Author Topic: 5mwJ  (Read 299045 times)

Re: 5mwJ — 22AμG24 — Front! (D¡ng!)
« Reply #1830 on: August 22, 2024, 08:54:17 PM »
Ofanag lam turboinw Trigaongra.


5mwJ — 25Aμg24 — MIGHTIER: The Penis
« Reply #1831 on: August 25, 2024, 02:52:10 PM »
I have grown weary of your deception.

The level of honesty you exhibit is not worth my time.

Chess. Instead of simply giving an email or responding to mine, your focus is on my allegedly insensible communication.

I think it would be better if we would both associate with people who are similarly aligned. For example, IDGAF about your personal habits.

However, you spread lies and rumors about my supposed incompetence. I am sure that you do this for completely selfish reasons. I don't find it plausible that you have any legitimate reason to talk to me at all!

In short: you know nothing of what is going on with me, your concern for my well-being is an obvious contrivance, and my conclusion thus far is simply that you're a mildly sophisticated thug who seeks for nothing but to harm me.

I've been unjustly persecuted for years. In all that time your interaction with me has been that of one who follows a hidden gaslight agenda.

I am stranded in a mall parking lot and I have not a single friend left in the entire world that I may contact, BECAUSE I AM BEING STALKED AND ASSAULTED BY CRIMINAL GANG ACTIVITIES.

You don't want to help me at all. There is nothing authentic about your behavior, and your inferences about my mental health are so toddler—ISH that it's frankly no longer possible to take you seriously.

Maybe it's time for you to start guzzling alcohol again. Because if you are in denial of the massive harm that is being done to me, right now... you're just a shit human, ALLISON FRANCES SHAW.

If I wanted a disenguous opinion from a sadistic liar, I would have said so.

I'm sorry that my vocalizations have somehow left your environment in disarray. Maybe you shouldn't have been stealing from me, stalking me, and in general... just behaving like a spoiled brat spookthug. I'm not really interested in your criminal empire, Ty.

And if you're having trouble getting away with ripping me off, that's just too fucking bad. Also, I don't think you realize how little of a shit I give about protecting your personal interests.

You make me wish I really were abusing drugs. You are boring and trite. I am about to find shitloads of lawyers to make your life a literal living hell.

We are not the same. Maybe you can find someone your own size to pick on at a 12-step meeting. You seem to like finding your own problems in your view of others... so maybe you can find some other asshole with a broken motorcycle to run your pathetic narc game on. I outgrew your teetotalism bullshit philosophy 20 years ago. Maybe if you minded your own fucking business and weren't a manipulative charlatan every chance you can get away with, you'd be better able to perceive the situation as it stands:

You had your chance to be of value to society or to me. You chose to use it to become a gaslighting thief. Maybe you shouldn't have done so many drugs without me. It doesn't seem like you knew what you were doing. I do.

I am going to disappear, and yet, I will still remain. You are going to login another identity and spread more slander and gossip. People like you disgust me.

tl:dr; stay jelly, Bro.

Re: 5mwJ — 25Aμg24 — MIGHTIER: The Penis
« Reply #1832 on: August 25, 2024, 03:21:57 PM »
I have grown weary of your deception.

The level of honesty you exhibit is not worth my time.

And yet, TL;DR, scroll, scroll, scroll…

Re: 5mwJ — 25Aμg24 — MIGHTIER: The Penis
« Reply #1833 on: August 25, 2024, 03:23:39 PM »

5mwJ — 25Aμg24 — AWAKENING.: it's grand
« Reply #1834 on: August 26, 2024, 01:13:33 AM »
I am going to disappear, and yet, I will still remain.


(Please, celebrate. Ewe don't need mE.)

And yet, TL;DR, scroll, scroll, scroll…
* Jackstar points and laughs heartily.

All y'all know this is Metron, right? Perhaps not... yet now, ye d.e.w.


Metron: neither sucks nor blows; hard, software PASSSAFEPASSfaIlF∆Il§∆FË, The_Failsafe_has_approved_ty
hisHis¡t’Lombard’s message..j★eol055:045:ilupt

tl:dr; stay jelly, Bro.

MasīerçhĪef: you're gonna get used to ¡t. ([pinky]/[Commie Pinko]) swear.

Code: [Select]

Re: 5mwJ — 25Aμg24 — AWAKENING.: it's grand
« Reply #1835 on: August 26, 2024, 02:32:20 AM »
All y'all know this is Metron, right? Perhaps not... yet now, ye d.e.w.

Nope. You think everyone is everyone else. Remember when you used to hijack my posts and address me as your ex-girlfriend. I do. Get some new material. ::) to infinity.

Re: 5mwJ
« Reply #1837 on: September 02, 2024, 02:45:35 AM »

I love it when a plan comes together.

5mwJ — Sunset
« Reply #1840 on: September 09, 2024, 03:29:16 AM »
Finally, night has fallen. The pitch black at the side of the highway is only rarely broken by passing headlights which is great because now I'm going to give myself a tug and dump my essence by the side of the road BECAUSE FUCK YOU THAT'S WYE.

I wish we could all just be dead so whenever you pissed me off I could make you into am unwanted baby that one of Jon Voight’s kids has to smuggle out of Dubai.

5mwJ — “Nein! Nein!” — Oh No Oh No Oh YES YES YES, TEX
« Reply #1842 on: September 09, 2024, 07:05:40 PM »

“Also, your mother is a whore.” — underappreciated joke