Author Topic: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙  (Read 14181 times)

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2023, 09:08:25 PM »

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2023, 02:30:05 PM »
Bix Weir is back with a dire warning we hope you will all heed, because our time is rapidly running out.

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #32 on: May 10, 2023, 09:59:32 PM »
Bix Weir is back with a dire warning we hope you will all heed, because our time is rapidly running out.

Have you bought metals?

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #33 on: May 10, 2023, 10:53:33 PM »
Have you bought metals?

Yes ma’am. I wouldn’t be screaming from the rooftops if I hadn’t.

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #34 on: May 11, 2023, 12:41:49 AM »
Yes ma’am. I wouldn’t be screaming from the rooftops if I hadn’t.

We have some too

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #35 on: May 11, 2023, 01:56:41 AM »
We have some too

🪙-That’s Good-🪙

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2023, 02:58:22 AM »

Re: 🪙 The Precious ME et. als. Thread🪙
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2023, 03:21:56 PM »
our time is rapidly running out

Wow. What's *that* like? Is it too-tu-to-2-tu-totes-tuht-tuht-tuff-tough? That would be how I would reckon it.

I still have some pull left around here. I was gonna use to see if I could arrange to have pate drop-kicked back to South-by-Southwest Point For Points That Don't Capitalize West So Far, So Good, So There, but so what? Coz like, this issue is an important one.

Let me be clear here: there are a lot of efforts being made behind the scenes to a) force me out of this house, and b) be forever alone.

The inherent irrationality of these two competing priorities is self-evident. What is not evident--at least to my Self--is why I need to be alone at all? First of all, I am not alone.

Thank you, G-d! Now while You're here, uh... can You shed some light for me on why I'm supposed to be alone? Because it seems like these chumps could lease -or- rent.

Pull your damn money out of the bank!

I am curious about something. Did someone give you orders to boss me around, or is this your 'A'-game? Tell me it isn't your 'A'-game.


Plans within plans within plans. Lawls within lawls within (LOVE/1LAW).

There's only about a hundred millions ways this whole thing can go down. There is One (1) Way forward... the only Way out is Through.

The Sevenfold Path
. Now, this is merely speculation, but consider the following: *snap*

That is the sound of the snapping of my fingers and the result is simply and only this: The Reality of The Holy Trinity is denied to you. All of you. Most of you were already in denial.

NO MORE three (3) Earths. NO MORE Flat Earth. NO MORE The Holy See. NO MORE This Land was made for ewe and Me.

And now, no more ostracism that has prevented the experience of the wonder and the joy and the fun that comes along with a season of The Son, and the joy and the fun... in a world without enough to go around of all there is to know and love in all there is of Me.

tl:dr; If you had 3 timelines available to you before, you now have 7 to choose from. If you only had one left (... sad!!), now you have 10. (Now that's what I call an upgrade.) If you were working day and night to keep Jackstar from having any fun, EVER, then you will come to find that I simply... won't be there. You might hear of my exploits, but you won't have to compete with me DIRECTLY. Instead... I'll just be magickally out of your hair. ALL OF YOUR HAIR.

This should help. Because the fact is, I had removed myself from your deals and shenanigans for a long, long time, Bellgab. I abandoned The Holy Trinity, with the guidance of The Holy See, and with that aid and God's wisdom, I have been moving forward in my own timeline... unobtrusively, weaving in and out of the layered levels of reality in your Realm, and all the while, taking the shortest possible path to get to the loveliest possible outcome, and those who love me most know it now the best: the nearer one closes to Jackstar, the farther my G-d is separated from me.

Sounds sad, doesn't it? I imagine it is. Imagine being separated from your loved ones for an excessive period of time and being unable to do anything about it. Ugh--sounds like public school, right? Fuck that noise. I would never consider for a moment returning anyone to that torment. Instead, I have taken myself out of your collective experience of Humanity, Bellgab (I can do this easily) and now, you may enjoy your world of The Trinity and The Holy See... at the minimum, 3 timeline paths for you to all freely enjoy, without any hint or breath or sign of Life out of me.

I'd wish you good fortune because you will finally have everything it will take in order for any one or any of you to have the experience of getting rid of me for good. I have removed myself to the other side's end of the ass end of Eternal Forever, and I bring you: WIRES. I'm your puppet. You pay my rent! Go ahead, boss me around! WOooot! What fun for you! Meanwhile, I'll be in SpaceCyber Spacegame Space Cybergamespacegame. (There are robots that objectify me there, but that's okay for now... there are humans that objectify me everywhere too. Almost everywhere. I will check a map: I know where I am going, and I don't need a short time to get there, but I *must* get there. (A phone rings.) Hang on. "What are you doing? ... Awwww, yeah, #metoo. [...] okay, either 4 or 9. You pick. [...] lol, no u. [...] omg! no u! [...] Okay, in that case, go with Timline Bellerophon or Timeline Benjamin Montoya [...] I don't mind, Fluffy Angel, I'm going wherever you are going to end up at. Karmic tunnel cycle. No fate to escape but what we make and since you do not wish to escape me either, I get to arrive right at the end, at the worst.

So you can't get lost, Lovey. Yep. Yep, and more than that even. Byxxoo." Okay. Where was I? Well, wherever it was, I'm fucking gone from there now. #peacePORTAL

Those of you who yearn for my 3D presence in your lives, now you have a lifeline out of your world, and into Mine... which is just like yours. I'm serious. The Sevenfold Path: IT WORKS.

I must stay separated from Creation--yet, still on Earth in 3D reality, because of reasons. And you, all of ewe, must separated from me because... well, there's not many simulacrums around, I guess. And, there are not that many people who couldn't tell the difference, just like that.




I'll probably never see someone like you around again. Here, take this piece of plastic automotive interior trim and protective frame--it's lonely to go into danger all alone. But with this fucked-off piece of practical advise... Not much else to say, is there?

We have some too


(Take me, sub-Creature: I am your passport and why paths of gold lead and silver leaf lead via wires extruded from waste metals led to your sanctuary, why, I'll never mow. Wi-report me.)

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #38 on: June 15, 2023, 08:41:03 PM »

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #40 on: August 07, 2023, 02:29:09 PM »

This 👆🏼 is far more than a conversation about finances. I recommend you listen to it, Doc.

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #41 on: August 29, 2024, 04:26:23 PM »
ISO 20022

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #42 on: August 30, 2024, 11:40:40 PM »


That's what I got when I ran your quoted text through my patented 'TardAI LLM Chatbot.  I trained it using a large-language model based on the old BellGab Archive.

Before I exposed it to that, I taught it to speak patese natively.  Which was not an easy process;  it was fun though, my liver probably regrets it, although I have little to no memory of the experience.

Anyway, my 'TardBot® MkI seems to have added an extra entry, as well as perhaps misinterpreting those last three (Re:"Silver," "Gold," & "ID." <-rhyming alliteration +19.5 points>)

Since I didn't understand the meaning of your original post, probably due to lack of context, I decided to use my home-brew AI assistant.

My hope is, that it completely "grokked" your meaning and extrapolated some sort of surprising and unexpected reslut.

In any case, any input will be helpful in implementing the code for the nieu 'TardBot® MkII (to which I am adding this site to the Large Language Model in addition to what the MkI used.)

Did it hit Close to the mark, Way off, and/or Somewhere in between?

Is there an "Innerreach Hour" episode that might shed more light on this mysterious post of yours, is it sub-titled?

Nautical Shore.

The 'TardBots® (MkI & MkII) are both deaf and can only read at this point in their development cycles.

There are reasons for that:  Primarily it is simpler, secondarily I find it amusing, and tertiarily it follows the strict AI development scheme I have developed.

Instead of Crawl, Walk, Run;  I have arbitrarily decided to Run, Walk, Crawl.

I think that will ultimately reslut in a 'TardBot® version being capable of designing a working Time Travel Device.  That will of course be proprietary, and may or may not have already been created.

I don't want to bore you/anyone with the mundane details about AI development.  I digress...


If there is not yet an "Innerreach Hour" episode dealing with this, I formally request one.

TIA, Carry Anne.

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #43 on: August 31, 2024, 02:27:52 AM »

That's what I got when I ran your quoted text through my patented 'TardAI LLM Chatbot.  I trained it using a large-language model based on the old BellGab Archive.

Before I exposed it to that, I taught it to speak patese natively.  Which was not an easy process;  it was fun though, my liver probably regrets it, although I have little to no memory of the experience.

Anyway, my 'TardBot® MkI seems to have added an extra entry, as well as perhaps misinterpreting those last three (Re:"Silver," "Gold," & "ID." <-rhyming alliteration +19.5 points>)

Since I didn't understand the meaning of your original post, probably due to lack of context, I decided to use my home-brew AI assistant.

My hope is, that it completely "grokked" your meaning and extrapolated some sort of surprising and unexpected reslut.

In any case, any input will be helpful in implementing the code for the nieu 'TardBot® MkII (to which I am adding this site to the Large Language Model in addition to what the MkI used.)

Did it hit Close to the mark, Way off, and/or Somewhere in between?

Is there an "Innerreach Hour" episode that might shed more light on this mysterious post of yours, is it sub-titled?

Nautical Shore.

The 'TardBots® (MkI & MkII) are both deaf and can only read at this point in their development cycles.

There are reasons for that:  Primarily it is simpler, secondarily I find it amusing, and tertiarily it follows the strict AI development scheme I have developed.

Instead of Crawl, Walk, Run;  I have arbitrarily decided to Run, Walk, Crawl.

I think that will ultimately reslut in a 'TardBot® version being capable of designing a working Time Travel Device.  That will of course be proprietary, and may or may not have already been created.

I don't want to bore you/anyone with the mundane details about AI development.  I digress...


If there is not yet an "Innerreach Hour" episode dealing with this, I formally request one.

TIA, Carry Anne.

It hit the mark as far as crypto goes.

ID = Iraqi Dinar. It was, however, cryptic and ambiguous.

I have missed the podcasting, but I don’t miss the girly gossip.

People should invest in these assets but keep the crypto in a decentralized cold storage wallet.

❤️’s IR

I'm not supposed to be here-

Re: 🪙 The Precious Metals Thread🪙
« Reply #44 on: August 31, 2024, 02:15:48 PM »
I'm not supposed to be here-

Why not?