Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 337198 times)

Re: Covidiocy
« Reply #1020 on: July 05, 2021, 07:28:19 PM »
K_Dubb, Attend:

Thank you for bringing this up, as part of our 2024 Campaign I would like to focus on, among many other things:  The fact that vegetables have feelings too, and the mindless slaughter of them to feed our National Obese Hunger Holes* is not only stubborn, but unfeeling and cruel.

Here, I found a study that will scientifically back up this Campaign Position:

A Group of Scientists Suggest that Plants Feel Pain
Maybe we can get Donald Sutherland on-board (if the old vegetable isn't dead from CornHoleEbola-19.5) when the Campaign inevitably reaches that feverish pitch-point?

I think the kids would dig it and we could capture a significantly high percentage of the multi-vote.

I am not really all that great with coming up with the actual names for our various Campaign Planks, so perhaps we could focus-group this one if you can't find something snappier than "Stop The Stubborn Slaughter Of Vegetables For Your Fat Hunger Hole, Okay Boomer?"  Perhaps translate it into French or something (see asterisk below)?

Hear, Musaks:

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?"

*in this case I would like the term "Hunger Hole" to refer to the Mouth, and not one of the other myriad anatomical holes that it could possibly refer to.  Perhaps if we translated it into French, it would sound better?  Hmm, Nationale Gros Bouches Faimaient or somesuch?  The French doesn't have to conform to Acadamie Francais standards, we can always claim that it is an old Cajun/Accadian thing, maybe come up with a catchy Zydeco accordion theme song for it.  The important thing is to have a cool Acronym that can be pronounced with a goofy fake french accent, and get across the message that Vegetables Have Feelings Too, Stop Stuffing Them In Your Fat Hunger Hole.

Dear sir,

I am so glad to see eye-to-eye with you on the subject of vegetable feelings!  I think this has been an undercovered topic where stories have been suppressed by Big Vegetable to get us to eat more Monsanto hybrids chock full of tracking things that track all sort of things so Bill Gates knows when we masturbate.  Hi Bill!  Now we all know the troof.

I am working on a poem titled "The Day I Heard A Carrot Cry" to call attention to vegetable plight, the first stanza is as follows:

I held it firmly in my paw,
His orange flesh destined for slaw,
With vinegar and sugar dressed,
My palate ready to be blessed,
When peeler bit into his skin,
So rough and tough and yet so thin,
And sent a curl into the sink,
What pain he felt I did not think,
When, faintly but distinctly, I
Can swear I heard a carrot cry.

It goes on thusly for some time, I am sure it will be very affecting.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1021 on: July 05, 2021, 07:38:23 PM »
Is that a righteous glow in your veins I detect?

That is a very low-effort troll, one little dot on his shoulder and one line on his hand, at least draw some decent tree-looking things.

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #1022 on: July 05, 2021, 07:59:21 PM »
Yes. There should have been more compensation. I suppose the argument is that you should not be taking people's livelihood away. Not that you should take it away and then compensate them. I work with one fellow who was very pro lock down. Until his daughter ended up in the psych ward several times with suicidal problems. Suddenly, it was more important that she see friends than follow the public health rules. (I will be clear that I 100% agree.)

When one of the first questions on meeting people is "what do you do?" there is a lot tied up in an occupation. I'm a bit of a loner- but psychologists have said for years how important community is. And then we are told not to see anybody. We are told that visiting old people is imperative for their mental health- and then we lock them up like prisoners in their cells rooms.

Some things can be (and should have been compensated.) But for some things, there is no compensation. I was just reading that teen suicides are up 38% year over year. How do you compensate those parents and families? I will never say that what we did was worth it- not by any reasonable measure.

Society collectively chose to do it this way.  You can tell that because no one is suffering electoral consequences for it, instead we are patting ourselves on the back for doing a good job and our leaders look like they actually did something.  It's the biggest sort of collective effort I am likely to be a part in this lifetime and I'm happy to have done my part,  Like I told my folks, society shut down for a year, until a vaccine could be developed to protect people like them and, now that it's freely available, life is resuming.

It's a compelling narrative where we all get to be heroes.  You can tell how compelling it is because you guys have to come up with  your own where you are the smart ones who saw through the plot, and we are all stupid sheep led to the slaughter, or tracking, or sterilization, or nanobots, etc. etc,, ok this shot wasn't the kill shot but the next one might be and on and on it goes.  Everyone wants to be the hero of his own story but all those alternate takes will age like milk.  Don't worry, I will remember hahah

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1023 on: July 05, 2021, 08:01:35 PM »
Happy pride day week month quarter season. Wow, the Canadian government is really expanding things. Maybe next it can be "pride year" or "pride decade." I mean, why stop at a season? I really wish this were a joke- but our feminist PM seems to be serious about telling people when it is OK to be proud, and when they should hide their (black)face in shame.

I'm sorry to break it to you guys but summer is now gay.  That is because we like to take off our clothes.  You can have all the rain and snow and ice.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1024 on: July 05, 2021, 08:35:56 PM »

Re: Covidiocy
« Reply #1025 on: July 05, 2021, 08:53:45 PM »
I held it firmly in my paw,
His orange flesh destined for slaw,
With vinegar and sugar dressed,
My palate ready to be blessed,
When peeler bit into his skin,
So rough and tough and yet so thin,
And sent a curl into the sink,
What pain he felt I did not think,
When, faintly but distinctly, I
Can swear I heard a carrot cry.


That is awesome!

When we translate that into pidgin French, and arrange a Zydeco/Cajun musical accompaniment (with accordion & fiddle) for it, I hesitate to think of the effect it will have on the multi-vote!  I can only imagine it will result in a "Force Multiplier" for the significant fraction of the multi-vote we will secure with it.  Speaking of fractions, do you think this Zydeco Vegetable Campaign song should be in 5/4 thyme/rhythm?

Even if it has to seem a bit "forced" I think we should go ahead and arrange for a 5/4 timed Cajun ditty.  It might even have double entendre applications that I am as yet unaware of.

Nautical Shore.

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #1026 on: July 06, 2021, 01:09:37 AM »
Society collectively chose to do it this way.  You can tell that because no one is suffering electoral consequences for it,

I don't care what anybody says- I find it cute that you still believe that you have an electoral choice.*

*No, I'm not referring to stolen elections- only to the complete capture of a political system by corporations. You and I live in a society where we are free to "punish" our overlords by electing another overlord beholden to the same people / corporations.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1027 on: July 06, 2021, 01:11:41 AM »

It's about bloody time you showed up here. I would offer you a big "welcome", but I spent them all over the last few months.*

*Nice to see you again.

Re: Covidiocy
« Reply #1028 on: July 06, 2021, 04:13:14 AM »
... chock full of tracking things that track all sort of things so Bill Gates knows when we masturbate.  Hi Bill!  Now we all know the troof...

I was so in awe of your lyricism that I was completely distracted from this artfully placed, innocuous and frank observation.

As a sometime user of Mr. Gate$ many product lines over the years, I had always taken it as a given that he might have access through various digital backdoors to the many hidden folders on any given device that contain horse-, coq- and/or vegetable-imagery.  In and of themselves, any notional artistic depictions of said subject material could, I suppose, to an individual with certain --- shall we say --- "kinks" assume that there might be an erotic element to these strictly notional and artistic images.

That being said, I had always supposed that Mr. Gate$ might, were he of a certain perverse persuasion, be able to surmise, assume or suppose such activities might be occuring.  What disturbs me most, is that Mr. Gate$ might possibly be watching me while I enjoy my collection of select 17th century ceramic-ware and catalogs depicting items of great interest to my particular area of artistic study?  This would imply that the Smart-Refrigerator in my kitchen has some sort of photographic capability;  as the mere noise of clatter and rattle of antique dishware could be anything at all!  How could he "know" any such thing?  I was just washing and dusting off my prized, and very private, collection of various sized bowls made of earthenware, stoneware and porcelain.

Leaving the above hypothetical scenario aside, I would like to further explore this idea of Mr. Gate$ actually "knowing" anything at all:  assuming that he can actually, and does actually "know" of such activities (alleged activities) it would be only so that he might report any strictly illegal act using illegal materials.  Most emphatically NOT to expand any purely notional (or alleged) illegal collection of his own.

Look at this man:

Creepy, no way!  The face of a Digital Peeping Tom?

K_Dubb, your engagement in wild conspiracy theory like this Bill ('em) Gate$ "Creepy Digi Peeper" thing are sure to get you on one of those Domestic Terrorist Watchlists!

Hopefully, I have blown your entirely innocent, innocuous and delicately worded side-comment completely out of proportion and context...  this is of course, entirely my fault, in among my many grand, glorious and magnificent visions of the Bright Future our Campaign will bring there are sometimes visions of dark, unseemly and disgusting things.  I do keep a List of those, for I long to Fix that sort of Shit.

I have said too much!  Apogees.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?"

Re: Covidiocy
« Reply #1029 on: July 06, 2021, 05:01:06 AM »

As a sometime user of Mr. Gate$ many product lines over the years, I had always taken it as a given that he might have access through various digital backdoors to the many hidden folders on any given device that contain horse-, coq- and/or vegetable-imagery.  In and of themselves, any notional artistic depictions of said subject material could, I suppose, to an individual with certain --- shall we say --- "kinks" assume that there might be an erotic element to these strictly notional and artistic images.

That being said, I had always supposed that Mr. Gate$ might, were he of a certain perverse persuasion, be able to surmise, assume or suppose such activities might be occuring.  What disturbs me most, is that Mr. Gate$ might possibly be watching me while I enjoy my collection of select 17th century ceramic-ware and catalogs depicting items of great interest to my particular area of artistic study?  This would imply that the Smart-Refrigerator in my kitchen has some sort of photographic capability;  as the mere noise of clatter and rattle of antique dishware could be anything at all!  How could he "know" any such thing?  I was just washing and dusting off my prized, and very private, collection of various sized bowls made of earthenware, stoneware and porcelain.

Leaving the above hypothetical scenario aside, I would like to further explore this idea of Mr. Gate$ actually "knowing" anything at all:  assuming that he can actually, and does actually "know" of such activities (alleged activities) it would be only so that he might report any strictly illegal act using illegal materials.  Most emphatically NOT to expand any purely notional (or alleged) illegal collection of his own.

This brings to mind my rare collection of ancient garden sculpture.

Re: Branch Covidians
« Reply #1030 on: July 06, 2021, 07:00:02 AM »
This brings to mind my rare collection of ancient garden sculpture.

That whimsical, artistic and mythological depiction of Animal Husbandry reminded me of this article about CornHoleEbola-19.5:

COVID-19 and pets: Can dogs and cats get coronavirus?
This happened mostly after the animals were in close contact with people infected with the COVID-19 virus.

I am Nautical Shore why they (the hobo elite) focus on Cats and Dogs;  certainly we recall the infected Zombie Minks from Denmark last year:

LIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD Denmark burns millions of Covid-infected ‘zombie’ mink for electricity after beasts ‘rose from mass graves’

Let us not forget this virus originated with some sort of freaky bat/pangolin/human triangle (Δ) that had absolutely NOTHING to do with a Bioweapons Research Laboratory in Tibet, India (dot-not-feather) or some other difficult to remember third-world country.  That fake news Laboratory story is as crazy as the freaky human-chimpanzee sex conspiracy about AIDS.

Batman is heroic and stuff, not a creepy perv!

Batman is like a heroic RAINBOW in that last frame...

I think everyone should just calm down and recognize that this is just a Perfectly New Normal cycle of Nature, and stuff.  I also want to point out that it is perfectly Natural for Man to create a Vaccine against God's Work, this is just in our Nature as He created us.  I think that is how we ended up with Rainbows in the first place.

We should just settle down and Trust The Plan (brought to you by the Bill ('em) Gate$ Foundation™)

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1031 on: July 06, 2021, 11:41:20 AM »
Malone has been disappeared. Guess they need to start air brushing him out of photos next.

Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1032 on: July 06, 2021, 08:11:06 PM »

Hello Richard.  I hope you brought the rope.

Re: Covidiocy
« Reply #1033 on: July 06, 2021, 08:17:15 PM »

That is awesome!

When we translate that into pidgin French, and arrange a Zydeco/Cajun musical accompaniment (with accordion & fiddle) for it, I hesitate to think of the effect it will have on the multi-vote!  I can only imagine it will result in a "Force Multiplier" for the significant fraction of the multi-vote we will secure with it.  Speaking of fractions, do you think this Zydeco Vegetable Campaign song should be in 5/4 thyme/rhythm?

Even if it has to seem a bit "forced" I think we should go ahead and arrange for a 5/4 timed Cajun ditty.  It might even have double entendre applications that I am as yet unaware of.

Nautical Shore.

Sir, I blush at your approbation.  Is 5/4 a usual Cajun rhythm?  I had no idea; I would have begun in pentameter.  If this is to be a Louisiana-themed campaign I should probably have featured a different vegetable, but "The Day I Heard A Bean Bawl" or "Potato Pule" don't quite have the same ring to them.

Re: COVID-19 is over, Gov. Dumdum will declare victory tomorrow
« Reply #1034 on: July 06, 2021, 08:24:07 PM »
I don't care what anybody says- I find it cute that you still believe that you have an electoral choice.*

*No, I'm not referring to stolen elections- only to the complete capture of a political system by corporations. You and I live in a society where we are free to "punish" our overlords by electing another overlord beholden to the same people / corporations.

Ah there is the myth of the silent majority!  Nevertheless if our leaders displease people they are frequently subject to recall.  I have been watching the progress of the various local petitions with interest to gauge the popular support for covid-suppression measures -- this is the first place you would see real discontent and not just grousing, and are local elections so less subject to corporate influence -- and so far there has been one school-board member removed for voting for masks on children.

I don't think there is any "right" way to manage disease like this, it will always be a noisy fight balancing different priorities and each jurisdiction will have to reach its own tolerance.  From all appearances, there is no huge groundswell of discontent; people just like to grouse.