Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 337185 times)

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #105 on: May 04, 2021, 06:32:17 AM »
Evidence mounts that Covid Vaccine causes spontaneous mental illness …

YAY!  I feel my life up until this point has been entirely too rational and I need to be that effed up crazy bitch just once before I croak.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #106 on: May 04, 2021, 06:35:55 AM »
Interesting. I was counting on you to stand next to me as one of the last hold outs. I suppose my biggest issue is that my getting the damn thing does not mean it is over. It just means that I will be waiting for the next mutation to sweep the nation. Mask mandates, isolation and the rest of it is here to stay where the government can get away with it. Vaccine or not.

Well, I can appreciate your reasons. I'm not actually worried about the vaccine (and statistically you will be fine and not die. Though you may develop a sudden penchant of everything Yiddish (I'm sure there is an app for that.) I actually have other reasons for avoiding it. When they strap me down and forcibly inject it is my planned vaccination date.

Me, you, Toots and I assume pate all stand firm!  Probably all for different reasons but united in resolve! The Big Four!

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #107 on: May 04, 2021, 06:43:18 AM »
Me, you, Toots and I assume pate all stand firm!  Probably all for different reasons but united in resolve! The Big Four!

Count me five.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #108 on: May 04, 2021, 06:46:30 AM »

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #109 on: May 04, 2021, 06:47:49 AM »

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #110 on: May 04, 2021, 06:51:50 AM »
Oh and JFK Jr. got back alive again.

Operation Cookie Crumbles is progressing nicely.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #111 on: May 04, 2021, 06:56:48 AM »
Me, you, Toots and I assume pate all stand firm!  Probably all for different reasons but united in resolve! The Big Four!

Well, there is worse company to be a part of. I would say that you are probably correct- we may not all share the same reasons. But it is good to be reminded that there are a few people left willing to say "fuck you" for whatever reason.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #112 on: May 04, 2021, 07:14:00 AM »
I been black pilling myself on the covid shot and now I'm not taking it again.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #113 on: May 04, 2021, 07:20:00 AM »
I been black pilling myself on the covid shot and now I'm not taking it again.

Asuka and the Doc onboard!

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #114 on: May 04, 2021, 07:22:41 AM »
Asuka and the Doc onboard!

Wouldn’t that make 8? ???

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #115 on: May 04, 2021, 07:31:54 AM »
I been black pilling myself on the covid shot and now I'm not taking it again.

Man, everybody needs to decide for themselves... I think that most people get it in the hopes that they will be able to return to their "normal lives." I hope that works out.

I still believe that the more people who get vaccinated, the higher the risk to the unvaccinated getting Covid and getting sick (and I don't care.) The most recent numbers are between 70 and 80 percent efficacy depending on the manufacturer. But Astrazenica still claims almost a 100% reduction in severe covid and hospitalizations.

And when you google if you should get tested after being vaccinated, you get a clear answer only if you are showing clear signs of Covid. So around 25% of the people who would catch Covid still will, but most will not show signs like they would if they were not vaccinated. Seems like exactly the thing they were warning us about (asymptomatic spreaders- who turned out not to account for as much spread as they projected.) Only now, because they have had the vaccine they will engage in higher risk activities without the precautions they would have otherwise.

Anyhow, whatever. Decide what is best for you.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #116 on: May 04, 2021, 07:36:45 AM »
Actually, the above reminds me of the number of people who think if they had a shingles shot, they cannot catch shingles. I know several people who believed that and waited far longer than they would have otherwise to get checked. In those cases, they shot themselves in the foot. In the case of Covid, they will believe they cannot possibly be sick and it must just be allergies and go to work.

Cest la vie. I look forward to catching my first flu in almost a decade. May as well make it the woofloo. Bring it on, you filthy, vaccinated super spreaders.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #117 on: May 04, 2021, 07:50:15 AM »
Actually, the above reminds me of the number of people who think if they had a shingles shot, they cannot catch shingles. I know several people who believed that and waited far longer than they would have otherwise to get checked. In those cases, they shot themselves in the foot. In the case of Covid, they will believe they cannot possibly be sick and it must just be allergies and go to work.

Cest la vie. I look forward to catching my first flu in almost a decade. May as well make it the woofloo. Bring it on, you filthy, vaccinated super spreaders.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #118 on: May 04, 2021, 07:51:24 AM »
Actually, the above reminds me of the number of people who think if they had a shingles shot, they cannot catch shingles. I know several people who believed that and waited far longer than they would have otherwise to get checked. In those cases, they shot themselves in the foot. In the case of Covid, they will believe they cannot possibly be sick and it must just be allergies and go to work.

Cest la vie. I look forward to catching my first flu in almost a decade. May as well make it the woofloo. Bring it on, you filthy, vaccinated super spreaders.

There is no need to go out of your way to dance with the devil.

Pro-vaxx people can advocate all they want, but the Great Barrington Declaration is not just fake news.
And there is much more on the side of rational and objective opinion.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #119 on: May 04, 2021, 08:15:50 AM »
Ha ha ha KAW KAW

We know how the story goes.