Author Topic: Covid  (Read 151226 times)

« on: April 12, 2021, 08:59:00 PM »
I realize that it should be a thing of the past... But instead I think we can look forward to vaccine passports, data bases run by private companies tied into public health records, and CCP style tracking of our every movement.

To kick things off, I would like us to all laugh at any of the "unvaccinated" residents of St Vincent who can not evacuate their homes. After recovering from the fits of laughter, let's all hope that they die quickly instead of a lingering death choking on ashes and fumes.

Re: Covid
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2021, 12:16:47 AM »
one of the reasons i am holding off on taking the big johnsons

Re: Covid
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2021, 07:00:27 PM »
More stupid nonsense, treating people like idiots again.  The only reason they are telling vaccinated people to keep things up is that it is far easier to enforce mask rules if you make everyone do it, but no one is saying that.  Just admit it.

Re: Covid
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2021, 07:08:02 PM »
More stupid nonsense, treating people like idiots again.  The only reason they are telling vaccinated people to keep things up is that it is far easier to enforce mask rules if you make everyone do it, but no one is saying that.  Just admit it.

Yeah, but what's the chance of getting a blood clot? Infinitesimal but they paused it. People are basically innumerate when it comes to probability and assessing risk. They freak out over a health scare then get in their car and drive somewhere, when that has a much greater risk-factor than most things in their daily lives.

Re: Covid
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2021, 07:17:47 PM »
Yeah, but what's the chance of getting a blood clot? Infinitesimal but they paused it. People are basically innumerate when it comes to probability and assessing risk. They freak out over a health scare then get in their car and drive somewhere, when that has a much greater risk-factor than most things in their daily lives.

The whole thing is so fake right now, now we are to believe that pulling (I hate this new usage of "paused") a vaccine won't affect supply.  Lies transparent as tissue, a child can see through them.  That sort of message from labcoat-wearing "science communicators" (puke) who believe in a just lie is what gives science a bad name.  None of the people at the benches is under any illusions about any of this; put them in front of the cameras and watch the truth come out for good or ill.

Re: Covid
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2021, 11:03:49 PM »
Yeah, but what's the chance of getting a blood clot? Infinitesimal but they paused it. People are basically innumerate when it comes to probability and assessing risk. They freak out over a health scare then get in their car and drive somewhere, when that has a much greater risk-factor than most things in their daily lives.

The pause is more likely due to the fact God only knows what is in the J&J and AZ vaccine vials. The FDA has been on that manufacturing plants case for years. Better to have people focusing on some very rare blood clot and not on the fact that they might have been injected with some sort of unkown gunk.

Re: Covid
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2021, 01:42:32 AM »
Big Man Tyrone is now a gay zombie

Re: Covid
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2021, 03:10:01 AM »
The vilification of one vaccine and promotion of another is starting to feel little more than corporate warfare.

The mythos of Big Pharma saving the world continues apace.

Re: Covid
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2021, 02:34:42 AM »

Olympia—During a press conference Thursday, Gov. Jay Inslee encouraged all Washingtonians to “take it outside," as coronavirus cases and hospitalizations rise across the state.

Local health officials are warning of a potential 4th wave of the coronavirus pandemic. In response, Inslee is asking people to enjoy the nice weather, and do things outside, whether it's coffee with a friend, or a work meeting, saying the transmission rate of coronavirus outdoors is significantly lower than the transmission rate indoors.

oh brother

Re: The Man Vax 💪J&J
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2021, 02:57:24 AM »

Still, the extreme gender trend in the early J&J reports has been hard to ignore. Prior to the pause, roughly equal numbers of men and women had received the company’s shot, according to the CDC. I asked Alfred Lee, a hematologist at Yale New Haven Hospital, how often his discussions with colleagues about the clotting disorder had turned to the topic of sex or gender since Tuesday’s news broke. “Literally almost every single one,” he told me.

If a clear sex or gender difference does emerge, nuanced messaging will be necessary. As coronavirus cases surge, the risk of taking the vaccine might still be relatively low, especially in parts of the country where the fragile Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are harder to store and administer. Restricting the vaccine to certain age or gender groups could seed equity issues, both in the U.S. and internationally, or trigger repeated rounds of sociopolitical fallout.

A lot of people will be wanting to speak to the manager about this, I fear.

Re: The Man Vax 💪J&J
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2021, 03:42:14 AM »

A lot of people will be wanting to speak to the manager about this, I fear.

My sister in law got the J&J vaccine (forced by her job). And had an allergic reaction later that day and had to go to the ER and get a shot in her ass for it. And she was back in the ER again today with a migraine headache and feared it was a blood clot. She was pissed because the Dr just looked in her mouth and made her turn her head left and right and sent her home. Now shes worried shes going to die at home with  a brain blood clot.

Re: Covid
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2021, 03:47:21 AM »
I'll have what this Vivekh dude had.  April 15th - takes the vaccine and really hypes it up:

Actor Vivekh gets COVID-19 vaccine, urges others to do so'
Speaking to the media, Vivekh said that he chose to get vaccinated to help dispel rumours around the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine and to inform people that vaccination is to keep us safe

April 17th - dead as a doornail
Actor Vivekh passes away after being hospitalised
Actor Vivekh has passed away at 4.45am this morning. The actor had been hospitalised on Friday after suffering cardiac arrest.

Talk about fast actin' tinactin.  🪦

Re: The Man Vax 💪J&J
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2021, 03:48:59 AM »
My sister in law got the J&J vaccine (forced by her job). And had an allergic reaction later that day and had to go to the ER and get a shot in her ass for it. And she was back in the ER again today with a migraine headache and feared it was a blood clot. She was pissed because the Dr just looked in her mouth and made her turn her head left and right and sent her home. Now shes worried shes going to die at home with  a brain blood clot.

Best of luck replenishing your population with no women.


Re: The Man Vax 💪J&J
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2021, 03:57:02 AM »
My sister in law got the J&J vaccine (forced by her job). And had an allergic reaction later that day and had to go to the ER and get a shot in her ass for it. And she was back in the ER again today with a migraine headache and feared it was a blood clot. She was pissed because the Dr just looked in her mouth and made her turn her head left and right and sent her home. Now shes worried shes going to die at home with  a brain blood clot.

They say none of the contaminated doses but that plant in Baltimore is such a mess, it makes one wonder. Hope she has seen the worst of it now.

Re: The Man Vax 💪J&J
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2021, 04:48:24 AM »
My sister in law got the J&J vaccine (forced by her job). And had an allergic reaction later that day and had to go to the ER and get a shot in her ass for it. And she was back in the ER again today with a migraine headache and feared it was a blood clot. She was pissed because the Dr just looked in her mouth and made her turn her head left and right and sent her home. Now shes worried shes going to die at home with  a brain blood clot.

Oof.  I just talked to my mom, they both got Pfizer on Monday and report absolutely nothing.  But polling the aunts and uncles, all the rural Trumpy ones are refusing.