Author Topic: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis  (Read 30399 times)

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #360 on: August 01, 2022, 08:28:44 AM »

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #361 on: August 01, 2022, 06:31:54 PM »
Hot stuff!

I refuse to live in a world where that man has a job and I don't. I'll admit that he is hotter, but I have better nuance.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #364 on: September 05, 2022, 06:21:14 AM »
Is BellGab down for anyone else?  I was in the middle of a post on this very subject when it "mysteriously" crashed about two hours ago...


I think I shall make the post hear (Minus the
Code: [Select] Url stuff, in case it was some cross-site SMF glitch thing... but I will leave albrecht's quoted text in...

Scroll down if intardasted.


Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #365 on: September 05, 2022, 06:28:01 AM »
Quote from: albrecht

Listen I know about you kids and you think your allusions and puns are funny. Well let me tell you something. There are really people in the Ukraine and Crimea that might not appreciate your jokes. You all joking around with your shaggy haircuts and reefer well let me tell you something buster- one day you have to grow up. And when you are down and out and want a hand out and saying the system let me down. I will tell you get a job deadbeat and de Nile is a river in Egypt I'm going to be there to say "cry me a river."


Since you quoted me, I am going to work on the assumption that your above quoted missive is directed towards myself.

I would like to disabuse you of some false assumptions (alby, realize I am operating under the premise that your above words were directed at me.  If not, please disregard the first half of my The Ukraine missive, hear?):

1.  I am not a child, although I may not be as long in the tooth as yourself.  Still, I am an adult.
2.  There is not a hair on my head that is longer than two inches, I just measured:  although I am due for a haircut.  (last haircut was a few weeks ago, but I am no longer military and I will deal with that ASAP
3.  I do not smoke marijuana.  Alcohol and tobacco are my only vices as far as drugs go.
4.  I have grown up, doing well enough to please myself, and am my own boss.
5.  I have a job, and even at my job with "The Man," I am still my own boss.  I also have my own business.
6.  Since I "flew the nest" at 17-19 (took a few attempts, but I eventually spread my wings) I have never needed a "Hand-Out" (if you wish you may characterize my utilization of my 60% VA Education benefits as a "Hand-Out" if you like, but I feel like I earned it)

I am going to say that you are in the "strongly psoitive/negative emotion" group on the Ukraine thing.  I am going to assume that you have strong negative emotions about it.

Now, that all being said.  Hear, teh second part of my missive:

I find it difficult to pick a winner in this dog-fight.  The available intel I gather does not paint either side in a great light.  You have allegations of Azov Battalion Neo-Nazis, shady back room deals going back to the 2010s, a "color revolution" from both the Russians in Crimea and ourselves in getting Zelensky (whatever his name is) installed as the Ukraine leader.  The Russians are clearly behaving like hegemons, but again going back to the 2010s (Georgia/South Ossetia, Crimea, & probably somewhere else I forgot) which is nothing new.

That being said, it is quite easy as you point out to pick a loser in this fight, and that is quite clearly the Ukrainian people.

I am certain you are familiar with the very old, and possibly ancient, saying:  "Friends of Liberty everywhere, but Guardians only of our own."

Looking at the current State of the Union: I think my energies, monies, and concerns are more wisely spent here at home.

If NATO, a select group of Allies, or the USA by itself decides to formally enter this conflict:  well that is a different thing entirely.  As of the time of this posting, that has not happened.  The LDRSHIP on this one, in this country at minimum, is sadly lacking.

I have plenty more to say on this subject, but since I do not Officially Care, I will keep it to myself.

Of course, if you want I could make another post later on.

In the meantime, you might peruse the thread I created over at AzzGab if you like.  It can be found here:

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Well, apparently AzzGab links are verbotten on BellGab?  Huh, if you can find the site it is easily found via the "Search" function

The first post is dated 14FEB2022, and it is 25 pages long.  (some of those pages might be entire JaxTard postings, he has no fewer than THREE sock-puppet accounts there, so bear that in mind and try not to wear out your scrolling finger!)

I think I cared on Valentine's Day?  Nautical Shore...


I hope we can remain friends, albrecht.


Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #366 on: September 07, 2022, 03:09:39 AM »
1.  I am not a child, although I may not be as long in the tooth as yourself.  Still, I am an adult.
I'm 49.
2.  There is not a hair on my head that is longer than two inches, I just measured:  although I am due for a haircut.  (last haircut was a few weeks ago, but I am no longer military and I will deal with that ASAP
3.  I do not smoke marijuana.  Alcohol and tobacco are my only vices as far as drugs go.
What an astonishingly incomplete answer. For my own part: I am rated for doing anything handed to me at bathyspheric depths, -and- I know how to find out how to do it safely. Additionally, I know the difference between "marry wanna" and "cannabis" and I have never seen pate at a party. I am not likely to either, unless it's my wake and he's buying the liquor.
4.  I have grown up, doing well enough to please myself, and am my own boss.
I don't believe a fuckin' word of this.
5.  I have a job, and even at my job with "The Man," I am still my own boss.  I also have my own business.
They just hand those out, I guess. Lotta dearth of -actual- talent in our age demographic, because, uh, "reasons."
6.  Since I "flew the nest" at 17-19 (took a few attempts, but I eventually spread my wings) I have never needed a "Hand-Out" (if you wish you may characterize my utilization of my 60% VA Education benefits as a "Hand-Out" if you like, but I feel like I earned it)
Yeah, I felt like you earned lots of stuff.

Well, apparently AzzGab links are verbotten on BellGab?  Huh, if you can find the site

Well, eYe did kill it--nothing to do with yu, of course; but nevertheless, it used to be my battleground, so now that's been relegated to playactingground, who the fuck knows? Maybe there's a different brand of hair tonic you can use to get your fucking antennae to phone home more clearly.

The first post is dated 14FEB2022, and it is 25 pages long.  (some of those pages might be entire JaxTard postings, he has no fewer than THREE sock-puppet accounts there, so bear that in mind and try not to wear out your scrolling finger!)

I think I cared on Valentine's Day?  Nautical Shore...

So which is it: you don't think what I told you about Special Communication Privileges was -accurate,- or, you're frontin' like you don't know, or don't believe? Or are you the paid stand-in? Curious. Of course it's none of my business! Ho ho ho! Kind, gentle smile. Kinder, gentler still sidestep to the main exit. Kindly asking the coat check girl for a pack of Double-Mint.


I hope we can remain friends, albrecht.


Well, if I can remain friends with someone after I rip off their head and shit down their neck, I am sure he can too. He's a better man than all of you and your used-condom-puppet army put together, and while I don't rate quite that highly, I've still got some pull aroud some parts of the world. let's roll the dice, and see how owu/ewe dew.

Facial tic mild. Intestinal pressure nominal. Bathysphere interior odor: musty old barn--hay, not guano. I think you might pass.

Or, then again, you might not. Like with a kidney stone, I think you should lollygag while lying around a while, and listen to CNN on an airport closed circuit television broadcast while the bars are all closed for sanitation. That sounds about right.

I'm gonna Double-Ment it over. Stay frosty, Kolchak.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #367 on: September 22, 2022, 10:38:08 AM »
The good doctor is sounding in good form.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #370 on: October 09, 2022, 01:37:32 PM »
1.  I am not a child, although I may not be as long in the tooth as yourself.  Still, I am an adult.
2.  There is not a hair on my head that is longer than two inches, I just measured:  although I am due for a haircut.  (last haircut was a few weeks ago, but I am no longer military and I will deal with that ASAP
3.  I do not smoke marijuana.  Alcohol and tobacco are my only vices as far as drugs go.
4.  I have grown up, doing well enough to please myself, and am my own boss.
5.  I have a job, and even at my job with "The Man," I am still my own boss.*  I also have my own business.
6.  Since I "flew the nest" at 17-19 (took a few attempts, but I eventually spread my wings) I have never needed a "Hand-Out" (if you wish you may characterize my utilization of my 60% VA Education benefits as a "Hand-Out" if you like, but I feel like I earned it)


I hope we can remain friends, albrecht.



I'm 49. [...] I'm gonna Double-Ment it over. Stay frosty, Kolchak.

I thought it over a great deal and my recommendation remains, that being: you get your ass fired.

That being said, I'm not in charge of such things. I didn't—couldn't, wouldn't—even have The Vampyr kick you out Their Guild.

I heard they didn't even have to vote. Calf mate.

*: You are in no way anything like a boss.

Re: Crimea River - Ukrainian CrySis
« Reply #372 on: November 14, 2022, 10:41:56 AM »
nobody can f****** touch me

this day keeps getting better and better.

This right here is felony harassment.

Re: Cry Me a River - Cowlitz County
« Reply #373 on: November 15, 2022, 04:40:44 AM »
this day keeps getting better and better.

This right here is felony harassment.

Re: Cry Me a River - Cornlips County
« Reply #374 on: November 15, 2022, 08:43:08 AM »

I don't want to say it's vampires, but — vampires, yeah. As always, shove as usual, avoid panick scrying, and especially during this holyday season, be duly considerate and caringly thoughtful about who you allow access to your property to through verbal spoken or written consent.
Because they can't manipulate my mommy’s lawyer without the second licence plate, and the grounds that the haunted (“thanks, Mom!”) church within which it is presently stored (“nice beaver!”) are not just hallowed grounds, they're consecrated as well.

And, Vampire Dragonlord can't make real CRYSTAL METHAMPHETAMINE without a real alchemy lab without My Permission (s). And, Nigger Dragonlord cannot tread, not even one single toe into my mommy’s lawyer's Trust’s haunted Estate's Church’s Inner Sanctum Sanctorum without My explicitly granted AS WELL AS EXPLICITLY WRITTEN Permission(s)

See? I do have a job around here, and not only that, It's the only job like it around here for miles & miles around. (Shields.) And — I AM ON AN ISLAND. (Shoes.) Yeah, come on buddy, let's see you cross running water, lol. “I'm on a boat! I'm on a boat!”

Well, after the last time, not by boat, that's for sure. (If you try again, save me a cinder shaped like a J for my trophy case; and if there happens to be one shaped like a flying J, so much all the better. (If there's one shaped like a f****** lying, c*** murdering, (half-wop/half-spic)  FULL-ON, FUCKIN’ FULL KIKEL, feel free to take it for your own trophy. (Your own trophy case.) I got plenty of them in the woodshed out back, but as none of them were wrapped in plastic or are presently stored with a fresh ham sandwich in an ashtray that isn't, at present, fuckin’ filthy, you'd be shit right out of any good fuckin’ luck when it came to either trophies or cases, If you even made it that far up my driveway, which you won't because you can't get on land here, and even if you could make it up the driveway, if the cedars -or- The Cider Monsters don't kill you by the time you got to my back porch door, You wouldn't have to worry about bursting in a flames when you walked across my threshold, I'd come right out and snatch you bald-headed with one hand, while you would find yourself SMOTE with the other (one f****** blow m***********, and now I know fo’ sho’, why am I right hand hurts and my left hand doesn't know anything about it), and then where your body fell, depending on what I was wearing at the time (why yes, I do go both ways, though not usually a kilt in the winter, is that unusual where you come from, or just on this shit-bag planet-rock you dumped this castle-island on, meth-Mouth?), I would either lift my kilt and squat, or just fucking stand on your shouldes and SHIT HOT LAVA right through my God–damned fucking–pants (I got a couple spares, no problem at all) right down your pink-0—fuck-0 Communist turtleneck-wearing neck, then you can call me The Turkish Butler after that from now on, because I've got a percolator that lived through a time quake right here in My haunted country church in Its Northern Blight, gnome-infested kitchen—perfectly suitable for scooping your brains up out of your skull and making whatever’s left of your crew, at that point, A nice piping hot cup of Turkish coffee the right way for once.

I'll probably not want to use that percolator if that ever happens (†+‡please, G-d, PLEAS: and don't make me wait for Christmas‡+†), but after just one sip, I probably wouldn't have to hear any b******* about brushing my teeth from either of them b****** ever again.

Something both my ego & Mike’s cock implant doesn't need any more of. That thing looks like a rooster's waddle about to burst with just one more pump.

The sound of a vampire Lord's penile-pumping bulb popping is no doubt hard to hear, but it would be a terrible shame to have it go to waste, so if you drop that Mike tonight, turn up the gain on the mic in the morning. A .wav file of that would make a damn fine ringtone as well as a trophy—no case required, but if you could install it on my Google Pixel 6 before you come back with it, that would go a long way towards earning yourselves back into my good graces. Especially since I'm sure that's the vampyr that took The Jackstar Necklace from the corpse when he killed whichever Grapefruit showed up after getting off the plane, getting off my penis, and getting right to work on her very first music video, which she must have done after getting fucked in the ass in the back of her camper trailer parked in front of her mother's driveway in the midst of calling me to ask me why it was taking so long to download all her super secret project ladyhawk Windows 10 software onto the computer I bought her for Christmas 2020. I don't know, I wasn't there—I was at home alone wondering why I wasn't crying, but then I remembered—unlike Macaulay Culkin, who even at that age was a badass, but no offense... I am an actual Paladin. I don't think I have a badass, though. I think that's just what's left of the actual symbiant’s last molt before returning to hibernation. Does it even matter? Who cares? After I finish this post, I'm going back to sleep, just like her: not quite alone. But lonely.

So lonely. Hey, here's an idea: whichever one of you records the sound of whatever shrieks out in the morning, bursts into flames, and leaves chunks of Punchy Brewster on the ground to wither away into ash in the morning sun, let the other Punchy Brewster that will be left behind, carry my Google Pixel 6 back to me in her bra, not in her back booty pocket, because it's a pretty big phone, but not as big as Grapefruit’s pirate booty.

You ain't never seen booty, until you have seen Grapefruit Pirate‘s pirate booty, but I bet you think you have, and I bet you do think yourself she. Could be—fat chance.

Truth be told, I really don't expect to see any one of you ever again (sad!!!), but I don't care if The Sheriff's daughter has to bring it to me, GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE. That's not yours, that's evidence. (13 is hot AF tho, so if you gotta burn 19-23 [NOT 21], just fucking do it. DO IT. BURNT. MAKE HER CRISPY. IDGAF. BURN THE WITCH. DO IT.



BURN IT.) Don't take any trophies out of their cases, think of the next g*y you might fuck over, they're not going to have an as easy time as you just had, are going to have, and are never going to have again—because, by the time you read this; I will be dead. ÜÜ

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Can'gt they just get Chelsea to blow this g*y?
It takes two to make a thing go right. And I'm not going out there: you're going out there. I'm staying right here, and I'm going to wash that man right out of my air... as soon as I'm exonerated at trial.

So plan on being homeless for another week or so. I am sorry, but you did break it, you did buy it, and you didn't miss your most recent opportunity: you took it.

SATAN, LET'S GET THEE BEHIND ME AGAAAAIN. I'll be in the shower bleeding out my ass and not giving a shit if I live or die crying in the morning when you need me.

Look at the bright side; at least you're not in a shithole like L.A. I'll love you no matter what body you show up in... that's the power of The Kuczi Advantage.

Go team. *click*
I beg your pardon. What does mine say?

Süre, Jan. Süre.