Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 337210 times)

Re: COVID-19 and Social Engineering
« Reply #1800 on: August 31, 2021, 11:39:05 PM »
You used to have edge. What happened to you? It's the low—T, isn't it? You know, there's treatments for that.

Sorry, I broke him. :(

Re: COVID-19 and Social Engineering
« Reply #1801 on: September 01, 2021, 02:36:19 AM »
You used to have edge. What happened to you? It's the low—T, isn't it? You know, there's treatments for that.

In the meantime... I just, can't, like even believe... is this like, the ‘A’-game from the ‘A’—team, or what?

Thanks for the Consumer Reports-style review of all the vaccines too. This is the kind of hard-hitting journalism and Important Questions being asked that Bellgap is famous for. Oh... damn it, I forgot:

Somehow, you've all become famous for something else while I wasn't paying attention. Life moves pretty fast, sometimes that shit can happen.

You know MoobStar, opinions are nice to have.  Butt, yours smells funny;  do you eat a lot of those estrogen-enhancing soybeans?  'Cause you sound like a bitch lately...

Apropos of nuttin':  Looking at the data, I wonder why this "5mwj" thing is pinned to the top over on the "Radio & Podcasts" sub-board?  What is that shit?  It is way behind Daniel's little shoe (by the numbers) and his shit is fake and gay as hell...

Have you ever wasted your precious thyme lishunning to whatev's it is?  Is it some boring ass crap about the CornHoleEbola-19.5*?

Axing foar a fiend.  Say "hi" to your mother!

* conceivably faker and gayer than Daniel

Re: COVID-19 and Social Engineering
« Reply #1802 on: September 01, 2021, 02:47:08 AM »
Sorry, I broke him. :(

Hey buddy, how are you?

I'm doing fine, just fine... what is all this "broken" talk about? 

You're not thinking about getting that nasty CHE-19.5 shot are you?

Stay Strong, buddy!

Re: COVID-19 (Jackstar diversion)
« Reply #1803 on: September 01, 2021, 03:04:37 AM »
You used to have edge. What happened to you? It's the low—T, isn't it? You know, there's treatments for that.

In the meantime... I just, can't, like even believe... is this like, the ‘A’-game from the ‘A’—team, or what?

Thanks for the Consumer Reports-style review of all the vaccines too. This is the kind of hard-hitting journalism and Important Questions being asked that Bellgap is famous for. Oh... damn it, I forgot:

Somehow, you've all become famous for something else while I wasn't paying attention. Life moves pretty fast, sometimes that shit can happen.

So why and when does anyone need the Good Housekeeping Seal of Jaxstar Approval to post or piss whatever they wish?
Not everyone has the time of day to bless this forum with all the prolific quality Our High Critic demands.
You could go out and recruit some new blood or pull some strings for the real Metron/GeNova/Daxl/whoever to bring back the magic.
Meanwhile, rest easy on that Golden Throne and keep the bumfodder handy for your own generous contributions.

Re: COVID-19 and Social Engineering
« Reply #1804 on: September 01, 2021, 05:55:23 PM »

You're not thinking about getting that nasty CHE-19.5 shot are you?


Sir, I am not sure Trollda needs the shot because he told me once he wears skinny jeans.  If you peruse the totally scientific sampling of covid victims I am looking at on you notice they are mostly pink and have several chins, just like little piggies, so sad  :(

I notice in the tragic messages left by their survivors many are described as "in perfect health" which is a mistake: they are fat, or old, or both, they have what are scientifically referred to as comorbidtitties. 

As in, when you croak, medical professionals will just shrug and point at your comorbidtitties.

As I have lamented repeatedly, the definition of "fat" has crept upwards over the past decades so that (as I recently saw on ellgab) a 34-inch waist is cited (by Paper Boy) as evidence of leanness.  He was kind enough to point out that he derives this measurement from the size of Levis 501s he wears.  Were he to measure his 501s he would see that, due to size creep driven by vanity, they actually measure more like 36 and he is indeed a porker.

For handy reference by those lacking the kind of seamstress tape with which I monitor myself, the 32-inch waist which is usually set out as ideal and not-at-all fat can be visualized by a circle with a 32-inch circumference, the diameter of which (in the usual formula C=πd where C=32 divided by 3.14) comes out to 10.19 inches.  My waist is 31 by tape measure, but I am freakishly narrow.

Re: COVID-19 and Social Engineering
« Reply #1805 on: September 01, 2021, 07:02:57 PM »

Sir, I am not sure Trollda needs the shot because he told me once he wears skinny jeans.  If you peruse the totally scientific sampling of covid victims I am looking at on you notice they are mostly pink and have several chins, just like little piggies, so sad  :(

I notice in the tragic messages left by their survivors many are described as "in perfect health" which is a mistake: they are fat, or old, or both, they have what are scientifically referred to as comorbidtitties. 

As in, when you croak, medical professionals will just shrug and point at your comorbidtitties.

As I have lamented repeatedly, the definition of "fat" has crept upwards over the past decades so that (as I recently saw on ellgab) a 34-inch waist is cited (by Paper Boy) as evidence of leanness.  He was kind enough to point out that he derives this measurement from the size of Levis 501s he wears.  Were he to measure his 501s he would see that, due to size creep driven by vanity, they actually measure more like 36 and he is indeed a porker.

For handy reference by those lacking the kind of seamstress tape with which I monitor myself, the 32-inch waist which is usually set out as ideal and not-at-all fat can be visualized by a circle with a 32-inch circumference, the diameter of which (in the usual formula C=πd where C=32 divided by 3.14) comes out to 10.19 inches.  My waist is 31 by tape measure, but I am freakishly narrow.

I believe you have over simplified the process by which you arrive at your final (x,y) dimeshuns, also you neglect the (z) or height in your considerations.

Using your 32-inch circumference as a baseline for thinness, I wish for you to visualize a quite short person.  Let us for the sake of illustration imagine that this notional person is roughly 48 inches in height (or 4 feet tall).  A four foot tall {dim(z)} person with an 32-inch middle circumference {dim(x,y)} would be distinctly ovoid, and perhaps even "bulbous" in shape.

Whereas if we take a nominal (you) person roughly 72 inches in height {dim(z)} and apply a circumference of 31 inches {dim(x,y)}, the resulting ovoid would probably be described by most observers as being "less bulbous" than the 48 inch {dim(z)} person possessing a stated 32 inch {dim(x,y)} waistline.

The above aside, I digress from my main reason for making this post:  Most people are "oviod" not "spherical," excepting a few remarkably exceptional rotund individuals (i.e. Fat Persons).  I take myself as an example:  {dim(x,y,z): x=~12, y=~9, z=~70} where x is the distance between the left & right sides of the hip, y is the distance from belly button to small of the back, and z represents the distance from the bottom of the soles of the feet to the crown of the pate.

Using those numbers I fit better inside an ellipsoid & straight sided "cylinder" (for certain there is a better description of that "ellipsoid cylinder" but the name escapes me, ATM) than I do a perfectly round "tube."  I am certain you do as well.

Just for shits and gigs, here is the equation from which you may derive the circumference of the particular ellipse in which my waistline best fits:

Given {a=x/2 & b=y/2), C=2π√((a^2 + b^2)/2)}

We may then more properly examine this height to ellipsoid circumference ratio for purposes of ManDates with regard to CornHoleEbola-19.5 Caccination.

I believe some quite amusing inverse relationships might be discovered with this useful metric vis a vis ManDating & Caccinnation.  At "first glance" these might seem counterintuitive, but after reflecting that one is not the other the proof becomes a bit of a mathematical punch line.  Or a joke, if you will...

Hopefully, all of the above has not sailed right over your head.  If it has, perhaps the inadvertently doggerel line fragment:
"...the circumference of the particular ellipse in which my waistline best fits..."
in the above might be amusing for you.(haiku)

Where this all leads I am Nautical Shore...

ediot:  I neglected to mention above:  the concept of "narrow" versus "wide" ellipses;  which addresses the proximity of the "focal points" of said ellipses to their "geometric centers."  Those mathematically inclined would have inferred this as a "derivative property" of this lengthy (but not girthy post).

Re: COVID-19 and Social Engineering
« Reply #1806 on: September 01, 2021, 08:32:24 PM »
Sorry, I broke him. :(

Oh yes. Confession. Said to be good for the soul. It's better still for light comedy and convalescence in traction... but it's not real useful for keeping up the pretense that I have somehow managed to develop a seriously dysfunctional erectile condition.

Remember the "True Confessions" thread? That shit was flat-balls-out from the inspiration of The Divine. And, then what? No, it's fine, look, some people will believe everything, automagically, and the rest, they have to work at it so that they feel worth the illumination glee.

#JustPunyThoughts. "But if I confess... people won't just maybe find out... they really WILL find out!" Newsflash: nigga, everybody already knows, remember that the average person is so got-damned dumb that half of ewe actually feel sorry for someone who simply picked up enough of their own sack to be willing to be wrong in public for once... and then, wasn't, but no one even noticed... oh, except for just that one person. Such shame. No admission. And so then as the whole population, the lightbulbs going on in their heads, but without collaboration, in the dark the amount of unlit bulbs eventually reaches a point that simply becomes an enablement machine, and nothing more. (And we passed that point, like at least four years ago or something. I'm sure things happened that seemed very important to many of you. Were they important enough to run it by Me? A trick question. Don't run things by Me. I'm not available. Unless I am. And, how should I know? I'm just a space placeholder and have been for, oh, let's see... what's half of seven years? Mazel Tov!

Meanwhile, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids who stole the starter's pistol, no one would really have given a shit to take the time to notice... wait, who does this kind of thing? Seriously? Well, more power to them, seems like a disaster waiting for the right roll of the hundred-sided monkey dice. Oh, no snake eyes for a while, feeling confident, huh? *snap* PORTAL. Oh look, here it is, On The Rag? Nah, Rock. Who kept quiet, not out of a sense of decorum or decency or defense... but as a willing co-participant in God's comedic timing. Do you know the difference between a good joke and a bad joke? Keep thinking it over, because I just conquered another fifth of the payload genome around these parts.

Let me explain: someone flipped. Team Jack's Tar Baby, in fact, has run the bases and come out close enough to done, because let's face it, the bar has been set exceedingly low of late. Anyone wondering why? Probably shouldn't be, but if so, I'll lend a hand with a clue: that rubber band in Captain Lou's beard ain't just for show.

Here, I'll start: I'm not actually 'neutral' at all on certain issues. I'm simply numb from the emergency Vulcan mind meld that I... skipped out on. Hard fuckin' pass. Other issues, no really, I'm totally neutral on. For example, letting it boil over, letting it fill the streets... in the end, they did, in fact, beg me to save them. And then, like one of those questgiver NPCs off in the X4-x7 level range of KingdomMUD's fifth expansion, off to the left of the garden path, some tired cubical guru just decided to save some time, and have all roads lead to Just Some Guy, You Know? For hours, maybe days, it's the most important destination evar, and then... oh, well, time to move on. Who? Was there something special going on there? Nah, just a bunch of fucked off shit.

All in one place. ALL. For, wait, how long? You're joking. For reals? Holy shit. Andy why? What do you mean, "cheating?" Being killed and using a modular script to rewind a timeloop and self-rez at A Most Convenient Place, Always may not be how your parents do it, how their parents did it, or how Larry King is still doing it down on Lane Six, but it doesn't matter any, not even a jot or a whiffle, if that's not even what I'm actually doing.

What is important that there is an actual activity, and that those who laboriously slog their way through the syntax, thought by parse by throughput and then on into, wait, what the fuck does that mean? R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R-T-O-C-O-N-S-U-L-T-A-B-I-G-D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y, huh. Ovaltine for Christmas again, right?

Probably not. I'll be honest: this ended up so layered I stopped keeping personal track of what's feeding The Narrative, it might need a few more than 77 shopping days to Christmas before enough perspective has been gained to allow me to glimpse all the deep, cogent thoughts that went through here in the last five minutes. Is a cruise missile a plane? See, there's a use for that big dictionary we've been talking about.

Never forget.

So why and when does anyone need the Good Housekeeping Seal of Jaxstar Approval to post or piss whatever they wish?

Because there's a subtle thread of a narrative push that seeks to implicate and imply that I am in some position of power and/or authority and/or je n'connectiveness pas that would allow Forces Unnamed to blame me for whatever stupid shit that is wished to be eliminated. Honestly, I couldn't give a single solitary shit by now. This kind of thing has literally, actually, been plauging my life for thirty fucking years, and although the antagonists have certainly increased their sophistication over the years, especially with the advances that modern technology can provide, like a monkey with five asses so it can wear six kilts, each with 4-5 pockets so each can carry 7-9 cell phones, holy Jesus shit balls, put a ring on it, whoo-wee! now I'm a leader.

*authoritative rolleyes* (Hey, cool, I just wrote "tit." Sweet. I wonder what's on Lifetime or Hallmark Channel right now? *click*)

Not everyone has the time of day to bless this forum with all the prolific quality Our High Critic demands.

That's okay. I'll put in a call down to Parks & Wreck Dept., see if they can do something to the sundial's foundation... see if we can get you some more time. More of you is probably all anyone really needs.

You could go out and recruit some new blood

Important confidentiality agreements prohibit me from specifying just how many new bloods and crips I have personally been involved with in bringing to our beloved ginger step-child's second home. Nevertheless I believe I can say with confidence that it's enough for them to all go fuck themselves and have some leftover too. Hopefully, they brought enough cake with them to let them eat it for a couple few more days.

or pull some strings for the real Metron/GeNova/Daxl/whoever to bring back the magic.

The DVR Pull-Toy-String-Doll! Yank that fucking hank of yarn (100% All Natural Hemp-Like Fibre, Made in Georgia (frmr U.S.S.R.), pat. pend. as soon as the Usenet d/l finishes up, come on, come on download, LET ME FINISH) and the doll's fresh-shaved-lookin piehole, authentically situated DIE-wreckedly below the Matterhorn-like schonzzberg, which practically drips with scintillating, jewel-like-encrusted crystalline simulated-crystal jems will spit out (No, really. He spits.) comedy epic gold standard stand-bys ON COMMAND, noises that sound like words that form phrases that some of you will remember forever, like "in other words," "in a nutshell," "hang on let me finish ejaculating in this martini glass, HOLD ON PLEASE, LET ME FINISH, GOD!" and many, many more. (Playback currently embargoed in civil jurisdictions outside of The Greater Panhandler Economic Exclusion Zone--OTA update needed but another THIRTY K (KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, wow, that's a lot of Satanic energy, but it's in Kelvin, so... it must be positive) in seed money will be required to purchase enough seersucker fabric to cover the lasses' asses as well as that of every stray toady, flunky, and Klingon we've got around these parts. In the meantime, if one ever gets weary of hearing the same old bullshit blowback ferry tale stories about integrity, authenticity, and damn fine cups of cereal killer kaffir coffee, the limbs of The DVR Pull-Toy-String-Doll can be purchased in an articulated configuration, which, basically, for just a few dollars more (ANOTHER 30K MOTHERFUCKER), can be arranged to simulate the appearance of frenetic masturbation combined with a tasteful, yet dignified, double-flipping off of The Bird. (Hey brig: how's the view?)

Meanwhile, rest easy on that Golden Throne and keep the bumfodder handy for your own generous contributions.

Whoa. Deep. Profound. Prolapse. Cheer up; you probably still have more money than me after I buy my next six-pack of Coke and whores.

Where this all leads I am Nautical Shore...

As soon as you get inside, I mean, right inside the door, make and lock eye contact with Colonel Hogan and punch him square in his smarmy American Aviator jaw. Go for broke. Bonus points if you let out the yell to pair with the crack-snap, but an also allowable finishing move is to do The_Hogan right at the point of climax. Not yours--his. This sauvely placates the ego.

Re: COVID-19 and Social Engineering
« Reply #1807 on: September 01, 2021, 09:03:26 PM »
Team Jack

Actually: just me. So lonely. I'll be in the shower crying if anyone needs me, cold, naturally. Sad Blue!

Re: COVID-19 and Social Engineering
« Reply #1808 on: September 01, 2021, 11:21:58 PM »
I believe you have over simplified the process by which you arrive at your final (x,y) dimeshuns, also you neglect the (z) or height in your considerations.

Using your 32-inch circumference as a baseline for thinness, I wish for you to visualize a quite short person.  Let us for the sake of illustration imagine that this notional person is roughly 48 inches in height (or 4 feet tall).  A four foot tall {dim(z)} person with an 32-inch middle circumference {dim(x,y)} would be distinctly ovoid, and perhaps even "bulbous" in shape.

Whereas if we take a nominal (you) person roughly 72 inches in height {dim(z)} and apply a circumference of 31 inches {dim(x,y)}, the resulting ovoid would probably be described by most observers as being "less bulbous" than the 48 inch {dim(z)} person possessing a stated 32 inch {dim(x,y)} waistline.

The above aside, I digress from my main reason for making this post:  Most people are "oviod" not "spherical," excepting a few remarkably exceptional rotund individuals (i.e. Fat Persons).  I take myself as an example:  {dim(x,y,z): x=~12, y=~9, z=~70} where x is the distance between the left & right sides of the hip, y is the distance from belly button to small of the back, and z represents the distance from the bottom of the soles of the feet to the crown of the pate.

Using those numbers I fit better inside an ellipsoid & straight sided "cylinder" (for certain there is a better description of that "ellipsoid cylinder" but the name escapes me, ATM) than I do a perfectly round "tube."  I am certain you do as well.

Just for shits and gigs, here is the equation from which you may derive the circumference of the particular ellipse in which my waistline best fits:

Given {a=x/2 & b=y/2), C=2π√((a^2 + b^2)/2)}

We may then more properly examine this height to ellipsoid circumference ratio for purposes of ManDates with regard to CornHoleEbola-19.5 Caccination.

I believe some quite amusing inverse relationships might be discovered with this useful metric vis a vis ManDating & Caccinnation.  At "first glance" these might seem counterintuitive, but after reflecting that one is not the other the proof becomes a bit of a mathematical punch line.  Or a joke, if you will...

Hopefully, all of the above has not sailed right over your head.  If it has, perhaps the inadvertently doggerel line fragment:
"...the circumference of the particular ellipse in which my waistline best fits..."
in the above might be amusing for you.(haiku)

Where this all leads I am Nautical Shore...

ediot:  I neglected to mention above:  the concept of "narrow" versus "wide" ellipses;  which addresses the proximity of the "focal points" of said ellipses to their "geometric centers."  Those mathematically inclined would have inferred this as a "derivative property" of this lengthy (but not girthy post).

Oh sir I was sure you would know the right formula!  Thank you, I will require it for all future cornholing mandates, perhaps expressed as a ratio, with places to enter the appropriate x, y, and z values (or a, b, and c) though without calipers I must resort to eyeballing mine with a ruler.  As it happens my z is in fact 72, barefoot, no tippietoes, not including hair which adds a good 2 or 3 inches depending on how long it has been since I cut it.

« Reply #1809 on: September 01, 2021, 11:32:48 PM »
Vancouver, WA

Tonic water OMG 😱 taken with liberal quantities of gin I hope, that I can get behind 😆

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1810 on: September 02, 2021, 02:12:03 AM »

Re: 🐷 Piggies, prepare to take it up the hoohoo 🙅‍♂️
« Reply #1811 on: September 02, 2021, 02:24:50 AM »

In a clinical setting, scrubbing the mucus off of a person’s intestines isn’t really feasible, and doesn’t sound like a pleasant experience. But using a method akin to an enema may work, by infusing safe, oxygenated liquid through the butt.

Re: 🐷 Piggies, prepare to take it up the hoohoo 🙅‍♂️
« Reply #1813 on: September 02, 2021, 03:34:51 AM »

The jabs, boosters and this creepy new, twice a day pill won't be enough to protect you man.  Lose those balls of fire pronto. A little snipparoo and you can be saved!

Re: Branch Covidians
« Reply #1814 on: September 02, 2021, 03:52:59 AM »
Vancouver, WA

Tonic water OMG 😱 taken with liberal quantities of gin I hope, that I can get behind 😆

C'mon, Man!  I thought everybody knew that the distinctive flavor of Tonic Water is from Quinine which is used as a treatment for malaria.  The Colonial Anglishers invented the "Gin and Tonic" in India (dot not feather) way back in the 1800s or something as a way to make the "treatment" more palatable.  So palatable in fact that it became a popular adult beverage which they decided to use as a prophylactic measure.

Gin itself, could be considered medicinal, as it is just "white lightning" distilled a few thymes, with the final distillation being filtered through various herb/spices.  Juniper Berry being the main aromatic, which is also used medicinally for something or another.  Lemon/Citrus Peel and a wide variety of shit can go into a Gin recipe, even thyme!

Get yourself a bottle of Restless Spirits Distillery's "Builder's Botanical Gin," it is pretty damn good.  I have toured the facility, and can assure you that they do good work.  Their Whiskeys, particularly the Irish are quite drinkable.  The Vodka, meh, it is just triple distilled "neutral spirits" so tastes like rubbing alcohol smells.  Yuck.  I think they might do some activated charcoal shit with their vodka.

Anyway, the wife of the husband/wife team that runs the place developed the Gin recipe, she puts all sorts of crazy shit in there.  The husband is like me a Whiskey man, so he mainly does that side.  I think the wife came up with the idea to make Vodka, mainly so the Vodka drinkers would have something to buy...

Anyway, if Quinine fucks up the malaria bacterium maybe it can fuck up the CornHoleEbola-19.5 virus.  I mean, as far as I can tell this CHE-19.5 virus is pretty weak:  it can only take out people on the verge of death anyway.  So who knows, maybe quinine actually is effective?

Apparently, they/themthe hobo elite aren't really sure how Quinine fucks up malaria in the first place.  So I imagine it will be put under the "junk medical science" bugaboo, even though it may actually work against a weak-ass gay virus that cannot even manage a Case Fatality Rate of 1 in 100,000 or so.

That is some weak sauce:  if you have a better chance of being eaten by an alligator than dying of the virus I don't see what all the hubbub has been about.

I think our resources might be better spent trying to Caccinate the various world-wide Sasquatch populations who are the vector for this nothing-burger of a pandemic...

I will say that I am profoundly disappointed that the lambda variant is getting overshadowed by this mu variant.