Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 337220 times)

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #3765 on: May 09, 2022, 12:13:51 AM »

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5 - HARAMBE!!!
« Reply #3766 on: May 10, 2022, 05:31:16 AM »
Are vaccines causing sudden deaths in zoo animals?

...reports show that there may be elevated incidence of deaths among vaccinated zoo animals...


This seems like animal cruelty, Nautical Shore.

It seems to be hitting the primates pretty hard anyway, I am certain it is just a coinkydink.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #3767 on: May 11, 2022, 10:03:34 PM »

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #3768 on: May 11, 2022, 11:01:01 PM »
Interezting vid from 2018

There are articles out now that masks cause harm, I haven't read them yet.

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
« Reply #3769 on: May 14, 2022, 10:04:30 AM »
Don't dude me, you mincing booby! And what the hell is that attached to your pointy head? It looks like a Davy Crockett hat that you got from a thrift store. It must be what they call 'the lunatic fringe'.

That is my new bowl cut!  I think I might dye it blue, what do you think?

Also please note yet another sweater.

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
« Reply #3770 on: May 14, 2022, 10:20:45 AM »

Currently at stage 5. So fuck off, cunt!

That's too bad, a major creative voice has been silenced.  But old Harry's music is all around you if you have ears to listen: in the traffic noise on the M3, in the quiet late-night beeps and gurgles of an understaffed ICU, in the shrieks of a gaggle of excited bints on wine night...

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
« Reply #3771 on: May 14, 2022, 12:34:42 PM »
That is my new bowl cut!  I think I might dye it blue, what do you think?

Also please note yet another sweater.

Dye yourself blue, see if I care! Tart yourself up like a gay smurf and Tik Tok yourself being buggered by a Vietnamese midget dressed up as Gargamel. It will move me not a jot, you preening nancy!

I have already addressed the sweater issue elsewhere. This is clearly a passive-aggressive, knitwear-related strategy to cause me alarm and despondency, and as such I scorn this psych-warfare for the mimsy pusillanimous bullshit it obviously is.

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
« Reply #3772 on: May 14, 2022, 12:37:58 PM »
That's too bad, a major creative voice has been silenced.  But old Harry's music is all around you if you have ears to listen: in the traffic noise on the M3, in the quiet late-night beeps and gurgles of an understaffed ICU, in the shrieks of a gaggle of excited bints on wine night...

You vile bitch. He's barely cold and you're making mock. I sobbed like a leaking radiator and you sit there with your Mantovani collection, curling your lip at me. People like you should be drowned on sight!

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
« Reply #3773 on: May 14, 2022, 06:25:34 PM »
Dye yourself blue, see if I care! Tart yourself up like a gay smurf and Tik Tok yourself being buggered by a Vietnamese midget dressed up as Gargamel. It will move me not a jot, you preening nancy!

I have already addressed the sweater issue elsewhere. This is clearly a passive-aggressive, knitwear-related strategy to cause me alarm and despondency, and as such I scorn this psych-warfare for the mimsy pusillanimous bullshit it obviously is.

Yay!  I will have you know that I was literally applauded (ok it was more of a golf clap) by a lady on the street yesterday for that particular ensemble, which is why I had rush back here and post it for you.  Prada has been putting out those bright chunky round-yoked sweaters now for a couple years shamelessly ripping off the Nordic aesthetic, and a lot of people assume it is high fashion when, to a Norwegian, it is very much grandpa-chic.  Too bad you can't see the boots.

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
« Reply #3774 on: May 14, 2022, 06:27:53 PM »
You vile bitch. He's barely cold and you're making mock. I sobbed like a leaking radiator and you sit there with your Mantovani collection, curling your lip at me. People like you should be drowned on sight!

Mantovani is unfair, here is the playlist I have been working on this morning:

Perfect for a long Oriental swoon in one's dressing-gown, cupping a camel-headed meerschaum of blended turkish shag.

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
« Reply #3775 on: May 16, 2022, 11:26:15 AM »
Mantovani is unfair, here is the playlist I have been working on this morning:

Perfect for a long Oriental swoon in one's dressing-gown, cupping a camel-headed meerschaum of blended turkish shag.

I had an unwanted playlist of my own to deal with on Saturday. The drunken slut next door had a fight with her boyfriend, kicked him out, and then spent the rest of the day pounding what I took to be supermarket cider while shrieking out pop music at the top of her nicotine-ravaged lungs. If it's not the online contumely of some pompadoured ponce one minute, it's the strident yowlings of a demented, sloppy hag the next. It's enough to make a young fellow like me temporarily misplace his sang-froid.

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
« Reply #3776 on: May 16, 2022, 11:35:18 AM »
Mantovani is unfair, here is the playlist I have been working on this morning:

Perfect for a long Oriental swoon in one's dressing-gown, cupping a camel-headed meerschaum of blended turkish shag.

Glazunov! Actually, in a moment of weakness, I listened to the Rach 2 Symphony last night. I still don't like it very much. That sort of neo-romantic balls probably makes you melt like a choc ice under a fat woman's keister. However, I did find myself liking the DSCH 5 Symphony more than usual last night. Then I listened to Rigoletto, still one of the greatest operas ever written and I will fight anyone who says different.

You can't listen to a whole Wolfie sonata, just the movement everyone knows? How predictably bourgeois!

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
« Reply #3777 on: May 16, 2022, 12:13:50 PM »
Yay!  I will have you know that I was literally applauded (ok it was more of a golf clap) by a lady on the street yesterday for that particular ensemble, which is why I had rush back here and post it for you.  Prada has been putting out those bright chunky round-yoked sweaters now for a couple years shamelessly ripping off the Nordic aesthetic, and a lot of people assume it is high fashion when, to a Norwegian, it is very much grandpa-chic.  Too bad you can't see the boots.

Clap from a lady? That must have been a novel experience.

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5: KHAN TAN I MATED (lose the dinero)
« Reply #3778 on: May 16, 2022, 12:20:05 PM »
Clap from a lady? That must have been a novel experience.

Only until he found out about Me. I rather think he thought, at one time, that he was actually prepared. totesgiggle

btw, never call me "Adept." I don't like it. Not even a little bit. Not all. You can just stick with, "A_Dick." It's just easier. (At least for most.)

You know what else is easier? Hehe. #BLOCKED

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
« Reply #3779 on: May 16, 2022, 01:23:30 PM »
I had an unwanted playlist of my own to deal with on Saturday. The drunken slut next door had a fight with her boyfriend, kicked him out, and then spent the rest of the day pounding what I took to be supermarket cider while shrieking out pop music at the top of her nicotine-ravaged lungs. If it's not the online contumely of some pompadoured ponce one minute, it's the strident yowlings of a demented, sloppy hag the next. It's enough to make a young fellow like me temporarily misplace his sang-froid.

Oh dear.  I can usually vibe with the loud pop music -- I am not a snob in that sense -- but drunken caterwauling is in another league entirely.  We were bored and went to bearaoke (karaoke for bears) one night to laugh at the fat people; it was disgusting.  Not so much the singing but the mutual approbation, one simpering emotive lardbag after another whose efforts were met with approval and support instead of soft vegetables, and the dark looks when we tittered too loudly in the corner really had us fearing for our safety.