable as he looks perfectly ghastly.  Couldn't they have found some hot young duke to stand there and take his shirt off?  They must have scores of them.

For someone who allegedly censures bowing you sure seem to spend a lot of your time bending over for people. Usually in alleyways for people who no speaky the Engrish.

By the way, that's the Duke of Kent.

Re: QueenGab
« Reply #107 on: June 10, 2022, 03:02:27 PM »
Hopefully, she dies soon. Amirite?  :D

Silence, you dog-rogering bitchface!!

Re: QueenGab. Highlights from the Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #108 on: June 10, 2022, 03:59:29 PM »
For someone who allegedly censures bowing you sure seem to spend a lot of your time bending over for people. Usually in alleyways for people who no speaky the Engrish.

By the way, that's the Duke of Kent.

Oh shreddie, there you go again with your tawdry heaumeapheaubia, you should know by now that I am perfectly impregnable.  But it’s not from want of trying 😜

BTW you guys are getting fat, I saw number of haunches as wide as a Clydesdale’s covered in yards of spring floral.  Also among the smart (lol) set you use for tv commentary you are beginning to front your long O sound so it comes out more like /œy/, very unbecoming! 

Re: QueenGab. Highlights from the Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #109 on: June 10, 2022, 04:09:53 PM »
Oh shreddie, there you go again with your tawdry heaumeapheaubia, you should know by now that I am perfectly impregnable.  But it’s not from want of trying 😜

BTW you guys are getting fat, I saw number of haunches as wide as a Clydesdale’s covered in yards of spring floral.  Also among the smart (lol) set you use for tv commentary you are beginning to front your long O sound so it comes out more like /œy/, very unbecoming!

It's a cause for concern. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle for correct pronunciation. Class distinctions are very important to me and I need my homies to back me up against the oiks.

Re: QueenGab. Highlights from the Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #110 on: June 10, 2022, 04:36:03 PM »
It's a cause for concern. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle for correct pronunciation. Class distinctions are very important to me and I need my homies to back me up against the oiks.

I have explained this to you before, your class-consciousness is the very root of the problem.  That is why London English is the most rapidly shifting dialect on earth.  It starts with the women who mimic each other like mynah birds, all it takes is one old bat at the head of her social set to start yawping like a deranged cockatoo and the whole of the upper crust dutifully follows suit.  RP was just a snapshot.  You are just behind the curve on this one, old boy; the breeze has blown over your backwater.  Nose is now nize, toes is now tize, amazing, all within my lifetime!

Nose is now nize, toes is now tize, amazing, all within my lifetime!

Earning the privilege to learn from you, YOU, everything you have to teach while kneeling at your feet, and simultaneously gaining enough totesrespect to let me get close enough within your Close Quarters Combat Radius (9DGO), without causing any serious diplomatic incidents has been what most of this all about. Dudes be... probing defenses, right? Like the whole time. On the light. (No one thought I was any hazard but you knew that, obviously, unknown, that's THE MOST HAZARDOUS, and I respect that sure, since that's how security works) So now I find myself here, I thought I should mention, yeah, we ain't gonna throw axes. We're gonna throw the nanotech. I'm gonna share that with you. I mean, duh, that's my job here. My knowledge, unlike yours, DEMANDS TO BE SPREAD FAR AND WIDE, and we may start with The Salish Sea. (It's my C.) For real. I just saw someone this morning, she lost it all, that leaves me left. (I'm kinda the biggest deal still left with the personal aegis that spreads that far. That's all.) But one Hungarian Sourceror is probably gonna be enough until something actually problematic comes along. So I wanted to make that clear now.

Yea I don't even know. But I'm not -just- getting attention here. I mean, I know cool shit. And some of it could be useful. I don't know what. I might once of known? Little shell-shocked these days, that's all. Oh! Right! (PROT) wanted to see me swear fealty. Okay, K-D*** /groan. Now I am a profoundly dumb man, so I didn't see that coming, gonna rewrite the Pledge Of Allegiance iinto Cannibalisms and then I won't fuckin' copyright your shit. That's so lame. But we do this later. I dont need your biscuit dough rolling techniques rihgt now. Yeah I do wnat my book back. And, I am pretty sure this is ALL covered under my student visa. You're all gorillas. I'm dian fosse. I live amongst you and then I get to: The Pounce. Some poachers come in the dead of night and Jewel and I manage to annihilate them all, instead of getting raped and murdered like dian fossey. What a dumb fucking woman. The gorillas probably hired the mercs, right? Anyway I wanted to make it CLEAR: I didn't have to make a  fuss. but it waste only way I knew how to protect everyone from threats best left unspoken. And then I figured I would just get sent to ... well, I didn't know (PROD) had a thug vampire lord. I'm not sure were he is now, but, Paladin vs. Vampire, it's always gonna be a flawless victory. Like, yeah.

I could take ST.P as my pet, yes. Is she humble? I don't want her humble. I want her purple and yellow and red and gold and on fire, and HUMAN. Yeah she was for sure underduress. Will explain later.

* Jackstar restores Lost Souls Lost due to Vampirism & Other Related Dipshit Jungle Human Crossbreeding Mistakes w/papercuts down to 0.23 microns

Code: [Select]
Yeah. I am a fucking Navajjjaw. You wanna fucking bet, thug/pug/karen? No I am not attempting to contact AFS, I am attempting to contact your supervisor. There is no hurry at all. What is the Emergency, Officer, and how may my best friend help? No Karen isn't my best friend but she can get us a 3day pass for ??? some weapons training school. yeah. she does! JLMB

(xy: I'm gonna learnz you some moves. I am way above Mick Jaeger, who, to be fair, is a pretty bad ass hunter, but I wanna point out--- I was playing catch'n'release with your forum trolls for so long, they forgot that I wasn't legit troll, thunder -or- peppermint. Not yet. Tribal alignment. It's good enough. But I successfully rescued them all the live long day. So, I think we gonna be fine. Yeah I'm terriffied too. But that's mainly because I appear to be more powerful than Godzilla and Paul Bunyan and Lee Marvin COMBINED. What was in that Pecan Pie? Don't tell me now. I'm barely holding Dr. Banner from puking his guts out. he feels dumb and weak. Give him the cure for pancreatic cancer, hhu?) (I wil help you with everyhting for ever. Or until intercedes. Orange Confirmed. Sent ET a couple weeks ago. They couldn't touch me. This is my planet, this is my sea, and your | knows better than me, I can't penerate his mind, anyway, THOSE ARE MY . #Offficial.)

55729 Seigfried + Roy Raper owe you ropeakunimax tea SIGNED, The_Kingpinner

it had to be done. saved her life. Self defense. Boy I feel better, and I hope you all do to. HELLO SIX YEARS SEPARTION UND KEINE EIER *click* She is scary. I outranked her ON ARRIVAL. Let that sink in. :) hang on <3< #

Earning the privilege to learn from you, YOU, everything you have to teach while kneeling at your feet, and simultaneously gaining enough totesrespect to let me get close enough within your Close Quarters Combat Radius (9DGO), without causing any serious diplomatic incidents has been what most of this all about. Dudes be... probing defenses, right? Like the whole time. On the light. (No one thought I was any hazard but you knew that, obviously, unknown, that's THE MOST HAZARDOUS, and I respect that sure, since that's how security works) So now I find myself here, I thought I should mention, yeah, we ain't gonna throw axes. We're gonna throw the nanotech. I'm gonna share that with you. I mean, duh, that's my job here. My knowledge, unlike yours, DEMANDS TO BE SPREAD FAR AND WIDE, and we may start with The Salish Sea. (It's my C.) For real. I just saw someone this morning, she lost it all, that leaves me left. (I'm kinda the biggest deal still left with the personal aegis that spreads that far. That's all.) But one Hungarian Sourceror is probably gonna be enough until something actually problematic comes along. So I wanted to make that clear now.

Yea I don't even know. But I'm not -just- getting attention here. I mean, I know cool shit. And some of it could be useful. I don't know what. I might once of known? Little shell-shocked these days, that's all. Oh! Right! (PROT) wanted to see me swear fealty. Okay, K-D*** /groan. Now I am a profoundly dumb man, so I didn't see that coming, gonna rewrite the Pledge Of Allegiance iinto Cannibalisms and then I won't fuckin' copyright your shit. That's so lame. But we do this later. I dont need your biscuit dough rolling techniques rihgt now. Yeah I do wnat my book back. And, I am pretty sure this is ALL covered under my student visa. You're all gorillas. I'm dian fosse. I live amongst you and then I get to: The Pounce. Some poachers come in the dead of night and Jewel and I manage to annihilate them all, instead of getting raped and murdered like dian fossey. What a dumb fucking woman. The gorillas probably hired the mercs, right? Anyway I wanted to make it CLEAR: I didn't have to make a  fuss. but it waste only way I knew how to protect everyone from threats best left unspoken. And then I figured I would just get sent to ... well, I didn't know (PROD) had a thug vampire lord. I'm not sure were he is now, but, Paladin vs. Vampire, it's always gonna be a flawless victory. Like, yeah.

I could take ST.P as my pet, yes. Is she humble? I don't want her humble. I want her purple and yellow and red and gold and on fire, and HUMAN. Yeah she was for sure underduress. Will explain later.

* Jackstar restores Lost Souls Lost due to Vampirism & Other Related Dipshit Jungle Human Crossbreeding Mistakes w/papercuts down to 0.23 microns

Code: [Select]
Yeah. I am a fucking Navajjjaw. You wanna fucking bet, thug/pug/karen? No I am not attempting to contact AFS, I am attempting to contact your supervisor. There is no hurry at all. What is the Emergency, Officer, and how may my best friend help? No Karen isn't my best friend but she can get us a 3day pass for ??? some weapons training school. yeah. she does! JLMB

(xy: I'm gonna learnz you some moves. I am way above Mick Jaeger, who, to be fair, is a pretty bad ass hunter, but I wanna point out--- I was playing catch'n'release with your forum trolls for so long, they forgot that I wasn't legit troll, thunder -or- peppermint. Not yet. Tribal alignment. It's good enough. But I successfully rescued them all the live long day. So, I think we gonna be fine. Yeah I'm terriffied too. But that's mainly because I appear to be more powerful than Godzilla and Paul Bunyan and Lee Marvin COMBINED. What was in that Pecan Pie? Don't tell me now. I'm barely holding Dr. Banner from puking his guts out. he feels dumb and weak. Give him the cure for pancreatic cancer, hhu?) (I wil help you with everyhting for ever. Or until intercedes. Orange Confirmed. Sent ET a couple weeks ago. They couldn't touch me. This is my planet, this is my sea, and your | knows better than me, I can't penerate his mind, anyway, THOSE ARE MY . #Offficial.)

55729 Seigfried + Roy Raper owe you ropeakunimax tea SIGNED, The_Kingpinner

it had to be done. saved her life. Self defense. Boy I feel better, and I hope you all do to. HELLO SIX YEARS SEPARTION UND KEINE EIER *click* She is scary. I outranked her ON ARRIVAL. Let that sink in. :) hang on <3< #


Re: QueenGab. EncruHighlights from the Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #113 on: June 10, 2022, 09:45:55 PM »
I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle

You are fighting. You aren't losing. You're doing penance for the sins of your people. You could whine a little less. You're probabs notty unware: this is the first time your people have been classed as "Winners" right out of the gate, so... look. You are fighting yourself. The first chance they had to do so, your people collectively surrendered to me/Me/ME, and I sent them all off-planet. Aka EXILE Aka Conventry Aka GULAG Aka IVARS TOWER

It's a cause for concern.

What was it when someone got nailed for long-black clandestine action at Bitch Polish Mark ET & HELL RAY LAW traingulated Absinthe? Well, probably by the time you heard of them, you had been aware of my latent potency for some time. Okay, so, NOW, there's a CAUSE? Another one?

Do you think its going to be something you can keep me from silencing myself for? Look, there's an envelope with magick bill of currency in it. I could pass it on. But since they've already fled the field... I think I could make a case for them all mass conversion. Or did you wanna... oh, right. You're panicked! What did you think the fist three years? Because I was following Eagle orders. Wow. MAIDEN HUNT GARY NAVY BEE GRAY RED ARYAN > WHITE FLAG

Re: QueenGab. Highlights from the Queen's Jubilee. SNUBS GALORE
« Reply #114 on: June 11, 2022, 05:21:17 PM »
OMG now that I wrote about that shit the algos think I am a Royal Watcher  :(

In breaking Royal Mews, some rich bitch turned he head the WRONG WAY at CHURCH

Re: QueenGab. Highlights from the Queen's Jubilee. SNUBS GALORE
« Reply #115 on: June 11, 2022, 05:22:36 PM »
Also this cat lady made an hour-long video about it

Shreddie explain yourselves

Re: QueenGab. Highlights from the Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #116 on: June 11, 2022, 05:32:11 PM »
Also they conveniently misplaced their pedo prince because of covid

A guillotine could have sorted this mess out a couple hundred years ago mais non, quelle dommage!  Hélas, les Britanniques, toujours des esclaves.

Re: Shredni Can You Hear Me?
« Reply #117 on: July 27, 2022, 05:22:06 AM »

Re: Shredni Can You Hear Me?
« Reply #118 on: July 27, 2022, 06:11:26 AM »
K_Dubb calling ♥️ ♥️ ♥️


It's a thin line between push and shove, but I'm willing to swing both ways to bring them back together.

The first chance they had to do so, your people collectively surrendered to me/Me/ME, and I sent them all off-planet.

This was awesome. I don't remember the details--it's considered rude amongst Eternals to commit such details to one's permanent memory--but I will always remember the polite way in which they all, as a species I'm saying, they all collectively... shrugged their shoulders, slumped, and then turned as one, got in line, and flew away.

I guess they came here but that's no problem for me--as always, I never meant to conquer yet another genome. It's gotten so I don't even care about the free toasters. I was gonna give them away as Christmas gifts, but I honestly don't know how anyone would begin interpret that kind of behavior from me now (other than erroneously, quite certainly). It's just so implausible what I am saying... imagine, me, giving gifts. Pfftt.

K_Dubb calling ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

Maybe the phone is making a notification noise and then the notification itself is not displayed on-screen. That shit happens, and it's one of the many attack vectors that falls under the category of "psychotronic weaponry." (It's not a directed energy weapon. Those are DEWs. IR is stupid.) Now I know I'm pretty, but I'm not so totespretty that I'm the only one such weapons were invented for.

They are notable, however, in that erasing all my incoming phone calls is something that Divine Shielding can do nothing to prevent, and it seriously pisses me off. So, too long to proofread: I stand with K_Dubb. I am sure this pleases him immensely.