Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 337237 times)

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1545 on: August 18, 2021, 12:38:15 AM »
I don't know why I went from believing you were trolling to believing it was the truth.

I'm not going to lie: ever since I learned how to trade with the leprechauns to get them to slip LSD into the water supply, I just can't help myself. I couldn't believe it. You know what it costs to dose “The milk of a random stranger” from across the country without lifting a finger or risking any kind of prosecution?

Five bucks! What a bargain! Oh, damn, my tooth fell out.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1546 on: August 18, 2021, 12:48:11 AM »
Sure, Jan.

Old 2 stroke Rotax engines were good i had a ski-doo 440 for short time. I don't know anything about the new 4 stroke Mexican Rotax.

Honda ATV's are for Farmers

All modern utility ATV's can do at least 60 except for Hondas LOL

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1547 on: August 18, 2021, 01:02:25 AM »
If Honda would put low range on their ATV's instead of a super low first gear they could use wider ratio transmission gearing and get them to go faster than 45mph LOL

And Honda still uses swing arm rear suspensions on utility quads in the [CURRENT YEAR]

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1548 on: August 18, 2021, 01:24:39 AM »

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1549 on: August 18, 2021, 01:45:39 AM »
Off grid lifestyle outlawed? How far will the Covid vaccine mandate go?

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1550 on: August 18, 2021, 05:42:39 PM »
I don't know why I went from believing you were trolling to believing it was the truth. I think (OK. I know) that I am just a little touchy right now. I turned down a job with the company to open a new city which would have been a lot more money because I have (had?) no intention of moving. And suddenly I find myself going through things getting ready to move. The house is not Sendaesque- but stuff accumulates.

I actually had to apologize to my sister for being a little touchy as well. The stupid pandemic didn't really stress me- and perhaps likely unemployment should not either. I apologize. I will continue to appreciate you are a target to scream at as opposed to an intelligent person who has lost their mind and devolved into something unrecognizable as human. Funny thing is that I think most "lefties" (at least real lefties) would not agree with handing over power to the government. And I nearly puked when a local chamber of commerce asked the government to put in a vaccine passport. To have businessmen BEG the government to tell them who they may and may not do business with and how to run their business was shocking. This woo floo has really warped people.

Anyhow- I will build a guest room on the Führerbunker. It should only take a couple hundred additional bales and a window to look out to contemplate life. You will, of course, be invited. And I suspect that you will continue to be a "good boy" and get your vaccine so you will be allowed to cross the boarder.

Funny how we were upset with Russia when they separated families in Germany at the boarder. Now we approve. I said months ago that I was sure I had seen the Grand Canyon for the last time. It is just sad to see how quickly those predictions that you hope are just "gloom and conspiracy" come true.

Awwwww ❤️ I felt so bad, figured since you knew I could just happily swing away.  I have a great sort of quasi-sermon about how worrying about fetuses makes you the most wicked man in the world but I will save it for when you are feeling better.

Since you forced my hand I can speak clear: yes, you are right, the main point of the vaccine nonsense at this point is to divide people and persecute them.  You can tell it is nonsense because we are in a much-better position than we were last year (thanks to the vaxx, which has largely been adopted by vulnerable people regardless of politics but you'd never know it) but the temperature of the rhetoric has not lowered in the least.  It is not possible to be a filthy unvaxxed trumpkin in Seattle; you will get spit upon.  My best friend and his boyfriend (who is a total Qtard) sold their townhouse last year and moved to a big country lot where they ride ATVs and store things.

There have been some interesting stories that lay out how much of what we fight about has its origins in foreign intelligence services who are far more adept at propaganda and playing up hysteria than we are, but the truth is, we don't need any help.  Give us an ideological fight with cleanliness rituals and neat little props like masks so every trip outside is a political statement and we eat that shit up.  It's fun to hate the neighbors.

Me, I am not an ideologue and view it all practically.  I have to take care of my folks and would do what I did whether the government told me to or not, the way most people would if left alone.  I'm perteckting mah fambly you know 💪🏻 But I don’t expect anyone else to care.

Lefties are great for feeling empathy for nameless numbers on a chart but hating the people they're talking to.  Righties are great for standing on principle, which needs no backup, but, when you see what they talk about amongst themselves, it's utter batshittery, which makes it easy to persecute them 🤷‍♂️ I just laugh, there''s no help for it.  You are in for a rough ride up there with so many vaxxed; you don't have the numbers to protect you.

CDC: Reduced Risk Of Reinfection with Vaccines Compared To Natural Infection
« Reply #1551 on: August 19, 2021, 12:49:52 AM »
Dr. Bean ready to go live

OMG - It's real
« Reply #1552 on: August 19, 2021, 01:49:07 AM »
Saw this video the other day. The rather intense lady in the video states that the purple street lights are *not* a defect but rather a sorting/tracking device to find the unvaxxed.  Thought it was too out there for even this thread but was out driving tonight and Son of a Bitch, if I didn't see a purple streetlight just down the road from me. The bastards are after me. They know! What do I do thread? Play defense or play offense and go take that glowing purple bastard down?

Intense lady video:

Re: OMG - It's real
« Reply #1553 on: August 19, 2021, 02:17:08 AM »
Saw this video the other day. The rather intense lady in the video states that the purple street lights are *not* a defect but rather a sorting/tracking device to find the unvaxxed.  Thought it was too out there for even this thread but was out driving tonight and Son of a Bitch, if I didn't see a purple streetlight just down the road from me. The bastards are after me. They know! What do I do thread? Play defense or play offense and go take that glowing purple bastard down?

Intense lady video:


Re: OMG - It's real
« Reply #1554 on: August 19, 2021, 02:17:51 AM »
Saw this video the other day. The rather intense lady in the video states that the purple street lights are *not* a defect but rather a sorting/tracking device to find the unvaxxed.  Thought it was too out there for even this thread but was out driving tonight and Son of a Bitch, if I didn't see a purple streetlight just down the road from me. The bastards are after me. They know! What do I do thread? Play defense or play offense and go take that glowing purple bastard down?

Intense lady video:

I had a benjamin sheridan 392 that i bagged a lot of street lights as a young lad

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1555 on: August 19, 2021, 02:23:59 AM »
Just say you did it because it’s a symbol of oppression, like an elk or one of the founding fathers. You’ll not only get away with it but you’ll be a local hero as well. ;)

Re: OMG - It's real
« Reply #1556 on: August 19, 2021, 02:42:00 AM »
Saw this video the other day. The rather intense lady in the video states that the purple street lights are *not* a defect but rather a sorting/tracking device to find the unvaxxed.  Thought it was too out there for even this thread but was out driving tonight and Son of a Bitch, if I didn't see a purple streetlight just down the road from me. The bastards are after me. They know! What do I do thread? Play defense or play offense and go take that glowing purple bastard down?

Intense lady video:

Seems to me it would be easier to find the vaxxed that way since we’re the ones who glow in the dark.  Why they would need to track us since we’re set to expire anyway is a mystery, though; maybe to make it easier to Pick Up The Bodies 😱 oh god

Re: OMG - It's real
« Reply #1557 on: August 19, 2021, 02:42:39 AM »

It is not down you are being retarded again  ::)

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1558 on: August 19, 2021, 02:47:06 AM »
[sniff...sniff] Smells like faggot in here.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1559 on: August 19, 2021, 02:53:01 AM »
Smells like RETARD to me 😷