Also, you’re a huge faggot
I don't understand what that word means when you use it that way.
and I’m not.
I will be completely honest here: I do not divide the world into sectors of "fag/nofag" distinctiveness. I am not being deliberately obtuse; as far as I know, it refers to someone pretending to be sexually attracted to someone when they are not actually interested at all.
I don't know how this is relevant here, since I am still sexually attracted to everyone that I've ever been attracted to in that way. It's not a very compelling drive, since my phone never rings and invariably, before I ever talk to them again, the person becomes catfished by a lackey, toadie, or flunky working for some ubersperglord's sex predation team. (They are dedicated to their work, as one may well imagine.) Additionally, I meant what I said: I don't really care to jump into another thingy when the previous thing(ies|ys) are literally listed on a missing person's report, D.O.A. in a hostpital morgue, held as bond captive by some oppressive fascist regime, or married. (Standards.)
There’s another difference. ;)
I know what happened without having to ask or be snobby about it. Differences abound! It really was not all that easy to find out, and since I obviously didn't tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, I don't know what more anyone could have asked for.
My opinion, I guess. In any event, you seem more cheerful than usual, and the mewling coterie of degenerates that has comprised the majority of my phone's contact list for the past 15 years is utterly, thoroughly shunning me. (I truly suspect some kind of Masonic hivemind uberban. Cool.) In the past, I have taken this all to mean that I have, once again, narrowly avoided a catastrophic psychotronic attack.
I don't know about current conditions but, once again: you seem cheerful. And dickless. Big ups in my view.
Is this going to be another year of this kind of thing? I'd like to wrap this nonsense up since I appear to have met all possible stretch goals. (No, I'm not cutting off my dick.) I still have no idea what the hell most of you geeks are on about. Looks like you're all rescued or back on Earth or whatever. Again: no one reads me in on your shenanigans.
They sure hack the shit out of my electronic devices, though. I am mystified as to why. Spite? Hail Mary pass? Help me out here. I have to *cough* talk to Medical. "I'm being bullied" is'nt covered by insurance.
Or my tolerance. okay, well, good talk. Christ, this is tedious. Who, btw, is a creepy twerpy paedo now. Probably a bad polymorph spell. Fine with me.
No refunds.