So, how do you like being addicted to smack? I hear it's slimming.
{Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of The New Administration, and is not intended in any way, shape or form to be communicated (or re-communicated) to One (1) "Ms. Made" -or- to (PROT)... EVER, BY ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE END OF TIME. PERIOD.
and, stop calling me "Daddy." It's kinda creepy, I'm not gonna lie. *click*}
My hand to God, I'm not going to lie Colin this post is sheer
Genius. I want to text it to
Her Mother right now! And yet, I will not, I shall not, and as God as my witness,
I am not going to goddam prison—I WILL JUST NAIL MYSELF UP TO MY OWN GODDAMN CROSS LIKE ANY REAL MAN WOULD. *HAMMER*.(The Restraint Of KUCZI has gained
another level of legendary status.
you're welcome.)
{Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of
The New Administration, and is not intended in any way, shape or form to be communicated (or re-communicated) to One (1) "Ms. Made"
-or- to (PROT)...
EVER, BY ANYONE, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE END OF TIME. PERIOD.and, stop calling me "Daddy." It's kinda creepy, I'm not gonna lie.