Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 337199 times)

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1185 on: July 22, 2021, 03:23:24 AM »
I been watching DrBeen and hes starting to change my mind on the vaccines being as bad as some make them out to be. I like his chillaxd' centrist point of view on vaccines and Ivermectin

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1186 on: July 22, 2021, 05:37:14 AM »
Out of curiosity- how many years of your life are you willing to sacrifice. My understanding is that gay culture generally values youth over most other attributes. Locking yourself away for another half decade may not be in your best interests.  ;)

I suppose the other question would be one around what are acceptable numbers? Would you lock yourself up in Australia with their very low case rate? They are back in lockdown with almost no cases. If "0 Covid deaths" became the goal- would you support it?

I suppose it would be nice to have such trust in the judgement of public officials- but they cannot all be right given the huge disparity in responses.

Yes, I think most people self-limited their interactions. And that worked until government started telling us to just trust them to keep them safe. And now there is no personal responsibility.

Haha that is cute, I only have a few years left to find Mr. Right before my beauty fades, like some anxious spinster in a novel!  That's not really how it works with us once you have already gone to seed, now it is more like finding a few bonking buddies or maybe one special naked friend.  It is, on the whole, far less fraught.

Re Australia, I think I said before, there is no "right" way to balance risk vs. personal freedom in something like this.  I think it's appropriate that each jurisdiction assess its own tolerance.  If Australia's population supports their approach, i. e. doesn't vote their eaders out, that's fine.  Our per-capita death rate is something like 28 times theirs, so you can't say it isn't effective.   Politicians' primary motive is being, and staying, popular, as the disparity in responses shows clearly:  people are generally getting the government they ask for, not some universal public-health prescription handed down from on high.  In a democracy, political leadership is more about staying in front of the herd, not bending it to your will.  Since the recall efforts have almost all failed, I'd say our leaders are doing a good job of that.

I don't know why you are lamenting the death of personal responsibility, no one coerced me to do anything, there were plenty of parties I could have attended and no roadblocks to prevent me from traveling to see my folks.  It was mostly just strongly stated advice, which plenty of people flagrantly flouted.  You guys act like it was a police state when it was more like the Surgeon General's warning on the tobacco tin, which I routinely ignore, taking personal responsibility for my choices.

Since you bring up gay culture I'd point out that we have a lot of experience managing a disease far more lethal than the coof.  It takes caution, mutual respect, honesty, and keeping up on your medications (which are truly miraculous) both for your own and for others' protection.  I honestly don't know whether any fifty-year-old fetuses were involved in their manufacture but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised, God bless the poor innocents.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1187 on: July 22, 2021, 06:36:07 AM »
Haha that is cute, I only have a few years left to find Mr. Right before my beauty fades, like some anxious spinster in a novel!  That's not really how it works with us once you have already gone to seed, now it is more like finding a few bonking buddies or maybe one special naked friend.  It is, on the whole, far less fraught.

Come on... I thought it was great.

Re Australia, I think I said before, there is no "right" way to balance risk vs. personal freedom in something like this.  I think it's appropriate that each jurisdiction assess its own tolerance.  If Australia's population supports their approach, i. e. doesn't vote their eaders out, that's fine.  Our per-capita death rate is something like 28 times theirs, so you can't say it isn't effective.   Politicians' primary motive is being, and staying, popular, as the disparity in responses shows clearly:  people are generally getting the government they ask for, not some universal public-health prescription handed down from on high.  In a democracy, political leadership is more about staying in front of the herd, not bending it to your will.  Since the recall efforts have almost all failed, I'd say our leaders are doing a good job of that.

I don't know why you are lamenting the death of personal responsibility, no one coerced me to do anything, there were plenty of parties I could have attended and no roadblocks to prevent me from traveling to see my folks.  It was mostly just strongly stated advice, which plenty of people flagrantly flouted.  You guys act like it was a police state when it was more like the Surgeon General's warning on the tobacco tin, which I routinely ignore, taking personal responsibility for my choices.

One of the problems with the argument is that almost all / all of us live under a corporatocracy where they allow us to vote for our choice of two identical parties. Not really a choice anymore. There are exceptions- but for most of the world, there is an oligopoly who has captured government and public policy.

The death of personal responsibility actually came more at the end of Covid. People were horrified one day that somebody was not in a mask, or screaming about too many people in a gathering, and the next were happy to go to a packed indoor bar because the government told them it was fine. It was amazing to me the trust that they had in the government. One day you would be spreading certain death and they were upset. The next, their leader told them they were safe, and they believed it and booked a plane ticket.

I don't think that I am complaining of personal responsibility in the manner that you believe- but almost the compete opposite.

Since you bring up gay culture I'd point out that we have a lot of experience managing a disease far more lethal than the coof.  It takes caution, mutual respect, honesty, and keeping up on your medications (which are truly miraculous) both for your own and for others' protection.  I honestly don't know whether any fifty-year-old fetuses were involved in their manufacture but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised, God bless the poor innocents.

I'm glad they got it under control. Those first years would have been very tough for any community.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1188 on: July 22, 2021, 06:54:23 AM »
I been watching DrBeen and hes starting to change my mind on the vaccines being as bad as some make them out to be. I like his chillaxd' centrist point of view on vaccines and Ivermectin

I'm positive that they are not as bad as some people make them out to be. Look- Dubb is still alive (probably along with everybody who you know who has taken it.) If there are long term effects- I would think that they would affect a small percentage of people. As for graphine or the major conspiracy theories- you would have to believe that there are hundreds or even thousands of people at all levels of society who want to kill millions. From the scientists, to the people placing the order, to the trucker delivering tankers of graphine to Phizer, it seems like quite a stretch...

It does need to be a personal choice. I would say that people need to look at both sides (and the middle) to decide what they are comfortable with. Most people either begged to be first in line to be injected, or had a knee jerk reaction to never get it. I would say you have probably had more exposure to various arguments than most and can probably weigh the personal risk of not getting it, and the societal risk (being scorned by the Likes of G_Dubb- the G standing for Graphine...)  ;)

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1189 on: July 22, 2021, 09:17:50 AM »
I'm positive that they are not as bad as some people make them out to be. Look- Dubb is still alive (probably along with everybody who you know who has taken it.) If there are long term effects- I would think that they would affect a small percentage of people. As for graphine or the major conspiracy theories- you would have to believe that there are hundreds or even thousands of people at all levels of society who want to kill millions. From the scientists, to the people placing the order, to the trucker delivering tankers of graphine to Phizer, it seems like quite a stretch...

It does need to be a personal choice. I would say that people need to look at both sides (and the middle) to decide what they are comfortable with. Most people either begged to be first in line to be injected, or had a knee jerk reaction to never get it. I would say you have probably had more exposure to various arguments than most and can probably weigh the personal risk of not getting it, and the societal risk (being scorned by the Likes of G_Dubb- the G standing for Graphine...)  ;)

Scientist Sounds Alarm: COVID Vaccines Producing Symptoms of Parkinson’s, Other Neurodegenerative Disorders

Immunologist and former NIH scientist J. Bart Classen analyzed data on COVID vaccine adverse events reported to the UK’s Yellow Card system and found thousands of reports of multiple symptoms that are “clear signals” of neurodegenerative disorders.

As Pfizer gears up to ask for authorization to roll out its experimental injection to 5-11 year-olds, while getting a priority review from FDA for full U.S. licensure, it would behoove us to pay attention to Classen’s urgent warning about short-term and longer-term adverse neurological impacts.

As Classen states, the politicians and public health officials who are heavy-handedly pushing COVID vaccines have “a dismal record of protecting the health of the public.”

As would be expected, Wikipedia, Politifact, etc. have a negative review of his opinions.
The important question is who really has a choice, especially children.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1190 on: July 22, 2021, 01:41:17 PM »
One of the problems with the argument is that almost all / all of us live under a corporatocracy where they allow us to vote for our choice of two identical parties. Not really a choice anymore. There are exceptions- but for most of the world, there is an oligopoly who has captured government and public policy.

Right, the shadowy them that you guys take as an article of faith.  If that were the case, this oligopoly would have been able to enforce a consistent public-health policy across the board.  Instead, here you have a patchwork of approaches, with policies and compliance varying county by county, largely mirroring the local politics.  Last winter, during the worst peak, all you had to do in this state was drive an hour outside the city to find people happily coofing all over each other.  That tells me the people are still (thankfully) in control of their government, local politicians doing what is locally popular, highly attuned to the culture of their constituencies.  Nobody is in control.  It is the local culture, and where the local consensus falls on the collective-vs.-individual-responsibility scale, that determines things.  Exactly as it should be.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1191 on: July 22, 2021, 01:47:29 PM »
...(being scorned by the Likes of G_Dubb- the G standing for Graphine...)  ;)

I don't scorn people, I'd have to disown half my family.  It's a risk I took, mostly without thinking about it, because, in my culture it isn't acceptable to do otherwise (even worse to lie about it to your friends) and nobody will take you to the beach if you are a filthy coofer, but I understand that not everybody can be so cavalier with their personal health.

I do think the reasons you guys come up with to convince yourselves you aren't really afraid, just smart, are pretty funny, though.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1192 on: July 22, 2021, 02:01:10 PM »
Everyone i know has been sick this summer and i find it really odd 🤔

Here the test-positivity rate is running around 3%, i. e. 97% who get tested (a lot of whom think they might have it) are negative.

Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
« Reply #1193 on: July 22, 2021, 02:15:45 PM »

This CornHoleEbola-19.5 stuff is distracting from the MAPA 2024 campaign-at-large, and I would like to FIX that Shit!

Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to swerve.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregunum?"

Dear sir, yes my absence had something to do with carrots and sticks but I blush to elaborate.  I do agree the covid stuff is now boring and I have been loudly proclaiming Covid Is Over but people still do want to wrangle over it because for some reason dog-petting and beer-drinking don't have the same traction.  Fighting about disease seems to be more fun.  I think if the MAPA initiative managed to come up with a disease we could say our opponents all have (perhaps ass-holery, which causes people to talk out of their butts instead of their mouths, and must be cured with a sort of injection but only if you are hot) we would sweep all before us!

Please forgive this tentative foray into strategery, which I am otherwise perfectly content to leave in your capable (and brawny and rough and calloused and muscular oh god) hands.

Yours faithfully, kdubb

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1194 on: July 22, 2021, 02:32:24 PM »
If that were the case, this oligopoly would have been able to enforce a consistent public-health policy across the board.  Instead, here you have a patchwork of approaches, with policies and compliance varying county by county, largely mirroring the local politics.  Last winter, during the worst peak, all you had to do in this state was drive an hour outside the city to find people happily coofing all over each other.  That tells me the people are still (thankfully) in control of their government, local politicians doing what is locally popular, highly attuned to the culture of their constituencies.  Nobody is in control.  It is the local culture, and where the local consensus falls on the collective-vs.-individual-responsibility scale, that determines things exactly as they should be.

I think it's more of a Fabian approach. The mainstream pushes their narrative onto the masses. The people think what THEY tell them to think, and then yes, it becomes a popular belief that local politicians get behind and push.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1195 on: July 22, 2021, 03:55:03 PM »

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1196 on: July 22, 2021, 03:56:23 PM »
I think it's more of a Fabian approach. The mainstream pushes their narrative onto the masses. The people think what THEY tell them to think, and then yes, it becomes a popular belief that local politicians get behind and push.

The Fabians! Gosh babe I love it when you hold me and tell me about all the dark forces you are protecting me from.  I don't believe a word of it but it is super hot  :-*

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1197 on: July 22, 2021, 04:00:16 PM »
The Fabians! Gosh babe I love it when you hold me and tell me about all the dark forces you are protecting me from.  I don't believe a word of it but it is super hot  :-*

Shhhh, I'm here.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1198 on: July 22, 2021, 05:52:25 PM »

Re: Covidiocy - Carrot update!
« Reply #1199 on: July 23, 2021, 02:49:26 AM » ‘The carrot is no longer going to work’: CNN exec says in leaked email that US should rethink ‘carrot vs. stick’ vaccination drive
...The author of the email,., wrote to a colleague: "This is the point re: carrot vs. stick. The carrot is no longer going to work..."

Hey WOTR, I saw some chatter on the IntarTubes about this leaked CNN e-mail that had something to do with carrots.  I thought it might have something to do with that song K_Dubb is writing, but apparently not.  Anyway, this "arabnews24" outfit is apparently Canadian, or as they might write it "Cabadian," I did not see any advertising for nutritional supplements so I am assuming they must be legit and not Fake News.

You ever heard of these guys?

The only other source I could find for this story was, but they clearly have dietary supplement advertising, so obviously not to be trusted.  And they spell USA as "USSA" which sounds vaguely communist or socialist.  So that is two strikes on those guys.

Hopefully one of out autistic 'tard Azzgabbers can dig up a copy of this leaked e-mail so I can see the evidence.  WikiLeaks maybe?

Nautical Shore