I like the cut of this guy's jib:
COVID Propaganda Roundup: ‘Holiday Heart Syndrome’Ben Bartee
Dec 30, 2023
...When you watched your non-binary vegan evangelist auntie Aurora Hibiscus (birth name: Janet Thomas) — on her 14th booster and proud of it because The Science™ is her religion and Anthony Fauci her Lord — keel over at Christmas dinner, drooling through her Gold Standard™ N-95 mask into her plate of gluten-free crickets, eyes glazed over, Good Morning America wants you to know it was because of something called “holiday heart syndrome...”
COVID Propaganda Roundup: Another Vaxx Totalitarian Bites the Dust!Ben Bartee
Jan 5, 2024
COVID did something to me — not the virus, but all the bullshit that went along with it. You might say it stole a part of my humanity. Granted....
As a special bonus, his work also includes some articles entitled "
FaT Propaganda Roundup," which are amusing as well; my one-time Shirtless Running Mate would have surely enjoyed those along with the "COVID Propaganda Roundup" ones.
Hopefully, K_Dubb has not succumbed to the dread
caccine. Nor any of the other potentially morbidly obese and/or potentially hideously ugly
caccinated cat-ladies that once frequented here, among other places...
In MemoriamK_Dubb