Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 337235 times)

Re: Diary of a Mad Black Mass
« Reply #3990 on: December 03, 2022, 11:22:51 AM »
[they] resort to fucking off simple questions from me whenever it suits them, while I have been consistently Mister Answers.

Always the victim. Poor widdle Jackstaw, he's such an honourable, upstanding member of society! Can it really be, that everyone else that currently inhabits some area on the planet-- All the billions of people out there, they are the ones who are to blame for everything wrong in his life. Shane is such a horrible neighbour too, y'know. Shouting at him while he simply strolls out nonchalantly, to his mailbox. Surely nothing ever transpired in the past between them that ever could have lead this unhinged, aggressive reaction when Jack simply shows his face. It must be all Shane's fault. Retroactively, the very mechanic who was kind enough to fix up Jack's truck pro bono (no labour surcharge, simply for the parts) is an awful, rude man who is yelling unprovoked. He's just a brute, a bully. Jack did absolutely nothing to the guy. Nothing. He is being targeted! Harrassed! Yeah right. That's why the mechanic asked him to "do the right thing," and just "quit the name calling." He made that up out of whole cloth, the mechanic did. Because Jack would never ever under any circumstances do such a thing. That's why the world owes Jack. Because he's such a good guy. And he never treats anybody poorly. Never. He's like Jesus. The Son of God. Sinless, and perfect in every way!

Re: Diary of a Mad Black Mass
« Reply #3991 on: December 03, 2022, 01:51:08 PM »
It's embarrassing trained professionals, descend into caricatures of [themselves].

Pot meet kettle. Except, you're not a trained professional in anything but sitting on your duff puffing on those gay electronic smoke machines and guzzling Bang. Even the flower delivery job is something you deny ever doing. That means (if we are to assume you're capable of telling the truth) that you've literally never gotten grime under your fingernails from hard honest labour-- Rather you got that grit under there by digging what ended up being your own grave while thinking it was someone else's.

The amount of disdain you're expressing for me elsewhere on this board and in instant messaging is clearly misdirected, bottled up rage that was created by situations that had nothing to do with me-- But I'm the only one who you feel brave enough to confront. Because you've underestimated me. Your fat fake "Indian" ex with the albino complexion and the cottage cheese ass and you have made such utter fools of yourselves across the internet. And that's not counting the situations in which I was present.

She did let loose the notion that you have been jealous of my success ever since I've had some, and terrified of me ever having any before it even happened. But you can "travel through time," right? *chuckle* You pair crack me up. Whatever happened to you sorry sacks of shit I don't answer for. Take responsibility for your life like adults for once.

It's funny, y'know, how the guys that decried the use of "prescription medications," turned out to be ... Meth heads!? Holy crow, what a shock! None of the behaviours you or the guy who you said was/wasn't the raper or the only woman you've ever managed to get to cohabitate with you were ever a result of drug abuse ... Surely not! The difference between me and you cunts (well, there's a fuck-load of difference actually) is that I sought medical attention from a highly trained specialist, and followed her medication and talk therapy regimen to a T. In comparison, you bought street drugs with your dead parents' money - what a way to honour them, right? I'm sure they're looking down proud...

So. Before you pin all this teenage rage on my ass, perhaps get off the crystal meth, get your head straight, and get back to me. You wanted to flirt with illegal substances and worsen your mental state, not me. I went the opposite direction. Now you sit alone in the house that was left to you and film yourself talking to the air. And the people in your head. Or the people we can't see.

Yeah, sure. I'm the problem. You and your little buddy need to learn something about the real world. You guys slaughter the reputations of others mercilessly, and when anyone so much as shakes their head in polite disapproval, you lose your collective lunch. I don't know how all this street drug shit works. I've SOLD to people like you. Never used. So, you're the one who can sit with the ruined life of your own making. While I am happy, sober and fulfilled.

You bought a ticket to the ride, and now you want out? It doesn't work that way. Try asking the fairground manager to stop the rollercoaster ride in mid air and demand a refund. See how that works. Kinda like tryna scotch tape waves to the shore in a straight line.


Re: Diary of a Mad Black Mass
« Reply #3992 on: December 03, 2022, 02:19:39 PM »
I heard a grown man crying in jail.

Oh, I get it! Performing another one of your forms of intellectual acrobatics. Because you're like, so smart and stuff. Talking in the third person. Was it the homunculus [one of your hallucinations] like Tinker Bell, that witnessed you crying in jail? Is this like a first-person shooter thing? Or is this you being all Lilliputian on us? Or whatever. You're so fucking clever, bro. Like, does your brain even lift? I'm sure I saw, like, the Marquis de Sade and Thus Spake Zarathustra on your bookshelf that one time.

So, the "little men" watched you cry in jail? It wasn't you seeing some other guy cry-- Because you totally were able to hold your own. No, they didn't sodomise you with the Leatherman you smuggled in to the holding cell. From scrot to knave. No big black muscly men wearing reds and blues fought over you like a rat corpse in a snake tank. 'Nobody raped anybody! I don't wanna talk about rape, or hear the word rape!' You have to block it out because it's just too traumatising to speak about.

You don't speak about anything, actually. You stuff it all inside. Trying to fill that gaping void. The abysmal black hole where your soul should be. You do know Ginger's don't have souls either, right? Space-tits didn't have one, in that case. An albino Ginger-- Christ! Talk about a ghastly visage! *tee hee*

I just want you to know, that there's no hard feelings. I mean I've been called a... Well. It probably wouldn't be in my best interests to repeat utterly false slanderous claims. I mean, when it comes to you, we go all out: libel, the whole shabang. Gotta cart out the needles and pipes and all that-- They're like bait for you dunderheaded miffed ones.

Such faggots. Pretty cool that I got this here guardian angel, though. Can't complain.

Re: Diary of a Mad Black Mass
« Reply #3993 on: December 03, 2022, 08:59:32 PM »
Oh, I get it! Performing another one of your forms of intellectual acrobatics. Because you're like, so smart and stuff. Talking in the third person.

Fuck off and fuck you.

Re: Diary of a Mad Black Mass
« Reply #3994 on: December 03, 2022, 09:07:25 PM »
Fuck off and fuck you.

Is that your medical diagnosis?

Re: Diary of a Mad Black Mass
« Reply #3995 on: December 03, 2022, 10:10:28 PM »
Is that your medical diagnosis?

Those aren't diagnoses, and you're the most loathsome troll I've ever heard of. You and your ilk. Go back to work.

Re: Diary of a Mad Black Mass
« Reply #3996 on: December 03, 2022, 10:20:36 PM »
Go back to work.

And you say I'm the one who speaks with authority on matters I know nothing about.

Re: Diary of a Mad Black Mass
« Reply #3997 on: December 04, 2022, 05:27:46 AM »
Those aren't diagnoses, and you're the most loathsome troll I've ever heard of. You and your ilk. Go back to work.


I called Rubini today and was met with an Antonio Brooks voicemail. Now, let that sink in.

If I could only talk to him... *Sigh*

[End Is Near, Motherfuc- CLICK]

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #3998 on: January 26, 2023, 11:28:02 PM »

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #4000 on: February 01, 2023, 10:18:32 PM »

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #4001 on: April 14, 2023, 03:22:17 PM »

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #4002 on: April 14, 2023, 05:30:40 PM »

I've seen Naomi Wolf interviewed a few times. Smart lady.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #4003 on: April 14, 2023, 09:33:54 PM »

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #4004 on: April 17, 2023, 09:25:24 PM »

I’d say that when covid first broke this guy was much more establishment but this whole thing has undoubtably red-pilled him.