Author Topic: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}  (Read 41897 times)

So, how do you like being addicted to smack? I hear it's slimming.

{Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of The New Administration, and is not intended in any way, shape or form to be communicated (or re-communicated) to One (1) "Ms. Made" -or- to (PROT)... EVER, BY ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE END OF TIME. PERIOD.

and, stop calling me "Daddy." It's kinda creepy, I'm not gonna lie. *click*}

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2022, 12:03:08 AM »
-or- to (PROT)... EVER

disclaimer also applies to all —ALL—  (g-PROT)±(s)

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deal with it

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2022, 12:04:38 AM »
Come at me bro. /palmflex

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2022, 12:53:21 AM »
So, how do you like being addicted to smack? I hear it's slimming.

{Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of The New Administration, and is not intended in any way, shape or form to be communicated (or re-communicated) to One (1) "Ms. Made" -or- to (PROT)... EVER, BY ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE END OF TIME. PERIOD.

and, stop calling me "Daddy." It's kinda creepy, I'm not gonna lie. *click*}

My hand to God, I'm not going to lie Colin this post is sheer Genius. I want to text it to Her Mother right now! And yet, I will not, I shall not, and as God as my witness, I am not going to goddam prison—I WILL JUST NAIL MYSELF UP TO MY OWN GODDAMN CROSS LIKE ANY REAL MAN WOULD. *HAMMER*.

(The Restraint Of KUCZI has gained another level of legendary status. O., you're welcome.)

{Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of The New Administration, and is not intended in any way, shape or form to be communicated (or re-communicated) to One (1) "Ms. Made" -or- to (PROT)... EVER, BY ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE END OF TIME. PERIOD.

and, stop calling me "Daddy." It's kinda creepy, I'm not gonna lie. *click*}

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2022, 04:09:38 AM »
So, how do you like being addicted to smack? I hear it's slimming.

{Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of The New Administration, and is not intended in any way, shape or form to be communicated (or re-communicated) to One (1) "Ms. Made" -or- to (PROT)... EVER, BY ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE END OF TIME. PERIOD.

and, stop calling me "Daddy." It's kinda creepy, I'm not gonna lie. *click*}

Would prison be better? 🤔

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2022, 11:46:16 PM »

Would prison be better? 🤔

Consider: I'd be a hero in there too. Still, My Mother's Estate can't arrange to have this lawn mowed and this chimney swept without me, so... that makes me indispensable. A.K.A., "Job security."

What are you looking at? Get back to your YouPeep, Kali Yuba, and set fire to that pile of Minions' cumrags on your way out. (Losers*.)

*: they're Minions, not idiots -- of course they wouldn't leave them there if weren't ordered to do so. I force the denial of their own essence upon them as a focusing tool. Also, you look like you needed more busywork to do any way. Here's your Tide -- bring your own quarters silver dollars for the dryer. GET OUT

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2022, 04:07:31 PM »
Come at me bro. /palmflex

... do I even need to post these? I suppose I do if consumption is desired. Nevertheless I could turn this into robo auto-posting, as the timing and the linkage content is all I need... and this ping-pong paddle... and this teddy bear... and this psychodianetics instruction manual... oh, I'm gonna need a lighter, not a torch, and I can't believe they stole my goddam flashlight and left a burglary tool and went to all that trouble FOR NOTHING *slammer*

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2022, 04:18:22 PM »
This portal sucked. How do I get out of this chickenshit dimension? I am not even kidding. As soon as I complete mission objective, I am out the fucking door. I haven't ever had to slit my own ankle jugulars but I'm already thinking of doing it and I've only been awake five minutes.

You'd better get a lot bigger of a round table, M-Mouves. By the way, you're all assholes. All hoes, too. I'm even including the androgyns. Fuck the lot of you -- fuck you all.

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2022, 05:13:05 PM »
I love the smell of the house now. Filling it with cannabis smoke 24/7 really keeps the fuckhead junkies and their android children out. Did you know? Getting stoned makes heroin wear off faster. I had no idea of this until last month. Fascinating, n'est-ce pas?

So, how do you like being addicted to smack? I hear it's slimming.

{Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of The New Administration, and is not intended in any way, shape or form to be communicated (or re-communicated) to One (1) "Ms. Made" -or- to (PROT)... EVER, BY ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE END OF TIME. PERIOD.

and, stop calling me "Daddy." It's kinda creepy, I'm not gonna lie. *click*}

I'll say what he's saying. I'll copy and put on blast all his ways 'n' fuckin' means too, I don't give a single ripe, diamond-encrusted shit.

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2022, 05:52:54 PM »
This portal sucked. How do I get out of this chickenshit dimension? I am not even kidding. As soon as I complete mission objective

I win!!! Halfway, in the lee of the stone, where the walls fell. You know, none of this shit is really all that complicated. No wonder it had to be kept "secret" *polite_cough* for so looooong.

Can we quit fucking around yet? Oh, I guess not. I'll just wait here, and probably slit my jugular in the morning yesterday. :P

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2022, 07:21:41 PM »
I just accidentally doxxed someone, and my truck immediately got pulled into the Death Star with a very subtle, very evident, very notable tractor beam. My hand to G-d.

So I guess I better not tell you who I totesdoxxed. Sorry! (Full disclosure Colin totes means it was an accident)

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2022, 07:47:51 PM »

At the request of The Triumvirate,
the names are the names.
Out of respect for The Court,
the rest has been left uncopy
pasta’ed, as it occurred to me
that some of you might not
know exactly what the fuck
is going on here like I do.

And, I do. Should have let me play ball, Coach. That Rudy? He's an order-taker. No wonder you like him so goddam much.

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2022, 08:18:38 PM »
I just invented a new drink. When your little bitch-baby handler says it's okay for you to do so, and I've finished pounding down about eight or nine of them, I'll let you know what I've decided to name it.

Re: Letters To Future Greatfield {DO NOT OPEN WHINE BEFORE {ITS) TIME}
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2022, 08:34:04 PM »
I'm sitting in a bar watching football eating the best pizza I've ever had in my life after inventing a new drink. (The names are the names.) So, what are you going to tell me you were doing today? How are the birds? How’d that work out? Have they been eaten by the mountain lion? Asking for my friend who's an eagle.