Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 337221 times)

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1320 on: August 04, 2021, 05:46:09 AM »
Look, even if you want to plead your conscience over a 50-year-old fetus, that makes you a conscientious objector to the largest public-health effort in our lifetimes.  If you want to go all histrionic and haul out WWII recall that the Quakers and other pacifists often felt obliged to take up home-front service precisely to show that, while their consciences prevented them from fighting, they were still on the team.

I understand, the idea of shutting down society to try to preserve half a million ancient vegetables in nursing homes on the verge of croaking anyway is a tough sell -- frankly it shocked the hell out of me that we even considered it --  but, once your population decides to do it and does not avail itself of any of the democratic means to remove the leaders advocating it from power, there are going to be consequences for acting like an idiot, kicking and screaming, sabotaging the effort, trafficking in bullshit, denying it's a problem from the very beginning.  Don't act all surprised when you get trampled by the herd.

The best you guys can hope for as moral redemption is sitting watching your videoos for the next twenty years like a bunch of vicious ghouls for signs that those of us who got the vaxx are suffering,, cheering when it doesn't work as well as advertised, keeping a deadly ledger of breakthroughs, hoping we get some horrible creeping dementia.  Feh, makes me sick.  Morbid little fucks.

Personally I'm excited about the precedent for denying access to health offenders.  Don't even need to check a card to keep the fatties out of all the good spots, just make everyone take their shirts off on the way in!  I'll man the calipers.  Hallelujah, paradise is at hand!

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1321 on: August 04, 2021, 06:43:56 AM »
Yeah trashy website, voiceover that is obviously not Australian spoon-feeding you a description of what you are seeing.  I have no trouble believing that this sort of thing is going on somewhere in the world like in the slums of Bombay or the favelas of Sao Paulo, though.

Step away from the curtain. Nothing to see in OZ.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1322 on: August 04, 2021, 10:41:39 AM »
Step away from the curtain. Nothing to see in OZ.

Look, dude. They didn't rebel against the military when they took over the streets, and they didn't protest and risk the 11,000 fine. This means that the majority is OK with what is happening, and freedom should be curtailed and asphyxiated (along with the unvaxxed.)

Did you catch that the UN special rapporteur on torture is looking into the police actions at the German protests? Strange when I have to go to RT news for this. You would think that Der Spiegel or the BBC might carry it?*

*I hope the sarcasm came through alright. On an unrelated note, a whopping 20% of Americans now have confidence in  their new papers. I wonder why it is so low according to Gallup?

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1323 on: August 04, 2021, 12:17:04 PM »
Feigl-Ding wants us to ditch masks and upgrade to respirators.

Meanwhile, Alberta Joe here is tangling with the Queen over the very existence of the virus and doing pretty well.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1324 on: August 04, 2021, 04:21:40 PM »
Now, I know. There are people who will say "the majority of the public support it- so it must be what they want." Fine. The majority of the German public wanted Jews to wear their yellow stars so they knew who to spit on and abuse. Public support is not really a valid argument.

That's why America is a republic, not a democracy! A republic champions the rights of the people, while a democracy champions the voice of the many. The many, naive retards. #FFS

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1325 on: August 04, 2021, 04:45:20 PM »
Look, even if you want to plead your conscience over a 50-year-old fetus, that makes you a conscientious objector to the largest public-health effort in our lifetimes.  If you want to go all histrionic and haul out WWII recall that the Quakers and other pacifists often felt obliged to take up home-front service precisely to show that, while their consciences prevented them from fighting, they were still on the team.

I understand, the idea of shutting down society to try to preserve half a million ancient vegetables in nursing homes on the verge of croaking anyway is a tough sell -- frankly it shocked the hell out of me that we even considered it --  but, once your population decides to do it and does not avail itself of any of the democratic means to remove the leaders advocating it from power, there are going to be consequences for acting like an idiot, kicking and screaming, sabotaging the effort, trafficking in bullshit, denying it's a problem from the very beginning.  Don't act all surprised when you get trampled by the herd.

The best you guys can hope for as moral redemption is sitting watching your videoos for the next twenty years like a bunch of vicious ghouls for signs that those of us who got the vaxx are suffering,, cheering when it doesn't work as well as advertised, keeping a deadly ledger of breakthroughs, hoping we get some horrible creeping dementia.  Feh, makes me sick.  Morbid little fucks.

Personally I'm excited about the precedent for denying access to health offenders.  Don't even need to check a card to keep the fatties out of all the good spots, just make everyone take their shirts off on the way in!  I'll man the calipers.  Hallelujah, paradise is at hand!

This sounds like the perfect blueprint of thought for handing over your rights in exchange for comfort.

#Or Is It Virtue Signalling?

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1326 on: August 04, 2021, 04:48:56 PM »
Let me explain something to you. I don't give a shit if I can go to the movies or not. I have already decided that they can fire me when (not if) they decide to make it a condition of employment. I can live without the gym, and I sure as fuck can go a few decades foregoing the theater.

The problem is not what they are doing now. It is that people are too blind to see where it is going. If your are dumb enough to believe it ends with a vaccine, you are deluded and willfully blind.

I will also apologize for my actions and putting everybody in such grave danger. I'm sure the "punk" thing to do would be to acquiesce to the demands of society for safety. At least that was what the popular opinion was back in the day. "Conformity or die" was our rallying cry.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1327 on: August 04, 2021, 05:03:50 PM »
Let me explain something to you. I don't give a shit if I can go to the movies or not. I have already decided that they can fire me when (not if) they decide to make it a condition of employment. I can live without the gym, and I sure as fuck can go a few decades foregoing the theater.

The problem is not what they are doing now. It is that people are too blind to see where it is going. If your are dumb enough to believe it ends with a vaccine, you are deluded and willfully blind.

I will also apologize for my actions and putting everybody in such grave danger. I'm sure the "punk" thing to do would be to acquiesce to the demands of society for safety. At least that was what the popular opinion was back in the day. "Conformity or die" was our rallying cry.

Hahah I know exactly where it is going; this is going to end in a lecture about fiat currency snooooore and societal collapse if I am not careful.  That's why you guys have to hoover trolly protest and riot vids from farflung places to feed your fantasies, packaged with ominous obviously fake voiceovers -- did you see them vaccinate someone? tackles with needles? no you most definitely did not -- to make you shiver with glee as you fondle your collectible silver.  You are not a punk; you are a crank.  Doomers gonna doom.

Lifting all covid restrictions in Alberta passed without any acknowledgement from you at all, it didn't fit with the whole apocalyptic scenario.  But, you breezed on past it and found a new bone to gnaw.  I knew, when I finally got to live three blissful weeks of blessed summer, that I'd come back here and find you guys still grousing away, worrying the covid nonsense like a basset hound with a pig's ear.  Grouse, grouse, grouse, gnaw, gnaw, gnaw.

Yes, they are coming for you, and it is your own damn fault.  I hang out with a bunch of supposed "conservative" guys steeped in principle, I'd expect them to argue stuff like "this is America (or hell, Canada, too, any liberal democracy) we don't have to show papers until we get to a border", free travel about the country, government doesn't get to foist creepy soft-power enforcement on private businesses in a sneaky way and expect them to do the dirty work, emergency powers need to be revisited regularly and renewed by accountable politicians going on record with votes instead of sniping from the sidelines like a bunch of cowards waiting for the governor to stick his neck out too far, that kind of thing.  Hell, you want to protest for free, paperless ingress and egress I will take my shirt off and whale away on my squeezebox (ouch, nippies) and torch my vaxx card like Sukie -- I'm not going anywhere I have to show it, either.  That is principle, and it doesn't exist any more on the right.

Instead I see you guys lap up obvious fear porn and medical horseshit quackery, every linkie comes chock-full of the usual garbage supplement and silver-exchange ads, and at the bottom of it all is some chucklehead arguing in bad faith or downright trying to fool me.  Thank God for parler and all those quarantine sites that contain the asshattery and keep regular folks from seeing what drooling idiots you really are, if this keeps up people are going to doubt your capacity for operating motor vehicles and I can't say I'd put up too much of a fuss if they yanked your license and made you take your wheelie everywhere, especially if you took your shirt off.

Re: CHE-19.5, Veterans Admin. edition
« Reply #1328 on: August 04, 2021, 05:19:02 PM »

Thank you for your service to your country. Thank you for fighting for our freedom and our right to deny you your freedom. What you did was not nearly as courageous as those Americans who have rolled up their sleeves. I regret that the majority has not removed their leaders from power and as such have declared your position to be worthy of consequences for acting like an idiot, kicking and screaming, and sabotaging the (public health) effort.

Again, Pate. Thanks for keeping our country free for us to deny you any rights that the majority deems you unworthy of having as a filthy disease ridden, untermench.*

*Thank goodness there are "real hero's" who have rolled up their sleeves as opposed to those who went to war. Only those real heros are worthy of full participation in the society they elected to protect by their selfishness, praiseworthy, courageous act... Not all heros wear capes (or are issued dog tags.)

Yeah that is what bugs you most of all, the idea that those of us at pretty much zero risk from covid itself might actually be a little sacrificial for staying home taking care of our folks and a little brave for risking the shot, not the cowering neutered soychuggers you think we are.  Not as brave as Col. Manly certainly -- the comparison is invidious, and one I did not make, you did -- but a little brave, nonetheless.  So they let us in bars a few months early as a pat on the back and that just sticks in your craw and throw tantrums like a spoiled toddler.

Which is exactly what these kinds of policies that discriminate are supposed to do.  When they said you have to keep your mask on if you're unvaccinated everybody got to see the obvious scofflaws smirking in the breeze, making asses of themselves, squawking like a bunch of turkeys about how unfair it is, to people who have sacrificed and have risked the shot you guys are great at making yourselves pretty unlikable, any public support for you on principle -- the kind you need desperately --  evaporated like a groundfog in the hot morning sun, and the majority's appetite for outright persecution went through the roof.  Canada, heading for 80% vaxxed, that's 80% of the people who played ball and now want their ice cream, yes you are going to get stomped.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1329 on: August 04, 2021, 05:22:24 PM »

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1330 on: August 04, 2021, 05:22:59 PM »
Step away from the curtain. Nothing to see in OZ.

Unless there are hot shirtless trumpet guys they can round them all up for all I care.  Feh, keep your mask on, cow.

Re: COVID-19 Immune Boosting Support
« Reply #1331 on: August 04, 2021, 05:32:51 PM »
I think we have discovered the cause for young men to not have nearly as poor of a health outcome if they contract it as an octogenarian. But you forgot about poor Dubb in your post. With the vaccine breakthroughs, he may require a hand (pun intended.)

Jesus help me 🥵

Re: CHE-19.5, Veterans Admin. edition
« Reply #1332 on: August 04, 2021, 05:33:26 PM »
Yeah that is what bugs you most of all, the idea that those of us at pretty much zero risk from covid itself might actually be a little sacrificial for staying home taking care of our folks and a little brave for risking the shot, not the cowering neutered soychuggers you think we are.

You can't have it both ways, K. ::)

#You killed my mommy
#You bastard
#The Power of Christ Compels you!

Re: COVID-19 Immune Boosting Support
« Reply #1333 on: August 04, 2021, 05:33:52 PM »
Jesus help me 🥵

You like 'em brown?

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1334 on: August 04, 2021, 05:38:04 PM »
I have to believe he is not an idiot. Probably trolling because "somebody on this board" has to represent the establishment and cause some friction so it does not degrade into each of us discussing our breakfast, coffee and love for one another...

BTW. No need for Ivermectin if you just have a good wank every so often... "With a deadly virus circulating the past year and a half, many people have been wondering how they can boost their immunity. Masturbating is sometimes touted as a way to give the immune system a kickstart..."

From the most reliable source of news.

I stand behind you in any effort you wish to make to set up an azzgab video masturbatorium.  All for fighting covid, of course.  Or, if that makes you uncomfortable, I'll stand in front 👅