Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 337226 times)

Re: Covidiocy
« Reply #1035 on: July 06, 2021, 08:31:19 PM »
I was so in awe of your lyricism that I was completely distracted from this artfully placed, innocuous and frank observation.

As a sometime user of Mr. Gate$ many product lines over the years, I had always taken it as a given that he might have access through various digital backdoors to the many hidden folders on any given device that contain horse-, coq- and/or vegetable-imagery.  In and of themselves, any notional artistic depictions of said subject material could, I suppose, to an individual with certain --- shall we say --- "kinks" assume that there might be an erotic element to these strictly notional and artistic images.

That being said, I had always supposed that Mr. Gate$ might, were he of a certain perverse persuasion, be able to surmise, assume or suppose such activities might be occuring.  What disturbs me most, is that Mr. Gate$ might possibly be watching me while I enjoy my collection of select 17th century ceramic-ware and catalogs depicting items of great interest to my particular area of artistic study?  This would imply that the Smart-Refrigerator in my kitchen has some sort of photographic capability;  as the mere noise of clatter and rattle of antique dishware could be anything at all!  How could he "know" any such thing?  I was just washing and dusting off my prized, and very private, collection of various sized bowls made of earthenware, stoneware and porcelain.

Leaving the above hypothetical scenario aside, I would like to further explore this idea of Mr. Gate$ actually "knowing" anything at all:  assuming that he can actually, and does actually "know" of such activities (alleged activities) it would be only so that he might report any strictly illegal act using illegal materials.  Most emphatically NOT to expand any purely notional (or alleged) illegal collection of his own.

Look at this man:

Creepy, no way!  The face of a Digital Peeping Tom?

K_Dubb, your engagement in wild conspiracy theory like this Bill ('em) Gate$ "Creepy Digi Peeper" thing are sure to get you on one of those Domestic Terrorist Watchlists!

Hopefully, I have blown your entirely innocent, innocuous and delicately worded side-comment completely out of proportion and context...  this is of course, entirely my fault, in among my many grand, glorious and magnificent visions of the Bright Future our Campaign will bring there are sometimes visions of dark, unseemly and disgusting things.  I do keep a List of those, for I long to Fix that sort of Shit.

I have said too much!  Apogees.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?"

You are hardly injudicious, sir.  I have been persuaded that Bill Gates has been watching me masturbate since approximately 2006, he just always has that sly, knowing look about him.  I think it is that revolting combination of lechery and benevolence cultivated by the hobo elite.  I would not trust him with a teaspoon, let alone antique crockery!

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1036 on: July 06, 2021, 09:01:37 PM »
Malone has been disappeared. Guess they need to start air brushing him out of photos next.

I put out a ten-minute rage video every time some fucking Swede edits the wikipedia page on the Eidsvoll Constitution, too.  The tentacles of Deep Meatball are everywhere.

Re: Covidiocy
« Reply #1037 on: July 06, 2021, 09:02:24 PM »
Sir, I blush at your approbation.  Is 5/4 a usual Cajun rhythm?  I had no idea; I would have begun in pentameter.  If this is to be a Louisiana-themed campaign I should probably have featured a different vegetable, but "The Day I Heard A Bean Bawl" or "Potato Pule" don't quite have the same ring to them.

I honestly haven't the slightest clue if 5/4 is a histrionical Cajun rhythm, although I would like to hear a Zydeco cover of this Ska cover of an old Jazz song I am led to believe was arranged in 5/4:

I believe it just might work well enough musically for the unenlightened masses to not notice at all.  As for the vegetable subject of your lyrics:  while legumes do well enough in the Louisiana soil:  I do not believe either of the "root vegetables" potato nor carrot fare well agriculturally;  hence they are relatively uncommon in the cuisine.  Beans, rices, onions, garlics, tomatoes, celeries and various peppers (or capsacium) however (to my knowledge) do quite well.

I think it has something to do with either the moisture content or salinity of the soil, perhaps both.

So stylistically I would avoid common themes in the Campaign Plank Song (not the entire campaign, merely one delicious part of it) for this Vegetable Initiative whatever we end up naming it.  In short;  the carrot is perfect as would be the potato as both might be considered somewhat luxurious due to their local agricultural requirements.

I think you should stick with the carrot, although potato translates into French more ambiguously (I think there are two acceptable translations, one popular and the other more strictly in line with the AF standards.)

As much as I dearly love Louisiana, I hesitate to make the state and/or territory the entire theme of our overall Campaign.  I would like to be inclusive to the point of being ubiquitous as far as the multi-votes go.  I dare say unanimous on the multi-vote after our last absolute DOMINATION in the polls is not a goal that should be out of the question nor out of line for the overall MAPA ideals.

The above is probably difficult for the average reader to parse, so I shall sum up my Vision on this particular Arm of the Campaign: 
Use "Take 5" as a melodic inspiration, perhaps even an outright "cultural misappropriation"* would be allowed?

Translate your wonderful lyrics into French
Zydeco Cajun, with a 5/4, 10/8 or 15/16(!!!) beat/rhythm as required.
Set the bar high with triple- & if possible quadrupal-entendres to really maximize a high capture of the available multi-vote

If we can have something ready for release in the third or fourth quarter of FY2023 on this one, that would be just fine.

We probably want to start to work laying the revisionist histrionical cultural misappropriation ground work on this NLT the first quarter of FY2022, Nautical Shore.

What could possibly go wrong?

Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to swerve.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?"

*(Hey, we need a Department of Cultural Misappropriation, and another Plum!)

Re: GoVidé Deez-n'ouefs
« Reply #1040 on: July 07, 2021, 03:34:42 AM »
Dear Lord:

450 Fully Vaccinated Norwegians Sick With COVID-19
...In Norway, a total of 450 fully vaccinated people have been diagnosed with coronavirus, the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) has reported...

No word yet on if it is the Lambda, Delta or Sigma-variant with these cases;  norway what secret collegiate fraternities may or may not be involved.

K_Dubb, Attend:  That is, what, half the population of Norway or something?

I do not know about you, but I am highly suspicious one of the neighboring countries might be involved in this biblical plague-like outbreak.  It isn't natural.


Re: Covidiocy
« Reply #1041 on: July 07, 2021, 04:27:15 AM »
I honestly haven't the slightest clue if 5/4 is a histrionical Cajun rhythm, although I would like to hear a Zydeco cover of this Ska cover of an old Jazz song I am led to believe was arranged in 5/4:

I believe it just might work well enough musically for the unenlightened masses to not notice at all.  As for the vegetable subject of your lyrics:  while legumes do well enough in the Louisiana soil:  I do not believe either of the "root vegetables" potato nor carrot fare well agriculturally;  hence they are relatively uncommon in the cuisine.  Beans, rices, onions, garlics, tomatoes, celeries and various peppers (or capsacium) however (to my knowledge) do quite well.

I think it has something to do with either the moisture content or salinity of the soil, perhaps both.

So stylistically I would avoid common themes in the Campaign Plank Song (not the entire campaign, merely one delicious part of it) for this Vegetable Initiative whatever we end up naming it.  In short;  the carrot is perfect as would be the potato as both might be considered somewhat luxurious due to their local agricultural requirements.

I think you should stick with the carrot, although potato translates into French more ambiguously (I think there are two acceptable translations, one popular and the other more strictly in line with the AF standards.)

As much as I dearly love Louisiana, I hesitate to make the state and/or territory the entire theme of our overall Campaign.  I would like to be inclusive to the point of being ubiquitous as far as the multi-votes go.  I dare say unanimous on the multi-vote after our last absolute DOMINATION in the polls is not a goal that should be out of the question nor out of line for the overall MAPA ideals.

The above is probably difficult for the average reader to parse, so I shall sum up my Vision on this particular Arm of the Campaign: 
Use "Take 5" as a melodic inspiration, perhaps even an outright "cultural misappropriation"* would be allowed?

Translate your wonderful lyrics into French
Zydeco Cajun, with a 5/4, 10/8 or 15/16(!!!) beat/rhythm as required.
Set the bar high with triple- & if possible quadrupal-entendres to really maximize a high capture of the available multi-vote

If we can have something ready for release in the third or fourth quarter of FY2023 on this one, that would be just fine.

We probably want to start to work laying the revisionist histrionical cultural misappropriation ground work on this NLT the first quarter of FY2022, Nautical Shore.

What could possibly go wrong?

Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to swerve.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?"

*(Hey, we need a Department of Cultural Misappropriation, and another Plum!)

There is a way to say potato besides dirt-apples?  You astonish me, sir!  I had not considered them a luxury item but your kind explanation makes perfect sense.  Carrots it will be, then.  I had to look up how to say carrot in French; it is "carotte" of course, those English whoresons having sold out the native word which was probably something noblel and honest akin to the Norwegian gulrot (gold root) for a frilly Gallic imposter.

Re: COVID-19 Grab yer gurns bois
« Reply #1042 on: July 07, 2021, 04:30:31 AM »

Oh brother.  And throughout the land there was the sound of smacking as patriots everywhere pummeled their meaty moobs in defiance, manhandled their blunderbusses, fondled their flintlocks and fowling-pieces, choking down an extra cheeseburger to prepare for the coming battle, now to be carried to their very doorsteps by the regime of the great Usurper.

Re: GoVidé Deez-n'ouefs
« Reply #1043 on: July 07, 2021, 04:37:07 AM »
Dear Lord:

450 Fully Vaccinated Norwegians Sick With COVID-19
No word yet on if it is the Lambda, Delta or Sigma-variant with these cases;  norway what secret collegiate fraternities may or may not be involved.

K_Dubb, Attend:  That is, what, half the population of Norway or something?

I do not know about you, but I am highly suspicious one of the neighboring countries might be involved in this biblical plague-like outbreak.  It isn't natural.

Somewhere the Old Enemy is at the bottom of this, I am sure #FUCK THE SWEDES

They are just begging for the Kansas treatment those bastards  >:(

Re: Covidiocy
« Reply #1044 on: July 07, 2021, 04:37:31 AM »
There is a way to say potato besides dirt-apples?  You astonish me, sir!  I had not considered them a luxury item but your kind explanation makes perfect sense.  Carrots it will be, then.  I had to look up how to say carrot in French; it is "carotte" of course, those English whoresons having sold out the native word which was probably something noblel and honest akin to the Norwegian gulrot (gold root) for a frilly Gallic imposter.

I am afraid the alternate translation for the homely dirt-apple is as mundane as the one for "carrot,"  I give you the patate:

It is of coarse:  slang.

Re: COVID-19 Grab yer gurns bois
« Reply #1045 on: July 07, 2021, 05:12:02 AM »
Post the gun you are going to open the door with when Biden comes knocking to inject you with homo juice in Minecraft

Re: COVID-19 Grab yer gurns bois
« Reply #1046 on: July 07, 2021, 08:54:03 AM »
Post the gun you are going to open the door with when Biden comes knocking to inject you with homo juice in Minecraft

Biden Administration Will Be Going Door To Door In An Effort To “Educate” Unvaccinated Americans

K_Dubb says not to worry. Everything is going to be hunky-dory.

Re: No Mr. Jack!
« Reply #1047 on: July 07, 2021, 12:13:48 PM »
Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!

I am NOT here to entertain YOU, Jack!

This doesn't look like any kind of kayfabe to me.

I can always go back further if you like.

Can we post baby pictures?

He's still in damn good shape for an alkie olde phart.

My father, at the age of eighty, put up one hell of a fight when I hauled him out of my car and sat his ass down in his wheelchair before I drove off. He wanted to pull the side mirror off my car as I drove by, I saw it in his eyes—oh Lawdy, was he pissed that day, to have been #OUTPLAYED, he thought for sure he was gonna suicide by cop that night—but he knew as well as I did, at that point, that he was better off hiding his true Aryan strength from the aid workers, as he knew he had lost his last, best chance he had left to trick me into kidnapping him. Good College try, Dad, but that dog didn't hunt. (They let you in? Kudos.)

At that point, by that time, going for his own jugular was his last best hope, he probably thought. If only he could have remembered where I put it for him. Back and to the left, Apu.

He had already pulled off this "attempted self-abduction/'take me home!!!'/abusive coercion" with my mother the month before, and it had been a hell of a racket. "Come back! He can't have that device with him at home! He's supposed to have that proton pack changed out every 36 hours! It'll blow!! BRING BACK THAT DEVICE IT COSTS $38K!!!" (True story, some dude on the phone was fuckin' screaming at me about it... like I gave a shit.) "Bring back the device! Rip it off his feet if you have to—" *click*

I'll be honest: it sounded like a script. Fuck that guy. (Is there room?) And, as well: see above, in regard to shit-giving. No fucks left either at that point. In any case, when it was my turn in the bucket, I pretty much had to break that old man's fingers clean off--*snap*, he was hanging on to Camryleah's passenger's seat belt like it was the last bottle of Tokaji left in the world--and let me tell you, for an an alkie olde phart he put up one hell of a row.

Probably a lot like (PROTECTED) did while she was being strangled to death.


K_Dubb says not to worry. Everything is going to be hunky-dory.


Re: COVID-1984 Scientists have examined the Pfizer 'vaccine', POISON!!!
« Reply #1048 on: July 07, 2021, 12:26:46 PM »
 Scientists have examined the Pfizer 'vaccine', and what they found was HORRIFIC...It's Poison!

« Reply #1049 on: July 07, 2021, 12:29:04 PM »