Author Topic: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?  (Read 26793 times)

Re: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?
« Reply #30 on: August 14, 2023, 09:44:45 AM »
Turns out, lying, clando honeypot, just like I summoned. (emoticon not found)

I'm not referring to you, btw. I don't think of you as a lying clando honeypot. I usually don't think of any of you at all.

In any event it must pay really good money to suppress dangerous speech online, and no doubt you find it rewarding work. And I'm not sure why it's considered "dangerous" but the goddam weather is being influenced by many factors and scalar energy waves activating nantoech structures now found in water vapor are... oh, right.

It's a secret. Yeah, the clouds shake hands and everything. There, now all the joy has been taken out of life. You're welcome.

I honestly can't tell which of you is the beard.

The beard is whoever you say your GF is because you’re obviously gay...not that there’s anything wrong with that....actually there is. Your posts are evidence of that.

Re: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?
« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2023, 11:09:06 PM »
you’re obviously gay

You really don't know much about penis. No no; don't disagree. It's true. You know nothing of the organ. There is no shame in this.

not that there’s anything wrong with that....actually there is. Your posts are evidence of that.

Everything is evidence if you put it in a bag and sneer.

The beard is whoever you say your GF is

I don't have one and your creepy teammate is to be congratulated for relieving me of the burden of a liar. Really classy about it, too. What was I was supposed to do, fall for that bullshit? Can you spell "entrapment"? Because I can. Further: I liked the one or two that weren't criminal masterminds or Fed thugs and had children that weren't total bags of PISA shit. Like seriously: there were multiple women and you all conspired to hook me up with the assholes. Like, exclusively. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Oh, right, you've all been raped repeatedly in your initiations at Bohemian Grove and now you've all become the perfect Captains of Industry as a result: your ho-hos and bottles of REDdrugRUM.

I don't mind anything about any of this. What I do mind, most specifically, is the notion that your reputations are so much more important than mine, and all the lies told about me are none of your concern, but you're so super-sensitive about your own cover stories. Well, now that I know you're a gang of lying pirate confiscatory pantsweasels, it makes more sense. You actively worked together to mislead me into voluntarily moving myself and all my belongings into a house that you knew was fucked up, and then you fucked it up more, and then you got all pissed that I didn't play along. Fast forward to now: IT'S TWO GODDAM YEARS LATER and you're all still obsessed and seething.

Fuck with the bull and you get the horns. /spit

I'm not upset with you, and I don't hate you, but I'm not interested in your fiction.

The truth is that you all knew she was a badge/CI and you knew I didn't know and none of you told me while giving a brain-damaged toddler the notion that she needed to protect me from the likes of you, or that she was gonna get in trouble for something that was her actual job to do... while turning a blind eye to whomever was funneling her the fuck me drugs. Certainly she didn't get them from me; certainly I wasn't procuring them; and overuse of those chemical compounds RESULTS IN MOSTLY IRREVERSIBLE BRAIN DAMAGE, YOU FUCKING DIPSHITS.

Naturally those amongst you who knew that were only too happy to manipulate the situation into one where The Toddler Asset was bascially given no choice but to cook her own brain off and devolve into a wanton sub-creature driven by a mad lust for adrenaline and high-risk gambling. You knew that would happen. IT'S IN THE GODDAM PLAYBOOK.

On the other hand, years earlier I had dimsissed the possibiltiy that was going on, because it never occurred to me that anyone would be so stupid as to do that in reality with me around. I guess you turkeys don't know who I really am.

I am The Failsafe. When you moron brick-shitters fuck up, The Divine calls me into service. You don't remember because you are Punylings. You're not supposed to remember superluminal events after they have occurred. Neither am I, for that matter, but some time ago--right around the THREE YEARS OF GETTING FUCKED OFF MARK, there was a shift in Cosmic consciousness in your world. Now, I am a Sourceror. Now, IDGAF what you say, you can all go fuck each other after giving each other hand-jobs on The View for all I give a shit. You, collectively, have soured the milk, tainted the cream, and I don't even know which of my actual friends are alive or dead right now.

Think of that. Everyone I have ever known... whether alive or dead, they can't talk to me. Oh, well done. Well, now that I am fully divorced from mainstream humanity, I guess I don't need a hug anymore. Great job, you'll probably all get a Cleo.

In reality: none of you or your thug overlords had jurisdiction nor necessity to fuck with my life--you just did it because you thought it would be fun and there was no risk to yourselves. Well, looks like you were wrong about that one.

I get that none of you care about what is happening to me because you think I deserve it because of what I did, or didn't do, or what I refuse to do... something. Look, face it: it's pretty fucking vague what exactly my offenses against your Collective Industry Talent actually was.

I am pretty sure the reason is obvious: you're a bunch of self-absorbed narcissist bigots who are obsessed by rape and plunder and you're all literally pirates. (Arrrrr, cool, matey.) And for some reason... you just plain met your match. In me. Flex.

For some of you its the first time you have ever experienced defeat. Still others know that, this whole thing goes pretty fuckin' far past simple win, lose, or special drawing rights for your 3rd off-shore bank account, you absolute fraud cuntfuck douchebag. (I could be talking to anyone here with that one, eh? Eh? Spoiler: it's Dave. Fuck that guy.) I have inadvertently, quite without knowing what was going on --because you stupid fuckhead morons didn't tell me the truth when I asked and you didn't ask me what you ought to have and you were obsessed with plunder and rape, arrrrrr, matey-- I skipped the customary step of hoisting the Jolly Roger, and just skipped straight ahead to the jugular-severing while you were mostly distracted by ever more convoluted ways to get your knickers in a twist over the use of racial and ethnic slurs.

Never let it be said that a small group of committed individuals cannot change the world; for indeed it is only a force such as that, that has ever done so, on any significant scale.

You pissed me off and I changed your world. I kinda liked the old one better, honestly. Oh well. Now, as soon as your lackeys and toadies make their next move, I will make my next move, and I can pretty much be assured that you're not going to like whatever that's going to be, right?

That's because you're all sexist hypocritical lying narcissistic narc bigots who narc. Rules for me, but not for thee. Because you think I'm bi-polar. Right. Got it. Now get this: go fuck yourselves.

just like we thought. ;)

I went from "actually interested in the notion for the first time" to "IDGAF if I ever have sex ever again" and what a well-spent budget that all turned out to be.

Lose the attitude. PEOPLE KNOW. Fat, drunk, and willfully ignorant is no way to go through life, and you're already creeping up on a full 2/3rds share of the pie. What am I supposed to do, work hard for you? Fucking dream the fuck on, I don't give a shit how much money you think you have (gone in an instant, easily) or how much you could make off my back (a lot more than you ended up with, that's for sure) or how you can't imagine a worse outcome than having to admit --in PUBLIC? *pearl clutching* NEVER!-- that you were fucking wrong. About what, I don't actually know.

Ironically I don't even care. Nevertheless my very continuing existence is somehow an existential crisis for your and your foul ilk, and why this is such a fucking big pain in the ass for everyone involved is largely because you are a whiny, over-entitled, self-serving, narcissistic bitch-baby narc squalling brat, and everyone who has ever spent five minutes with you or one of your many, many incarnations fuckin' knows it.

Don't give her another punch in the jaw for me. Instead, grow a pair and let her suck on your balls. I hear that puts one very high on the community totem pole. And, speaking of Lauryn, he's really not my type, given that a Fed fag who covets PS gear and both pearl-clutches and sharts his pants when hearing the word "faggot" spoken aloud is a poor choice to send into the breach to pretend to be new friend. "Words! Words! He spoke naughty words! Kill the evil sorceror!" By the way bitch, that's your husband. I'm the one who actually -can- spell Source, and isn't afraid of where I come from. Not one bit, not at all.

You all really have been shortchanged by your stupid initiation ceremonies (that were corrupted; I love Lodge, I love Lamp, and I love Larry, Larry, and my other faggot brother Larry, and you know why? Because I outrank them all, She-Witch), as well as that Olestra that got put into the pancake syrup. Do they use that in the cake batter too? What about the waffles?

Oh! Wait! I am dreadfully sorry. I retract these questions... no doubt, their answers are secret.

Re: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2023, 01:19:38 AM »
Get the sand out of your crack, corky! ::)

You’re lucky I even respond to your posts, peasant.

Re: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2023, 02:08:32 AM »
Dear Diary,

Jackstar still thinks I give a 💩about his incoherent rambling.

I asked God to fix him, but he whispered back, “he's incredibly impossible to talk to.’

Re: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2023, 02:37:24 AM »
You’re lucky

On the contrary; I am blessed.

Dear Diary,

Imagine the margins.

Jackstar still thinks I give a 💩about his incoherent rambling.

When your subconscious denial of the truth makes your eyes go crosswise and blur out every third consonant and every vowel is sprouting little piggy-tail curly-ques, some of the nuance could be lost.

I asked God to fix him

It's a little late in the game to be thinking an immaculate vasectomy is gonna help anything, but with a big enough budget, anything is possible.

but he whispered back, “he's incredibly impossible to talk to.’

And: absolutely worth the effort. Hey, here's an idea: stop being a drug bigot. Spark the peace pipe! We can trade notes on our experiences with bio-bugs. *snap* There, now they're not classified anymore.

D.A.R.P.A. loves me, even when none of you can handle it. I didn't climb to the top of this mountain of shallow graves just because I aced the interview and brought everybody extra butter for their hotcakes. No, I earned my success, the old-fashioned way; by working for results and not just a paycheck.

Re: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?
« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2023, 07:31:33 AM »
On the contrary; I am blessed.

Then start acting like it. Blessed people usually don’t post endlessly, self-indulgent screed because they’re better than that. ;)

Re: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?
« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2023, 03:12:17 PM »
On the contrary; I am blessed.

Imagine the margins.

I didn't climb to the top of this mountain of shallow graves just because I aced the interview and brought everybody extra butter for their hotcakes. No, I earned my success, the old-fashioned way; by working for results and not just a paycheck.

Indeed you did, Jackie boy. 😉

Re: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?
« Reply #38 on: August 15, 2023, 03:29:28 PM »

Y'all doin’ too much.

Don't worry. Your big head comes equipped with massive shoulders.

Re: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?
« Reply #39 on: August 15, 2023, 03:45:48 PM »
Then start acting like it.

no u

Blessed people usually don’t post endlessly, self-indulgent screed because they’re better than that. ;)

Everything changed when my on-property water well was disabled. That's a war crime. And none of you bothered to even answer the phone or the mail. For weeks. I still don't have water. My bank account has been fraudulently drained. My truck gets like four miles per gallon. My neighbors are acting like a womb-man is some kind of freak. I'm gonna have to take my bestie’s birthday gift back to |/|/al-|\/|art, just to be able to afford tonight's ritualistically-prepared meal of yogurt and potato chips. I have to quit buying craft beers.

This is The Apocalypse.

Atlas shrugged.

You're big head comes equipped with massive shoulders.

I hope your wedding vows featured better grammar and more realistic depictions of human anatomy than this. Keep it authentic. She's someone's daughter for God's sake, we're not just talking about some whore taking a man's name.

Re: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?
« Reply #40 on: August 15, 2023, 04:08:07 PM »
You, of all people, should understand the difficulties with speech-to-text. I'm at work, doofus.

*Your 🖕🏼

Re: Climate Change: Scientific Reality or Fake Woke Bullshit?
« Reply #41 on: August 15, 2023, 04:42:33 PM »