Author Topic: BellGab, now defunct.  (Read 114832 times)

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2021, 07:27:10 PM »
The campaign e-mail, believe it or not:  is actually functional.  I check it daily to delete all the spam messages from Epoch times, Twitter and etc.

Apparently, my telepatehic helmet is on the fritz or something, as I have been sending out e(sp)-mails to various folks that keep getting returned as "undeliverable, address unknown."

I will have to find some thyme to fix that shit...

I assume you missed the last few campaign directives I sent your way using that unreliable system?

I have received nothing from you for several weeks, I grew very anxious!  In lieu of official directives I have been hewing to the planks as best as I know how, maximizing shirtlessness and beer and, though I have no dogs to walk here, I make kissy noises whenever I pass one on the street.

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2021, 01:15:27 AM »
Until yesterday, I was under the impression that AzzGab was also defunct...

I happened to stumble upon a link to this site, and in fact this very thread, the other day on an un-AzzGab related intar-tube search.

I am a little hurt that no-one thought to shoot me an e-mail about this new location.

I guess eMCee was correct when he observed that no-one on the intar-tubes is really your fiend.

I'm glad to see you. It's funny- I was just deciding where to make a post for Dubb to see it. The post was going to start with "Dubb, Attend!" and then demand that he track down his running mate. Now such a post will no longer be necessary...

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2021, 03:44:04 AM »
I think as commander of the AFL I-Corps (CAN) you should have sent a search mission out to find me.  Heck, it could have been a Search & Destroy (our political enemies) mission.

Is the First Hundred Days of Making America Pate Again over yet?  I really haven't been paying attention, this spring Basic Lawn Maintenance has really been eating up the thyme for me...

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2021, 06:12:46 AM »
I am a little hurt that no-one thought to shoot me an e-mail about this new location.

I guess eMCee was correct when he observed that no-one on the intar-tubes is really your fiend.

To be honest, I didn't want to badger anyone, because I didn't want to come off desperate for members.

I love having the old BellGab members around, and we needed a place to congregate. But I didn't want to reach out to people who may have wanted to just throw in the towel, and not take a chance on a site so closely associated with my name.

Plus, there's that creative project we were hoping to get off the ground, and I flopped. So I felt ashamed. I shoulda just e-mailed you.

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2021, 06:23:58 AM »
I happened to stumble upon a link to this site, and in fact this very thread, the other day on an un-AzzGab related intar-tube search.

And where did you come across the link, pray tell?

Until yesterday, I was under the impression that AzzGab was also defunct...

We got taken down by the previous third party "software." Literally, all I did was post a porn GIF of a woman getting double anal.

The cool thing is, now we're independently hosted, and can cuss!

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2021, 08:18:54 AM »
Is anyone here part of the Facebook group? I couldn't be bothered to sign up after the site closed, it didn't seem like anything worth bothering with and Facebook is something I stay away from anyway. What do they do in there? Does anyone know? I'm guessing it's mainly swapping a few of the usual right-wing talking-points.

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2021, 08:50:49 AM »
Is anyone here part of the Facebook group? I couldn't be bothered to sign up after the site closed, it didn't seem like anything worth bothering with and Facebook is something I stay away from anyway. What do they do in there? Does anyone know? I'm guessing it's mainly swapping a few of the usual right-wing talking-points.

They all sit around masturbating furiously while listening to Douglas Dietrich -- Walks will be happy to give you the details.  90+ people, male and female alike (ok there's like five chicks), the screen recalls a tour I once took of a Victorian-era woolen mill, row upon row of flying spindles, and puts me more in mind of the cream tea that comes after.  Plus they are all dreadfully obese.  I only go in there to see if I can get a glimpse of Groyper's tatas to find out if the pecs match the traps but he always keeps his shirt on the little tease, probably for the same reason he never took off his hat.

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2021, 12:06:22 PM »
They all sit around masturbating furiously while listening to Douglas Dietrich -- Walks will be happy to give you the details.  90+ people, male and female alike (ok there's like five chicks), the screen recalls a tour I once took of a Victorian-era woolen mill, row upon row of flying spindles, and puts me more in mind of the cream tea that comes after.  Plus they are all dreadfully obese.  I only go in there to see if I can get a glimpse of Groyper's tatas to find out if the pecs match the traps but he always keeps his shirt on the little tease, probably for the same reason he never took off his hat.

What?  What?  Dietrich was right all along about the secret webcam masturbation ring that thrived beneath the surface of bellgab. I knew it! One my biggest regrets in life was that I was never anything more than a mere character actor on that site and was never part of the cool kids clique.  You can't ask me about those sessions because I'll never be invited in apparently (dammit). I can only imagine what they are like.

Code: [Select]
It is hour 9 of a 13 hour marathon broadcast.  DDD is recounting the story of how his
horribly disfigured Vietnamese psychiatrist wears a porcelain mask to set her patients at ease.
She removes the mask, exposes her twisted, noseless face and reveals to DDD that trouble awaits him outside
of the mental health clinic.  On the way home he is jumped by three men with baseball bats.
DDD's training kicks in and he leaves three dead men in a heap which are soon whisked away
by some shadowy 'meat wagon'.

As this is being recounted, MV is leading the B.G.I.C. [BellGab Inner Circle] in their ritualistic
session by barking commands:  "Thumb and forefinger only now"    "Backhand lads!" with
second in command Mudking keeping the cadence:  "One...  Two... Three...  Four... One... Two...
Three... Four..."

Groyper not only has a peg leg, he is bald too?  I never knew..........

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2021, 12:30:07 PM »
Makes me almost want to sign up with Facebook. Do I have to use my real name or can I be Terry Datcyl or Rod Munch?

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #24 on: April 20, 2021, 02:14:59 PM »
What?  What?  Dietrich was right all along about the secret webcam masturbation ring that thrived beneath the surface of bellgab. I knew it! One my biggest regrets in life was that I was never anything more than a mere character actor on that site and was never part of the cool kids clique.  You can't ask me about those sessions because I'll never be invited in apparently (dammit). I can only imagine what they are like.

Oh yes he would know all about those things, being from San Francisco.  I get invites for them all the time.  It surprises me that MV would have chosen that way, as videoconferenced circlejerk software Facebook is really sub-par and he should have done his research.  The best ones draw from vast pools of talent and have preprogrammed filters like "Hide Fatties" or "Natural Casings" or "Bouncyballs" as well as customizable views for different tastes, all of which are invisible to the participants of course, so everyone feels he is participating and no one is left out, as far as he knows.  If you spend enough time in the settings you can play the thing like an organ.

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #25 on: April 20, 2021, 02:20:08 PM »
Makes me almost want to sign up with Facebook. Do I have to use my real name or can I be Terry Datcyl or Rod Munch?

I don't know, there were a bunch of people complaining about facebook requiring ID and things like that.  I never had a problem.

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #26 on: April 20, 2021, 02:29:31 PM »
I think he'd better find a pseudonym. If people see 'Walks has entered the chat' he'll just be condemned to his usual solitary fapping while wearing his pickelhaube.

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #27 on: April 20, 2021, 02:32:52 PM »
I think he'd better find a pseudonym. If people see 'Walks has entered the chat' he'll just be condemned to his usual solitary fapping while wearing his pickelhaube.

(that might be kind of hot)

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #28 on: April 20, 2021, 02:37:43 PM »
The Facebook group is mostly NYAnthony and Jackstar taking turns shouting into the void.

Maybe Wr250 will put up his half-downloaded copy of BG for posterity

Re: BellGab, now defunct.
« Reply #29 on: April 20, 2021, 02:40:06 PM »
(that might be kind of hot)

You must be experiencing a prolonged sexual slump if the thought of Walks - white, mottled, and paunchy - vigorously flogging the dolphin on webcam while wearing Imperial German Army headgear, is anything other than the nauseating, quasi-illegal activity all decent people would acknowledge it to be.