Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 337188 times)

Re: GoVidé Deez-n'ouefs, Party Quatrième
« Reply #1455 on: August 09, 2021, 05:21:20 AM »

He/She/Them?There/eet/eek(!?!) appears as if a pair of lederhosen might complement the foam-costume*.  I think for "ReVisionist Histrionical Porpoises" we must claim the Alsace-Lorraine as the homonuclei of thus now Pidgin form of the final notional Langues des Patois.

Anyhow, as a sort of inspiration for this wonderful song:  I urge you to listen to one of the following Basque/Occitan(sp) folk songs.  There are many versions of this archetypical song, non(e) that I am aware of that use an accordion en lieu à pipe.  I have attempted to order them accordion their antiquity;  Hear, Musaks:

The quality of the above are questionable at best, which strikes me as quite quixotic.  That is precisely why I feel that this Minor Chordate of a KamPain Song that we are tentatively giving the appalachian "La Carrote Whiz Pierre", (I am leery of hyphenization) might benefit from a similarly Minor Cultural Appropriation (or is that ApPropitiation?) from various sources that may be construed to include any notional patian ideals (idealogues?)...

Now is the thyme for "spit-balling" the AyeDears:  We still have a few fiscal quarters before the Q1:2022 political cycle.  Wurst-casing scenario:  If we have not yet come up with a viable final product by that thyme;  we can always summarily execute something that can limp across the Finnish Line by dipping into the vast Political Campaign War Chest.  Maybe hire some musical experts to put the final "Spit and Polish" on whatever we have come up with by then?

Again, I hope that we can do this "in-house," as my experience with home-grown grass-roots organizations is that they have the best flavor when organic methods are utilized.

We must hold our noses and carry this CornHoleEbola-19.5 fixation the MultiVote is currently disillusioned with at arm's length:  butter nyet;  tied together with a carrot, at the end of a suitable bindle stick with an appropriate length and girth.

Apogees for the semi- to mid-level encoding in the above missive.  I trust you received the decoder-ring via private e-mail?

Nautical Shore.

*Whatever the final form of this song becomes, the accordion accompaniment should not be so difficult as to preclude the wearing of a foam Carrot Costume in addition to playing the accordion accordingly.

Thank you, these are lovely!  Oh certainly, the accordion in the first example was rudimentary; I am sure I can manage without difficulty, however encumbered.  Though I note both in that example, and in refrain of the Chanson des pipeaux, that the meter is not the pentameter I originally proposed (it works, but is not idiomatic) but trimeter -- this carries into the rap ("le rap", "la rappe", qui sait? perhaps bunny knows, it sounds like it might be a Battle Rap) as far as I can tell, and forcing the French language into what is more or less a native English meter may not be culturally authentic, rather like those French words of which the English are so fond but sound so wan and diffuse when plucked from their linguistic foliage to wither like a bud in a Brummagem pot.  To that end I suggest the following modifications, which add a bit of nonsense that I trust will not be unwelcome:

Dans mon oreille de beurre
je t'en prie, chuchotte
Enfin, de la longueur
Depuis de ta carotte.

I have a little experience with trimeter which may come in handy, you might recall

His name is Mr. Winkie,
Has been since I was two.
Was smaller than my pinky
But then, one day, he grew

Which shares certain thematic material  :-[ with La carotte Whiz Pierre (unhyphenated, also trimeter, as your unfailing ear so delicately proposed) and I shall take this as my model.

I regret (quelle horreur!) I have misplaced my copy of the Platform, retaining only a vague impression of dogs and beer and hanging out shirtless (here there is already a way to work in large breasts) and I think "Women are people, too; not robots" which should make a nice segue, this will be a very long song  :o  But it fell victim to bellgab's demise, I am afraid, and for the first time I am given cause to lament its passing.

Re: GoVidé Deez-n'ouefs, Party Cinquième
« Reply #1456 on: August 09, 2021, 06:40:37 AM »
...  To that end I suggest the following modifications, which add a bit of nonsense that I trust will not be unwelcome:

Dans mon oreille de beurre
je t'en prie, chuchotte
Enfin, de la longueur
Depuis de ta carotte...

Eye lick (or like) the incorporation of The Butter into thus receipt, perhaps it is for the best or "meilleure" which is coincident rhythmically, if not rhymically[sic].  Not to destroy the construction, but the final length before the "Carrote (whiz Pierre?)" is somewhat tautologically KanhFausticating;  I trust an accordion aria or somesuch will cover this?  Or lyrically it will be conjuer'd in later stanzas?  Butter makes it better, much like Burt and moustaches, "La Carrote Whiz Pierre" will only benefit from thus...  This "final length before" does harken to a habit of repose;  or perhaps Sloth (there are the Seven Sins to address as well, but perhaps not in this Minor Chordate of a Campain Chanson?):  Perhaps focus on the repose (or riposte) hear rather than Sin?

I have a little experience with trimeter which may come in handy, you might recall

His name is Mr. Winkie,
Has been since I was two.
Was smaller than my pinky
But then, one day, he grew...

If you can get CMDR;BRIG:FRG to sign off on that (perhaps work as a consultant?):  I would allow it for KamPain purposes.  Otherwise, I will have to send this to Legal for a determination on "Fair Use."  The Artistitic NOD is well deserved.

Which shares certain thematic material  . . . [ with La carotte Whiz Pierre (unhyphenated, also trimeter, as your unfailing ear so delicately proposed) and I shall take this as my model...

The lyrics may be in any meter at all: tri-meter, iambic penta-, duodeca- (sans pied), but the rhythm and melody;  Eye Thunk should be a stictly 5:4 arrangement.  Given enough thyme, and lyrics to support it, such a composition will approach an audiophonic experience similar to this (Hear, Musaks):

As you know, an accordian is both percussion and melody instrument much like its distrans cousine the PieAnna...

...I regret (quelle horreur!) I have misplaced my copy of the Platform, retaining only a vague impression of dogs and beer and hanging out shirtless (here there is already a way to work in large breasts) and I think "Women are people, too; not robots" which should make a nice segue, this will be a very long song  . . .  But it fell victim to bellgab's demise, I am afraid, and for the first time I am given cause to lament its passing.

On these notional "Big Boobs":  I think you notionally approached the subject of the areolae being barely constrained within the diameter of a champagne flute (pipe?), I do not care much for size vs. sizzel as a ratio for boob to areolae.  More;   I think the areolae should be significantly less than the common pizza pepperoni (we really must decide what to do with these various "EyeTalians":  Shadow or "Naught";  they are all most probably Papiists...  I digress).

Lettuce say, underneath his foam-costume "Le Carrote Whiz Pierre" should at least have an areolae less in diameter than a Silver Walking Liberty Quarter but still greater than the Silver Walking Liberty Dime.  Granted, these DimeShuns are not exact, but as a base benchmark:  Civilised[sic] Society should at least agree on the "NO PEPPERONI ARELOLAE" (ewww):


Obvious saying two mucks is obvious.

Apogees, ever:

Re: GoVidé Deez-n'ouefs, Party Cinquième
« Reply #1457 on: August 09, 2021, 07:55:09 PM »
Eye lick (or like) the incorporation of The Butter into thus receipt, perhaps it is for the best or "meilleure" which is coincident rhythmically, if not rhymically[sic].  Not to destroy the construction, but the final length before the "Carrote (whiz Pierre?)" is somewhat tautologically KanhFausticating;  I trust an accordion aria or somesuch will cover this?  Or lyrically it will be conjuer'd in later stanzas?  Butter makes it better, much like Burt and moustaches, "La Carrote Whiz Pierre" will only benefit from thus...  This "final length before" does harken to a habit of repose;  or perhaps Sloth (there are the Seven Sins to address as well, but perhaps not in this Minor Chordate of a Campain Chanson?):  Perhaps focus on the repose (or riposte) hear rather than Sin?

If you can get CMDR;BRIG:FRG to sign off on that (perhaps work as a consultant?):  I would allow it for KamPain purposes.  Otherwise, I will have to send this to Legal for a determination on "Fair Use."  The Artistitic NOD is well deserved.

The lyrics may be in any meter at all: tri-meter, iambic penta-, duodeca- (sans pied), but the rhythm and melody;  Eye Thunk should be a stictly 5:4 arrangement.  Given enough thyme, and lyrics to support it, such a composition will approach an audiophonic experience similar to this (Hear, Musaks):

As you know, an accordian is both percussion and melody instrument much like its distrans cousine the PieAnna...

On these notional "Big Boobs":  I think you notionally approached the subject of the areolae being barely constrained within the diameter of a champagne flute (pipe?), I do not care much for size vs. sizzel as a ratio for boob to areolae.  More;   I think the areolae should be significantly less than the common pizza pepperoni (we really must decide what to do with these various "EyeTalians":  Shadow or "Naught";  they are all most probably Papiists...  I digress).

Lettuce say, underneath his foam-costume "Le Carrote Whiz Pierre" should at least have an areolae less in diameter than a Silver Walking Liberty Quarter but still greater than the Silver Walking Liberty Dime.  Granted, these DimeShuns are not exact, but as a base benchmark:  Civilised[sic] Society should at least agree on the "NO PEPPERONI ARELOLAE" (ewww):


Obvious saying two mucks is obvious.

Apogees, ever:

I do remember hearing something about how Cajun music was often in 5:4, though where it picked up this unusual time signature is a mystery to me, maybe they counted on their fingers?

Also I kind of like the pepperoni nipples :-[ I am so ashamed.

Re: CHE-19.5, Veterans Admin. edition
« Reply #1458 on: August 09, 2021, 08:21:09 PM »
Now it is Erin (Aaron?) O'Tool. He makes Harper look like "Mr. Personality"... And he makes Stockwell Day look like an amazing public intellectual.

It is an interesting take. Each having gambled with the wheel still spinning. I honestly would guess that the smart money is on the vaxxed square. But what do I know? Until that ball stops bouncing it could land anywhere.

As you said- it would not be nearly as much fun if it were a real plague. I had also enjoyed Bellgab (and then Azzgab) for the commentary throughout. I think it helped keep things in perspective and offered some humour.

I think it's as accurate an interpretation as you will find, but I wouldn't dream of calling it yet.  It's like arguing over red or black, and sociologists will have fun with this for years assessing which method produced the best results.  As an issue it fits neatly into the classic divide between individual liberty and social responsibility; each community finds its own balance.  But because it isn't a real plague, it's fun to fight and posture over things that aren't really at issue.

The main issue isn't principle (no matter how much all sides love to argue it) but whether the lives of mostly a bunch of fat old people are worth the societal disruption necessary to protect them.  It's an uncomfortable subject so you guys would rather talk about Big Brother and horse paste and spontaneous abortions and Georgia Guidestones and fetuses flying everywhere -- you should really leave the poor dear alone, she is getting awfully threadbare after fifty years of being waved around like that.

You could easily imagine a plague where mandatory vaccination and passes would be demanded by virtually everybody -- airborne AIDS or ebola or something equally lethal -- but the issue is whether this plague, and this vaxx, rise to that level.  For a lot of people, they do, and for a lot of people they don't.  This guarantees each measure gets fought over endlessly and it is all very silly.

Here is a good example:

Anti-Vaxxers Got Fooled by Fake ‘Snitch on Your Unvaccinated Friends’ Site

...the website was designed and built by David Bramante, a realtor and a Republican candidate running for governor in California’s recall election, who says the website was simply a piece of “political satire” designed to highlight what he views as unconstitutional vaccine mandates.

The website, which claimed to be run by two experts hoping to establish a database of anti-vaxxers for the government, launched last week. It quickly gained traction in the anti-vaxxer community, where it was taken at face value: many likened it to the Nazis asking people to inform on their family and friends.

“This is real,” one Twitter user said about AURS. “This is so #OldSovietBlock that it is difficult to believe it exists. Land of the Free? Apparently not.” Another said “this is quite literally the slide into a dystopian hell.”

On Facebook, where links to the AURS website were shared more than 800 times according to data from Facebook’s analytics tool Crowdtangle, one commenter said: “See what's happening to our Country it's becoming a Communist Country. Is this what we are becoming, where we turn on each other?”

Wonder where he got that idea:  there are actually sites where you can report guys who are HIV+ who don't tell you, and that probably seems perfectly reasonable to you, all that stuff about yellow stars goes out the window at that point.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1459 on: August 10, 2021, 12:23:33 AM »
Sebastian Gorka DrG@SebGorka
More COVID facts the CDC & Biden Administration doesn't want you to hear.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1460 on: August 10, 2021, 12:46:11 AM »

« Reply #1461 on: August 10, 2021, 02:21:37 AM »
Mandatory vaccinations are here!  You know you want one  ;)

As my colleague Rich Smith reported earlier today: Washington has issued a vaccine mandate for government employees and private health care workers in the state. They must be fully vaccinated by October 18 or "else they must hit the fuckin' road, i.e. face 'non-disciplinary dismissal,'" says Rich. Read his full report from this afternoon's press conference here.

In that vein: The Pentagon will require all members of the U.S. military to get the vaccine starting on September 15, reports AP. In a move supported by President Biden, that deadline could be moved up if the Pfizer vaccine receives final approval from the FDA or if COVID infection rates continue to skyrocket.

Hopefully that includes rest home workers, allowing unvaxxed help is practically malpractice.  You guys will be Pfizer Pfrens whether you want to or not  ;D  I hear trumpkins squeal like hogs when you chase 'em, can't wait for the videos!

Git dem piggies ha

Mandatory vaccinations are here!  You know you want one  ;)

I love you so much, K_Dubb, but I am not going to sacrifice my body, or Soul, to the "Plandemonic" human svaxcrifice.

I respect your 1st Amendment Right to you opinion. :)

I love you so much, K_Dubb, but I am not going to sacrifice my body, or Soul, to the "Plandemonic" human svaxcrifice.

I respect your 1st Amendment Right to you opinion. :)

He doesn’t love all.

I love you so much, K_Dubb, but I am not going to sacrifice my body, or Soul, to the "Plandemonic" human svaxcrifice.

I respect your 1st Amendment Right to you opinion. :)

Of course, dear; I always put up a feeble struggle, too.  It drives them absolutely WILD

He doesn’t love all.

Someone needs a Trump Cookie!

« Reply #1466 on: August 10, 2021, 07:12:51 PM »
K_Dubb,  I am not going to sacrifice my body to the "Plandemonic" human svaxcrifice.

Apparently Kdubb is collecting royalties ...

Re: GoVidé Deez-n'ouefs, Party Cinquième et demi
« Reply #1467 on: August 10, 2021, 08:25:25 PM »
I do remember hearing something about how Cajun music was often in 5:4, though where it picked up this unusual time signature is a mystery to me, maybe they counted on their fingers?

Also I kind of like the pepperoni nipples . . . I am so ashamed.

Do not be ashamed that you find pepperoni delicious, as a pizza topping there are some "high white horse" types WHO find it to be fit only for the swinish masses as a flavor banality.  I do not fall within that camp myself, I often use it on my pizzas, sandwiches and salads.  But not always, usually it is the 1-1.5" thin sliced round, although if I can find a larger 5-6" round/wheel it is sometimes fun to dice into cubes...  The choice of meat used for the saussage:  most are pork based and mildly spiced, other spicier ones are beef based (with pork?)

The pork/mild spice ones are good for general purpose work, but I like the beef-based ones diced to accent certain recipes.  Good on salads, tomato-based tomate diable meat sauces or as chunky protein boosters for a bruschetta;  these spicy beef pepperonis.  Certainly more apt for use in recipes I construct than the way too greasy chorizo that is in vogue these days.

I digress!

I really wanted to comment on the 5:4 Cajun music thing.  I believe I put that bug in your bonnet a few (hundred?) pages back, but I did not qualify it as a definitive statement of fact.  I had decided for unknown reasons at that thyme (which now become apparent somewhat to me) that that meter might be easily incorporated into a faux Cajun song.

On that note, I have begun to jot down several AyeDears on this notional musical arrangement/accompaniment for your epic poem "La Carrote Whiz Pierre":

Looking at the 5:4 meter I have deduced that it will repeat every 5 bars, which may or may not be helpful in construction of the poetical part of the project.  I think this should be what the Accordion melody should follow, the Accordion can stand in for the bass/percusso sections if limiting the size of the musical group performing the finished piece must needs be*.

Of course, a Cajun song typically not just a dude/dudette playing the Accordion:  I think the Fiddle is frequently used in ensembles of that nature.  I happen to have two of those laying around the house that I have not yet found enough "Round Tuits" to pick up and achieve a simian level of mastery with as of yet.  So in preparation for the eventuality that I am forced to "Fiddle while America burns" (hopefully from the comfort of my Officially Diplomatically Recognized State The People's Free Democratic Republic of pate) I think it would be pleasant to practice a simple repetitive melody that is slightly haunting, hypnotic and heartening.

The meter for the Fiddle, I have decided, should be 3:4, which repeats every 3 bars;  and in conjunction with the 5:4 Accordion will line up rhythmically every 15 bars.

At this point, my faithful (shirtless) running mate K_Dubb you Shirley see where this all is leading.  But for the Low IQ portion of the Multi-vote following along at home I will attempt to explain the point in simple language:

The 5:4 + 3:4 melodic scheme will give us a rather lengthy musical arch to hang the lyrical banner of your "La Carrote Whiz Pierre" from.  It will also allow you plenty of rhythmic lee-way (Nautical Shore) so that the poetic prose may tack or close-haul accordionlly.  Assuming that each iamb of your rhyme takes one quarter note en chanter, and working with the 15-bar (not millibar) repetition cycle you will have 60 lineal feet of iambs with which to work.  In rope-work it would be no small feat of knotical delicacy to weave sword-mats, hammocks or Complex Celtic Knots with sixty (terrestrial or nautical) feet of line!

Once again, Eye perhaps have said two mucks!

Hear, Another Amusing .gif:

It seems to apply thematically to this "La Carrot Whiz Pierre" project.  Please accept it in lieu any actual progress on this song from my party.

Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to swerve!

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?" & "WHO farted in the elevator?"

*By my count, at present**, there are at minimum three "Voices" for this notional "La Carrote Whiz Pierre":  Actual Voice (lyrics), Accordion and Fiddle.  The lyrical "voice" may be shared between the Accordion and Fiddle:  although it is difficult to sing while fiddling;  still, it may provide musical interludes where the Fiddle "voice" is silent so that the player may sing.  In short, this piece would require at minimum a two-player ensemble, ideally (or nominally) a three-player ensemble, and maximally (with the addition of hand-held musical superfluites such as Triangle, Maraca &tc) for any number of backup singers and/or dancers.

** "present" to include Time (as meter), or the Gift (petite cadeux, lagniappe &c):  Thyme as an idiomatic phrase (or Pharisee) of the lange Patois would be best left out entirely or expressed by omission at most.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1468 on: August 11, 2021, 06:59:22 AM »

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1469 on: August 11, 2021, 07:57:05 AM »