Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 337217 times)

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #975 on: July 01, 2021, 06:48:21 PM »
That is not the same thing at all since heat stroke isn’t catching, sure some oldster might sideswipe you with his Buick in his swerve to the final exit but the r number for heat-induced coronaries (complicated by obesity and age and the Cinnabon you just hoovered) is effectively null.
No. I'm sorry. But BC's statistics is 1754 dead over 18 months from Covid. This includes those who had one foot in the grave and were already half dead. It includes the 800lb man, the 100 year old lady, and the man in hospice with cancer and a day to live. They were able to muster up 1750 "Covid" deaths in 18 months. And that is supposed to be a tragedy.

But when 500 people die in less than a week, that is "just part of life?" You cannot have it both ways. Either death is part of life, or "every death is a tragedy, and my heart goes out to the grieving families." In a week where you had 1/3 the death rate from heat that you had over 18 months of covid, you have a premiere shrugging it off?

We need to take personal responsibility to keep ourselves cool. But the government will assume responsibility for our safety from Covid by telling us who we can and can't see and who should and should not go bankrupt when we shut their business for "public safety." No personal responsibility necessary (aside from getting vaccinated...)

Now, I agree with him. Fatalities are a part of life. But we need to apply that across the board and get on with living. and stop fretting over a couple of dead people a week...

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #976 on: July 01, 2021, 06:53:55 PM »
I would send Grapefruit to go get you and bring you back for me to discuss philosophy with, but she can't climb fences anymore and the flying car is stuck at the shop, so that's right out.

Rent a flying Delorean... I'm worth it.  ;)

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #977 on: July 01, 2021, 07:45:51 PM »

Ready and waiting, the door is unlocked... 👅

Here is what he said

such a goober

Then he caught a fish at the market

Then he posed with the Culp guy -- Culp is our mini-Trump, you may remember, former sheriff of a small town in E WA, ran around claiming the election was stolen and soliciting donations for his legal team.

Re: COVIDidocy-19.5 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #978 on: July 01, 2021, 07:50:31 PM »
Shut it down!

To leave aside the e-Vents of the post- and proceed to something that rhymes with that and the word "Geeks", which is event-OH-mah-logical-Lee! similar to Δ, i digress:

I find myself wondering if Alex the Great actually made contact with the silly Chinese (which does not read like Greek at all to me) or just herd about them due to Injuns (dot-not-feather)?

Nautical Shore...

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #979 on: July 01, 2021, 08:01:57 PM »
No. I'm sorry. But BC's statistics is 1754 dead over 18 months from Covid. This includes those who had one foot in the grave and were already half dead. It includes the 800lb man, the 100 year old lady, and the man in hospice with cancer and a day to live. They were able to muster up 1750 "Covid" deaths in 18 months. And that is supposed to be a tragedy.

But when 500 people die in less than a week, that is "just part of life?" You cannot have it both ways. Either death is part of life, or "every death is a tragedy, and my heart goes out to the grieving families." In a week where you had 1/3 the death rate from heat that you had over 18 months of covid, you have a premiere shrugging it off?

We need to take personal responsibility to keep ourselves cool. But the government will assume responsibility for our safety from Covid by telling us who we can and can't see and who should and should not go bankrupt when we shut their business for "public safety." No personal responsibility necessary (aside from getting vaccinated...)

Now, I agree with him. Fatalities are a part of life. But we need to apply that across the board and get on with living. and stop fretting over a couple of dead people a week...

No you are making a silly comparison.  Government responsibility for individual risk-taking is always dicey -- helmet laws, etc. -- but there's a clear obligation to protect people from others' unthinking exercise of what they see as their freedom.  We elect people to police the line where fist meets nose.

All the covid restriction stuff -- limiting unnecessary visiting, travel, business, mask-wearing, etc. -- is to protect other people from you wandering around coofing on stuff unthinkingly, not to protect you at all.

Once those people are protected with a shot, there's no real obligation to keep up the charade, as I hope you can see.  And, despite certain Feigl-Dings among them, on the whole they are not eager to continue it, that isn't really their job.

If you want to be offended by whether some paladin showed proper grief, knock yourself out but that sounds kind of commie to me.  I see it as a rare moment of candor, for which we should be grateful.  God forbid they should actually care about protecting you from yourself!  My guess is they were responding to some disingenuous shit-stirring chucklehead rasing the false equivalence hoping to score points.

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #980 on: July 01, 2021, 08:05:25 PM »
... 1754 dead over 18 months from Covid...

If you take those numbers and compress them using "maths" into a 2-weak time frame it is mush moor statistically alarming.

Just sayin'

Nautical Shore

Re: COVIDance Party-19 (dubb-step variant)
« Reply #981 on: July 01, 2021, 08:13:33 PM »
...-- helmet laws, etc. -- ...

 ECCOs of the early milennium 2k:

Quote from:
[Verse 2: Dr. Octagon]
Now my helmet's on, you can't tell me I'm not in space

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?"

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #982 on: July 01, 2021, 08:47:44 PM »
No you are making a silly comparison.  Government responsibility for individual risk-taking is always dicey -- helmet laws, etc. -- but there's a clear obligation to protect people from others' unthinking exercise of what they see as their freedom.  We elect people to police the line where fist meets nose.

All the covid restriction stuff -- limiting unnecessary visiting, travel, business, mask-wearing, etc. -- is to protect other people from you wandering around coofing on stuff unthinkingly, not to protect you at all.

Once those people are protected with a shot, there's no real obligation to keep up the charade, as I hope you can see.  And, despite certain Feigl-Dings among them, on the whole they are not eager to continue it, that isn't really their job.

If you want to be offended by whether some paladin showed proper grief, knock yourself out but that sounds kind of commie to me.  I see it as a rare moment of candor, for which we should be grateful.  God forbid they should actually care about protecting you from yourself!  My guess is they were responding to some disingenuous shit-stirring chucklehead rasing the false equivalence hoping to score points.

I guess we are going to disagree on a few things... But I am glad that the government was there to make you feel warm and fuzzy through the lockdowns that caused irreparable mental harm, financial harm, and intellectual harm as children are now generally a year behind. I think it was absolutely worth the estimated 130 million additional human beings living in starvation conditions this year due to quarantine regulations, shipping challenges, and overall supply chain issues.

But hey- they are only dead children. At least our seniors made it through (well, aside from those who didn't...)

As for the premieres reaction- like I said- I agree. However, when those dead are mostly seniors who do not have air conditioning and live on fixed income as well as the homeless who probably cannot afford air conditioning- it is an interesting response from a left coast liberal. Are you trying to "out conservative" me with your uncaring attitude towards the homeless who dropped dead in 50 degree C (121 degree F) heat? I suppose next you will be saying that it is their own fault for being high and not getting a proper job to afford a nice HVAC system on their tents?  :P

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #983 on: July 01, 2021, 09:12:12 PM »
I guess we are going to disagree on a few things... But I am glad that the government was there to make you feel warm and fuzzy through the lockdowns that caused irreparable mental harm, financial harm, and intellectual harm as children are now generally a year behind. I think it was absolutely worth the estimated 130 million additional human beings living in starvation conditions this year due to quarantine regulations, shipping challenges, and overall supply chain issues.

But hey- they are only dead children. At least our seniors made it through (well, aside from those who didn't...)

As for the premieres reaction- like I said- I agree. However, when those dead are mostly seniors who do not have air conditioning and live on fixed income as well as the homeless who probably cannot afford air conditioning- it is an interesting response from a left coast liberal. Are you trying to "out conservative" me with your uncaring attitude towards the homeless who dropped dead in 50 degree C (121 degree F) heat? I suppose next you will be saying that it is their own fault for being high and not getting a proper job to afford a nice HVAC system on their tents?  :P

Whether this particular disease was worth it — surely you can imagine some widespread ebola or airborne aids that would qualify — can be debated endlessly.  It’s sort of sliding scale of government intervention, from doing nothing to full quarantine, and where this one falls is a very individual judgment.  For my part, though I have criticized some stuff like the beach as hopelessly ham-fisted and absurd, I’m loath to second-guess the people actually responsible for public health. That is too cheap and easy.  Worrying about keeping my folks safe was enough of a burden on my conscience that I can’t imagine what it would be like to be responsible for millions.

On the whole, though, because all of the various measures to recall governors over their draconian measures have failed miserably, I’d say people got what they demanded, and we were generally well-served.  You are free to grouse and grumble, of course, but, to quote Turtle, “elections have consequences”.  Both for us and for those subject to our will.  I guarantee they feel it more acutely than you do.

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #984 on: July 01, 2021, 09:24:11 PM »
I guess we are going to disagree on a few things... But I am glad that the government was there to make you feel warm and fuzzy through the lockdowns that caused irreparable mental harm, financial harm, and intellectual harm as children are now generally a year behind. I think it was absolutely worth the estimated 130 million additional human beings living in starvation conditions this year due to quarantine regulations, shipping challenges, and overall supply chain issues.

But hey- they are only dead children. At least our seniors made it through (well, aside from those who didn't...)

As for the premieres reaction- like I said- I agree. However, when those dead are mostly seniors who do not have air conditioning and live on fixed income as well as the homeless who probably cannot afford air conditioning- it is an interesting response from a left coast liberal. Are you trying to "out conservative" me with your uncaring attitude towards the homeless who dropped dead in 50 degree C (121 degree F) heat? I suppose next you will be saying that it is their own fault for being high and not getting a proper job to afford a nice HVAC system on their tents?  :P

Yes, establishment apologetics is all you’ll get from this elitist swine. ::)

See you in the church thread this Sunday, Dubb. ;)

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #985 on: July 01, 2021, 09:30:11 PM »
Yes, establishment apologetics is all you’ll get from this elitist swine. ::)

See you in the church thread this Sunday, Dubb. ;)

When the Establishment is the You Ess of Ay and How We Do Things Here, I make no apologies Trollda!  Merica Fuck Yeah!  Hoard all those vaccines!  Fuck the Third World!

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #986 on: July 01, 2021, 09:33:30 PM »
Which apparently includes Canada now  :(

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #987 on: July 01, 2021, 09:36:42 PM »
When the Establishment is the You Ess of Ay and How We Do Things Here, I make no apologies Trollda!  Merica Fuck Yeah!  Hog all those vaccines!  Fuck the Third World!

But I thought that your people in Seattle want to tear down the establishment?! Yet you keep defending it instead. I guess for you the establishment became your new antiestablishment. How quaint!

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #988 on: July 01, 2021, 09:45:03 PM »
But I thought that your people in Seattle want to tear down the establishment?! Yet you keep defending it instead. I guess for you the establishment became your new antiestablishment. How quaint!

No we see ourselves as quintessentially American, you will not remember how often the Boston tea party was invoked but that was what was on everyone’s lips, not the Long March or the Winter Palace.

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #989 on: July 01, 2021, 10:55:11 PM »
Whether this particular disease was worth it — surely you can imagine some widespread ebola or airborne aids that would qualify — can be debated endlessly.  It’s sort of sliding scale of government intervention, from doing nothing to full quarantine, and where this one falls is a very individual judgment.  For my part, though I have criticized some stuff like the beach as hopelessly ham-fisted and absurd, I’m loath to second-guess the people actually responsible for public health. That is too cheap and easy.  Worrying about keeping my folks safe was enough of a burden on my conscience that I can’t imagine what it would be like to be responsible for millions.

On the whole, though, because all of the various measures to recall governors over their draconian measures have failed miserably, I’d say people got what they demanded, and we were generally well-served.  You are free to grouse and grumble, of course, but, to quote Turtle, “elections have consequences”.  Both for us and for those subject to our will.  I guarantee they feel it more acutely than you do.

I can't think of one that requires these measures anymore. I still believe that most people would self isolate willingly for ebola or the likes. Even for Covid, the streets really were empty at the start. People stayed home, Costco was a ghost town. Despite the stupidity that surrounds us, I still believe that most people are capable of figuring out what risks they are content to take. Most really did stay home even when it was not a public health order (at the start.)

It was only as time wore on that people started doing things like visiting friends in their enclosed garage "because it was not indoors." I was actually at one of those "get togethers" where everybody was angry at others ignoring the health guidelines and visiting friends indoors. They were damn near irate- and I didn't have the heart to point out that an attached garage may as well be a kitchen.

These are the same people who are quite well off and remained employed. Almost without exception they declared it worthwhile. They got to be protected, work from home, suffer no pay cut, and enjoy life. It was the people I know who were actually impacted and lost jobs and businesses who question if it was worthwhile.

I assume that little Mombutu is questioning if his starvation was worth it. But being as I live a comfortable life and I was safe, I declare that it was... Sorry Mombutu, but 100 of you dead is worth one North American senior living an additional year.  :)