Author Topic: President Trump  (Read 83788 times)

Re: President Trump
« Reply #30 on: July 31, 2021, 08:57:20 PM »
Interesting when one considers what is going on now.

Re: President Trump
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2021, 08:04:26 AM »
Maybe if Trump wins in 2024 MV will bring BellGab back for more glorious shitposting

That’s it then. We have to make that happen!

Relax.  You know our REAL President is watching from the sideline and will take back his ligitimate title when the time is right.  Be patient and have Faith.  The "Movie" isn't even close to being over yet.
WWG1WGA! ;) ;D :-*

That being said, is this still the rubini thread, or has it now merged with the President Trump Thread?
Hey, I'm an Olde Phart, and you young whipper snappers just love to confuse the heck outta us. ;D ;D ;D


Re: President Trump
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2021, 08:52:16 AM »
It will never happen.  Even if you buy the parsimonious just-a-couple-precincts view of election fraud MV espoused, you still have to deal with the fact that Trump provoked the largest turnout in history to vote against him, against a candidate who barely bothered to run.  In political-speak, his negatives are just way too high.  You thought Hillary was a shitty candidate who will never be allowed to run again because she was so hated, Trump is every bit that and moreso.  They are only keeping him around to see if he is useful to drive turnout -- God knows the usual sad sacks Republicans put up can't mount it on their own -- and his candidates keep losing.

As far as MV's limited view of fraud, who knows?  They did fight a lot to relax mail-in rules for covid but Giuliani and his chuckleheads never took a hard analytical approach, it was just a scattershot bullshitting clown show.  As I said at the time, it was not a serious effort.  You have precinct-level returns now and a serious analysis should show the few where such shenanigans took place -- 200% turnout, that kind of thing.  Instead they show a distinct, country-wide movement away from Trump vs. 2016, damn near impossible to fake on that scale.  But you don't want to hear it; you are still besotted.

If you want a conspiracy I will give you one:  just like albrecht said, Trump was too close to Hollywood and media types.  Ye was a crisis-actor president: you take a candidacy wrapped up in a lot of popular nationalist ideas that polled really well and crash and burn them in a protofascist coup fantasy to discredit them, forever tarring them in the American political mind with his image.  Anybody talking border walls and keeping factories from moving and making NATO "allies" pay and isolationism and withdrawing from the international treaty system gets called a Trumper.  He could hardly have done better work for the Dems if he was a plant.  If you guys actually care about that stuff you need to wash his stench off as soon as possible.  But still the chuckleheads cheer on.  You were absofuckinglutely played like so many cheap fiddles.

Why does so much of the electorate feel there were issues with this election?
Why do so many reasonable analysts suggest the results could have been rigged?

This is a good place for anyone to start:
But you probably won't look at it, besotted in your own way, as you are.

It would also be helpful if you kept your threads straight.
But maybe that is too much to ask.

Re: President Trump
« Reply #33 on: August 01, 2021, 09:28:15 AM »

Re: President Trump
« Reply #34 on: August 01, 2021, 09:32:47 AM »
Umm...the election was clearly stolen with all the antics and shenanigans that Mv mentioned. Go back to sleep. No one’s buying your official story anymore. ::)

There certainly is enough weight and evidence to cast doubt.
You will never here it from the MSM. That would be sedition.

Re: President Trump
« Reply #35 on: August 01, 2021, 09:59:47 AM »
You were not paying attention:  MV endorsed a limited, just-a-couple-precincts view.  Which I could see, bending rules for covid and all, but how you know WHICH precincts is tough; nobody even knew which way Florida would go that night.  And it fails to account for the rest of the country which showed a clear move away from Trump's 2016 holdings.  If there were "just a couple precincts" they fit neatly in the overall picture of record turnout and Trump losses.  But you aren't actually interested in numbers; it's just a TV show to you.

More importantly nobody, not Giuliani, not Wood or Kraken Lady or any of those clowns, is identifying those or looking into them, and it is all public information.  But you low-info types are just happy with a noisy circus.  I can't take any of it seriously.

As said, Dr. Patrick Byrne has been analysing all of these points in detail for months.
The 6 chapters of How Donald J. Trump Lost the White House are on his website:
And they have been compiled into his documentary The Deep Rig.
He is particularly critical of Giuliani, Wood and the Kraken Lady.

Re: President Trump
« Reply #36 on: August 01, 2021, 10:02:22 AM »
Fine, voter rolls and who voted are public record.  Serious people who think a serious crime happened should maybe look at them.  If it's just a couple easily identifiable precincts it shouldn't take long.  But instead you get and Lin Wood and Kraken lady and Mike Lindell and their ongoing clown show to entertain you chuckleheads and keep your fantasies alive.  Did you ever honestly think they are serious people?

You're not listening.

That being said, is this still the rubini thread, or has it now merged with the President Trump Thread?
Hey, I'm an Olde Phart, and you young whipper snappers just love to confuse the heck outta us. ;D ;D ;D

K will never keep his threads straight and Master T just follows along.

Re: President Trump
« Reply #37 on: August 01, 2021, 07:53:20 PM »

Re: President Trump
« Reply #38 on: August 02, 2021, 04:10:15 AM »
You're not listening.

K will never keep his threads straight and Master T just follows along.

If bunny don't like my digressions he can delete them; I'd consider it a favor.  In fact, if some bot came along and wiped everything I ever wrote like a day later I'd think it was great.  This is like talking over the back fence, or at the barber's; if you showed up with a pocket recorder I'd think it would be creepy.  Bellgab going away is the best thing ever, I'd never go back just to read shit.  I'm embarrassed by nearly everything I post, some of those poems are truly awful.  Thanks, MV!

Re: President Trump
« Reply #39 on: August 02, 2021, 04:15:45 AM »
I'm embarrassed by nearly everything I post...

You should be. You. Should. Be.

Re: President Trump
« Reply #40 on: August 02, 2021, 04:21:56 AM »
You should be. You. Should. Be.

Well you are not exactly penning Decline and Fall on here either, Mr. Gibbon.

Re: President Trump
« Reply #41 on: August 02, 2021, 04:27:58 AM »
Well you are not exactly penning Decline and Fall on here either, Mr. Gibbon.

Sigh...and you were making such progress admitting you sucked.

Re: President Trump
« Reply #42 on: August 02, 2021, 04:32:26 AM »
Sigh...and you were making such progress admitting you sucked.

Are you going to Mike Lindell's Sioux Falls Cyber Symposium on August 10-12?  I hope there is a livestream!

Re: President Trump
« Reply #43 on: August 02, 2021, 04:33:01 AM »
Are you going to Mike Lindell's Sioux Falls Cyber Symposium on August 10-12?  I hope there is a livestream!

The fag will be with you...always.

Re: President Trump
« Reply #44 on: August 02, 2021, 04:43:22 AM »
The fag will be with you...always.

Don't be such a suck-ass lemon-sucking fuckface, I bet there'll be a weenie wagon.  Maybe even funnel cakes!