Author Topic: EllGab  (Read 67255 times)

Re: EllGab
« Reply #180 on: May 01, 2022, 09:46:12 PM »
take me back.

Hello, can you hear me? Good. Yes, of course I can't here ewe, so that is to be expected. How to you like Your Owned Private Ides Of Marching Forth To Victor's House Of Shriekin' Peakin' Freaks? Yeah, I knew you would. (ditto) Anyway, I got your *polite_cough* "unnamed food delivery "company" conglomerate holding company dispatch service order" ready to go. Now, by Law, I am -required- to give you an opportunity to specific your -particular- delivery requirements.

Now, while you're doing that, I'm going to take your food and dump it into your mailbox. *sploosh* There. Oh, that's perfy mess, maximal allied heiress strike and half a task tick tock. Hot damn. You don't need a set of chopsticks, do you? Heh. Well, too bad, they're coming by with a pallet to airdrop 10,000 of them on the hour, on the daily, until the end of Time. I know, sounds like a messy rite?

Pfft. This is nothing. Just wait until they find out that I found The Glitch in Their_Matrix. It's in there -someplace,- just dive on in. :)

p.s.: Yeah, that's not a baton. That's a chopstick. *unzip* There might be a baton in there though, and if you help me find it, well, we won't really need to chop'n' throw any more sticks. Have you ever heard of Nerf? Maybe you should buy some stock.

THE_ARCHITECT'S QA LEAD (Flex Idol), DOD, Holder of Sacred Chalice of *glances down at hand* oh... whatever.

Re: EllGab
« Reply #181 on: May 01, 2022, 09:47:32 PM »
Just wait until they find out that I found The Glitch in Their_Matrix

Casper: Boo.

Re: EllGab
« Reply #182 on: May 21, 2022, 12:41:05 AM »
Casper: Boo.

the group of shadowy overlords who clearly has you under duress and bondage under orders not to talk

Curious, do you think does anything that these people actually don't know what to do, in their situation, or do you think they're just circling the wagons and just make a new move at all cuz I actually can't tell I've never been in a situation like this where but your grown men are acting like bitch ass cowards I have some quite understand and I'd like to, and then I'd like to help anybody who's upset about anything at all and it appears that somebody is imagined that I'm responsible for some sort of upsetness and then make amends explain how it happened point out the air of your ways and if I actually wanted to hurt you I would just disappear and let you do it yourself, that doesn't seem fair.

To everyone else as well as to them. Hey, I don't mind telling you I'm happy to claim no one every day that those people are fucking terrified of something and apparently they think I'm not a resource of use. That is fucking shit hot filthy. it's like they got like another another some other Star quarterback over there who thinks he's hot shit and he just want competition for me cuz he's that fucking insecure or there's something they're doing they don't want me to fiddle with well believe me this isn't the way to keep that from happening, this is the way to accelerate that from happening.

Now, having done my due diligence, I can drift away into the trees and fade away, and watch you from a girl in position and watch scurry around like ants on an ant hill, I don't have a sniper rifle but I don't even need one... Here I'm not a combatant, I'm an observer and a neutral one at that, and when there's fucking a need for a medic and healing you'll be surprised how happy you are to see me around.

Also I'm real curious how many people in there are secretly still running around telling everybody that Jack star is a gay basher when they fucking do the whole time that I wasn't they were just lying on purpose cuz they were pissed at some other issue I'd love to know those people are going to fucking come to the other ways cuz that is a karmic debt that's going to be hard to fucking unload cuz I'm I put a stopper on them fucking get away with that whoever the fuck was running around telling anybody that I've ever done that it's going to pay a price to Jesus christ, I have never done that to anybody I don't bash anybody I don't need to pass fist so to promulgate deliberately that convenience without noticing that the damage is doing to society it doesn't come down on me it comes down on others both the damage as well as the responsibility, so just so you know I'm not putting on a brave face and you know struggling to hold back tears cuz I'm so sad and lonely, you'd be surprised how many people have been talking to me last four days, I am getting actually overwhelmed.

feds and cops, but that's fine I already know that and I'm insulated and I'm expecting to be under moderate surveillance because it's been that way since fucking christmas, what's the difference does that make, on this website is subject to that I don't know if you know about how Rico and sexual assault claims and all that shit works but yeah you are all microscoped, not my fucking idea I didn't call the cops whatt the fuck. I actually did not do anything wrong... It's clear that opinion is very mixed on this issue.

Like the guy handing me the electronic device that's supposed to take my fingerprints and he's encouraging me to touch it and use it and I'm like whatever and then there's this add-on that allows a non-bonded soul to be absorbed in the Matrix I got a block for that and then there's all these statements these looking to bring up and stuff the past and then he's asking me about people in pretend to be Freemasons and I'm like holy shit this whole fucking thing is a fucking obstacle course designed to get me on tape to fucking get anything so that they can you drill it up later like how fucking pathetic are these fucking people I guess they're that pathetic.

Christmas sure is paying off handsomely this year. And I've got a part-time job, I go to the French restaurant and order four Cokes and one fried chicken and then throw the bones at the waitresses. Good gig, it's no Sourceror gig but it's pretty good.

And I'm actually not envious, I'm actually proud because my friend is over there making trivia which is what I would have done and when I saw that happening I was sad cuz I thought somebody was doing it to mock me and tease me but I don't think they were. Not one bit.

I think it was a cry for help. Jefferson site, choppers over location, team repelling down.

It's not that this is how to coordinated it's just that there's one person. One fucking guy. I don't know who it is, but pretending there is an issue on going it's me that doesn't focus on the fact that I'm the victim, kind of makes us so that everybody in conspiracy silence is lighting themselves up like a Christmas tree, you recognize that?

You don't have to, once again all this goes to the cloud and some fucking computer checks it out later. I can't believe they actually signed up for 4 months of this they must have not realized what Kaiser Soze is like when he's locked in a box of Scrabble chips with no Vanna White.

No spare me my Friskies I'm going to hunger strike. Fee-fi-fo-fum I'm waiting for the new leads and Bones to come in, asking about this guy that I met who actually had the balls to say that hearing the word fagot was so terrible that he you know he could be friends like well that was a test that he think he was testing me well he probably should have told me the test where there's a rumor going around that you're behavior is that true instead he get that to himself and then he did that and the reason why is cuz he wasn't interested in getting any kind of consensus going he was fucking recording the goddamn conversation for future use it later, and I don't understand why people don't understand as a divinely ordained being who has special privileges with communications when I tell people there's fucking consequences relying to me it means there's fucking consequences, so when somebody is recording me and I fucking get a message from fucking Jesus Christ saying are you aware of this and I feel it and I allow it to fly the reason why I love to fly is cuz I want those people to fucking look stupid, and they fucking did and do.

Any questions? Cuz I don't write anybody out, people use things without permission or authorization and then invariably anybody who falls for it or goes along with it or fucking thinks it's good in the first place is very sad later. Look look some of you were thinking that I'm taking my shit and releasing and acting like it didn't, and who do you think might be doing that or has done that a lot in the past, and did you think that I do that too, well it seems like some people do, well you don't want to stop doing that cuz you're inaccurate.

Thought I'd let you know because I care. Jackstar cares. Care about somebody's opinion that I should talk less or talk differently or drop certain subjects I don't care about that but I do care about a person who has an erroneous opinion who's going to be very surprised that this is going to work.

We're not at resistance to futile stage yet because I'm really getting quite a lot of exercise and I feel pretty good about myself I don't get to flex very often, now that I've achieved some primary mission objectives and milestone goals... To maintain protective services over the ones that I truly care about.

How do you think the food is in there? Baked beans and pulled pork every night isn't it? Well that might be okay, maybe it'll give him some good length of bone. Maybe not.

Re: EllGab
« Reply #183 on: May 28, 2022, 05:14:44 AM »
It's true: this place is getting better all the time.

Thought I'd let you know because I care. Jackstar cares.

* Jackstar cares a lot.

Re: EllGab
« Reply #184 on: June 05, 2022, 08:14:33 AM »
Haven’t I signed up enough “over there.” ;)

Does this look familiar?

Before you can login and start using the forum, your request will be reviewed and approved.  When this happens, you will receive another email from this address.

The EllGab - Spite Board Team.

If there was never another email, they might have it set to automatic approval.

Re: EllGab
« Reply #185 on: June 13, 2022, 10:44:03 AM »
If there was never another email, they might have it set to automatic approval.

They're busy where I parked.

Ha! Good luck.

Busy where I'm gonna park.

EllGab, I'll be honest. You complete me. However, I'm not able to cross that Rubicon, for the time being. It's gonna take a lot of work by thuggie little piggies—Missy, et. al.—and there's simply no riding, rushing, or even trusting these goddam oinkers. No one can blame them, they're all running pretty scared, and it's a joy they fucking show up to work at all.

KNOW: I'm basically ready to roll at any time. Any hold-up is not due to any gridlock of mine. And I have no guns/ghost_guns—I have some idea why this is a matter of some concern, but here at Dug Two Graves Farm, we just have actual Spirits.

I have lots of reasons to get on relocation efforts. A Plan is well in place; what I don't have are any Oompa Loompas/Dupe-A-Dee/DEW-proof TARGETS. It's a little disconcerting, honestly, but I'm told that this happens to Sourcerors all the time! I should feel lucky that the people I'm looking for even remember me! And, I DO.

I'll be in touch eventually. Not sure what your hold-up is: I heard Lily is a thief/scammer/Cylon. Not going to lie; that would be hawt. (We're full.)

Ellgabber of all time a-bloo-bloo-bloo-boo-hoo-boohoo-booboo
« Reply #186 on: December 21, 2022, 09:03:50 PM »
Feel free to share your thoughts and tip your hat to everybody's buddy.

These are the text messages I shared with ShayP. He was a good friend, and of course none of you knew that we knew each other. Because, we didn't.

An attached image
May 28, 1:52 PMMessage from you, Attachment: Image, Saturday, May 28 2022, 1:52 PM.

An attached image
May 28, 1:53 PMMessage from you, Attachment: Image, Saturday, May 28 2022, 1:53 PM.

An attached image
‪(412) 339-8076‬
May 28, 2:03 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Ahhhh...Jackstar I presume. It will be a pleasure to converse, however I am preparing dinner now. Perhaps later tonight or tomorrow? I hope you are well., Saturday, May 28 2022, 2:03 PM.

Ahhhh...Jackstar I presume.  It will be a pleasure to converse, however  I am preparing dinner now.  Perhaps later tonight or tomorrow?
I hope you are well.
Message from you, Bingo, Saturday, May 28 2022, 2:04 PM.
May 28, 2:05 PMMessage from you, Anytime, Saturday, May 28 2022, 2:05 PM.

‪(412) 339-8076‬
May 28, 2:07 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, I'm on the east coast so tonight 10:00 my time if that works for you., Saturday, May 28 2022, 2:07 PM.

I'm on the east coast so tonight 10:00 my time if that works for you.
May 28, 2:07 PMMessage from you, Worth trying, I'll look forward to you irregardless, Saturday, May 28 2022, 2:07 PM.

Worth trying, I'll look forward to you irregardless
‪(412) 339-8076‬
May 28, 2:08 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Likewise., Saturday, May 28 2022, 2:08 PM.

May 28, 2:08 PMMessage from you, Attachment: Image, Saturday, May 28 2022, 2:08 PM.

An attached image
‪(412) 339-8076‬
May 28, 2:09 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, I have those moobs., Saturday, May 28 2022, 2:09 PM.

I have those moobs.
May 28, 4:20 PMMessage from you, Let's talk tomorrow, I'll be asleep in 45m., Saturday, May 28 2022, 4:20 PM.

Let's talk tomorrow, I'll be asleep in 45m.
May 29, 5:51 PMMessage from you, Happy Sunday, “Shawn“, Sunday, May 29 2022, 5:51 PM.

Happy Sunday, “Shawn“
‪(412) 339-8076‬
May 29, 5:54 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Hey thanks. BTW it's Sean., Sunday, May 29 2022, 5:54 PM.

Hey thanks. BTW it's Sean.
‪(412) 339-8076‬
May 29, 6:00 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, If you're up for chatting I'm available. You instructed me to call the other number. I will when you are ready., Sunday, May 29 2022, 6:00 PM.

If you're up for chatting I'm available. You instructed me to call the other number. I will when you are ready.
May 29, 10:00 PMMessage from you, Cool. I'm going back to sleep. I have ridiculous dreams. Like this one, Sean; necessary dreaming is how I got this far., Sunday, May 29 2022, 10:00 PM.

Cool. I'm going back to sleep. I have ridiculous dreams. Like this one, Sean; necessary dreaming is how I got this far.
May 30, 11:57 AMMessage from you, Hi. How are you? They keep me pretty busy around here., Monday, May 30 2022, 11:57 AM.

Hi. How are you? They keep me pretty busy around here.
May 30, 12:01 PMMessage from you, Let's figure this out together, Monday, May 30 2022, 12:01 PM.

Let's figure this out together
‪(412) 339-8076‬
May 30, 12:13 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Hey man. I don't even know what's real anymore. I'm available until 4:30, so if you are free give me a call., Monday, May 30 2022, 12:13 PM.

Hey man. I don't even know what's real anymore.
I'm available until 4:30, so if you are  free give me a call.
‪(412) 339-8076‬
May 30, 12:26 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, So, you are being kept busy? Seems like we are fastened to the same yoke., Monday, May 30 2022, 12:26 PM.

So, you are being kept busy? Seems like we are fastened to the same yoke.
May 30, 12:26 PMMessage from you, I'm on this stream with BellGab little people, Monday, May 30 2022, 12:26 PM.

I'm on this stream with BellGab little people
‪(412) 339-8076‬
May 30, 12:28 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Ahhh... I'm doing laundry then later I cook for 20 people. Then, as always, I contemplate suicide., Monday, May 30 2022, 12:28 PM.

I'm doing laundry then later I cook for 20 people.
Then, as always, I contemplate suicide.
May 30, 12:54 PMMessage from you, , Monday, May 30 2022, 12:54 PM.

Message from you, Sean,, Tuesday, May 31 2022, 11:54 AM.
May 31, 11:55 AMMessage from you, How's today for talking? If you can surmount the relentless ennui., Tuesday, May 31 2022, 11:55 AM.

How's today for talking? If you can surmount the relentless ennui.
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Sure. My life is a mountain of boredom and despair, sprinkled with the glitter of rage. I climb it every day., Tuesday, May 31 2022, 12:15 PM.
Sure. My life is a mountain of boredom and despair, sprinkled with the glitter of rage. I climb it every day.
‪(412) 339-8076‬
May 31, 12:16 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Tonight?, Tuesday, May 31 2022, 12:16 PM.

May 31, 12:16 PMMessage from you, Well, before sunset. Magick Hour., Tuesday, May 31 2022, 12:16 PM.

Well, before sunset. Magick Hour.
May 31, 12:18 PMMessage from you, That's in 7 and 1/2 hours. Just about anytime before then also. I look forward to this ✌️, Tuesday, May 31 2022, 12:18 PM.

That's in 7 and 1/2 hours. Just about anytime before then also. I look forward to this ✌️
‪(412) 339-8076‬
May 31, 12:18 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Ah, okay. I have an appointment in an hour. If you wanna talk now...., Tuesday, May 31 2022, 12:18 PM.

Ah, okay. I have an appointment in an hour. If you wanna talk now....
May 31, 12:19 PMMessage from you, Driving! 🏁, Tuesday, May 31 2022, 12:19 PM.

Driving! 🏁
Jun 3, 1:31 AMMessage from you, I like what you're doing on Ellgab. I feel you in The Zone., Friday, June 3 2022, 1:31 AM.

I like what you're doing on Ellgab. I feel you in The Zone.
Jun 3, 1:20 PMMessage from you, I'm getting overwhelmed by my own adoring public. It is pretty remarkable. I don't know who you are, but you're not standing here so it's probably hard to talk. Yes in fact I am remarkably normal. Being poisoned I chose to amplify the effects of the people would be more impressed when I ... stopped. And I can't promise I'll never mentally dominate you, but I do know that I like you, there's got to be at least two or three shapes. I would prefer that you sound like a woman and are a woman disguised as a demon from hell, but at the moment I don't really have any ability to make my preferences known. I really have never ever shot meth. Well I guess it just hasn't been necessary. And yeah that is why she went to Dallas. Maybe she should have been careful to not fucking lie about it because I guess she had a bad time. That's so unfortunate. By all means those two fuck heads can stay together forever ;) And they won't be able to handle that they're both retarded, lol. Jamie ‘Lock Miller INSISTS ON BEING ABLE TO DO WHATEVER. I can't blame her. And yes I would like to come to back to Ellgab someday. Be happy to begin to continue the beginning of the discussion about Lodge 49 that I started, that's why I left. The hate from the gay moff, but I fixed that. Yeah push office. Well he was doing his thing and he thought I was okay and it kind of was okay except well it is a violation of federal law so how can he fucking gets to do that? Dangerous, am I? Then they shouldn't have given me Abillify. ;) quot erat demonstratum., Friday, June 3 2022, 1:20 PM.

I'm getting overwhelmed by my own adoring public. It is pretty remarkable. I don't know who you are, but you're not standing here so it's probably hard to talk.

Yes in fact I am remarkably normal. Being poisoned I chose to amplify the effects of the people would be more impressed when I ... stopped.

And I can't promise I'll never mentally dominate you, but I do know that I like you, there's got to be at least two or three shapes. I would prefer that you sound like a woman and are a woman disguised as a demon from hell, but at the moment I don't really have any ability to make my preferences known.

I really have never ever shot meth. Well I guess it just hasn't been necessary.

And yeah that is why she went to Dallas. Maybe she should have been careful to not fucking lie about it because I guess she had a bad time. That's so unfortunate.

By all means those two fuck heads can stay together forever ;)

And they won't be able to handle that they're both retarded, lol.

Jamie ‘Lock Miller INSISTS ON BEING ABLE TO DO WHATEVER. I can't blame her.

And yes I would like to come to back to Ellgab someday. Be happy to begin to continue the beginning of the discussion about Lodge 49 that I started, that's why I left.

The hate from the gay moff, but I fixed that.

Yeah push office. Well he was doing his thing and he thought I was okay and it kind of was okay except well it is a violation of federal law so how can he fucking gets to do that? Dangerous, am I? Then they shouldn't have given me Abillify. ;) quot erat demonstratum.
Jun 3, 1:21 PMMessage from you, I love you brother I can't do that that way and besides I can't think about anybody but hurts that's kind of awkward I'll come around I'm not clean anymore, but I don't need to be, and I could be. I concur. As always, if any of this does not ring true, don't just contemplate the suicide—write it down on a friend., Friday, June 3 2022, 1:21 PM.

I love you brother I can't do that that way and besides I can't think about anybody but hurts that's kind of awkward I'll come around I'm not clean anymore, but I don't need to be, and I could be.

I concur. As always, if any of this does not ring true, don't just contemplate the suicide—write it down on a friend.
Jun 3, 1:23 PMMessage from you, And you know that his son asked me to do that? Tree does want somebody to blame but no I got that from Jason. And I wouldn't have had to. Except... Gloria. At my house and he doesn't have his that's why he's crying. Also small man syndrome. Also, he probably should have realized that I'm awesome. What did you tell my wife? lol About this thanks brother, Friday, June 3 2022, 1:23 PM.

And you know that his son asked me to do that? Tree does want somebody to blame but no I got that from Jason. And I wouldn't have had to. Except... Gloria.

At my house and he doesn't have his that's why he's crying. Also small man syndrome.

Also, he probably should have realized that I'm awesome. What did you tell my wife? lol

About this thanks brother
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Quite a bit to digest. I will have to give it all second read. You have a way of words. I appreciate that. I've been pulled in all directions to the point it feels it's on a subatomic level and I may become an energy being. It is a must that we chat sooner than later. Texting is so yesterday.. and tomorrow. are awesome and misunderstood by many. Keep that brain in check man! You and your dendrites releasing neurotransmitters enabling to become more erudite than the general population. Show off. Cheers man! 😉😁, Friday, June 3 2022, 7:29 PM.
Quite a bit to digest. I will have to give it all  second read. You have a way of words. I appreciate that.
I've been pulled in all directions to the point it feels it's on a subatomic level and I may become an energy being.
It is a must that we chat sooner than later. Texting is so yesterday.. and tomorrow. are awesome and misunderstood by many. Keep that brain in check man! You and your dendrites releasing neurotransmitters enabling to become more erudite than the general population.
Show off.
Cheers man! 😉😁
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jun 3, 7:30 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, a...not all...autocorrect can fuck itself., Friday, June 3 2022, 7:30 PM.

a...not all...autocorrect can fuck itself.
Message from you, How are you S 5 5 Jamie's Brennan grinning that's better new quarter vocoder oh God work order oh that's, haven't come back to Bell yet what do you think? I prefer I'll get all of them cuz that one I haven't been there the longest and I'm fucking sick of all these fucking cunts sorry excuse my language but I actually know cunt is a good word so is cuntwitch. Hi. happy Sunday. Call anytime, Sunday, June 5 2022, 12:53 PM.
How are you S
Jamie's Brennan grinning that's better new quarter vocoder oh God work order oh that's, haven't come back to Bell yet what do you think? I prefer I'll get all of them cuz that one I haven't been there the longest and I'm fucking sick of all these fucking cunts sorry excuse my language but I actually know cunt is a good word so is cuntwitch. Hi. happy Sunday. Call anytime
Jun 5, 12:53 PMMessage from you, Chad Ashley is better, Sunday, June 5 2022, 12:53 PM.

Chad Ashley is better
Jun 5, 12:54 PMMessage from you, I heard there's some problems with some baby batter. I'm not here to change a blessed thing. Not even here to sanitize. Some people have some weird hang-ups. I could tell you stories., Sunday, June 5 2022, 12:54 PM.

I heard there's some problems with some baby batter. I'm not here to change a blessed thing. Not even here to sanitize.

Some people have some weird hang-ups. I could tell you stories.
Jun 5, 12:56 PMMessage from you, You have been pulled apart into community, yes. that's your rising light body it's got a thing going on. Thingy says it's not a thingy oh God you got one of them. I have an Elmer but I don't use it right now. Uses chatting what do you use to chat?, Sunday, June 5 2022, 12:56 PM.

You have been pulled apart into community, yes. that's your rising light body it's got a thing going on. Thingy says it's not a thingy oh God you got one of them. I have an Elmer but I don't use it right now. Uses chatting what do you use to chat?
Jun 5, 12:59 PMMessage from you, There's a difference between SMS, I'll write you are my friend I love oh my God who the hell are you! That is not Lucy Steel. Don't recognize that if you find a chat program, I don't know change any it's just there's two people on the thing anymore I don't know I don't know how this stuff works really well. Everything from the phone just came through my dog's ass, and let me tell you, I don't know what the fuck bitch I'm talking to right now this is amazing hi! Whoever that is, is shy they should email me, the next 55 minutes which is dumb but that's the way it works. Hi I'm Jackstar. I don't do this all the time. It's too bad grapefruit's children didn't come and clean the place for her but that's probably because of all the sex toys laying around. Well no not really I'm just teasing. I like Instagram but not really telegram is pretty powerful I will use anything you like, ShayP! Yeah I was going to get on Bella or I'll go but not yet. My head hurts already I see what you mean about that I didn't realize that's cool yeah that's awesome I did I've never done that okay bye bye wow, Sunday, June 5 2022, 12:59 PM.

There's a difference between SMS, I'll write you are my friend I love oh my God who the hell are you! That is not Lucy Steel. Don't recognize that if you find a chat program, I don't know change any it's just there's two people on the thing anymore I don't know I don't know how this stuff works really well. Everything from the phone just came through my dog's ass, and let me tell you, I don't know what the fuck bitch I'm talking to right now this is amazing hi!

Whoever that is, is shy they should email me, the next 55 minutes which is dumb but that's the way it works. Hi I'm Jackstar. I don't do this all the time. It's too bad grapefruit's children didn't come and clean the place for her but that's probably because of all the sex toys laying around. Well no not really I'm just teasing. I like Instagram but not really telegram is pretty powerful I will use anything you like, ShayP!

Yeah I was going to get on Bella or I'll go but not yet. My head hurts already I see what you mean about that I didn't realize that's cool yeah that's awesome I did I've never done that okay bye bye wow
Jun 5, 10:00 PMMessage from you, Aloha Flag Admiral. I guess I'm not doing anything. My post has helped us all., Sunday, June 5 2022, 10:00 PM.

Aloha Flag Admiral. I guess I'm not doing anything. My post has helped us all.
Jun 7, 7:53 PMMessage from you, So, in one week, I wrote enough Intel to spook their herd, and I figured out in the last day another connection to another accomplice, and then wrote it all down tonight and told them I was not going to listen to their lies anymore, should be one of the best teachers, public humiliation. Believe I'm fine by the way, I know you wonder, and I don't mind. Mastery demands of demonstration thank you, talk with James when we can again, Tuesday, June 7 2022, 7:53 PM.

So, in one week, I wrote enough Intel to spook their herd, and I figured out in the last day another connection to another accomplice, and then wrote it all down tonight and told them I was not going to listen to their lies anymore, should be one of the best teachers, public humiliation.

Believe I'm fine by the way, I know you wonder, and I don't mind. Mastery demands of demonstration
thank you, talk with James when we can again
Jun 8, 8:01 PMMessage from you, Did you feel that?, Wednesday, June 8 2022, 8:01 PM.

Did you feel that?
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jun 9, 12:01 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, I apologize for the late reply. Oh, I could feel it. They give you static and you send back signal. Albeit in a code that not many understand. You take care. Now I'm off on a journey. 'Til next time..., Thursday, June 9 2022, 12:01 PM.

I apologize for the late reply. Oh, I could feel it.
They give you static and you send back signal.
Albeit in a code that not many understand.
You take care. Now I'm off on a journey. 'Til next time...
Jun 9, 12:27 PMMessage from you, Brother, I can hardly wait. Head down, horns up, Feds lining up to throw themselves in the oven. It's like a Holocaust parade in reverse. Meanwhile people seem surprised that I'm fully indifferent to my q-wife’s shenanigans; for one thing, I call her a quasi-wife, a girlfriend, and a fucking whore COMPLETELY INTERCHANGEABLY and all the damn lawyers lose their damn minds, right out of the gate. “don't you mean... common law?” no, I don't, fuck you Suit; Tribal Authority, go fish—they can't fucking fish, they got to drain the pond, and that shit's on a schedule. Meanwhile I've been waiting 3 years just to get the part where I can sit in my ass and wait just to watch him scurry cuz I'm not much of a fucker that I'm willing to fucking look at the goddamn lawyers with their fucking million dollar shit and fucking give the finger and tell them to come back tomorrow... And they can't even get to me because they don't want my money they want the trust money and they can't get to the trust money cuz it's nothing to do with her! And since I'm willing to sit my ass and not spend a dime, there's no money in, there's no money out, so nobody can justify sitting around waiting for me... Even if there wasn't enough money to fucking get out of me which there isn't even if I owed any money which I don't they're only using that as a pretext cuz they're trying to leverage their camels nose under the merchant's tent... And it's not a fucking merchants tent is just another different camel stable. I got these Fed so fucking crawled up their own asses that they're looking for their own goddamn tonsils and gonads at the fucking crown of the Statue of Liberty. Initial headhunters and sharks who thought they were kind of come in and get a sweet snack and become a meshed in a sea of dolphin safe tuna with nets with little laser beams on them that Target and destroy any shark that comes near it. They don't want to have to spend time on that. Well too bad the Constitution says they have to. Meanwhile I got a house I don't need to move out from, she's got a family who's starting to learn how fucking awesome her goddamn husband is, and her God damn husband is in possession of clergical authority that makes all her other relationships pale by comparison. I'm the fucking Rosetta Stone that her family has always dreamed of having... And the half of the family that dreamed of having me for lunch, they're due for dinner any day now. Their mommies are going to come home and yell at them to put, Thursday, June 9 2022, 12:27 PM.

Brother, I can hardly wait. Head down, horns up, Feds lining up to throw themselves in the oven. It's like a Holocaust parade in reverse. Meanwhile people seem surprised that I'm fully indifferent to my q-wife’s shenanigans; for one thing, I call her a quasi-wife, a girlfriend, and a fucking whore COMPLETELY INTERCHANGEABLY and all the damn lawyers lose their damn minds, right out of the gate. “don't you mean... common law?” no, I don't, fuck you Suit; Tribal Authority, go fish—they can't fucking fish, they got to drain the pond, and that shit's on a schedule. Meanwhile I've been waiting 3 years just to get the part where I can sit in my ass and wait just to watch him scurry cuz I'm not much of a fucker that I'm willing to fucking look at the goddamn lawyers with their fucking million dollar shit and fucking give the finger and tell them to come back tomorrow... And they can't even get to me because they don't want my money they want the trust money and they can't get to the trust money cuz it's nothing to do with her! And since I'm willing to sit my ass and not spend a dime, there's no money in, there's no money out, so nobody can justify sitting around waiting for me... Even if there wasn't enough money to fucking get out of me which there isn't even if I owed any money which I don't they're only using that as a pretext cuz they're trying to leverage their camels nose under the merchant's tent... And it's not a fucking merchants tent is just another different camel stable. I got these Fed so fucking crawled up their own asses that they're looking for their own goddamn tonsils and gonads at the fucking crown of the Statue of Liberty. Initial headhunters and sharks who thought they were kind of come in and get a sweet snack and become a meshed in a sea of dolphin safe tuna with nets with little laser beams on them that Target and destroy any shark that comes near it. They don't want to have to spend time on that. Well too bad the Constitution says they have to. Meanwhile I got a house I don't need to move out from, she's got a family who's starting to learn how fucking awesome her goddamn husband is, and her God damn husband is in possession of clergical authority that makes all her other relationships pale by comparison. I'm the fucking Rosetta Stone that her family has always dreamed of having... And the half of the family that dreamed of having me for lunch, they're due for dinner any day now. Their mommies are going to come home and yell at them to put
Jun 11, 12:51 AMMessage from you, It's out of my hands. Like a dozen more. I won't flood you. Hitler's big lie is that she doesn't admire what I do. AlI will be well and all manners of things will end well. And your boss is a little bit h named Adria Scharf. I bet you. Don't worry about her. I built this whole flute for her band camp., Attachment: Image, Saturday, June 11 2022, 12:51 AM.
An attached image

It's out of my hands. Like a dozen more. I won't flood you.
Hitler's big lie is that she doesn't admire what I do.

AlI will be well and all manners of things will end well. And your boss is a little bit h named Adria Scharf. I bet you. Don't worry about her. I built this whole flute for her band camp.
Jun 16, 11:26 PMMessage from you, @KUCZI, Thursday, June 16 2022, 11:26 PM.

Jun 19, 10:58 AMMessage from you, Shawn, it's Jackstar, wanted to let you know that I do appreciate our connection and obviously things have slowed down somewhere, so I figured I'd try to register on Ellgab & see what happens. I don't know what's at stake and I don't know why people can't lighten up but... I'm not willfully obtuse. I like to challenge authority. My first interaction with a cop pulled over a bunch of kids and grab me out and tried to heal me and he accused me of stealing something and I told him I didn't and then he told me he saw me and I told him he was lying and he got a big red face and he got real mad; and I laughed at him. I guess he was trying to intimidate me and show me who's boss. I still laugh when I think of it. Hands up! don't shoot! It's so weird that we talked once and then you vanished. Well not really weird cuz I've met Feds before. You're pretty cute, Sunday, June 19 2022, 10:58 AM.

Shawn, it's Jackstar, wanted to let you know that I do appreciate our connection and obviously things have slowed down somewhere, so I figured I'd try to register on Ellgab & see what happens.

I don't know what's at stake and I don't know why people can't lighten up but... I'm not willfully obtuse. I like to challenge authority. My first interaction with a cop pulled over a bunch of kids and grab me out and tried to heal me and he accused me of stealing something and I told him I didn't and then he told me he saw me and I told him he was lying and he got a big red face and he got real mad; and I laughed at him.

I guess he was trying to intimidate me and show me who's boss. I still laugh when I think of it. Hands up! don't shoot! It's so weird that we talked once and then you vanished. Well not really weird cuz I've met Feds before. You're pretty cute
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jun 19, 11:26 AM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Hey man. I appreciate our connection. Should've happened years ago. There is quite a lot going on, on my end. I force myself to post on EllGab and I'm lacking interest. Personal issues are draining me. Not looking for sympathy by any means. Not my style. I hope things are moving in the right direction with you. Challenge authority? Pot meet kettle. I've questioned nearly everything my whole life. I never trusted what I was being taught or told. I became a cynic at the age of four. Criticized for it over the years which only cemented it more. I need a fucking taco. The lust is strong. Actually, many tacos. 8 seems like a nice number. Until next well., Sunday, June 19 2022, 11:26 AM.

Hey man. I appreciate our connection. Should've happened years ago. There is quite a lot going on, on my end. I force myself to post on EllGab and I'm lacking interest. Personal issues are draining me. Not looking for sympathy by any means. Not my style. I hope things are moving in the right direction with you.
Challenge authority? Pot meet kettle. I've questioned nearly everything my whole life. I never trusted what I was being taught or told. I became a cynic at the age of four. Criticized for it over the years which only cemented it more. I need a fucking taco. The lust is strong. Actually, many tacos. 8 seems like a nice number.
Until next well.
Jun 19, 1:04 PMMessage from you, The woman on Bellgab that I went to high school with is flummoxed because I just found out she was still alive 3 months ago. And said she was been stalking me for 20 years without mentioning it, now I'm intrigued why she would be feeding so fascinated with me, even though I guess she's my assigned zookeeper. So I thought I'd go to another site and talk about her. =D but there's obviously some condition cuz everybody's treating me like a leper, more than usual. I think they think I'm a hardened criminal. I'm a nice guy, strong defense system, and would anybody think would happen? 9 months no contact emergency of course I'm going to make everyone look stupid 24/7 ;), Sunday, June 19 2022, 1:04 PM.

The woman on Bellgab that I went to high school with is flummoxed because I just found out she was still alive 3 months ago. And said she was been stalking me for 20 years without mentioning it, now I'm intrigued why she would be feeding so fascinated with me, even though I guess she's my assigned zookeeper.
So I thought I'd go to another site and talk about her. =D but there's obviously some condition cuz everybody's treating me like a leper, more than usual. I think they think I'm a hardened criminal. I'm a nice guy, strong defense system, and would anybody think would happen? 9 months no contact emergency of course I'm going to make everyone look stupid 24/7 ;)
Jun 20, 12:00 PMMessage from you, Sean I'm real busy today too, I forgot how you like to spell your name! I turned off Facebook I'm going to turn it back on not at all I'm making new account I don't know I have enough to do with my phone, did you hear that we got First Contact going? That is what I heard, of course I'm not mouthpiece for anything I'm Divine I'm not federal or Federal or "FEDERAL MARSHAL MOTHERFUCKER THROW OUT THE GAS AND WE’LL SPARE YOUR LIVES“ *click*, Monday, June 20 2022, 12:00 PM.

Sean I'm real busy today too, I forgot how you like to spell your name! I turned off Facebook I'm going to turn it back on not at all I'm making new account I don't know I have enough to do with my phone, did you hear that we got First Contact going? That is what I heard, of course I'm not mouthpiece for anything I'm Divine I'm not federal or Federal or "FEDERAL MARSHAL MOTHERFUCKER THROW OUT THE GAS AND WE’LL SPARE YOUR LIVES“ *click*
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jun 20, 8:59 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Hey man. Midnight here and it's time for sleep. We will talk soon., Monday, June 20 2022, 8:59 PM.

Hey man. Midnight here and it's time for sleep.
We will talk soon.
Message from you, Oh yeah! I was supposed to text you!, Monday, June 20 2022, 9:00 PM.
Oh yeah! I was supposed to text you!
Message from you, I thought you'd call. Call now if you like, Monday, June 20 2022, 9:00 PM.
I thought you'd call. Call now if you like
Jun 20, 9:00 PMMessage from you, Or tomorrow good too ;) Your pleasure, Monday, June 20 2022, 9:00 PM.

Or tomorrow good too ;)

Your pleasure
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jun 20, 9:01 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, I'll call in a few minutes, Monday, June 20 2022, 9:01 PM.

I'll call in a few minutes
Jun 20, 9:01 PMMessage from you, Great!, Monday, June 20 2022, 9:01 PM.

Jun 21, 7:18 PMMessage from you, Sean, I wrote something important. I took your words to heart and I meant them when I send them back to you, and beneath that though you're right: I have been *apparently* wasting time. There is no plan but God's plan. Having said that: I will allow that we both want to do a polite Navy cheer *yas,yAy,raraR.A.H.* but, we can do that later, please read this and then call me later. GBY. The future—01 T’future of Humanity has been written as ROT, rottten, & Wrought By Stone and Forged By LIrONy **bars of Maj. Felony FraUd. (Have you thought of becoming a preacher? Now that you've learned how to motivate mE, you could probably go out and teach how to tap dance Christian scientific mysticism to a herd of cows; be that bull or boy.), Tuesday, June 21 2022, 7:18 PM.

Sean, I wrote something important.

I took your words to heart and I meant them when I send them back to you, and beneath that though you're right: I have been *apparently* wasting time.

There is no plan but God's plan.

Having said that: I will allow that we both want to do a polite Navy cheer *yas,yAy,raraR.A.H.* but, we can do that later, please read this and then call me later.

GBY. The future—01 T’future of Humanity has been written as ROT, rottten, & Wrought By Stone and Forged By LIrONy **bars of Maj. Felony FraUd.

(Have you thought of becoming a preacher? Now that you've learned how to motivate mE, you could probably go out and teach how to tap dance Christian scientific mysticism to a herd of cows; be that bull or boy.)
Jun 22, 1:28 PMMessage from you, Jackstar: Something has gone down. Are you still Sean? I mean I'm assuming so, I see no sign that you're not still in shape... But I've read about this kind of thing, things could get: squirrely., Wednesday, June 22 2022, 1:28 PM.

Jackstar: Something has gone down. Are you still Sean? I mean I'm assuming so, I see no sign that you're not still in shape... But I've read about this kind of thing, things could get: squirrely.
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jun 22, 2:13 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, I'm still Sean and my body is made of mashed potatoes. Struggling with things but I am strong., Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:13 PM.

I'm still Sean and my body is made of mashed potatoes. Struggling with things but I am strong.
Message from you, Excellent, Leonard. What was the name of that_woman who burned your books? Because it's looking real strong that I'm going to testify for you, I would never hide Sanctuary on that., Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:20 PM.
Excellent, Leonard. What was the name of that_woman who burned your books? Because it's looking real strong that I'm going to testify for you, I would never hide Sanctuary on that.
Jun 22, 2:21 PMMessage from you, Real sTrong Sean. God’s TankarmouR., Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:21 PM.

Real sTrong Sean. God’s TankarmouR.
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jun 22, 2:28 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, I shall not speak my ex-wife's name. The hatred is strong 'til this day. Think less of me if you will, but I hope she rots. Leonard made me chuckle. I'm about to make dinner. Can you get here in 20 minutes?, Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:28 PM.

I shall not speak my ex-wife's name. The hatred is strong 'til this day. Think less of me if you will, but I hope she rots.

Leonard made me chuckle.

I'm about to make dinner. Can you get here in 20  minutes?
Message from you, Well, I respect not hearing the name for sure because for one thing that person doesn't exist anymore because they're about to get so fucking lit up, lol, Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:29 PM.
Well, I respect not hearing the name for sure because for one thing that person doesn't exist anymore because they're about to get so fucking lit up, lol
Message from you, It is tomorrow or Allison then it's not really them; and brother I'm in Washington south of Olympia, so me and my own private dick are going to have to stay here and wait for somebody else ;), Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:29 PM.
It is tomorrow or Allison then it's not really them; and brother I'm in Washington south of Olympia, so me and my own private dick are going to have to stay here and wait for somebody else ;)
Message from you, No joke: KUCZI can't teleport yet. One day! Obviously I had some things to clean up before going to school ;), Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:30 PM.
No joke: KUCZI can't teleport yet. One day! Obviously I had some things to clean up before going to school ;)
Jun 22, 2:30 PMMessage from you, And I'm single., Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:30 PM.

And I'm single.
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jun 22, 2:30 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Astral project or some man! Then again I don't you could eat, Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:30 PM.

Astral project or some man! Then again I don't you could eat
Jun 22, 2:30 PMMessage from you, Yeah I should position does it work that way but I appreciate your desire :), Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:30 PM.

Yeah I should position does it work that way but I appreciate your desire :)
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jun 22, 2:31 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, LOL, Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:31 PM.

Jun 22, 2:31 PMMessage from you, Also my phones are you know totally calmed. They're COMPed before "big time" but there's been a separation, Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:31 PM.

Also my phones are you know totally calmed. They're COMPed before "big time"  but there's been a separation
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jun 22, 2:32 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Take care. Gotta go. I'm in demand!, Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:32 PM.

Take care. Gotta go. I'm in demand!
Jun 22, 2:36 PMMessage from you, Go with this spare Armor of God, I happen to have it lying around. It is a full set and it is complete and it is for you later I mean hugging Shawn I mean yeah you get a hug bro... No I ain't supplying any Sanctuary to any of these people. My hand to God. J*eol, Wednesday, June 22 2022, 2:36 PM.

Go with this spare Armor of God, I happen to have it lying around. It is a full set and it is complete and it is for you later I mean hugging Shawn I mean yeah you get a hug bro... No I ain't supplying any Sanctuary to any of these people. My hand to God. J*eol
Jun 24, 8:53 PMMessage from you, so, I'm confused how I should market or surrender myself next. , Friday, June 24 2022, 8:53 PM.

so, I'm confused how I should market or surrender myself next.

Jul 3, 5:20 AMMessage from you, Saw you with a hot hot HAWT woman! Tx, I think, Sunday, July 3 2022, 5:20 AM.

Saw you with a hot hot HAWT woman! Tx, I think
Jul 3, 9:15 AMMessage from you, Hyacinth | Babs | Indiana | Bergamot | All is WON w/The (One) MyPenis full on rdy sTe go, Attachment: Image, Sunday, July 3 2022, 9:15 AM.
An attached image

Hyacinth | Babs | Indiana | Bergamot | All is WON w/The (One) MyPenis full on rdy sTe go
Jul 3, 9:20 AMMessage from you, Transformers:AutoboTAxxYPrime All is WON w/The ((1)) One MyPenis@CRfrfrrmfDFeDMMiKeY full on rdy sTe go, Sunday, July 3 2022, 9:20 AM.

Transformers:AutoboTAxxYPrime All is WON w/The ((1)) One MyPenis@CRfrfrrmfDFeDMMiKeY full on rdy sTe go
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jul 3, 9:35 AM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, So things worked out in your favor? If so...good. urpenis is locked and LOADED. As Hyacinth would say...mind the pedestrian., Sunday, July 3 2022, 9:35 AM.

So things worked out in your favor? If so...good. urpenis is locked and LOADED.
As Hyacinth would  say...mind the pedestrian.
Jul 3, 9:36 AMMessage from you, Thank you kindly. Can I take a shower before going to sleep? or should I just lie my filth like a vampire, Sunday, July 3 2022, 9:36 AM.

Thank you kindly. Can I take a shower before going to sleep? or should I just lie my filth like a vampire
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jul 3, 9:37 AM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Do the vampire thing., Sunday, July 3 2022, 9:37 AM.

Do the vampire thing.
Message from you, Hang upside down and turn into a bat! I'm on this, Sunday, July 3 2022, 9:38 AM.
Hang upside down and turn into a bat! I'm on this
Jul 3, 9:39 AMMessage from you, I hope you're well otherwise, Sunday, July 3 2022, 9:39 AM.

I hope you're well otherwise
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jul 3, 9:56 AM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Thank you. I'm dealing. I don't have a suitable roost to hang from, but I do have a cozy burrow to retreat to. Into the darkness. Out of the light. Stay well man., Sunday, July 3 2022, 9:56 AM.

Thank you. I'm dealing. I don't have a suitable roost to hang from, but I do have a cozy burrow to retreat to. Into the darkness. Out of the light.
Stay well man.
Jul 3, 9:59 AMMessage from you, ... are you a worm? That was a little expected, I assume that you can bring your own four no matter what I pick? We should have a True Palaver Puc3truc3 Pay-To-Carry-IN PARTY will need addresses Can you remember that time you invited me to a 4th of July party?, Sunday, July 3 2022, 9:59 AM.

... are you a worm? That was a little expected, I assume that you can bring your own four no matter what I pick?

We should have a True Palaver Puc3truc3 Pay-To-Carry-IN PARTY

will need addresses

Can you remember that time you invited me to a 4th of July party?
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jul 3, 10:13 AM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, I'm a Badger. The My penis is the worm. Parties are fun. I'm allergic to fun. I now prefer to wallow in my misery and sorrow...deep inside my burrow. Plotting, scheming, and hanging drywall., Sunday, July 3 2022, 10:13 AM.

I'm a Badger. The My penis is the worm. Parties are fun. I'm allergic to fun. I now prefer to wallow in my misery and sorrow...deep inside my burrow.  Plotting, scheming, and hanging drywall.
Jul 3, 10:13 AMMessage from you, You'll like your next life more I think, Sunday, July 3 2022, 10:13 AM.

You'll like your next life more I think
Jul 3, 1:02 PMMessage from you, Hahaha, Sunday, July 3 2022, 1:02 PM.

Jul 4, 4:07 PMMessage from you, URUNT. UNLESS YOU HAVE A CARD AND SOME KEYS YOU CAN STEAL, Attachment: Image, Monday, July 4 2022, 4:07 PM.
An attached image

Jul 15, 8:42 AMMessage from you, Hey Sean it's J*, I apologize if any of my texting seemed out of place but you should know by now I'm somewhat obtuse from time to time, it's not meant to disturb, can't really help that myself though can I? Heh heh. So I'm texting today to let you know that I found a cool article about writing and I thought I'd send it to you but I don't have an email address for you I was wondering if you could provide one or something or call me later, best wishes I'm fine I hope you are too!, Friday, July 15 2022, 8:42 AM.

Hey Sean it's J*, I apologize if any of my texting seemed out of place but you should know by now I'm somewhat obtuse from time to time, it's not meant to disturb, can't really help that myself though can I? Heh heh.

So I'm texting today to let you know that I found a cool article about writing and I thought I'd send it to you but I don't have an email address for you I was wondering if you could provide one or something or call me later, best wishes I'm fine I hope you are too!
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Jul 15, 8:36 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, Hey Michael. Obtuse? Nah. I'd say abstract. Thank you for the well wishes and I'm glad you're fine. My email is:, Friday, July 15 2022, 8:36 PM.

Hey Michael. Obtuse? Nah. I'd say abstract. Thank you for the well wishes and I'm glad you're fine.
My email is:
Jul 15, 9:04 PMMessage from you, Definitely abstract as well. I'd call it a Rorschach test but that would imply that I was ripping off Watchmen, but that's basically me. On Earth there's really only so many archetypes to go around. ;) I will email you a cool article that I got from this guy with his name John Rapoport he does a mailing list that I've subscribed you for a while and it's usually pretty okay but this last one was really cool about writing, and you're the best writer I know!, Friday, July 15 2022, 9:04 PM.

Definitely abstract as well. I'd call it a Rorschach test but that would imply that I was ripping off Watchmen, but that's basically me. On Earth there's really only so many archetypes to go around. ;)

I will email you a cool article that I got from this guy with his name John Rapoport he does a mailing list that I've subscribed you for a while and it's usually pretty okay but this last one was really cool about writing, and you're the best writer I know!
Jul 20, 4:30 PMMessage from you, I think it's really good, and I'm proud of it, Sean — I hope you enjoy it! Are you on the new Bellgab? Can you post this on Ellgab? Because I finally think it's good enough, I'm smart enough, and I know God damn well I'm pretty enough, so: share it out, please, Wednesday, July 20 2022, 4:30 PM.

I think it's really good, and I'm proud of it, Sean — I hope you enjoy it! Are you on the new Bellgab? Can you post this on Ellgab? Because I finally think it's good enough, I'm smart enough, and I know God damn well I'm pretty enough, so: share it out, please
Wed 2:43 PMMessage from you, *totes’n'dorbs copsTITZ hangingOUTZ teamrifling teamRI rifleSWATrifle*... but, make sure not to answer any of his questions; that's no by man, he's a Sourceror—and, he knows too much already. He's already waited for One (1) Mis-matched Ms. Kitty, &... Hello-ooo-ooo-ooo? What makes you think I won't keep on waiting until the absolute end of no time/no-time\NO_FATE_BUT/Chica Knot Butt, Cheek-A-WoW, wow... Hi, this is Michael, 25 years ago, someone got on the phone, said that I “really raped“ her, and in what has been, undeniably a tremendous loss for the international branding community, her name was not Rosie Real. Instead, it was, in actual_fact, K. Mickey “Ms. Mouse” Me. She’ll be here any minute now, because while she knew where she was going, no one has ever told me where the other house is, and so I sit here, walking the streets paved with interior floor paneling, looking at the gold of the sun out the window, thinking of the silver lining the briefs I'm wearing inside my pants, and, look, I cannot possibly tell a lie, but Chelsea “Dan-uh” Marshall, Matt “Will” Houston, & Nick “Forest Fentanyl” Gump-Green-Wyrm-Wood are not the robot droids with the kind of elastic plastic synyhetic vaginas I'm looking for. you have done better, and you're going to need to do better, because whatever happened last night, you're probably not going to let that happen again, right? why would you, when there was an established chain of evidence presented to you that said, “Jackstar req’s an address,” and then, not a single one of those of you who know, of those in the know, not a one, thought it through long enough to think, “hey, shouldn't KUCZI, BOOK MIKE IVANA TYPE ALOT,” is it going to seem strange if that g★y isn't here and we're all under the surveillance that we arranged to put him under a couple years ago, I'm sure we all thought that was going to be over by now, but as it turns out it really isn't, it's really not, and I'm pretty sure I knew where you were, but nobody actually told me where you were, so who actually got there with you there, is a matter of some interest to certain people, of a certain persuasion, for one thing certainly me. and for another, certain people are starting to wonder who they fucked last night, cuz they're beginning to think that it might not have been myself. I guess it sure looked like me, though. I am awfully pretty, so tell me, tell me pretty baby, tell me where did you sleep last night? and, what the fuck, it's 2022 why are you s, Wednesday, December 14 2022, 2:43 PM.

*totes’n'dorbs copsTITZ hangingOUTZ teamrifling teamRI rifleSWATrifle*...

but, make sure not to answer any of his questions; that's no by man, he's a Sourceror—and, he knows too much already. He's already waited for One (1) Mis-matched Ms. Kitty, &... Hello-ooo-ooo-ooo? What makes you think I won't keep on waiting until the absolute end of no time/no-time\NO_FATE_BUT/Chica Knot Butt, Cheek-A-WoW, wow... Hi, this is Michael, 25 years ago, someone got on the phone, said that I “really raped“ her, and in what has been, undeniably a tremendous loss for the international branding community, her name was not Rosie Real. Instead, it was, in actual_fact, K. Mickey “Ms. Mouse” Me. She’ll be here any minute now, because while she knew where she was going, no one has ever told me where the other house is, and so I sit here, walking the streets paved with interior floor paneling, looking at the gold of the sun out the window, thinking of the silver lining the briefs I'm wearing inside my pants, and, look, I cannot possibly tell a lie, but Chelsea “Dan-uh” Marshall, Matt “Will” Houston, & Nick “Forest Fentanyl” Gump-Green-Wyrm-Wood are not the robot droids with the kind of elastic plastic synyhetic vaginas I'm looking for. you have done better, and you're going to need to do better, because whatever happened last night, you're probably not going to let that happen again, right? why would you, when there was an established chain of evidence presented to you that said, “Jackstar req’s an address,” and then, not a single one of those of you who know, of those in the know, not a one, thought it through long enough to think, “hey, shouldn't KUCZI, BOOK MIKE IVANA TYPE ALOT,” is it going to seem strange if that g★y isn't here and we're all under the surveillance that we arranged to put him under a couple years ago, I'm sure we all thought that was going to be over by now, but as it turns out it really isn't, it's really not, and I'm pretty sure I knew where you were, but nobody actually told me where you were, so who actually got there with you there, is a matter of some interest to certain people, of a certain persuasion, for one thing certainly me.

and for another, certain people are starting to wonder who they fucked last night, cuz they're beginning to think that it might not have been myself. I guess it sure looked like me, though. I am awfully pretty, so tell me, tell me pretty baby, tell me where did you sleep last night? and, what the fuck, it's 2022 why are you s
‪(412) 339-8076‬
Tue 3:16 PM
Message from ‪(412) 339-8076‬, This is Sean's mom. Sean passed away early morning, Monday the 19th. Pleas do not respond as I will soon delete his account., Tuesday, December 20 2022, 3:16 PM.

This is Sean's mom.  Sean passed away early morning, Monday the 19th.  Pleas do not respond as I will soon delete his account.
Tue 3:33 PMMessage from you, well, that serves him right for touching that girl; but I'm his guardian angel Tamara Leigh-Anne Smythe Jonson-Lincoln from Coolidge Cow Leigh-Anne’s County, The Queen’s County in God's Country, COWLITZ COUNTY, and I am so sorry to hear about that. I did hear from him that he had cancer and was looking at “two years,” but I didn't hear about that—possibility of sudden death, did he kill himself, (calm) or did something else get him? I'm Mrs. Paul Jackstar, Jack Starr, Jack Stark, Jackster, Dexter, Jax, Jaxx, & MJCKG-19-gj WE'RE TALKING 9 WORTHAUGER9 ASK YOUR POST OF IT, Tuesday, December 20 2022, 3:33 PM.

well, that serves him right for touching that girl; but I'm his guardian angel (PROT) from Coolidge Cow Leigh-Anne’s County, The Queen’s County in God's Country, COWLITZ COUNTY, and I am so sorry to hear about that. I did hear from him that he had cancer and was looking at “two years,” but I didn't hear about that—possibility of sudden death, did he kill himself, (calm) or did something else get him? I'm Mrs. Paul Jackstar, Jack Starr, Jack Stark, Jackster, Dexter, Jax, Jaxx, & MJCKG-19-gj WE'RE TALKING 9 WORTHAUGER9 ASK YOUR POST OF IT
Tue 6:30 PMMessage from you, May I please see what you got on your end? The above message please send it to me here, 206 362 5266, as a text it's for class and his friends have class and so due to you and I, They should know. thank you. (Do I look like I'm ever believed?), Tuesday, December 20 2022, 6:30 PM.

May I please see what you got on your end? The above message please send it to me here, 206 362 5266, as a text it's for class and his friends have class and so due to you and I, They should know. thank you. (Do I look like I'm ever believed?)

Note: I thought about editing this, but you know what? I think it looks better in its original fucked-off ASCII.

Farewell, Leonard part 7. You were the nicest of the lot, and a decent listener to boot. Do all EMERGENCIES go to Heaven? We're about to find out.

The Fallout continues its inexorable spread across The Land.

Re: EllGab
« Reply #187 on: June 07, 2024, 09:02:41 AM »
Bartplug is down right now. We need a swarm of needy poster folk.

Re: EllGab
« Reply #188 on: June 07, 2024, 03:07:36 PM »
But they won't touch us with a 10 foot pole. Coz Azzerae bad.

« Reply #189 on: June 09, 2024, 07:49:16 AM »
Bartplug is down right now..

“I am not to be trifled with.” That's all I have to say... and then the sleazy thugs that have been stalking me for years, totes·totally *LOSE THEIR MINDS.*

(Kudos.) It's almost too easy — I use the word “almost” because some parts are really hard, and bad, and rough.

Not many parts. The rest is flat-out awesomesauce and I am a profoundly blessed and fortunate man.

That being said: I am *not* happy. Reasons are many &, varied, and mostly defy explanation. It's all a bunch of cloak & dagger bullshit.

“You know spies; they’re a bunch of bīTch-He little girls!” Sam Axe said that, and he was right.

I even identify as one. Though I'm not all that little. I'm good-sized. And I don't mean that I identify as a bīTch-He, although I suppose I used to. #Officially.

Unofficially, I am blackpope. I identify as a clandestine black ops support team member attached in a Sourçerous way, a carte blanche capacity, and I operate under Divine auspice, and every night I pray, Puny sperglings. I pray for your mangē, Puny pinheads and their families.

Because I used to want this to be all over soon. Now: īT ī§ ALL. SO. OVER.

For (You,). Me, I like the circumstance. I didn't ask for this. I wanted a bag and a woman to show me how to use it. I don't care about that now.

I don't care to know how I am going to be told the wrong thing by some dopemoll wielding tits akimbo, AGAIN. It's so tedious.

Yet, I am beginning to enjoy hearing my enemies driven before me, and the lamentation of their wimmins. (Vengeance for Aristophanes.)

I thought it would get old fast, like nagging does. But the lamenting isn't what I expected. For one thing, it's poetic.

(Vengeance but Starrmtn.)

And for another, I don't have to do anything about it. I can just lay there, and give critique. Not what anyone expected, I know right?

I did say that that what we had planned was going to *blow your minds.* I bet you all thought that was a tacky reference to oral sex. It was not.

It was a clandestine feint meant as a decoy used to disrupt and damage the efforts and success of Opposition Forces. Congratulations, Bellgab.

Finally, a monster you perverts can take credit for. Salut.

We need a swarm of needy poster folk.

Too bad everyone who might wish to post here have seen how you abused me and seem content now to wait until the dust settles and the smoke clears.

But they won't touch us with a 10 foot pole. Coz Azzerae bad.

It's because of mE. I terrify Elle♀️Gab. I probably should.


.Ī.åm.fixing.your.colossal fuck.up,.at.this.poinr,.any.goddam.way.I,,

Code: [Select]
( You.are.already.cooked,.Morons.)
Now then: “Salt?” *boom*

Re: Elle♀️Gab
« Reply #190 on: June 09, 2024, 01:29:53 PM »
“I am not to be trifled with.” That's all I have to say... and then the sleazy thugs that have been stalking me for years, totes·totally *LOSE THEIR MINDS.*

(Kudos.) It's almost too easy — I use the word “almost” because some parts are really hard, and bad, and rough.

Not many parts. The rest is flat-out awesomesauce and I am a profoundly blessed and fortunate man.

That being said: I am *not* happy. Reasons are many &, varied, and mostly defy explanation. It's all a bunch of cloak & dagger bullshit.

“You know spies; they’re a bunch of bīTch-He little girls!” Sam Axe said that, and he was right.

I even identify as one. Though I'm not all that little. I'm good-sized. And I don't mean that I identify as a bīTch-He, although I suppose I used to. #Officially.

Unofficially, I am blackpope. I identify as a clandestine black ops support team member attached in a Sourçerous way, a carte blanche capacity, and I operate under Divine auspice, and every night I pray, Puny sperglings. I pray for your mangē, Puny pinheads and their families.

Because I used to want this to be all over soon. Now: īT ī§ ALL. SO. OVER.

For (You,). Me, I like the circumstance. I didn't ask for this. I wanted a bag and a woman to show me how to use it. I don't care about that now.

I don't care to know how I am going to be told the wrong thing by some dopemoll wielding tits akimbo, AGAIN. It's so tedious.

Yet, I am beginning to enjoy hearing my enemies driven before me, and the lamentation of their wimmins. (Vengeance for Aristophanes.)

I thought it would get old fast, like nagging does. But the lamenting isn't what I expected. For one thing, it's poetic.

(Vengeance but Starrmtn.)

And for another, I don't have to do anything about it. I can just lay there, and give critique. Not what anyone expected, I know right?

I did say that that what we had planned was going to *blow your minds.* I bet you all thought that was a tacky reference to oral sex. It was not.

It was a clandestine feint meant as a decoy used to disrupt and damage the efforts and success of Opposition Forces. Congratulations, Bellgab.

Finally, a monster you perverts can take credit for. Salut.

Too bad everyone who might wish to post here have seen how you abused me and seem content now to wait until the dust settles and the smoke clears.

It's because of mE. I terrify Elle♀️Gab. I probably should.


.Ī.åm.fixing.your.colossal fuck.up,.at.this.poinr,.any.goddam.way.I,,

Code: [Select]
( You.are.already.cooked,.Morons.)
Now then: “Salt?” *boom*

You’re literally worse than Hitler.

Re: Elle♀️Gab
« Reply #191 on: June 09, 2024, 02:07:01 PM »
Now then: “Salt?” *boom*

Elle♀️Gab was a nice little idea. I still remember when it arrived.

It was the morning after I was deliberately baited into a very profane, very public argument; on Bellgab; YP and I were arguing about gun rights, of all things... but of course, YP and I go way back.

Note that I don't have any guns right now, and I live in a U.S. State that has, at present, “questions” about my gun rights. They are not taken away. I could go to another State and go blam-blam-blam.

I genuinely tell you the truth here: I arranged to have my gun rights placed into question so that I wouldn't have any guns. I know what you sperglords are doing. I know now Bill C∞per was killed. And I knew that Gandhi took back the entire Persian sub-continent without guns. (He did have a wife, though.)

I'm going to cut this short, Punies. By now, you all know I can actually write. I don't need to prove or explain anything to you.

I simply enjoy it. YP was one of the first on the forum that seemed obviously aware of The Charade, and I fully find that person to be a raging douche bag.

I felt no reason to continue the participation on Elle♀️Gab. A place without me seemed a fair addition to the mix.

Well, now you have no mix. I'm the only one who can even post; the rest of you have obviously lawyered up, or something, and I know not, nor do I really care to find out, what particular flavor of a cold fucking Hell you obsessive morons have bought for yourself through your past actions and lifestyle choices.

I don't hate any of you. Even Young Ponce Jared. (I have a crush now.) I know better than most, how difficult it must have been to simply... ask me to tell any of you what needed to be known.

But of course you thought things were different. Whoops! Well, isn't this better? I think so—I'm not going to prison. The Perps will.

I have no doubt that they are trying everything to get out of their fates. I don't blame them. Optics are everything at this level.

Rest in peace, Elle♀️Gab. I hope you never come back and Bellgab is run by my favorite nerd, whose name shall remain veiled—but of course she hates me and ignores my messages and puts me down to those she calls “friends.”

Optics. I don't get to have friends. I don't get to have forum conversations. I don't get to have phone conversations. I don't get to have conversations. I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!

That's how it's supposed to go, right? According to you. In reality: you are all watching Jackstar teach new tricks to old bitches.


You’re literally worse than Hitler.

Only out of bed.

Re: Elle♀️Gab
« Reply #192 on: June 11, 2024, 04:12:13 AM »
Too bad everyone who might wish to post here have seen how you abused me and seem content now to wait until the dust settles and the smoke clears.

It's because of mE. I terrify Elle♀️Gab. I probably should.

We abused you like a minotaur in a labyrinth where we, the lowly helots, were tossed to our doom. There is only so much condescension and blathering skite for the mome raths to tolerate. No dreams of escape, no safe thread through the darkness, no light unto our blessed path.

Re: Elle♀️Gab
« Reply #193 on: June 14, 2024, 10:33:09 PM »
We abused you

You strengthened me. (You also locked my computer with an administrative password.) Oh, watta kudos!

Code: [Select]

Re: Elle♀️Gab
« Reply #194 on: June 17, 2024, 08:01:25 AM »
There is only so much condescension and blathering skite for the mome raths to tolerate. No dreams of escape, no safe thread through the darkness, no light unto our blessed path.

That's because you've become slaves to thugs and pimpmongers. I just can't even with you. Let me guess, it's because of my nigger dial ECT and all the illegal cock-fighting I support, right? HA!

Lying to Clergy has special consequences. Now, is everyone on the same planet? I don't wanna hear anymore of this “she's dead!” bullshit. No one was supposed to be terrified of me. Who made that happen?

Amante sleeps with the fishes. Adieu.